diff --git a/src/actions/RoomListActions.ts b/src/actions/RoomListActions.ts
index d8c6723d7b..f12d4d3084 100644
--- a/src/actions/RoomListActions.ts
+++ b/src/actions/RoomListActions.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ limitations under the License.
 import { asyncAction } from './actionCreators';
-import { TAG_DM } from '../stores/RoomListStore';
 import Modal from '../Modal';
 import * as Rooms from '../Rooms';
 import { _t } from '../languageHandler';
@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
 import { AsyncActionPayload } from "../dispatcher/payloads";
 import RoomListStore from "../stores/room-list/RoomListStore2";
 import { SortAlgorithm } from "../stores/room-list/algorithms/models";
+import { DefaultTagID } from "../stores/room-list/models";
 export default class RoomListActions {
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ export default class RoomListActions {
             const roomId = room.roomId;
             // Evil hack to get DMs behaving
-            if ((oldTag === undefined && newTag === TAG_DM) ||
-                (oldTag === TAG_DM && newTag === undefined)
+            if ((oldTag === undefined && newTag === DefaultTagID.DM) ||
+                (oldTag === DefaultTagID.DM && newTag === undefined)
             ) {
                 return Rooms.guessAndSetDMRoom(
-                    room, newTag === TAG_DM,
+                    room, newTag === DefaultTagID.DM,
                 ).catch((err) => {
                     const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
                     console.error("Failed to set direct chat tag " + err);
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default class RoomListActions {
             // but we avoid ever doing a request with TAG_DM.
             // if we moved lists, remove the old tag
-            if (oldTag && oldTag !== TAG_DM &&
+            if (oldTag && oldTag !== DefaultTagID.DM &&
             ) {
                 const promiseToDelete = matrixClient.deleteRoomTag(
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ export default class RoomListActions {
             // if we moved lists or the ordering changed, add the new tag
-            if (newTag && newTag !== TAG_DM &&
+            if (newTag && newTag !== DefaultTagID.DM &&
                 (hasChangedSubLists || metaData)
             ) {
                 // metaData is the body of the PUT to set the tag, so it must
diff --git a/src/stores/RoomListStore.js b/src/stores/RoomListStore.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c18aa83ad..0000000000
--- a/src/stores/RoomListStore.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2018, 2019 New Vector Ltd
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import {Store} from 'flux/utils';
-import dis from '../dispatcher/dispatcher';
-import DMRoomMap from '../utils/DMRoomMap';
-import * as Unread from '../Unread';
-import SettingsStore from "../settings/SettingsStore";
-Room sorting algorithm:
-* Always prefer to have red > grey > bold > idle
-* The room being viewed should be sticky (not jump down to the idle list)
-* When switching to a new room, sort the last sticky room to the top of the idle list.
-The approach taken by the store is to generate an initial representation of all the
-tagged lists (accepting that it'll take a little bit longer to calculate) and make
-small changes to that over time. This results in quick changes to the room list while
-also having update operations feel more like popping/pushing to a stack.
- */
-const CATEGORY_RED = "red";     // Mentions in the room
-const CATEGORY_GREY = "grey";   // Unread notified messages (not mentions)
-const CATEGORY_BOLD = "bold";   // Unread messages (not notified, 'Mentions Only' rooms)
-const CATEGORY_IDLE = "idle";   // Nothing of interest
-export const TAG_DM = "im.vector.fake.direct";
- * Identifier for manual sorting behaviour: sort by the user defined order.
- * @type {string}
- */
-export const ALGO_MANUAL = "manual";
- * Identifier for alphabetic sorting behaviour: sort by the room name alphabetically first.
- * @type {string}
- */
-export const ALGO_ALPHABETIC = "alphabetic";
- * Identifier for classic sorting behaviour: sort by the most recent message first.
