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Translations update from Weblate (#11325)
Co-authored-by: Nui Harime <harime.nui@yandex.ru> Co-authored-by: Weblate <translate@riot.im> Co-authored-by: Someone <hahahahacker2009@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: LinAGKar <linus.kardell@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kim Brose <kim.brose@rwth-aachen.de> Co-authored-by: iaiz <git@iapellaniz.com> Co-authored-by: Vri <element@vrifox.cc> Co-authored-by: Edgars Andersons <Edgars+Element-translations@gaitenis.id.lv>pull/28788/head^2
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
"were banned %(count)s times|one": "wurden verbannt",
"was banned %(count)s times|other": "wurde %(count)s-mal verbannt",
"was banned %(count)s times|one": "wurde verbannt",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)shaben %(count)s-mal ihren Namen geändert",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s haben %(count)s-mal ihren Namen geändert",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)shaben ihren Namen geändert",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)shat %(count)s-mal den Namen geändert",
"Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "Mitglieder",
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat die Zutrittsregel auf „%(rule)s“ geändert",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erlaubte Gäste diesem Raum beizutreten.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat Gästen verboten, diesem Raum beizutreten.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte den Gastzugriff auf „%(rule)s“",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s änderte den Gastzutritt auf „%(rule)s“",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Konnte keine unterstützte Verifikationsmethode finden.",
"Dog": "Hund",
"Cat": "Katze",
@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@
"Generate a Security Key": "Sicherheitsschlüssel generieren",
"Enter a Security Phrase": "Sicherheitsphrase eingeben",
"Use a secret phrase only you know, and optionally save a Security Key to use for backup.": "Verwende für deine Sicherung eine geheime Phrase, die nur du kennst, und speichere optional einen Sicherheitsschlüssel.",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Wenn du jetzt abbrichst, kannst du verschlüsselte Nachrichten und Daten verlieren, wenn du den Zugriff auf deine Logins verlierst.",
"If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Wenn du jetzt abbrichst, kannst du verschlüsselte Nachrichten und Daten verlieren, wenn du den Zugriff auf deine Sitzungen verlierst.",
"You can also set up Secure Backup & manage your keys in Settings.": "Du kannst auch in den Einstellungen Sicherungen einrichten und deine Schlüssel verwalten.",
"Uploading logs": "Lade Protokolle hoch",
"Downloading logs": "Lade Protokolle herunter",
@ -2081,7 +2081,7 @@
"Backup could not be decrypted with this Security Phrase: please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.": "Das Backup konnte mit dieser Sicherheitsphrase nicht entschlüsselt werden: Bitte überprüfe, ob du die richtige eingegeben hast.",
"Incorrect Security Phrase": "Falsche Sicherheitsphrase",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this Security Key: please verify that you entered the correct Security Key.": "Das Backup konnte mit diesem Sicherheitsschlüssel nicht entschlüsselt werden: Bitte überprüfe, ob du den richtigen Sicherheitsschlüssel eingegeben hast.",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.": "Zugriff auf geheimen Speicher nicht möglich. Bitte überprüfe, ob du die richtige Sicherheitsphrase eingegeben hast.",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.": "Zugriff auf sicheren Speicher nicht möglich. Bitte überprüfe, ob du die richtige Sicherheitsphrase eingegeben hast.",
"Invalid Security Key": "Ungültiger Sicherheitsschlüssel",
"Wrong Security Key": "Falscher Sicherheitsschlüssel",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Fehler beim Finden dieses Widgets.",
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@
"Invite with email or username": "Personen mit E-Mail oder Benutzernamen einladen",
"You can change these anytime.": "Du kannst diese jederzeit ändern.",
"Invite by username": "Mit Benutzername einladen",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Stelle sicher, dass die richtigen Personen Zugriff haben. Du kannst später weitere einladen.",
"Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Stelle sicher, dass die richtigen Personen Zutritt haben. Du kannst später weitere einladen.",
"Invite your teammates": "Lade deine Kollegen ein",
