document UIFeature.ForceRoomExportParameters

Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <>
Kerry Archibald 2022-01-26 19:20:37 +01:00
parent c6c1238cef
commit 6994b7d227
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -241,3 +241,13 @@ Currently, the following UI feature flags are supported:
* `UIFeature.roomHistorySettings` - Whether or not the room history settings are shown to the user.
This should only be used if the room history visibility options are managed by the server.
* `UIFeature.TimelineEnableRelativeDates` - Display relative date separators (eg: 'Today', 'Yesterday') in the timeline for recent messages. When false day dates will be used.
* `UIFeature.ForceRoomExportParameters` - Override room export parameters. Accepts an object:
range: 'Beginning' | 'Timeline' | 'LastNMessages',
sizeMb: number,
format: 'Html' | 'PlainText' | 'Json',
numberOfMessages: number,
includeAttachments: boolean,