- * @type {string}
- */
-export const ALGO_RECENT = "recent";
-const getListAlgorithm = (listKey, settingAlgorithm) => {
-    // apply manual sorting only to m.favourite, otherwise respect the global setting
-    // all the known tags are listed explicitly here to simplify future changes
-    switch (listKey) {
-        case "im.vector.fake.invite":
-        case "im.vector.fake.recent":
-        case "im.vector.fake.archived":
-        case "m.lowpriority":
-        case TAG_DM:
-            return settingAlgorithm;
-        case "m.favourite":
-        default: // custom-tags
-            return ALGO_MANUAL;
-    }
-const knownLists = new Set([
-    "m.favourite",
-    "im.vector.fake.invite",
-    "im.vector.fake.recent",
-    "im.vector.fake.archived",
-    "m.lowpriority",
-    TAG_DM,
- * A class for storing application state for categorising rooms in
- * the RoomList.
- */
-class RoomListStore extends Store {
-    constructor() {
-        super(dis);
-        this.disabled = true;
-        this._init();
-        this._getManualComparator = this._getManualComparator.bind(this);
-        this._recentsComparator = this._recentsComparator.bind(this);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Changes the sorting algorithm used by the RoomListStore.
-     * @param {string} algorithm The new algorithm to use. Should be one of the ALGO_* constants.
-     * @param {boolean} orderImportantFirst Whether to sort by categories of importance
-     */
-    updateSortingAlgorithm(algorithm, orderImportantFirst) {
-        // Dev note: We only have two algorithms at the moment, but it isn't impossible that we want
-        // multiple in the future. Also constants make things slightly clearer.
-        console.log("Updating room sorting algorithm: ", {algorithm, orderImportantFirst});
-        this._setState({algorithm, orderImportantFirst});
-        // Trigger a resort of the entire list to reflect the change in algorithm
-        this._generateInitialRoomLists();
-    }
-    _init() {
-        if (this.disabled) return;
-        // Initialise state
-        const defaultLists = {
-            "m.server_notice": [/* { room: js-sdk room, category: string } */],
-            "im.vector.fake.invite": [],
-            "m.favourite": [],
-            "im.vector.fake.recent": [],
-            [TAG_DM]: [],
-            "m.lowpriority": [],
-            "im.vector.fake.archived": [],
-        };
-        this._state = {
-            // The rooms in these arrays are ordered according to either the
-            // 'recents' behaviour or 'manual' behaviour.
-            lists: defaultLists,
-            presentationLists: defaultLists, // like `lists`, but with arrays of rooms instead
-            ready: false,
-            stickyRoomId: null,
-            algorithm: ALGO_RECENT,
-            orderImportantFirst: false,
-        };
-        SettingsStore.monitorSetting('RoomList.orderAlphabetically', null);
-        SettingsStore.monitorSetting('RoomList.orderByImportance', null);
-        SettingsStore.monitorSetting('feature_custom_tags', null);
-    }
-    _setState(newState) {
-        if (this.disabled) return;
-        // If we're changing the lists, transparently change the presentation lists (which
-        // is given to requesting components). This dramatically simplifies our code elsewhere
-        // while also ensuring we don't need to update all the calling components to support
-        // categories.
-        if (newState['lists']) {
-            const presentationLists = {};
-            for (const key of Object.keys(newState['lists'])) {
-                presentationLists[key] = newState['lists'][key].map((e) => e.room);
-            }
-            newState['presentationLists'] = presentationLists;
-        }
-        this._state = Object.assign(this._state, newState);
-        this.__emitChange();
-    }
-    __onDispatch(payload) {
-        if (this.disabled) return;
-        const logicallyReady = this._matrixClient && this._state.ready;
-        switch (payload.action) {
-            case 'setting_updated': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                switch (payload.settingName) {
-                    case "RoomList.orderAlphabetically":
-                        this.updateSortingAlgorithm(payload.newValue ? ALGO_ALPHABETIC : ALGO_RECENT,
-                            this._state.orderImportantFirst);
-                        break;
-                    case "RoomList.orderByImportance":
-                        this.updateSortingAlgorithm(this._state.algorithm, payload.newValue);
-                        break;
-                    case "feature_custom_tags":
-                        this._setState({tagsEnabled: payload.newValue});
-                        this._generateInitialRoomLists(); // Tags means we have to start from scratch
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-            // Initialise state after initial sync
-            case 'MatrixActions.sync': {
-                if (!(payload.prevState !== 'PREPARED' && payload.state === 'PREPARED')) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (this.disabled) return;
-                // Always ensure that we set any state needed for settings here. It is possible that
-                // setting updates trigger on startup before we are ready to sync, so we want to make
-                // sure that the right state is in place before we actually react to those changes.