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Ein privater Space für dich und deine Kollegen",
"Me and my teammates": "Für mich und meine Kollegen",
@ -2355,9 +2355,9 @@
"Visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"This may be useful for public spaces.": "Sinnvoll für öffentliche Spaces.",
"Guests can join a space without having an account.": "Gäste ohne Konto können den Space betreten.",
"Enable guest access": "Gastzugriff",
"Enable guest access": "Gastzutritt",
"Failed to update the history visibility of this space": "Verlaufssichtbarkeit des Space konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Failed to update the guest access of this space": "Gastzugriff des Space konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Failed to update the guest access of this space": "Gastzutritt zum Space konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Failed to update the visibility of this space": "Sichtbarkeit des Space konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Address": "Adresse",
"e.g. my-space": "z. B. mein-space",
@ -2456,13 +2456,13 @@
"Unknown failure: %(reason)s": "Unbekannter Fehler: %(reason)s",
"Stop recording": "Aufnahme beenden",
"Send voice message": "Sprachnachricht senden",
"Access": "Zugriff",
"Access": "Zutritt",
"Decide who can join %(roomName)s.": "Entscheide, wer %(roomName)s betreten kann.",
"Space members": "Spacemitglieder",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. You can select multiple spaces.": "Das Betreten ist allen in den gewählten Spaces möglich.",
"Spaces with access": "Spaces mit Zugriff",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. <a>Edit which spaces can access here.</a>": "Das Betreten ist allen in diesen Spaces möglich. <a>Ändere, welche Spaces Zugriff haben.</a>",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|other": "%(count)s Spaces haben Zugriff",
"Spaces with access": "Spaces mit Zutritt",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. <a>Edit which spaces can access here.</a>": "Das Betreten ist allen in diesen Spaces möglich. <a>Ändere, welche Spaces Zutritt haben.</a>",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|other": "%(count)s Spaces haben Zutritt",
"& %(count)s more|other": "und %(count)s weitere",
"Upgrade required": "Aktualisierung erforderlich",
"Only invited people can join.": "Nur Eingeladene können betreten.",
@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@
"<b>Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room</b>. All current messages will stay in this archived room.": "<b>Die Aktualisierung wird eine neue Version des Raums erstellen</b>. Die bisherigen Nachrichten verbleiben im archivierten Raum.",
"Other spaces or rooms you might not know": "Andere Spaces, die du möglicherweise nicht kennst",
"Spaces you know that contain this room": "Spaces, in denen du Mitglied bist und die diesen Raum enthalten",
"You're removing all spaces. Access will default to invite only": "Du entfernst alle Spaces. Der Zugriff wird auf den Standard (Privat) zurückgesetzt",
"You're removing all spaces. Access will default to invite only": "Du entfernst alle Spaces. Der Zutritt wird auf den Standard (Privat) zurückgesetzt",
"People with supported clients will be able to join the room without having a registered account.": "Personen mit unterstützter Anwendung werden diesen Raum ohne registriertes Konto betreten können.",
"Anyone can find and join.": "Sichtbar und zugänglich für jeden.",
"Mute the microphone": "Stummschalten",
@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@
"Change space name": "Name des Space ändern",
"Change space avatar": "Space-Icon ändern",
"Anyone in <spaceName/> can find and join. You can select other spaces too.": "Finden und betreten ist Mitgliedern von <spaceName/> erlaubt. Du kannst auch weitere Spaces wählen.",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Derzeit hat ein Space Zugriff",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Derzeit hat ein Space Zutritt",
"& %(count)s more|one": "und %(count)s weitere",
"Autoplay videos": "Videos automatisch abspielen",
"Autoplay GIFs": "GIFs automatisch abspielen",
@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@
"Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org ist der größte öffentliche Heim-Server der Welt, also für viele ein guter Ort.",
"Could not connect media": "Konnte Medien nicht verbinden",
"In encrypted rooms, verify all users to ensure it's secure.": "Verifiziere alle Benutzer in verschlüsselten Räumen, um die Sicherheit zu garantieren.",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Die Person wird weiterhin Zugriff auf Bereiche haben, in denen du nicht administrierst.",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Die Person wird weiterhin Zutritt zu Bereichen haben, in denen du nicht administrierst.",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Sonderzeichen automatisch vor und hinter Textauswahl setzen",
