mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Convert RoomPreviewBar to Typescript
@ -14,8 +14,13 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from "react";
import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
import { MatrixError } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/http-api";
import { EventType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/event";
import { IJoinRuleEventContent, JoinRule } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/partials";
import { RoomMember } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room-member";
import * as sdk from '../../../index';
import { MatrixClientPeg } from '../../../MatrixClientPeg';
import dis from '../../../dispatcher/dispatcher';
@ -27,91 +32,102 @@ import { CommunityPrototypeStore } from "../../../stores/CommunityPrototypeStore
import { UPDATE_EVENT } from "../../../stores/AsyncStore";
import { replaceableComponent } from "../../../utils/replaceableComponent";
import InviteReason from "../elements/InviteReason";
import { IOOBData } from "../../../stores/ThreepidInviteStore";
import Spinner from "../elements/Spinner";
import AccessibleButton from "../elements/AccessibleButton";
const MemberEventHtmlReasonField = "io.element.html_reason";
const MessageCase = Object.freeze({
NotLoggedIn: "NotLoggedIn",
Joining: "Joining",
Loading: "Loading",
Rejecting: "Rejecting",
Kicked: "Kicked",
Banned: "Banned",
OtherThreePIDError: "OtherThreePIDError",
InvitedEmailNotFoundInAccount: "InvitedEmailNotFoundInAccount",
InvitedEmailNoIdentityServer: "InvitedEmailNoIdentityServer",
InvitedEmailMismatch: "InvitedEmailMismatch",
Invite: "Invite",
ViewingRoom: "ViewingRoom",
RoomNotFound: "RoomNotFound",
OtherError: "OtherError",
enum MessageCase {
NotLoggedIn = "NotLoggedIn",
Joining = "Joining",
Loading = "Loading",
Rejecting = "Rejecting",
Kicked = "Kicked",
Banned = "Banned",
OtherThreePIDError = "OtherThreePIDError",
InvitedEmailNotFoundInAccount = "InvitedEmailNotFoundInAccount",
InvitedEmailNoIdentityServer = "InvitedEmailNoIdentityServer",
InvitedEmailMismatch = "InvitedEmailMismatch",
Invite = "Invite",
ViewingRoom = "ViewingRoom",
RoomNotFound = "RoomNotFound",
OtherError = "OtherError",
interface IProps {
// if inviterName is specified, the preview bar will shown an invite to the room.
// You should also specify onRejectClick if specifying inviterName
inviterName?: string;
// If invited by 3rd party invite, the email address the invite was sent to
invitedEmail?: string;
// For third party invites, information passed about the room out-of-band
oobData?: IOOBData;
// For third party invites, a URL for a 3pid invite signing service
signUrl?: string;
// A standard client/server API error object. If supplied, indicates that the
// caller was unable to fetch details about the room for the given reason.
error?: MatrixError;
canPreview?: boolean;
previewLoading?: boolean;
room?: Room;
loading?: boolean;
joining?: boolean;
rejecting?: boolean;
// The alias that was used to access this room, if appropriate
// If given, this will be how the room is referred to (eg.
// in error messages).
roomAlias?: string;
onJoinClick?(): void;
onRejectClick?(): void;
onRejectAndIgnoreClick?(): void;
onForgetClick?(): void;
interface IState {
busy: boolean;
accountEmails?: string[];
invitedEmailMxid?: string;
threePidFetchError?: MatrixError;
export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
onJoinClick: PropTypes.func,
onRejectClick: PropTypes.func,
onRejectAndIgnoreClick: PropTypes.func,
onForgetClick: PropTypes.func,
// if inviterName is specified, the preview bar will shown an invite to the room.
// You should also specify onRejectClick if specifiying inviterName
inviterName: PropTypes.string,
// If invited by 3rd party invite, the email address the invite was sent to
invitedEmail: PropTypes.string,
// For third party invites, information passed about the room out-of-band
oobData: PropTypes.object,
// For third party invites, a URL for a 3pid invite signing service
signUrl: PropTypes.string,
// A standard client/server API error object. If supplied, indicates that the
// caller was unable to fetch details about the room for the given reason.
error: PropTypes.object,
canPreview: PropTypes.bool,
previewLoading: PropTypes.bool,
room: PropTypes.object,
// When a spinner is present, a spinnerState can be specified to indicate the
// purpose of the spinner.
spinner: PropTypes.bool,
spinnerState: PropTypes.oneOf(["joining"]),
loading: PropTypes.bool,
joining: PropTypes.bool,
rejecting: PropTypes.bool,
// The alias that was used to access this room, if appropriate
// If given, this will be how the room is referred to (eg.