-                this._setState({tagsEnabled: SettingsStore.isFeatureEnabled("feature_custom_tags")});
-                this._matrixClient = payload.matrixClient;
-                const orderByImportance = SettingsStore.getValue("RoomList.orderByImportance");
-                const orderAlphabetically = SettingsStore.getValue("RoomList.orderAlphabetically");
-                this.updateSortingAlgorithm(orderAlphabetically ? ALGO_ALPHABETIC : ALGO_RECENT, orderByImportance);
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'MatrixActions.Room.receipt': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                // First see if the receipt event is for our own user. If it was, trigger
-                // a room update (we probably read the room on a different device).
-                const myUserId = this._matrixClient.getUserId();
-                for (const eventId of Object.keys(payload.event.getContent())) {
-                    const receiptUsers = Object.keys(payload.event.getContent()[eventId]['m.read'] || {});
-                    if (receiptUsers.includes(myUserId)) {
-                        this._roomUpdateTriggered(payload.room.roomId);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'MatrixActions.Room.tags': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                // TODO: Figure out which rooms changed in the tag and only change those.
-                // This is very blunt and wipes out the sticky room stuff
-                this._generateInitialRoomLists();
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'MatrixActions.Room.timeline': {
-                if (!logicallyReady ||
-                    !payload.isLiveEvent ||
-                    !payload.isLiveUnfilteredRoomTimelineEvent ||
-                    !this._eventTriggersRecentReorder(payload.event) ||
-                    this._state.algorithm !== ALGO_RECENT
-                ) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                this._roomUpdateTriggered(payload.event.getRoomId());
-            }
-            break;
-            // When an event is decrypted, it could mean we need to reorder the room
-            // list because we now know the type of the event.
-            case 'MatrixActions.Event.decrypted': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                const roomId = payload.event.getRoomId();
-                // We may have decrypted an event without a roomId (e.g to_device)
-                if (!roomId) break;
-                const room = this._matrixClient.getRoom(roomId);
-                // We somehow decrypted an event for a room our client is unaware of
-                if (!room) break;
-                const liveTimeline = room.getLiveTimeline();
-                const eventTimeline = room.getTimelineForEvent(payload.event.getId());
-                // Either this event was not added to the live timeline (e.g. pagination)
-                // or it doesn't affect the ordering of the room list.
-                if (liveTimeline !== eventTimeline || !this._eventTriggersRecentReorder(payload.event)) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                this._roomUpdateTriggered(roomId);
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'MatrixActions.accountData': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                if (payload.event_type !== 'm.direct') break;
-                // TODO: Figure out which rooms changed in the direct chat and only change those.
-                // This is very blunt and wipes out the sticky room stuff
-                this._generateInitialRoomLists();
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'MatrixActions.Room.myMembership': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                this._roomUpdateTriggered(payload.room.roomId, true);
-            }
-            break;
-            // This could be a new room that we've been invited to, joined or created
-            // we won't get a RoomMember.membership for these cases if we're not already
-            // a member.
-            case 'MatrixActions.Room': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                this._roomUpdateTriggered(payload.room.roomId, true);
-            }
-            break;
-            // TODO: Re-enable optimistic updates when we support dragging again
-            // case 'RoomListActions.tagRoom.pending': {
-            //     if (!logicallyReady) break;
-            //     // XXX: we only show one optimistic update at any one time.
-            //     // Ideally we should be making a list of in-flight requests
-            //     // that are backed by transaction IDs. Until the js-sdk
-            //     // supports this, we're stuck with only being able to use
-            //     // the most recent optimistic update.