"Light high contrast": "Hell kontrastreich",
"Show all threads": "Alle Threads anzeigen",
@ -2942,7 +2942,7 @@
"Can't edit poll": "Umfrage kann nicht bearbeitet werden",
"No virtual room for this room": "Kein virtueller Raum für diesen Raum",
"Switches to this room's virtual room, if it has one": "Zum virtuellen Raum dieses Raums wechseln, sofern vorhanden",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Die Person wird keinen Zugriff auf Bereiche haben, in denen du nicht administrierst.",
"They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Die Person wird keinen Zutritt zu Bereichen haben, in denen du nicht administrierst.",
"Remove messages sent by me": "Vom mir gesendete Nachrichten löschen",
"Show polls button": "Zeige Pol button",
"This homeserver is not configured to display maps.": "Dein Heim-Server unterstützt das Anzeigen von Karten nicht.",
@ -3019,7 +3019,7 @@
"%(count)s participants|one": "1 Teilnehmer",
"%(count)s participants|other": "%(count)s Teilnehmer",
"Video": "Video",
"Try again later, or ask a room or space admin to check if you have access.": "Versuche es später erneut oder bitte einen Admin des Raums oder Space um Zugriff.",
"Try again later, or ask a room or space admin to check if you have access.": "Versuche es später erneut oder bitte einen Raum- oder Space-Admin um eine Zutrittserlaubnis.",
"This room or space is not accessible at this time.": "Dieser Raum oder Space ist im Moment nicht zugänglich.",
"Are you sure you're at the right place?": "Bist du sicher am richtigen Ort?",
"This room or space does not exist.": "Dieser Raum oder Space existiert nicht.",
@ -3390,7 +3390,7 @@
"Review and approve the sign in": "Überprüfe und genehmige die Anmeldung",
"Start at the sign in screen": "Beginne auf dem Anmeldebildschirm",
"Scan the QR code below with your device that's signed out.": "Lese den folgenden QR-Code mit deinem nicht angemeldeten Gerät ein.",
"By approving access for this device, it will have full access to your account.": "Indem du den Zugriff dieses Gerätes bestätigst, erhält es vollen Zugang zu deinem Account.",
"By approving access for this device, it will have full access to your account.": "Indem du den Zugriff dieses Gerätes bestätigst, erhält es vollen Zugang zu deinem Konto.",
"Check that the code below matches with your other device:": "Überprüfe, dass der unten angezeigte Code mit deinem anderen Gerät übereinstimmt:",
"Devices connected": "Geräte verbunden",
"The homeserver doesn't support signing in another device.": "Der Heim-Server unterstützt die Anmeldung eines anderen Gerätes nicht.",
@ -3704,8 +3704,8 @@
"%(errorMessage)s (HTTP status %(httpStatus)s)": "%(errorMessage)s (HTTP-Status %(httpStatus)s)",
"Unknown password change error (%(stringifiedError)s)": "Unbekannter Fehler während der Passwortänderung (%(stringifiedError)s)",
"Error while changing password: %(error)s": "Fehler während der Passwortänderung: %(error)s",
"You reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "Du hast mit %(reaction)s auf %(message)s reagiert",
"%(sender)s reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "%(sender)s reagierten mit %(reaction)s auf %(message)s",
"You reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "Du reagiertest mit %(reaction)s auf %(message)s",
"%(sender)s reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "%(sender)s reagierte mit %(reaction)s auf %(message)s",
"Cannot invite user by email without an identity server. You can connect to one under \"Settings\".": "Einladen per E-Mail-Adresse ist nicht ohne Identitäts-Server möglich. Du kannst einen unter „Einstellungen“ einrichten.",
"Unable to create room with moderation bot": "Erstellen eines Raumes mit Moderations-Bot nicht möglich",
"Failed to download source media, no source url was found": "Herunterladen der Quellmedien fehlgeschlagen, da keine Quell-URL gefunden wurde",
@ -3722,5 +3722,59 @@
"Your server requires encryption to be disabled.": "Dein Server erfordert die Deaktivierung der Verschlüsselung.",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event?": "Möchtest du dieses Ereignis wirklich entfernen (löschen)?",
"Enable new native OIDC flows (Under active development)": "Neue native OIDC-Verfahren aktivieren (in aktiver Entwicklung)",
"Note that removing room changes like this could undo the change.": "Beachte, dass das Entfernen von Raumänderungen diese rückgängig machen könnte."
