Merge pull request #8518 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-riot-web-riot-web

Update from Weblate.
David Baker 2019-02-11 10:28:04 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1ec9763566
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 56 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Чат за разработващия екип на Dendrite",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координация за преводачи на Riot",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Може да настроите и собствен сървър за самоличност, но така няма да можете да каните потребители по имейл адрес или да бъдете поканени посредством вашия имейл адрес.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Може да използвате настройките за собствен сървър за да влезете в друг Matrix сървър, чрез указване на адреса му. Това Ви позволява да използвате Riot със съществуващ Matrix акаунт принадлежащ към друг сървър."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Може да използвате настройките за собствен сървър за да влезете в друг Matrix сървър, чрез указване на адреса му. Това Ви позволява да използвате Riot със съществуващ Matrix акаунт принадлежащ към друг сървър.",
"Sign In": "Вход",
"Create Account": "Създай акаунт",
"Need help?": "Нужда от помощ?",
"Explore rooms": "Открий стаи",
"Room Directory": "Директория със стаи"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Die benutzerdefinierten Server-Einstellungen kannst du verwenden, um dich auf anderen Matrix-Servern anzumelden, indem du eine abweichende Heimserver-URL eingibst.<br/>Somit ist es möglich, Riot mit einem bereits bestehendem Matrix-Benutzerkonto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu verwenden.<br/><br/>Außerdem kannst du einen benutzerdefinierten Identitätsserver eingeben. Allerdings kannst du in diesem Fall Benutzer nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse einladen und auch selbst nicht mehr per E-Mail-Adresse eingeladen werden.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordination für Riot-Übersetzer",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kannst die erweiterte Serveroption nutzen um dich an einem anderen Matrixserver anzumelden, indem du eine andere Heimserver-URL angibst. Dies erlaubt dir, Riot mit einem existierenden Matrix-Konto auf einem anderen Heimserver zu nutzen.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kannst auch einen anderen Identitätsserver setzen. Dieser hat einen anderen Wissensstand als der Standardserver, weswegen es beim Einladen oder Eingeladen werden mittels E-Mail-Adresse Probleme geben kann."
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kannst auch einen anderen Identitätsserver setzen. Dieser hat einen anderen Wissensstand als der Standardserver, weswegen es beim Einladen oder Eingeladen werden mittels E-Mail-Adresse Probleme geben kann.",
"Sign In": "Anmelden",
"Create Account": "Konto erstellen",
"Need help?": "Braucht du Hilfe?",
"Explore rooms": "Räume erkunden",
"Room Directory": "Raumverzeichnis"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vous pouvez utiliser les options de serveur personnalisé pour vous connecter à d'autres serveurs Matrix en précisant un serveur d'accueil différent.<br/>Cela vous permet d'utiliser Riot avec un compte Matrix existant sur un autre serveur d'accueil.<br/><br/>Vous pouvez aussi renseigner un serveur d'identité personnalisé mais vous ne pourrez pas inviter d'utilisateurs avec leur adresse e-mail, ou être invité avec votre adresse e-mail.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Coordination des traducteurs de Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Vous pouvez utiliser les options de serveur personnalisé pour vous connecter à d'autres serveurs Matrix en renseignant l'URL d'un autre serveur d'accueil. Cela vous permet d'utiliser Riot avec un compte Matrix existant sur un serveur d'accueil différent.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vous pouvez aussi renseigner un serveur d'identité personnalisé, mais vous ne pourrez pas inviter d'utilisateurs avec leur adresse e-mail, ou être vous-même invité avec votre adresse e-mail."