-            //     console.log("!! Optimistic tag: ", payload);
-            // }
-            // break;
-            // case 'RoomListActions.tagRoom.failure': {
-            //     if (!logicallyReady) break;
-            //     // Reset state according to js-sdk
-            //     console.log("!! Optimistic tag failure: ", payload);
-            // }
-            // break;
-            case 'on_client_not_viable':
-            case 'on_logged_out': {
-                // Reset state without pushing an update to the view, which generally assumes that
-                // the matrix client isn't `null` and so causing a re-render will cause NPEs.
-                this._init();
-                this._matrixClient = null;
-            }
-            break;
-            case 'view_room': {
-                if (!logicallyReady) break;
-                // Note: it is important that we set a new stickyRoomId before setting the old room
-                // to IDLE. If we don't, the wrong room gets counted as sticky.
-                const currentStickyId = this._state.stickyRoomId;
-                this._setState({stickyRoomId: payload.room_id});
-                if (currentStickyId) {
-                    this._setRoomCategory(this._matrixClient.getRoom(currentStickyId), CATEGORY_IDLE);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    _roomUpdateTriggered(roomId, ignoreSticky) {
-        // We don't calculate categories for sticky rooms because we have a moderate
-        // interest in trying to maintain the category that they were last in before
-        // being artificially flagged as IDLE. Also, this reduces the amount of time
-        // we spend in _setRoomCategory ever so slightly.
-        if (this._state.stickyRoomId !== roomId || ignoreSticky) {
-            // Micro optimization: Only look up the room if we're confident we'll need it.
-            const room = this._matrixClient.getRoom(roomId);
-            if (!room) return;
-            const category = this._calculateCategory(room);
-            this._setRoomCategory(room, category);
-        }
-    }
-    _filterTags(tags) {
-        tags = tags ? Object.keys(tags) : [];
-        if (this._state.tagsEnabled) return tags;
-        return tags.filter((t) => knownLists.has(t));
-    }
-    _getRecommendedTagsForRoom(room) {
-        const tags = [];
-        const myMembership = room.getMyMembership();
-        if (myMembership === 'join' || myMembership === 'invite') {
-            // Stack the user's tags on top
-            tags.push(...this._filterTags(room.tags));
-            // Order matters here: The DMRoomMap updates before invites
-            // are accepted, so we check to see if the room is an invite
-            // first, then if it is a direct chat, and finally default
-            // to the "recents" list.
-            const dmRoomMap = DMRoomMap.shared();
-            if (myMembership === 'invite') {
-                tags.push("im.vector.fake.invite");
-            } else if (dmRoomMap.getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId) && tags.length === 0) {
-                // We intentionally don't duplicate rooms in other tags into the people list
-                // as a feature.
-                tags.push(TAG_DM);
-            } else if (tags.length === 0) {
-                tags.push("im.vector.fake.recent");
-            }
-        } else if (myMembership) { // null-guard as null means it was peeked
-            tags.push("im.vector.fake.archived");
-        }
-        return tags;
-    }
-    _slotRoomIntoList(room, category, tag, existingEntries, newList, lastTimestampFn) {
-        const targetCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(category);
-        let categoryComparator = (a, b) => lastTimestampFn(a.room) >= lastTimestampFn(b.room);
-        const sortAlgorithm = getListAlgorithm(tag, this._state.algorithm);
-        if (sortAlgorithm === ALGO_RECENT) {
-            categoryComparator = (a, b) => this._recentsComparator(a, b, lastTimestampFn);
-        } else if (sortAlgorithm === ALGO_ALPHABETIC) {
-            categoryComparator = (a, b) => this._lexicographicalComparator(a, b);
-        }
-        // The slotting algorithm works by trying to position the room in the most relevant
-        // category of the list (red > grey > etc). To accomplish this, we need to consider
-        // a couple cases: the category existing in the list but having other rooms in it and
-        // the case of the category simply not existing and needing to be started. In order to
-        // do this efficiently, we only want to iterate over the list once and solve our sorting
-        // problem as we go.