"Note that removing room changes like this could undo the change.": "Beachte, dass das Entfernen von Raumänderungen diese rückgängig machen könnte.",
"Changes your profile picture in all rooms": "Ändert dein Profilbild in allen Räumen",
"Changes your profile picture in this current room only": "Ändert dein Profilbild ausschließlich im aktuellen Raum",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to ask to join.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat die Zutrittsregel auf Beitrittsanfragen geändert.",
"User cannot be invited until they are unbanned": "Benutzer kann nicht eingeladen werden, solange er nicht entbannt ist",
"Previous group of messages": "Vorherige Nachrichtengruppe",
"Next group of messages": "Nächste Nachrichtengruppe",
"Exported Data": "Exportierte Daten",
"New Notification Settings": "Neue Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
"Notification Settings": "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
"Show current profile picture and name for users in message history": "Aktuelle Profilbilder und Anzeigenamen im Verlauf anzeigen",
"People, Mentions and Keywords": "Personen, Erwähnungen und Schlüsselwörter",
"Allow screen share only mode": "Nur-Bildschirm-Teilen-Modus erlauben",
"Enable ask to join": "Beitrittsanfragen erlauben",
"<strong>Update:</strong>We’ve simplified Notifications Settings to make options easier to find. Some custom settings you’ve chosen in the past are not shown here, but they’re still active. If you proceed, some of your settings may change. <a>Learn more</a>": "<strong>Aktualisierung:</strong> Wir haben die Benachrichtigungseinstellungen vereinfacht, damit Optionen schneller zu finden sind. Einige benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen werden hier nicht angezeigt, sind aber dennoch aktiv. Wenn du fortfährst, könnten sich einige Einstellungen ändern. <a>Erfahre mehr</a>",
"Anyone can request to join, but admins or moderators need to grant access. You can change this later.": "Jeder kann Anfragen beizutreten, aber Admins oder Moderatoren müssen dies bestätigen. Du kannst dies später ändern.",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows that are supported by this client.": "Dieser Heim-Server verfügt über keines von dieser Anwendung unterstütztes Anmeldeverfahren.",
"Views room with given address": "Raum mit angegebener Adresse betrachten",
"Something went wrong.": "Etwas ist schiefgelaufen.",
"Introducing a simpler way to change your notification settings. Customize your %(brand)s, just the way you like.": "Deine Benachrichtigungseinstellungen zu ändern, ist jetzt simpler. Passe %(brand)s ganz deinen Bedürfnissen an.",
"Show profile picture changes": "Profilbildänderungen anzeigen",
"Email Notifications": "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen",
"Email summary": "E-Mail-Zusammenfassung",
"Receive an email summary of missed notifications": "E-Mail-Zusammenfassung für verpasste Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"Select which emails you want to send summaries to. Manage your emails in <button>General</button>.": "Wähle, an welche E-Mail-Adresse die Zusammenfassungen gesendet werden. Verwalte deine E-Mail-Adressen unter <button>Allgemein</button>.",
"Mentions and Keywords only": "Nur Erwähnungen und Schlüsselwörter",
"Proceed": "Fortfahren",
"Show message preview in desktop notification": "Nachrichtenvorschau in der Desktopbenachrichtigung anzeigen",
"I want to be notified for (Default Setting)": "Ich möchte benachrichtigt werden für (Standardeinstellung)",
"This setting will be applied by default to all your rooms.": "Diese Einstellung wird standardmäßig für all deine Räume übernommen.",
"Play a sound for": "Spiele einen Ton für",
"Applied by default to all rooms on all devices.": "Standardmäßig übernommen für alle Räume auf allen Geräten.",
"Mentions and Keywords": "Erwähnungen und Schlüsselwörter",
"Audio and Video calls": "Audio- und Videoanrufe",
"Other things we think you might be interested in:": "Andere Dinge, an denen du interessiert sein könntest:",
"Invited to a room": "In einen Raum eingeladen",
"New room activity, upgrades and status messages occur": "Neue Raumaktivitäten, -aktualisierungen und -statusmeldungen",
"Messages sent by bots": "Nachrichten von Bots",
"Show a badge <badge/> when keywords are used in a room.": "Zeige einen Hinweis <badge/>, wenn Schlüsselwörter in einem Raum verwendet werden.",
"Notify when someone mentions using @room": "Benachrichtigen, wenn jemand @room erwähnt",
"Notify when someone mentions using @displayname or %(mxid)s": "Benachrichtigen, wenn jemand @anzeigename oder %(mxid)s erwähnt",
"Notify when someone uses a keyword": "Benachrichtigen, wenn jemand ein Schlüsselwort erwähnt",
"Enter keywords here, or use for spelling variations or nicknames": "Schlüsselwörter, Variationen dieser oder Anzeigenamen eingeben",
"Quick Actions": "Schnellaktionen",
"Mark all messages as read": "Alle Nachrichten als gelesen markieren",
"Reset to default settings": "Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen",
"Unable to find user by email": "Kann Benutzer nicht via E-Mail-Adresse finden",
"Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their profile picture.": "Nachrichten hier sind Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt. Verifiziere %(displayName)s in deren Profil – klicke auf deren Profilbild.",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their profile picture.": "Nachrichten in diesem Raum sind Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt. Wenn Personen beitreten, kannst du sie in ihrem Profil verifizieren, indem du auf deren Profilbild klickst.",