// in error messages).
roomAlias: PropTypes.string,
export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
static defaultProps = {
onJoinClick() {},
state = {
busy: false,
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
busy: false,
componentDidMount() {
CommunityPrototypeStore.instance.on(UPDATE_EVENT, this._onCommunityUpdate);
CommunityPrototypeStore.instance.on(UPDATE_EVENT, this.onCommunityUpdate);
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.invitedEmail !== prevProps.invitedEmail || this.props.inviterName !== prevProps.inviterName) {
componentWillUnmount() {
CommunityPrototypeStore.instance.off(UPDATE_EVENT, this._onCommunityUpdate);
CommunityPrototypeStore.instance.off(UPDATE_EVENT, this.onCommunityUpdate);
async _checkInvitedEmail() {
private async checkInvitedEmail() {
// If this is an invite and we've been told what email address was
// invited, fetch the user's account emails and discovery bindings so we
// can check them against the email that was invited.
@ -121,8 +137,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
// Gather the account 3PIDs
const account3pids = await MatrixClientPeg.get().getThreePids();
accountEmails: account3pids.threepids
.filter(b => b.medium === 'email').map(b => b.address),
accountEmails: account3pids.threepids.filter(b => b.medium === 'email').map(b => b.address),
// If we have an IS connected, use that to lookup the email and
// check the bound MXID.
@ -146,21 +161,21 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
_onCommunityUpdate = (roomId) => {
private onCommunityUpdate = (roomId: string): void => {
if (this.props.room && this.props.room.roomId !== roomId) {
this.forceUpdate(); // we have nothing to update
_getMessageCase() {
private getMessageCase(): MessageCase {
const isGuest = MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest();
if (isGuest) {
return MessageCase.NotLoggedIn;
const myMember = this._getMyMember();
const myMember = this.getMyMember();
if (myMember) {
if (myMember.isKicked()) {
@ -195,7 +210,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
return MessageCase.Invite;
} else if (this.props.error) {
if (this.props.error.errcode == 'M_NOT_FOUND') {
if ((this.props.error as MatrixError).errcode == 'M_NOT_FOUND') {
return MessageCase.RoomNotFound;
} else {
return MessageCase.OtherError;
@ -205,8 +220,8 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
_getKickOrBanInfo() {
const myMember = this._getMyMember();
private getKickOrBanInfo(): { memberName?: string, reason?: string } {
const myMember = this.getMyMember();
if (!myMember) {
return {};
@ -219,24 +234,19 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
return { memberName, reason };
_joinRule() {
const room = this.props.room;
if (room) {
const joinRules = room.currentState.getStateEvents('m.room.join_rules', '');
if (joinRules) {
return joinRules.getContent().join_rule;
private joinRule(): JoinRule {
return this.props.room?.currentState
.getStateEvents(EventType.RoomJoinRules, "")?.getContent<IJoinRuleEventContent>().join_rule;
_communityProfile() {
private communityProfile(): { displayName?: string, avatarMxc?: string } {
if (this.props.room) return CommunityPrototypeStore.instance.getInviteProfile(this.props.room.roomId);
return { displayName: null, avatarMxc: null };
_roomName(atStart = false) {
private roomName(atStart = false): string {
let name = this.props.room ? this.props.room.name : this.props.roomAlias;
const profile = this._communityProfile();
const profile = this.communityProfile();
if (profile.displayName) name = profile.displayName;
if (name) {
return name;
@ -247,14 +257,11 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
_getMyMember() {
return (
this.props.room &&
private getMyMember(): RoomMember {
return this.props.room?.getMember(MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserId());
_getInviteMember() {
private getInviteMember(): RoomMember {
const { room } = this.props;
if (!room) {
@ -268,8 +275,8 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
return room.currentState.getMember(inviterUserId);
_isDMInvite() {
const myMember = this._getMyMember();
private isDMInvite(): boolean {
const myMember = this.getMyMember();
if (!myMember) {
return false;
@ -278,7 +285,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
return memberContent.membership === "invite" && memberContent.is_direct;
_makeScreenAfterLogin() {
private makeScreenAfterLogin(): { screen: string, params: Record<string, any> } {
return {
screen: 'room',
params: {
@ -291,18 +298,16 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
onLoginClick = () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_login', screenAfterLogin: this._makeScreenAfterLogin() });
private onLoginClick = () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_login', screenAfterLogin: this.makeScreenAfterLogin() });
onRegisterClick = () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_registration', screenAfterLogin: this._makeScreenAfterLogin() });
private onRegisterClick = () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: 'start_registration', screenAfterLogin: this.makeScreenAfterLogin() });
render() {
const brand = SdkConfig.get().brand;
const Spinner = sdk.getComponent('elements.Spinner');
const AccessibleButton = sdk.getComponent('elements.AccessibleButton');
let showSpinner = false;
