Manually merge memberlist fix from vector master

David Baker 2015-09-28 11:32:00 +01:00
parent 4472f63b5f
commit 3be50e327d
1 changed files with 27 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ module.exports = {
componentDidMount: function() {
var self = this;
// Lazy-load in more than the first N members
setTimeout(function() {
if (!self.isMounted()) return;
@ -55,13 +57,23 @@ module.exports = {
// member tile and re-render it. This is more efficient than every tile
// evar attaching their own listener.
function updateUserState(event, user) {
// evil hack to track the age of this presence info.
// this should be removed once syjs-28 is resolved in the JS SDK itself.
user.lastPresenceTs =;
var tile = self.refs[user.userId];
console.log("presence event " + JSON.stringify(event) + " user = " + user + " tile = " + tile);
if (tile) {
// update the whole list to get the order right, not just this cell...
// tile.forceUpdate();
self._updateList(); // reorder the membership list
self.forceUpdate(); // FIXME: is the a more efficient way of reordering with react?
// XXX: do we even need to do this, or is it done by the main list?
// FIXME: we should probably also reset 'lastActiveAgo' to zero whenever
// we see a typing notif from a user, as we don't get presence updates for those.
MatrixClientPeg.get().on("User.presence", updateUserState);
this.userPresenceFn = updateUserState;
@ -133,17 +145,23 @@ module.exports = {
var all_members = room.currentState.members;
var all_user_ids = Object.keys(all_members);
// XXX: dirty hack until SYJS-28 is fixed {
if (all_members[userId].user && !all_members[userId].user.lastPresenceTs) {
all_members[userId].user.lastPresenceTs =;
all_user_ids.sort(function(userIdA, userIdB) {
var userA = all_members[userIdA].user;
var userB = all_members[userIdB].user;
var latA = userA ? userA.lastActiveAgo || Number.MAX_VALUE : Number.MAX_VALUE;
var latB = userB ? userB.lastActiveAgo || Number.MAX_VALUE : Number.MAX_VALUE;
var latA = userA ? (userA.lastPresenceTs - (userA.lastActiveAgo || userA.lastPresenceTs)) : 0;
var latB = userB ? (userB.lastPresenceTs - (userB.lastActiveAgo || userB.lastPresenceTs)) : 0;
return latA - latB;
return latB - latA;
var to_display = {};
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < all_user_ids.length && (limit === undefined || count < limit); ++i) {
@ -151,6 +169,8 @@ module.exports = {
var m = all_members[user_id];
if (m.membership == 'join' || m.membership == 'invite') {
// XXX: this is evil, and relies on the fact that Object.keys() iterates
// over the keys of a dict in insertion order (if those keys are strings)
to_display[user_id] = m;