"Your profile picture URL": "Deine Profilbild-URL",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their profile picture %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s haben das Profilbild %(count)s-mal geändert",
"%(oneUser)schanged their profile picture %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s hat das Profilbild %(count)s-mal geändert",
"Ask to join": "Beitrittsanfragen",
"Thread Root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "Thread-Ursprungs-ID: %(threadRootId)s",
"See history": "Verlauf anzeigen"
@ -3570,5 +3570,52 @@
"Use your account to continue.": "Usa tu cuenta para configurar.",
"Reload": "Recargar",
"Database unexpectedly closed": "La base de datos se ha cerrado de forma inesperada",
"Identity server not set": "Servidor de identidad no configurado"
"Identity server not set": "Servidor de identidad no configurado",
"Homeserver is <code>%(homeserverUrl)s</code>": "El servidor base es <code>%(homeserverUrl)s</code>",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Usar texto con formato en lugar de Markdown en el editor de mensajes.",
"Ended a poll": "Cerró una encuesta",
"Unfortunately we're unable to start a recording right now. Please try again later.": "Lamentablemente, no hemos podido empezar a grabar ahora mismo. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.",
"Room is <strong>not encrypted 🚨</strong>": "La sala <strong>no está cifrada 🚨</strong>",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying…": "No se ha podido conectar al servidor base. Reintentando…",
"Keep going…": "Sigue…",
"If you know a room address, try joining through that instead.": "Si conoces la dirección de una sala, prueba a unirte a través de ella.",
"Requires your server to support the stable version of MSC3827": "Requiere que tu servidor sea compatible con la versión estable de MSC3827",
"Start messages with <code>/plain</code> to send without markdown.": "Empieza tu mensaje con <code>/plain</code> para enviarlo sin markdown.",
"Can currently only be enabled via config.json": "Ahora mismo solo se puede activar a través de config.json",
"Log out and back in to disable": "Cierra sesión y vuélvela a abrir para desactivar",
"This session is backing up your keys.": "",
"The <photo>default cover photo</photo> is © <author>Jesús Roncero</author> used under the terms of <terms>CC-BY-SA 4.0</terms>.": "La <photo>foto de fondo por defecto</photo> es © <author>Jesús Roncero</author>, usada bajo los términos de la licencia <terms>CC-BY-SA 4.0</terms>.",
"Once everyone has joined, you’ll be able to chat": "Cuando la gente se una, podrás hablar",
"Desktop app logo": "Logotipo de la aplicación de escritorio",
"Buffering…": "Cargando…",
"Send email": "Enviar email",
"Past polls": "Encuestas anteriores",
"Enable '%(manageIntegrations)s' in Settings to do this.": "Activa «%(manageIntegrations)s» en ajustes para poder hacer esto.",
"Show avatars in user, room and event mentions": "Mostrar fotos de perfil en las menciones de usuarios, salas y eventos",
"Your account details are managed separately at <code>%(hostname)s</code>.": "Los detalles de tu cuenta los gestiona de forma separada <code>%(hostname)s</code>.",
"Start DM anyway and never warn me again": "Enviar mensaje directo de todos modos y no avisar más",
"Dynamic room predecessors": "Predecesores dinámicos de la sala",
"Can't start voice message": "No se ha podido empezar el mensaje de voz",
"Your device ID": "ID de tu dispositivo",
"Your server requires encryption to be disabled.": "Tu servidor obliga a que el cifrado esté desactivado.",
"You do not have permission to invite users": "No tienes permisos para invitar usuarios",
"There are no active polls in this room": "Esta sala no tiene encuestas activas",
"There are no past polls in this room": "Esta sala no tiene encuestas anteriores",
"Server returned %(statusCode)s with error code %(errorCode)s": "El servidor devolvió un %(statusCode)s con el código de error %(errorCode)s",
"The sender has blocked you from receiving this message": "La persona que ha enviado este mensaje te ha bloqueado, no puedes recibir el mensaje",
"Waiting for partner to confirm…": "Esperando a que la otra persona confirme…",
"Select '%(scanQRCode)s'": "Selecciona «%(scanQRCode)s»",
"Your language": "Tu idioma",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name and profile picture": "%(oldDisplayName)s cambió su nombre y foto de perfil",
"Enable new native OIDC flows (Under active development)": "Activar flujos de OIDC nativos (en desarrollo)",
"Enable intentional mentions": "Activar menciones intencionales",
"Error changing password": "Error al cambiar la contraseña",
"Set a new account password…": "Elige una contraseña para la cuenta…",
"Message from %(user)s": "Mensaje de %(user)s",
"Change input device": "Cambiar dispositivo de entrada",
"You reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "Reaccionaste %(reaction)s a %(message)s",
"Defaults to room member list.": "Por defecto es la lista de miembros de la sala.",
"Requires your server to support MSC3030": "Requiere que tu servidor sea compatible con MSC3030",
"Enable MSC3946 (to support late-arriving room archives)": "",