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Vous pouvez aussi renseigner un serveur d'identité personnalisé, mais vous ne pourrez pas inviter d'utilisateurs avec leur adresse e-mail, ou être vous-même invité avec votre adresse e-mail.",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Create Account": "Créer un compte",
"Need help?": "Besoin d'aide ?",
"Explore rooms": "Explorer les salons",
"Room Directory": "Répertoire de salons"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Bejelentkezhetsz más Matrix szerverre is az egyedi szerverbeállításoknál megadott Matrix szerver URL-jével.<br/>Így használhatod a Riotot egy már máshol meglévő Matrix fiókkal is.<br/><br/>Beállíthatsz egyéni identitásszervert is, de akkor nem tudsz más felhasználókat e-mail címmel meghívni, illetve ők sem tudnak téged.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordináció Riot fordítók számára",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Más azonosítási szervert is használhatsz, de akkor nem tudsz másokat e-mail cím alapján meghívni és téged sem fognak tudni.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Használhatod az egyedi szerver beállítást más Matrix szerverre való belépéshez, azzal, hogy megadod a Matrix szerver URL-jét. Ezzel a Riot-ot használhatod más Matrix szerveren lévő fiókkal."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Használhatod az egyedi szerver beállítást más Matrix szerverre való belépéshez, azzal, hogy megadod a Matrix szerver URL-jét. Ezzel a Riot-ot használhatod más Matrix szerveren lévő fiókkal.",
"Sign In": "Bejelentkezés",
"Create Account": "Fiók készítés",
"Need help?": "Segíthetünk?",
"Explore rooms": "Szobák felfedezése",
"Room Directory": "Szoba lista"

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Dismiss": "Avvis",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrixdriven",
"Welcome to": "Velkomen til",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert nettprat &amp; samarbeid driven av [matrix]",
"Decentralised, encrypted chat &amp; collaboration powered by [matrix]": "Desentralisert, kryptert nettprat &amp; samarbeid drive av [matrix]",
"Search the room directory": "Søk i romutvalet",
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Det finst allereie massevis av rom på Matrix, anten lenkja til nettverk som allereie finst (Slack, IRC, Gitter osv.) eller uavhengige. Tak ein titt på utvalet!",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Nettprat med Riot Bot",
@ -35,5 +35,12 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Utviklar-prat for Dendrite-utviklargruppa",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Samordning for Riot-omsetjare",
"Custom Server Options": "Eigentenar-innstillingar",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan bruka eigentenarinnstillingar til å logga inn på andre Matrixtenarar ved å oppgje ein annan Heimtenar-URL. <br/>Dette gjer at du kan bruka Riot med ein Matrixbrukar som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.<br/><br/>Du kan òg setja ein eigen identitetstenar men du kjem i so fall ikkje til å kunna byda brukare inn med epost, eller å sjølv verta boden inn med epost."
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan bruka eigentenarinnstillingar til å logga inn på andre Matrixtenarar ved å oppgje ein annan Heimtenar-URL. <br/>Dette gjer at du kan bruka Riot med ein Matrixbrukar som allereie finst på ein annan heimtenar.<br/><br/>Du kan òg setja ein eigen identitetstenar men du kjem i so fall ikkje til å kunna byda brukare inn med epost, eller å sjølv verta boden inn med epost.",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Du kan nytta dei eigendefinerte tenarinstillingane for å logga inn på andre Matrix-tenarar ved å uppgje ein annan heimetenar-URL. Dette lèt deg bruka Riot med ein Matrix-konto som allereie finst på ein annan heimetenar.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Du kan òg setja ein egendefinert identitetstenar, men då kjem du ikkje til å innvitere brukarar via e-post, eller inviterast via e-post sjølv.",
"Sign In": "Logg inn",
"Create Account": "Skap konto",
"Need help?": "Treng du hjelp?",
"Explore rooms": "Utforsk rom",
"Room Directory": "Romutval"

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@ -35,5 +35,9 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Czat deweloperów zespołu Dendrite",