-        //
-        // Firstly, we'll remove any existing entry that references the room we're trying to
-        // insert. We don't really want to consider the old entry and want to recreate it. We
-        // also exclude the sticky (currently active) room from the categorization logic and
-        // let it pass through wherever it resides in the list: it shouldn't be moving around
-        // the list too much, so we want to keep it where it is.
-        //
-        // The case of the category we want existing is easy to handle: once we hit the category,
-        // find the room that has a most recent event later than our own and insert just before
-        // that (making us the more recent room). If we end up hitting the next category before
-        // we can slot the room in, insert the room at the top of the category as a fallback. We
-        // do this to ensure that the room doesn't go too far down the list given it was previously
-        // considered important (in the case of going down in category) or is now more important
-        // (suddenly becoming red, for instance). The boundary tracking is how we end up achieving
-        // this, as described in the next paragraphs.
-        //
-        // The other case of the category not already existing is a bit more complicated. We track
-        // the boundaries of each category relative to the list we're currently building so that
-        // when we miss the category we can insert the room at the right spot. Most importantly, we
-        // can't assume that the end of the list being built is the right spot because of the last
-        // paragraph's requirement: the room should be put to the top of a category if the category
-        // runs out of places to put it.
-        //
-        // All told, our tracking looks something like this:
-        //
-        // ------ A <- Category boundary (start of red)
-        //  RED
-        //  RED
-        //  RED
-        // ------ B <- In this example, we have a grey room we want to insert.
-        //  BOLD
-        //  BOLD
-        // ------ C
-        //  IDLE
-        //  IDLE
-        // ------ D <- End of list
-        //
-        // Given that example, and our desire to insert a GREY room into the list, this iterates
-        // over the room list until it realizes that BOLD comes after GREY and we're no longer
-        // in the RED section. Because there's no rooms there, we simply insert there which is
-        // also a "category boundary". If we change the example to wanting to insert a BOLD room
-        // which can't be ordered by timestamp with the existing couple rooms, we would still make
-        // use of the boundary flag to insert at B before changing the boundary indicator to C.
-        let desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = 0;
-        let foundBoundary = false;
-        let pushedEntry = false;
-        for (const entry of existingEntries) {
-            // We insert our own record as needed, so don't let the old one through.
-            if (entry.room.roomId === room.roomId) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            // if the list is a recent list, and the room appears in this list, and we're
-            // not looking at a sticky room (sticky rooms have unreliable categories), try
-            // to slot the new room in
-            if (entry.room.roomId !== this._state.stickyRoomId && !pushedEntry) {
-                const entryCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(entry.category);
-                // As per above, check if we're meeting that boundary we wanted to locate.
-                if (entryCategoryIndex >= targetCategoryIndex && !foundBoundary) {
-                    desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = newList.length - 1;
-                    foundBoundary = true;
-                }
-                // If we've hit the top of a boundary beyond our target category, insert at the top of
-                // the grouping to ensure the room isn't slotted incorrectly. Otherwise, try to insert
-                // based on most recent timestamp.
-                const changedBoundary = entryCategoryIndex > targetCategoryIndex;
-                const currentCategory = entryCategoryIndex === targetCategoryIndex;
-                if (changedBoundary || (currentCategory && categoryComparator({room}, entry) <= 0)) {
-                    if (changedBoundary) {
-                        // If we changed a boundary, then we've gone too far - go to the top of the last
-                        // section instead.
-                        newList.splice(desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex, 0, {room, category});
-                    } else {
-                        // If we're ordering by timestamp, just insert normally
-                        newList.push({room, category});
-                    }
-                    pushedEntry = true;
-                }
-            }
-            // Fall through and clone the list.
