mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Revert "Merge pull request #2336 from matrix-org/travis/notif-button"
This reverts commit 96300b45b7
@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ limitations under the License.
padding-bottom: 3px;
.mx_RightPanel_headerButton_badgeHighlight .mx_RightPanel_headerButton_badge {
color: $warning-color;
.mx_RightPanel_headerButton_highlight {
width: 25px;
height: 5px;
@ -289,11 +289,6 @@ const Notifier = {
const room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(ev.getRoomId());
const actions = MatrixClientPeg.get().getPushActionsForEvent(ev);
if (actions && actions.notify) {
action: "event_notification",
event: ev,
room: room,
if (this.isEnabled()) {
this._displayPopupNotification(ev, room);
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class Tinter {
// XXX: we could just move this all into TintableSvg, but as it's so similar
// to the CSS fixup stuff in Tinter (just that the fixups are stored in TintableSvg)
// keeping it here for now.
calcSvgFixups(svgs, forceColors) {
calcSvgFixups(svgs) {
// go through manually fixing up SVG colours.
// we could do this by stylesheets, but keeping the stylesheets
// updated would be a PITA, so just brute-force search for the
@ -418,21 +418,13 @@ class Tinter {
const tag = tags[j];
for (let k = 0; k < this.svgAttrs.length; k++) {
const attr = this.svgAttrs[k];
for (let m = 0; m < this.keyHex.length; m++) { // dev note: don't use L please.
// We use a different attribute from the one we're setting
// because we may also be using forceColors. If we were to
// check the keyHex against a forceColors value, it may not
// match and therefore not change when we need it to.
const valAttrName = "mx-val-" + attr;
let attribute = tag.getAttribute(valAttrName);
if (!attribute) attribute = tag.getAttribute(attr); // fall back to the original
if (attribute && (attribute.toUpperCase() === this.keyHex[m] || attribute.toLowerCase() === this.keyRgb[m])) {
for (let l = 0; l < this.keyHex.length; l++) {
if (tag.getAttribute(attr) &&
tag.getAttribute(attr).toUpperCase() === this.keyHex[l]) {
node: tag,
attr: attr,
refAttr: valAttrName,
index: m,
forceColors: forceColors,
index: l,
@ -448,9 +440,7 @@ class Tinter {
if (DEBUG) console.log("applySvgFixups start for " + fixups);
for (let i = 0; i < fixups.length; i++) {
const svgFixup = fixups[i];
const forcedColor = svgFixup.forceColors ? svgFixup.forceColors[svgFixup.index] : null;
svgFixup.node.setAttribute(svgFixup.attr, forcedColor ? forcedColor : this.colors[svgFixup.index]);
svgFixup.node.setAttribute(svgFixup.refAttr, this.colors[svgFixup.index]);
svgFixup.node.setAttribute(svgFixup.attr, this.colors[svgFixup.index]);
if (DEBUG) console.log("applySvgFixups end");
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import { showGroupInviteDialog, showGroupAddRoomDialog } from '../../GroupAddres
import GroupStore from '../../stores/GroupStore';
import { formatCount } from '../../utils/FormattingUtils';
import MatrixClientPeg from "../../MatrixClientPeg";
class HeaderButton extends React.Component {
constructor() {
@ -50,26 +49,17 @@ class HeaderButton extends React.Component {
const TintableSvg = sdk.getComponent("elements.TintableSvg");
const AccessibleButton = sdk.getComponent("elements.AccessibleButton");
// XXX: We really shouldn't be hardcoding colors here, but the way TintableSvg
// works kinda prevents us from using normal CSS tactics. We use $warning-color
// here.
// Note: This array gets passed along to the Tinter's forceColors eventually.
const tintableColors = this.props.badgeHighlight ? ["#ff0064"] : null;
const classNames = ["mx_RightPanel_headerButton"];
if (this.props.badgeHighlight) classNames.push("mx_RightPanel_headerButton_badgeHighlight");
return <AccessibleButton
className={classNames.join(" ")}
onClick={this.onClick} >
<div className="mx_RightPanel_headerButton_badge">
{ this.props.badge ? this.props.badge : <span> </span> }
<TintableSvg src={this.props.iconSrc} width="25" height="25" forceColors={tintableColors} />
<TintableSvg src={this.props.iconSrc} width="25" height="25" />
{ this.props.isHighlighted ? <div className="mx_RightPanel_headerButton_highlight" /> : <div /> }
@ -86,7 +76,6 @@ HeaderButton.propTypes = {
// The badge to display above the icon
badge: PropTypes.node,
badgeHighlight: PropTypes.bool,
// The parameters to track the click event
analytics: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
@ -216,10 +205,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
}, 500),
onAction: function(payload) {
if (payload.action === "event_notification") {
// Try and re-caclulate any badge counts we might have
} else if (payload.action === "view_user") {
if (payload.action === "view_user") {
action: 'show_right_panel',
@ -322,14 +308,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
let headerButtons = [];
if (this.props.roomId) {
let notifCountBadge;
let notifCount = 0;
MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms().forEach(r => notifCount += (r.getUnreadNotificationCount('highlight') || 0));
if (notifCount > 0) {
const title = _t("%(count)s Notifications", {count: formatCount(notifCount)});
notifCountBadge = <div title={title}>{ formatCount(notifCount) }</div>;
headerButtons = [
<HeaderButton key="_membersButton" title={membersTitle} iconSrc="img/icons-people.svg"
isHighlighted={[this.Phase.RoomMemberList, this.Phase.RoomMemberInfo].includes(this.state.phase)}
@ -345,7 +323,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
<HeaderButton key="_notifsButton" title={_t('Notifications')} iconSrc="img/icons-notifications.svg"
isHighlighted={this.state.phase === this.Phase.NotificationPanel}
badge={notifCountBadge} badgeHighlight={notifCount > 0}
analytics={['Right Panel', 'Notification List Button', 'click']}
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ var TintableSvg = React.createClass({
width: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
height: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
className: PropTypes.string,
forceColors: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
statics: {
@ -51,12 +50,6 @@ var TintableSvg = React.createClass({
delete TintableSvg.mounts[this.id];
componentDidUpdate: function(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevProps.forceColors !== this.props.forceColors) {
tint: function() {
// TODO: only bother running this if the global tint settings have changed
// since we loaded!
@ -64,13 +57,8 @@ var TintableSvg = React.createClass({
onLoad: function(event) {
calcAndApplyFixups: function(target) {
if (!target) return;
// console.log("TintableSvg.calcAndApplyFixups for " + this.props.src);
this.fixups = Tinter.calcSvgFixups([target], this.props.forceColors);
// console.log("TintableSvg.onLoad for " + this.props.src);
this.fixups = Tinter.calcSvgFixups([event.target]);
@ -83,7 +71,6 @@ var TintableSvg = React.createClass({
Reference in New Issue