Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

Weblate 2021-08-13 16:50:31 +00:00
commit 8cd80755fa
10 changed files with 597 additions and 249 deletions

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
"Return to login screen": "Vrátit k přihlašovací obrazovce",
"%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "%(brand)s není oprávněn posílat vám oznámení zkontrolujte prosím nastavení svého prohlížeče",
"%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s nebyl oprávněn k posílání oznámení zkuste to prosím znovu",
"%(brand)s version:": "verze %(brand)s:",
"%(brand)s version:": "Verze %(brand)s:",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Místnost %(roomId)s není viditelná",
"Room Colour": "Barva místnosti",
"%(roomName)s does not exist.": "%(roomName)s neexistuje.",
@ -3564,5 +3564,32 @@
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(oneUser)s%(count)s krát změnil(a) <a>připnuté zprávy</a> místnosti.",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s%(count)s krát změnili <a>připnuté zprávy</a> místnosti.",
"Olm version:": "Verze Olm:",
"Don't send read receipts": "Neposílat potvrzení o přečtení"
"Don't send read receipts": "Neposílat potvrzení o přečtení",
"Delete avatar": "Smazat avatar",
"Created from <Community />": "Vytvořeno z <Community />",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "Skupiny nebudou dostávat další aktualizace.",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "Prostory jsou novým způsobem vytváření komunit a přibývají nové funkce.",
"Communities can now be made into Spaces": "Ze skupin lze nyní vytvořit prostory",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "Požádejte <a>správce</a> této skupiny, aby z ní udělali prostor a počkejte na pozvánku.",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "<a>Zde</a> můžete vytvořit prostor z této skupiny.",
"This description will be shown to people when they view your space": "Tento popis se zobrazí lidem při prohlížení vašeho prostoru",
"Flair won't be available in Spaces for the foreseeable future.": "Symbol příslušnosti ke skupině nebude v dohledné době dostupný ve Spaces.",
"All rooms will be added and all community members will be invited.": "Všechny místnosti budou přidány a všichni členové skupiny budou pozváni.",
"To create a Space from another community, just pick the community in Preferences.": "Chcete-li vytvořit prostor z jiné skupiny, vyberte ji v Předvolbách.",
"Show my Communities": "Zobrazit moje Skupiny",
"A link to the Space will be put in your community description.": "Odkaz na prostor bude vložen do popisu vaší skupiny.",
"Create Space from community": "Vytvořit prostor ze skupiny",
"Failed to migrate community": "Nepodařilo se převést skupinu",
"<SpaceName/> has been made and everyone who was a part of the community has been invited to it.": "<SpaceName/> byl vytvořen a všichni, kteří byli součástí skupiny, do něj byli pozváni.",
"Space created": "Prostor byl vytvořen",
"To view Spaces, hide communities in <a>Preferences</a>": "Chcete-li zobrazit Prostory, skryjte skupiny v <a>Předvolbách</a>",
"This community has been upgraded into a Space": "Tato skupina byla převedena na prostor",
"If a community isn't shown you may not have permission to convert it.": "Pokud skupina není zobrazena, nemusíte mít povolení k její konverzi.",
"You can also create a Space from a <a>community</a>.": "Prostor můžete vytvořit také ze <a>skupiny</a>.",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "Skupiny byly archivovány, aby uvolnily místo pro Prostory, ale níže můžete své skupiny převést na prostory. Převedení zajistí, že vaše konverzace budou mít nejnovější funkce.",
"Create Space": "Vytvořit prostor",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "Jaký druh prostoru chcete vytvořit?",
"Open Space": "Otevřít prostor",
"To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Chcete-li se připojit k existujícímu prostoru, potřebujete pozvánku.",
"You can change this later.": "Toto můžete změnit později."