-            newList.push(entry);
-        }
-        if (!pushedEntry && desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex >= 0) {
-            console.warn(`!! Room ${room.roomId} nearly lost: Ran off the end of ${tag}`);
-            console.warn(`!! Inserting at position ${desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex} with category ${category}`);
-            newList.splice(desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex, 0, {room, category});
-            pushedEntry = true;
-        }
-        return pushedEntry;
-    }
-    _setRoomCategory(room, category) {
-        if (!room) return; // This should only happen in tests
-        const listsClone = {};
-        // Micro optimization: Support lazily loading the last timestamp in a room
-        const timestampCache = {}; // {roomId => ts}
-        const lastTimestamp = (room) => {
-            if (!timestampCache[room.roomId]) {
-                timestampCache[room.roomId] = this._tsOfNewestEvent(room);
-            }
-            return timestampCache[room.roomId];
-        };
-        const targetTags = this._getRecommendedTagsForRoom(room);
-        const insertedIntoTags = [];
-        // We need to make sure all the tags (lists) are updated with the room's new position. We
-        // generally only get called here when there's a new room to insert or a room has potentially
-        // changed positions within the list.
-        //
-        // We do all our checks by iterating over the rooms in the existing lists, trying to insert
-        // our room where we can. As a guiding principle, we should be removing the room from all
-        // tags, and insert the room into targetTags. We should perform the deletion before the addition
-        // where possible to keep a consistent state. By the end of this, targetTags should be the
-        // same as insertedIntoTags.
-        for (const key of Object.keys(this._state.lists)) {
-            const shouldHaveRoom = targetTags.includes(key);
-            // Speed optimization: Don't do complicated math if we don't have to.
-            if (!shouldHaveRoom) {
-                listsClone[key] = this._state.lists[key].filter((e) => e.room.roomId !== room.roomId);
-            } else if (getListAlgorithm(key, this._state.algorithm) === ALGO_MANUAL) {
-                // Manually ordered tags are sorted later, so for now we'll just clone the tag
-                // and add our room if needed
-                listsClone[key] = this._state.lists[key].filter((e) => e.room.roomId !== room.roomId);
-                listsClone[key].push({room, category});
-                insertedIntoTags.push(key);
-            } else {
-                listsClone[key] = [];
-                const pushedEntry = this._slotRoomIntoList(
-                    room, category, key, this._state.lists[key], listsClone[key], lastTimestamp);
-                if (!pushedEntry) {
-                    // This should rarely happen: _slotRoomIntoList has several checks which attempt
-                    // to make sure that a room is not lost in the list. If we do lose the room though,
-                    // we shouldn't throw it on the floor and forget about it. Instead, we should insert
-                    // it somewhere. We'll insert it at the top for a couple reasons: 1) it is probably
-                    // an important room for the user and 2) if this does happen, we'd want a bug report.
-                    console.warn(`!! Room ${room.roomId} nearly lost: Failed to find a position`);
-                    console.warn(`!! Inserting at position 0 in the list and flagging as inserted`);
-                    console.warn("!! Additional info: ", {
-                       category,
-                       key,
-                       upToIndex: listsClone[key].length,
-                       expectedCount: this._state.lists[key].length,
-                    });
-                    listsClone[key].splice(0, 0, {room, category});
-                }
-                insertedIntoTags.push(key);
-            }
-        }
-        // Double check that we inserted the room in the right places.
-        // There should never be a discrepancy.
-        for (const targetTag of targetTags) {
-            let count = 0;
-            for (const insertedTag of insertedIntoTags) {
-                if (insertedTag === targetTag) count++;
-            }
-            if (count !== 1) {
-                console.warn(`!! Room ${room.roomId} inserted ${count} times to ${targetTag}`);
-            }
-            // This is a workaround for https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/11303
-            // The logging is to try and identify what happened exactly.
-            if (count === 0) {
-                // Something went very badly wrong - try to recover the room.
-                // We don't bother checking how the target list is ordered - we're expecting
-                // to just insert it.