"Try using %(server)s": "Probar a usar %(server)s"
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"Unnamed Room": "Istaba bez nosaukuma",
"Cancel": "Atcelt",
"Create new room": "Izveidot jaunu istabu",
"Dismiss": "Aizvērt",
"Dismiss": "Atmest",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "URL priekšskatījumi pēc noklusējuma jums ir<a>iespējoti</a> .",
"Upload avatar": "Augšupielādēt avataru",
"Upload Failed": "Augšupielāde (nosūtīšana) neizdevās",
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
"Unable to restore backup": "Невозможно восстановить резервную копию",
"No backup found!": "Резервных копий не найдено!",
"Download": "Скачать",
"Username": "Имя пользователя",
"Username": "Псевдоним",
"Email (optional)": "Адрес электронной почты (не обязательно)",
"Phone (optional)": "Телефон (не обязательно)",
"Confirm": "Подтвердить",
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@
"You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "Вы были забанены %(memberName)s с %(roomName)s",
"Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s": "Что-то пошло не так с вашим приглашением в %(roomName)s",
"You can only join it with a working invite.": "Вы можете присоединиться к ней только с рабочим приглашением.",
"Join the discussion": "Присоединиться к обсуждению",
"Join the discussion": "Войти в комнату",
"Try to join anyway": "Постарайся присоединиться в любом случае",
"Do you want to chat with %(user)s?": "Хотите пообщаться с %(user)s?",
"Do you want to join %(roomName)s?": "Хотите присоединиться к %(roomName)s?",
@ -2591,7 +2591,7 @@
"Current Timeline": "Текущая лента сообщений",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Сброс ключей проверки нельзя отменить. После сброса вы не сможете получить доступ к старым зашифрованным сообщениям, а друзья, которые ранее проверили вас, будут видеть предупреждения о безопасности, пока вы не пройдете повторную проверку.",
"Skip verification for now": "Пока пропустить проверку",
"I'll verify later": "Я проверю позже",
"I'll verify later": "Я заверю позже",
"Verify with Security Key": "Заверить бумажным ключом",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Проверка с помощью ключа безопасности или фразы",
"Proceed with reset": "Выполнить сброс",
@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@
"Add people": "Добавить людей",
"You do not have permissions to invite people to this space": "У вас нет разрешения приглашать людей в это пространство",
"Invite to space": "Пригласить в пространство",
"Start new chat": "Начать новый чат",
"Start new chat": "Начать ЛС",
"Recently viewed": "Недавно просмотренные",
"Poll": "Опрос",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "У вас нет разрешения начинать опросы в этой комнате.",
@ -3335,7 +3335,7 @@
"Model": "Модель",
"Live": "В эфире",
"Video call (%(brand)s)": "Видеозвонок (%(brand)s)",
"Voice broadcasts": "Аудиопередачи",
"Voice broadcasts": "Голосовые трансляции",
"Voice broadcast": "Голосовая трансляция",
"New group call experience": "Новый опыт группового вызова",
"Video call started": "Начался видеозвонок",
@ -3479,5 +3479,25 @@
"Numbered list": "Нумерованный список",
"Signing In…": "Выполняется вход…",
"Indent decrease": "Пункт",
"Indent increase": "Подпункт"
"Indent increase": "Подпункт",
"%(sender)s reacted %(reaction)s to %(message)s": "%(sender)s отреагировал(а) %(reaction)s на %(message)s",
"Defaults to room member list.": "По умолчанию отображается список участников комнаты.",
"Requires your server to support MSC3030": "Требуется, чтобы ваш сервер поддерживал MSC3030",
"Grey": "Серый",
"Red": "Красный",
"There are no active polls in this room": "В этой комнате нет активных опросов",
"Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Временная реализация. Местоположения сохраняются в истории комнаты.",
"Downloading update…": "Загрузка обновления…",
"Loading…": "Загрузка…",
"Rust cryptography implementation": "Реализация криптографии Rust",
"View poll in timeline": "Посмотреть опрос в ленте сообщений",
"Your language": "Ваш язык",
"Message in %(room)s": "Сообщение в %(room)s",
"Message from %(user)s": "Сообщение от %(user)s",
"Thread Id: ": "Id обсуждения: ",
"Creating rooms…": "Создание комнат…",
"Sign out of all devices": "Выйти из всех сеансов",
"Set a new account password…": "Установите новый пароль…",
"%(senderName)s started a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s начал(а) голосовую трансляцию",
"Room directory": "Каталог комнат"
@ -3718,5 +3718,9 @@
"Match default setting": "Matcha förvalsinställning",
"Mute room": "Tysta rum",
"Room unread status: <strong>%(status)s</strong>, count: <strong>%(count)s</strong>|other": "Rummets oläst-status: <strong>%(status)s</strong>, antal: <strong>%(count)s</strong>",
"Unable to find event at that date": "Kunde inte hitta händelse vid det datumet"
"Unable to find event at that date": "Kunde inte hitta händelse vid det datumet",
"Enable new native OIDC flows (Under active development)": "Aktivera nya inbyggda OIDC-flöden (Under aktiv utveckling)",
"Your server requires encryption to be disabled.": "Din server kräver att kryptering är inaktiverat.",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event?": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort (radera) den här händelsen?",
"Note that removing room changes like this could undo the change.": "Observera att om du tar bort rumsändringar som den här kanske det ångrar ändringen."