View File

@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@
"cached locally": "kaŝmemorita loke",
"not found locally": "ne trovita loke",
"User signing private key:": "Uzantosubskriba privata ŝlosilo:",
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Klavkombinoj",
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Ŝparklavoj",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or email address.": "Komencu interparolon kun iu per ĝia nomo, uzantonomo (kiel <userId/>), aŭ retpoŝtadreso.",
"a new master key signature": "nova ĉefŝlosila subskribo",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "nova subskribo de delega ŝlosilo",
@ -3337,5 +3337,121 @@
"Identity server": "Identiga servilo",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiga servilo (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Ne povis konektiĝi al identiga servilo",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Nevalida identiga servilo (statkodo %(code)s)"
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Nevalida identiga servilo (statkodo %(code)s)",
"Silence call": "Silenta voko",
"Sound on": "Kun sono",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "Uzanto %(userId)s jam invitiĝis al la ĉambro",
"%(senderName)s changed the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room.": "%(senderName)s ŝanĝis la <a>fiksitajn mesaĝojn</a> de la ĉambro.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s forpelis uzanton %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s forpelis uzanton %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s malforbaris uzanton %(targetName)s",
"%(targetName)s left the room": "%(targetName)s foriris de la ĉambro",
"%(targetName)s left the room: %(reason)s": "%(targetName)s foriris de la ĉambro: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation": "%(targetName)s rifuzis la inviton",
"%(targetName)s joined the room": "%(targetName)s aliĝis al la ĉambro",
"%(senderName)s made no change": "%(senderName)s faris nenian ŝanĝon",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s agordis profilbildon",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s ŝanĝis sian profilbildon",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s forigis sian profilbildon",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s forigis sian prezentan nomon (%(oldDisplayName)s)",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s ŝanĝis sian prezentan nomon al %(displayName)s",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s ŝanĝis sian prezentan nomon al %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s forbaris uzanton %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s forbaris uzanton %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s akceptis inviton",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s akceptis la inviton por %(displayName)s",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Ne povis sendi iujn invitojn",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Ni sendis la aliajn, sed la ĉi-subaj personoj ne povis ricevi inviton al <RoomName/>",
"Transfer Failed": "Malsukcesis transdono",
"Unable to transfer call": "Ne povas transdoni vokon",
"Preview Space": "Antaŭrigardi aron",
"only invited people can view and join": "nur invititoj povas rigardi kaj aliĝi",
"anyone with the link can view and join": "ĉiu kun ligilo povas rigardi kaj aliĝi",
"Decide who can view and join %(spaceName)s.": "Decidu, kiu povas rigardi kaj aliĝi aron %(spaceName)s.",
"Visibility": "Videbleco",
"This may be useful for public spaces.": "Tio povas esti utila por publikaj aroj.",
"Guests can join a space without having an account.": "Gastoj povas aliĝi al aro sen konto.",
"Enable guest access": "Ŝalti aliron de gastoj",
"Failed to update the history visibility of this space": "Malsukcesis ĝisdatigi videblecon de historio de ĉi tiu aro",
"Failed to update the guest access of this space": "Malsukcesis ĝisdatigi aliron de gastoj al ĉi tiu aro",
"Failed to update the visibility of this space": "Malsukcesis ĝisdatigi la videblecon de ĉi tiu aro",
"Show all rooms": "Montri ĉiujn ĉambrojn",
"Address": "Adreso",
"e.g. my-space": "ekz. mia-aro",
"Give feedback.": "Prikomentu.",
"Thank you for trying Spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions.": "Dankon ĉar vi provas arojn. Viaj prikomentoj helpos al ni evoluigi la venontajn versiojn.",
"Spaces feedback": "Prikomentoj pri aroj",
"Spaces are a new feature.": "Aroj estas nova funkcio.",
"Delete avatar": "Forigi profilbildon",
"Mute the microphone": "Silentigi la mikrofonon",
"Unmute the microphone": "Malsilentigi la mikrofonon",
"Dialpad": "Ciferplato",
"More": "Pli",
"Show sidebar": "Montri flankan breton",
"Hide sidebar": "Kaŝi flankan breton",
"Start sharing your screen": "Ŝalti ekranvidadon",
"Stop sharing your screen": "Malŝalti ekranvidadon",
"Stop the camera": "Malŝalti la filmilon",
"Start the camera": "Ŝalti la filmilon",
"Your camera is still enabled": "Via filmilo ankoraŭ estas ŝaltita",
"Your camera is turned off": "Via filmilo estas malŝaltita",
"%(sharerName)s is presenting": "%(sharerName)s prezentas",