-                console.warn(`!! Recovering ${room.roomId} for tag ${targetTag} at position 0`);
-                if (!listsClone[targetTag]) {
-                    console.warn(`!! List for tag ${targetTag} does not exist - creating`);
-                    listsClone[targetTag] = [];
-                }
-                listsClone[targetTag].splice(0, 0, {room, category});
-            }
-        }
-        // Sort the favourites before we set the clone
-        for (const tag of Object.keys(listsClone)) {
-            if (getListAlgorithm(tag, this._state.algorithm) !== ALGO_MANUAL) continue; // skip recents (pre-sorted)
-            listsClone[tag].sort(this._getManualComparator(tag));
-        }
-        this._setState({lists: listsClone});
-    }
-    _generateInitialRoomLists() {
-        // Log something to show that we're throwing away the old results. This is for the inevitable
-        // question of "why is 100% of my CPU going towards Riot?" - a quick look at the logs would reveal
-        // that something is wrong with the RoomListStore.
-        console.log("Generating initial room lists");
-        const lists = {
-            "m.server_notice": [],
-            "im.vector.fake.invite": [],
-            "m.favourite": [],
-            "im.vector.fake.recent": [],
-            [TAG_DM]: [],
-            "m.lowpriority": [],
-            "im.vector.fake.archived": [],
-        };
-        const dmRoomMap = DMRoomMap.shared();
-        this._matrixClient.getRooms().forEach((room) => {
-            const myUserId = this._matrixClient.getUserId();
-            const membership = room.getMyMembership();
-            const me = room.getMember(myUserId);
-            if (membership === "invite") {
-                lists["im.vector.fake.invite"].push({room, category: CATEGORY_RED});
-            } else if (membership === "join" || membership === "ban" || (me && me.isKicked())) {
-                // Used to split rooms via tags
-                let tagNames = Object.keys(room.tags);
-                // ignore any m. tag names we don't know about
-                tagNames = tagNames.filter((t) => {
-                    // Speed optimization: Avoid hitting the SettingsStore at all costs by making it the
-                    // last condition possible.
-                    return lists[t] !== undefined || (!t.startsWith('m.') && this._state.tagsEnabled);
-                });
-                if (tagNames.length) {
-                    for (let i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) {
-                        const tagName = tagNames[i];
-                        lists[tagName] = lists[tagName] || [];
-                        // Default to an arbitrary category for tags which aren't ordered by recents
-                        let category = CATEGORY_IDLE;
-                        if (getListAlgorithm(tagName, this._state.algorithm) !== ALGO_MANUAL) {
-                            category = this._calculateCategory(room);
-                        }
-                        lists[tagName].push({room, category});
-                    }
-                } else if (dmRoomMap.getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId)) {
-                    // "Direct Message" rooms (that we're still in and that aren't otherwise tagged)
-                    lists[TAG_DM].push({room, category: this._calculateCategory(room)});
-                } else {
-                    lists["im.vector.fake.recent"].push({room, category: this._calculateCategory(room)});
-                }
-            } else if (membership === "leave") {
-                // The category of these rooms is not super important, so deprioritize it to the lowest
-                // possible value.
-                lists["im.vector.fake.archived"].push({room, category: CATEGORY_IDLE});
-            }
-        });
-        // We use this cache in the recents comparator because _tsOfNewestEvent can take a while. This
-        // cache only needs to survive the sort operation below and should not be implemented outside
-        // of this function, otherwise the room lists will almost certainly be out of date and wrong.