@ -3402,5 +3402,90 @@
"The <photo>default cover photo</photo> is © <author>Jesús Roncero</author> used under the terms of <terms>CC-BY-SA 4.0</terms>.": "Các <photo>ảnh bìa mặc định</photo> Là © <author>Chúa Jesus Roncero</author> Được sử dụng theo các điều khoản của <terms>CC-BY-SA 4.0</terms>.",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms you have visited, which UI elements you last interacted with, and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Nhật ký gỡ lỗi chứa dữ liệu sử dụng ứng dụng bao gồm tên người dùng của bạn, ID hoặc bí danh của các phòng bạn đã truy cập, các thành phần giao diện người dùng mà bạn tương tác lần cuối và tên người dùng của những người dùng khác. Chúng không chứa tin nhắn.",
"Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Ẩn dấu chấm thông báo (chỉ hiển thị bộ đếm)",
"Allow fallback call assist server (%(server)s)": "Cho phép máy chủ hỗ trợ cuộc gọi dự phòng (%(server)s)"
"Allow fallback call assist server (%(server)s)": "Cho phép máy chủ hỗ trợ cuộc gọi dự phòng (%(server)s)",
"Past polls": "Các cuộc bỏ phiếu trước",
"This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.": "Những người đó sẽ chắc chắn rằng họ đang thực sự nói với bạn, nhưng cũng có nghĩa là họ sẽ thấy tên phiên mà bạn xác định tại đây.",
"Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.": "Các phiên đã xác thực là bất kỳ đâu bạn sử dụng tài khoản này sau khi nhập mật khẩu hay xác thực danh tính của bạn với một phiên đã xác thực khác.",
"You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.": "Bạn cần luôn chắc chắn là bạn nhận ra các phiên này vì chúng có thể là truy cập trái phép vào tài khoản bạn.",
"Consider signing out from old sessions (%(inactiveAgeDays)s days or older) you don't use anymore.": "Hãy xem xét đăng xuất khỏi các phiên cũ (%(inactiveAgeDays)s ngày hoặc lâu hơn) mà bạn không dùng nữa.",
"You can use this device to sign in a new device with a QR code. You will need to scan the QR code shown on this device with your device that's signed out.": "Bạn có thể dùng thiết bị này để đăng nhập vào một thiết bị mới bằng mã QR. Bạn cần quét mã QR hiển thị trên thiết bị này với thiết bị mà đã đăng xuất.",
"%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s hay %(emojiCompare)s",
"Active polls": "Các cuộc bỏ phiếu hiện tại",
"unavailable": "không có sẵn",
"Error details": "Chi tiết lỗi",
"Jump to date": "Nhảy đến ngày",
"Show Labs settings": "Hiện các cài đặt thử nghiệm",
"Message pending moderation: %(reason)s": "Tin nhắn chờ duyệt: %(reason)s",
"Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.": "Những người khác trong tin nhắn trực tiếp và các phòng bạn tham gia có thể xem danh sách các phiên của bạn.",
"Maximise": "Phóng to",
"%(name)s started a video call": "%(name)s đã bắt đầu một cuộc gọi truyền hình",
"Toggle push notifications on this session.": "Bật/tắt thông báo đẩy cho phiên này.",
"Freedom": "Tự do",
"Video call ended": "Cuộc gọi truyền hình đã kết thúc",
"We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Chúng tôi không thể bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện với người kia.",
"You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Bạn không thể tương tác trong các phòng mà mã hóa được bật trong phiên này.",
"View poll in timeline": "Xem cuộc bỏ phiếu trong dòng thời gian",
"Click to read topic": "Bấm để xem chủ đề",
"Click": "Nhấn",
"You will not be able to reactivate your account": "Bạn sẽ không thể kích hoạt lại tài khoản của bạn",
"You will no longer be able to log in": "Bạn sẽ không thể đăng nhập lại",
"Open poll": "Bỏ phiếu công khai",
"Android": "Android",
"Location": "Vị trí",
"Download on the App Store": "Tải trên App Store",
"Your device ID": "Định danh thiết bị của bạn",