"You are presenting": "Vi prezentas",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Ĉirkaŭi elektitan tekston dum tajpado de specialaj signoj",
"Don't send read receipts": "Ne sendi legokonfirmojn",
"New layout switcher (with message bubbles)": "Nova baskulo de aranĝo (kun mesaĝaj vezikoj)",
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Pratipo de raportado al reguligistoj. En ĉambroj, kiuj subtenas reguligadon, la butono «raporti» povigos vin raporti misuzon al reguligistoj de ĉambro",
"This makes it easy for rooms to stay private to a space, while letting people in the space find and join them. All new rooms in a space will have this option available.": "Tio faciligas, ke ĉambroj restu privataj por aro, sed ebligas serĉadon kaj aliĝadon al personoj en tiu sama aro. Ĉiuj novaj ĉambroj en aro havos tiun ĉi elekteblon.",
"To help space members find and join a private room, go to that room's Security & Privacy settings.": "Por helpi al aranoj trovi kaj aliĝi privatan ĉambron, iru al la agordoj de Sekureco kaj Privateco de tiu ĉambro.",
"Help space members find private rooms": "Helpu aranojn trovi privatajn ĉambrojn",
"Help people in spaces to find and join private rooms": "Helpu al personoj en aroj trovi kaj aliĝi privatajn ĉambrojn",
"New in the Spaces beta": "Nove en beta-versio de aroj",
"This space has no local addresses": "Ĉi tiu aro ne havas lokajn adresojn",
"Stop recording": "Malŝalti registradon",
"Copy Room Link": "Kopii ligilon al ĉambro",
"You can now share your screen by pressing the \"screen share\" button during a call. You can even do this in audio calls if both sides support it!": "Nun vi povas vidigi vian ekranon per la butono «ekranvidado» dum voko. Vi eĉ povas fari tion dum voĉvokoj, se ambaŭ flankoj tion subtenas!",
"Screen sharing is here!": "Ekranvidado venis!",
"End-to-end encryption isn't enabled": "Tutvoja ĉifrado ne estas ŝaltita",
"Your private messages are normally encrypted, but this room isn't. Usually this is due to an unsupported device or method being used, like email invites. <a>Enable encryption in settings.</a>": "Viaj privataj mesaĝoj estas ordinare ĉifrataj, sed ĉi tiu ĉambro ne estas ĉifrata. Plej ofte tio okazas pro uzo de nesubtenataj aparato aŭ metodo, kiel ekzemple retpoŝtaj invitoj. <a>Ŝaltu ĉifradon per agordoj.</a>",
"Send voice message": "Sendi voĉmesaĝon",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "Montri %(count)s alian antaŭrigardon",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "Montri %(count)s aliajn antaŭrigardojn",
"Access": "Aliro",
"People with supported clients will be able to join the room without having a registered account.": "Personoj kun subtenataj klientoj povos aliĝi al la ĉambro sen registrita konto.",
"Decide who can join %(roomName)s.": "Decidu, kiu povas aliĝi al %(roomName)s.",
"Space members": "Aranoj",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. You can select multiple spaces.": "Ĉiu en aro povas trovi kaj aliĝi. Vi povas elekti plurajn arojn.",
"Anyone in %(spaceName)s can find and join. You can select other spaces too.": "Ĉiu en %(spaceName)s povas trovi kaj aliĝi. Vi povas elekti ankaŭ aliajn arojn.",
"Spaces with access": "Aroj kun aliro",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. <a>Edit which spaces can access here.</a>": "Ĉiu en aro povas trovi kaj aliĝi. <a>Redaktu, kiuj aroj povas aliri, tie ĉi.</a>",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|other": "Nun, %(count)s aroj rajtas aliri",
"& %(count)s more|other": "kaj %(count)s pli",
"Upgrade required": "Necesas gradaltigo",
"Anyone can find and join.": "Ĉiu povas trovi kaj aliĝi.",
"Only invited people can join.": "Nur invititoj povas aliĝi.",
"Private (invite only)": "Privata (nur invititoj)",
"This upgrade will allow members of selected spaces access to this room without an invite.": "Ĉi tiu gradaltigo povigos anojn de la elektitaj aroj aliri ĉi tiun ĉambron sen invito.",
"Space information": "Informoj pri aro",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Bildoj, GIF-bildoj kaj filmoj",
"Code blocks": "Kodujoj",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Por vidi ĉiujn ŝparklavojn, klaku ĉi tie.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Ŝparklavoj",
"Olm version:": "Versio de Olm:",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL de identiga servilo devas esti je HTTPS",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Eraris enlegado de viaj agordoj pri sciigoj.",
"Mentions & keywords": "Mencioj kaj ĉefvortoj",
"Global": "Ĉie",
"New keyword": "Nova ĉefvorto",
"Keyword": "Ĉefvorto",
"Enable email notifications for %(email)s": "Ŝalti retpoŝtajn sciigojn por %(email)s",
"Enable for this account": "Ŝalti por ĉi tiu konto",
"An error occurred whilst saving your notification preferences.": "Eraris konservado de viaj preferoj pri sciigoj.",
"Error saving notification preferences": "Eraris konservado de preferoj pri sciigoj",
"Messages containing keywords": "Mesaĝoj enhavantaj ĉefvortojn",
"Message bubbles": "Mesaĝaj vezikoj",
"IRC": "IRC",
"Collapse": "Maletendi",
"Expand": "Etendi",
"Recommended for public spaces.": "Rekomendita por publikaj aroj.",
"Allow people to preview your space before they join.": "Povigi personojn antaŭrigardi vian aron antaŭ aliĝo."