-        const latestEventTsCache = {}; // roomId => timestamp
-        const tsOfNewestEventFn = (room) => {
-            if (!room) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; // Should only happen in tests
-            if (latestEventTsCache[room.roomId]) {
-                return latestEventTsCache[room.roomId];
-            }
-            const ts = this._tsOfNewestEvent(room);
-            latestEventTsCache[room.roomId] = ts;
-            return ts;
-        };
-        Object.keys(lists).forEach((listKey) => {
-            let comparator;
-            switch (getListAlgorithm(listKey, this._state.algorithm)) {
-                case ALGO_RECENT:
-                    comparator = (entryA, entryB) => this._recentsComparator(entryA, entryB, tsOfNewestEventFn);
-                    break;
-                case ALGO_ALPHABETIC:
-                    comparator = this._lexicographicalComparator;
-                    break;
-                case ALGO_MANUAL:
-                default:
-                    comparator = this._getManualComparator(listKey);
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (this._state.orderImportantFirst) {
-                lists[listKey].sort((entryA, entryB) => {
-                    if (entryA.category !== entryB.category) {
-                        const idxA = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(entryA.category);
-                        const idxB = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(entryB.category);
-                        if (idxA > idxB) return 1;
-                        if (idxA < idxB) return -1;
-                        return 0; // Technically not possible
-                    }
-                    return comparator(entryA, entryB);
-                });
-            } else {
-                // skip the category comparison even though it should no-op when orderImportantFirst disabled
-                lists[listKey].sort(comparator);
-            }
-        });
-        this._setState({
-            lists,
-            ready: true, // Ready to receive updates to ordering
-        });
-    }
-    _eventTriggersRecentReorder(ev) {
-        return ev.getTs() && (
-            Unread.eventTriggersUnreadCount(ev) ||
-            ev.getSender() === this._matrixClient.credentials.userId
-        );
-    }
-    _tsOfNewestEvent(room) {
-        // Apparently we can have rooms without timelines, at least under testing
-        // environments. Just return MAX_INT when this happens.
-        if (!room || !room.timeline) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
-        for (let i = room.timeline.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-            const ev = room.timeline[i];
-            if (this._eventTriggersRecentReorder(ev)) {
-                return ev.getTs();
-            }
-        }
-        // we might only have events that don't trigger the unread indicator,
-        // in which case use the oldest event even if normally it wouldn't count.
-        // This is better than just assuming the last event was forever ago.
-        if (room.timeline.length && room.timeline[0].getTs()) {
-            return room.timeline[0].getTs();
-        } else {
-            return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
-        }
-    }
-    _calculateCategory(room) {
-        if (!this._state.orderImportantFirst) {
-            // Effectively disable the categorization of rooms if we're supposed to
-            // be sorting by more recent messages first. This triggers the timestamp
-            // comparison bit of _setRoomCategory and _recentsComparator instead of
-            // the category ordering.
-            return CATEGORY_IDLE;
-        }
-        const mentions = room.getUnreadNotificationCount("highlight") > 0;
-        if (mentions) return CATEGORY_RED;
-        let unread = room.getUnreadNotificationCount() > 0;
-        if (unread) return CATEGORY_GREY;
-        unread = Unread.doesRoomHaveUnreadMessages(room);
-        if (unread) return CATEGORY_BOLD;
-        return CATEGORY_IDLE;
-    }
-    _recentsComparator(entryA, entryB, tsOfNewestEventFn) {
-        const timestampA = tsOfNewestEventFn(entryA.room);
-        const timestampB = tsOfNewestEventFn(entryB.room);
-        return timestampB - timestampA;
-    }
-    _lexicographicalComparator(entryA, entryB) {
-        return entryA.room.name.localeCompare(entryB.room.name);
-    }
-    _getManualComparator(tagName, optimisticRequest) {
-        return (entryA, entryB) => {
-            const roomA = entryA.room;
-            const roomB = entryB.room;
-            let metaA = roomA.tags[tagName];
-            let metaB = roomB.tags[tagName];
-            if (optimisticRequest && roomA === optimisticRequest.room) metaA = optimisticRequest.metaData;
-            if (optimisticRequest && roomB === optimisticRequest.room) metaB = optimisticRequest.metaData;
-            // Make sure the room tag has an order element, if not set it to be the bottom
-            const a = metaA ? Number(metaA.order) : undefined;
-            const b = metaB ? Number(metaB.order) : undefined;
-            // Order undefined room tag orders to the bottom
-            if (a === undefined && b !== undefined) {
-                return 1;
-            } else if (a !== undefined && b === undefined) {
-                return -1;
-            }
-            return a === b ? this._lexicographicalComparator(entryA, entryB) : (a > b ? 1 : -1);
-        };
-    }
-    getRoomLists() {
-        return this._state.presentationLists;
-    }
-if (global.singletonRoomListStore === undefined) {
-    global.singletonRoomListStore = new RoomListStore();
-export default global.singletonRoomListStore;