"Lots of rooms already exist in Matrix, linked to existing networks (Slack, IRC, Gitter etc) or independent. Check out the directory!": "Matrix ma wiele, już działających pokoi, połączonych z istniejącymi sieciami, takimi jak Slack, IRC lub Gitter, a także wiele zupełnie niezależnych. Możesz przejrzeć je wszystkie w spisie pokoi!",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Możesz skorzystać z opcji niestandardowego serwera, aby zalogować się na inne serwery Matrix, podając inny adres URL serwera domowego.<br/>Pozwala to na używanie Riot z istniejącym kontem Matrix na innym serwerze domowym.<br/><br/>Możesz również ustawić niestandardowy serwer tożsamości, ale nie będziesz w stanie zapraszać użytkowników przez adres e-mail ani otrzymywać zaproszeń na adres e-mail.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordynacja tłumaczy Riot"
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Koordynacja tłumaczy Riot",
"Create Account": "Stwórz konto",
"Sign In": "Zaloguj",
"Need help?": "Potrzebujesz pomocy?",
"Room Directory": "Katalog pokojów"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Вы можете войти на другой сервер Matrix, указав его URL-адрес.<br/>Это позволяет использовать Riot с учетной записью Matrix на другом сервере.<br/><br/>Кроме того, можно выбрать другой сервер идентификации, однако в таком случае вы не сможете приглашать пользователей или быть приглашенным по адресу электронной почты.",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Координационный чат для переводчиков Riot",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Вы можете изменить параметры для входа на другие Matrix серверы, указав другой URL.\nЭто позволит использовать Riot с учетной записью Matrix, существующей на другом сервере.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Также можно изменить сервер идентификации, но без возможности приглашать (или быть приглашённым) по адресу электронной почты."
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Также можно изменить сервер идентификации, но без возможности приглашать (или быть приглашённым) по адресу электронной почты.",
"Sign In": "Вход",
"Create Account": "Создать аккаунт",
"Need help?": "Помочь?",
"Room Directory": "Каталог комнат",
"Explore rooms": "Исследовать комнаты"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"Dev chat for the Dendrite dev team": "Fjalosje mbi zhvillimi, për ekipin e zhvilluesve të Dendrite-it",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Bashkërendim për përkthyes të Riot-it",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Mund të përdorni mundësitë mbi shërbyes vetjak, për të bërë hyrjen në shërbyes të tjerë Matrix, duke dhënë një tjetër URL shërbyesi Home. Kjo ju lejon ta përdorni këtë aplikacion në një tjetër shërbyes Home, me një llogari ekzistuese Matrix.",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Mundeni edhe të caktoni një shërbyes vetjak identitetesh, por sdo të jeni në gjendje të ftoni përdorues përmes adresash email, ose të ftoheni ju vetë përmes adrese email."
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "Mundeni edhe të caktoni një shërbyes vetjak identitetesh, por sdo të jeni në gjendje të ftoni përdorues përmes adresash email, ose të ftoheni ju vetë përmes adrese email.",
"Sign In": "Hyni",
"Create Account": "Krijoni Llogari",
"Need help?": "Ju duhet ndihmë?",
"Explore rooms": "Eksploroni dhoma",
"Room Directory": "Listë Dhomash"

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@ -37,5 +37,10 @@
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.<br/>This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.<br/><br/>You can also set a custom identity server but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "您可以使用自訂的伺服器選項,並指定不同的家伺服器 URL 來登入其他的 Matrix 伺服器。<br/>這讓您可以在不同的伺服器上以既有的 Matrix 帳號使用 Riot。<br/><br/>您也可以設定一個自訂的識別伺服器,但您可能無法透過電子郵件地址來邀請使用者,或是讓別人透過電子郵件邀請您。",
"Co-ordination for Riot translators": "Riot 翻譯的協作",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use Riot with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "您可以以使用自訂伺服器選項指定不同的家伺服器 URL 以登入其他 Matrix 伺服器。這讓您可以在不同的家伺服器上使用既有的 Matrix 帳號登入 Riot。",
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "您也可以設定自訂的身份識別伺服器,但您無法透過電子郵件地址邀請使用者,或是被邀請。"
"You can also set a custom identity server, but you won't be able to invite users by email address, or be invited by email address yourself.": "您也可以設定自訂的身份識別伺服器,但您無法透過電子郵件地址邀請使用者,或是被邀請。",
"Sign In": "登入",
"Create Account": "建立帳號",
"Need help?": "需要協助?",
"Explore rooms": "探索聊天室",
"Room Directory": "聊天室目錄"