let title;
@ -315,7 +320,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
let footer;
const extraComponents = [];
const messageCase = this._getMessageCase();
const messageCase = this.getMessageCase();
switch (messageCase) {
case MessageCase.Joining: {
title = _t("Joining room …");
@ -349,12 +354,12 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
case MessageCase.Kicked: {
const { memberName, reason } = this._getKickOrBanInfo();
const { memberName, reason } = this.getKickOrBanInfo();
title = _t("You were kicked from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s",
{ memberName, roomName: this._roomName() });
{ memberName, roomName: this.roomName() });
subTitle = reason ? _t("Reason: %(reason)s", { reason }) : null;
if (this._joinRule() === "invite") {
if (this.joinRule() === "invite") {
primaryActionLabel = _t("Forget this room");
primaryActionHandler = this.props.onForgetClick;
} else {
@ -366,9 +371,9 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
case MessageCase.Banned: {
const { memberName, reason } = this._getKickOrBanInfo();
const { memberName, reason } = this.getKickOrBanInfo();
title = _t("You were banned from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s",
{ memberName, roomName: this._roomName() });
{ memberName, roomName: this.roomName() });
subTitle = reason ? _t("Reason: %(reason)s", { reason }) : null;
primaryActionLabel = _t("Forget this room");
primaryActionHandler = this.props.onForgetClick;
@ -376,8 +381,8 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
case MessageCase.OtherThreePIDError: {
title = _t("Something went wrong with your invite to %(roomName)s",
{ roomName: this._roomName() });
const joinRule = this._joinRule();
{ roomName: this.roomName() });
const joinRule = this.joinRule();
const errCodeMessage = _t(
"An error (%(errcode)s) was returned while trying to validate your " +
"invite. You could try to pass this information on to a room admin.",
@ -410,7 +415,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s which is not " +
"associated with your account",
roomName: this._roomName(),
roomName: this.roomName(),
email: this.props.invitedEmail,
@ -427,7 +432,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
title = _t(
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s",
roomName: this._roomName(),
roomName: this.roomName(),
email: this.props.invitedEmail,
@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
title = _t(
"This invite to %(roomName)s was sent to %(email)s",
roomName: this._roomName(),
roomName: this.roomName(),
email: this.props.invitedEmail,
@ -458,11 +463,11 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
case MessageCase.Invite: {
const RoomAvatar = sdk.getComponent("views.avatars.RoomAvatar");
const oobData = Object.assign({}, this.props.oobData, {
avatarUrl: this._communityProfile().avatarMxc,
avatarUrl: this.communityProfile().avatarMxc,
const avatar = <RoomAvatar room={this.props.room} oobData={oobData} />;
const inviteMember = this._getInviteMember();
const inviteMember = this.getInviteMember();
let inviterElement;
if (inviteMember) {
inviterElement = <span>
@ -474,7 +479,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
inviterElement = (<span className="mx_RoomPreviewBar_inviter">{ this.props.inviterName }</span>);
const isDM = this._isDMInvite();
const isDM = this.isDMInvite();
if (isDM) {
title = _t("Do you want to chat with %(user)s?",
{ user: inviteMember.name });
@ -485,7 +490,7 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
primaryActionLabel = _t("Start chatting");
} else {
title = _t("Do you want to join %(roomName)s?",
{ roomName: this._roomName() });
{ roomName: this.roomName() });
subTitle = [
_t("<userName/> invited you", {}, { userName: () => inviterElement }),
@ -519,22 +524,22 @@ export default class RoomPreviewBar extends React.Component {
case MessageCase.ViewingRoom: {
if (this.props.canPreview) {
title = _t("You're previewing %(roomName)s. Want to join it?",
{ roomName: this._roomName() });
{ roomName: this.roomName() });
} else {
title = _t("%(roomName)s can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?",
{ roomName: this._roomName(true) });
{ roomName: this.roomName(true) });
primaryActionLabel = _t("Join the discussion");
primaryActionHandler = this.props.onJoinClick;
case MessageCase.RoomNotFound: {
title = _t("%(roomName)s does not exist.", { roomName: this._roomName(true) });
title = _t("%(roomName)s does not exist.", { roomName: this.roomName(true) });
subTitle = _t("This room doesn't exist. Are you sure you're at the right place?");
case MessageCase.OtherError: {
title = _t("%(roomName)s is not accessible at this time.", { roomName: this._roomName(true) });
title = _t("%(roomName)s is not accessible at this time.", { roomName: this.roomName(true) });
subTitle = [
_t("Try again later, or ask a room admin to check if you have access."),
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ export interface IOOBData {
name?: string; // The room's name
avatarUrl?: string; // The mxc:// avatar URL for the room
inviterName?: string; // The display name of the person who invited us to the room
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
room_name?: string; // The name of the room, to be used until we are told better by the server
const STORAGE_PREFIX = "mx_threepid_invite_";
Reference in New Issue