"Un-maximise": "Hủy thu nhỏ",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)sthay đổi <a>tin nhắn đã ghim</a> cho phòng",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)sthay đổi <a>tin nhắn đã ghim</a> cho phòng %(count)s lần",
"%(oneUser)sremoved a message %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)sxóa %(count)s tin nhắn",
"%(oneUser)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|other": "%(oneUser)sgửi %(count)s tin nhắn ẩn",
"This address does not point at this room": "Địa chỉ này không trỏ đến phòng này",
"Edit topic": "Sửa chủ đề",
"Choose a locale": "Chọn vùng miền",
"Coworkers and teams": "Đồng nghiệp và nhóm",
"Online community members": "Thành viên cộng đồng trực tuyến",
"Confirm that you would like to deactivate your account. If you proceed:": "Xác nhận bạn muốn vô hiệu hóa tài khoản. Nếu bạn tiếp tục:",
"You will leave all rooms and DMs that you are in": "Bạn sẽ rời tất cả phòng và tin nhắn trực tiếp mà bạn đã tham gia",
"You will be removed from the identity server: your friends will no longer be able to find you with your email or phone number": "Bạn sẽ bị xóa khỏi máy chủ định danh: bạn bè của bạn sẽ không tìm thấy bạn bằng địa chỉ thư điện tử hay số điện thoại",
"Message pending moderation": "Tin nhắn chờ duyệt",
"Message in %(room)s": "Tin nhắn trong %(room)s",
"Explore room account data": "Xem thông tin tài khoản trong phòng",
"%(oneUser)sremoved a message %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)sxóa một tin nhắn",
"%(oneUser)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|one": "%(oneUser)sgửi một tin nhắn ẩn",
"Message from %(user)s": "Tin nhắn từ %(user)s",
"Get it on F-Droid": "Tải trên F-Droid",
"Help": "Hỗ trợ",
"Unable to load map": "Không thể tải bản đồ",
"Poll type": "Hình thức bỏ phiếu",
"Show: Matrix rooms": "Hiện: Phòng Matrix",
"Notifications debug": "Gỡ lỗi thông báo",
"Minimise": "Thu nhỏ",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)sthay đổi <a>tin nhắn đã ghim</a> cho phòng",
"Friends and family": "Bạn bè và gia đình",
"Adding…": "Đang thêm…",
"No one will be able to reuse your username (MXID), including you: this username will remain unavailable": "Không ai có thể dùng lại tên người dùng của bạn (MXID), kể cả bạn: tên người dùng này sẽ trở thành không có sẵn",
"%(severalUsers)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|one": "%(severalUsers)sgửi một tin nhắn ẩn",
"<w>WARNING:</w> <description/>": "",
"Shared their location: ": "",
"%(severalUsers)sremoved a message %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)sxóa một tin nhắn",
"Settings explorer": "Xem cài đặt",
"Error downloading image": "Lỗi khi tải hình ảnh",
"Unable to show image due to error": "Không thể hiển thị hình ảnh do lỗi",
"Create room": "Tạo phòng",
"To continue, please enter your account password:": "Để tiếp tục, vui lòng nhập mật khẩu tài khoản của bạn:",
"were removed %(count)s times|one": "",
"Closed poll": "Bỏ phiếu kín",
"Explore account data": "Xem thông tin tài khoản",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)sthay đổi <a>tin nhắn đã ghim</a> cho phòng %(count)s lần",
"Edit poll": "Chỉnh sửa bỏ phiếu",
"Explore room state": "Xem trạng thái phòng",
"View servers in room": "Xem các máy chủ trong phòng",
"Declining…": "Đang từ chối…",
"Create a video room": "Tạo một phòng truyền hình",
"Image view": "Xem ảnh",
"Get it on Google Play": "Tải trên CH Play",
"were removed %(count)s times|other": "",
"%(severalUsers)sremoved a message %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)sxóa %(count)s tin nhắn",
"%(severalUsers)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|other": "%(severalUsers)sgửi %(count)s tin nhắn ẩn",
"Create video room": "Tạo phòng truyền hình"
Reference in New Issue