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Merge pull request #5610 from matrix-org/t3chguy/cherrypick/5609
[Release] Iterate Social Logins work around edge cases and brandingpull/21833/head
@ -72,14 +72,3 @@ limitations under the License.
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@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
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@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ export default class LoginComponent extends React.PureComponent<IProps, IState>
onTryRegisterClick = ev => {
const hasPasswordFlow = this.state.flows.find(flow => flow.type === "m.login.password");
const ssoFlow = this.state.flows.find(flow => flow.type === "m.login.sso" || flow.type === "m.login.cas");
const hasPasswordFlow = this.state.flows?.find(flow => flow.type === "m.login.password");
const ssoFlow = this.state.flows?.find(flow => flow.type === "m.login.sso" || flow.type === "m.login.cas");
// If has no password flow but an SSO flow guess that the user wants to register with SSO.
// TODO: instead hide the Register button if registration is disabled by checking with the server,
// has no specific errCode currently and uses M_FORBIDDEN.
Reference in New Issue