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@ -3579,5 +3579,11 @@
"More": "Veel",
"Dialpad": "Numbriklahvistik",
"Unmute the microphone": "Eemalda mikrofoni summutamine",
"Mute the microphone": "Summuta mikrofon"
"Mute the microphone": "Summuta mikrofon",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "Sellest vana tüüpi kogukonnast saad luua uue kogukonnakeskuse <a>siin</a>.",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "Palu et <a>haldaja</a> muudaks vana kogukonna uueks kogukonnakeskuseks ja oota liitumiskutset.",
"Communities can now be made into Spaces": "Vanad kogukonnad saab nüüd muuta uuteks kogukonnakeskusteks",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "Kogukonnakeskused on nüüd uus ja pidevalt täienev lahendus seniste kogukondade jaoks.",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "Kogukondade vana funktsionaalsus enam ei uuene.",
"Created from <Community />": "Loodud kogukonnas: <Community />"

View File

@ -3645,5 +3645,33 @@
"Stop sharing your screen": "Deixar de compartir a pantalla",
"Stop the camera": "Pechar a cámara",
"Start the camera": "Abrir a cámara",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Rodea o texto seleccionado ao escribir caracteres especiais"
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Rodea o texto seleccionado ao escribir caracteres especiais",
"Delete avatar": "Eliminar avatar",
"Don't send read receipts": "Non enviar confirmación de lectura",
"Flair won't be available in Spaces for the foreseeable future.": "Non agardamos que Aura esté dispoñible en Espazos no futuro.",
"Created from <Community />": "Creado desde <Community />",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "As Comunidades non van recibir máis actualizacións.",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "Os Espazos son un novo xeito de crear comunidade, con novas características por chegar.",
"Communities can now be made into Spaces": "Xa podes convertir as Comunidades en Espazos",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "Pídelle á <a>administración</a> da comunidade que a converta nun Espazo e agarda polo convite.",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "Podes crear <a>aquí</a> un Espazo a partir desta comunidade.",
"This description will be shown to people when they view your space": "Esta descrición váiselle mostrar ás persoas que vexan o teu espazo",
"All rooms will be added and all community members will be invited.": "Vanse engadir tódalas salas e tódolos membros da comunidade serán convidados.",
"A link to the Space will be put in your community description.": "Vaise pór unha ligazón ao Espazo na descrición da comunidade.",
"Create Space from community": "Crear Esapazo desde a comunidade",
"Failed to migrate community": "Fallou a migración da comunidade",
"To create a Space from another community, just pick the community in Preferences.": "Para crear un Espazo desde outra comunidade, só tes que elexir a comunidade nas Preferencias.",
"<SpaceName/> has been made and everyone who was a part of the community has been invited to it.": "<SpaceName/> foi creado e calquera que fose parte da comunidade foi convidada a el.",
"Space created": "Espazo creado",
"To view Spaces, hide communities in <a>Preferences</a>": "Para ver Espazos, agocha as comunidades en <a>Preferencias</a>",
"This community has been upgraded into a Space": "Esta comunidade foi convertida a un Espazo",
"If a community isn't shown you may not have permission to convert it.": "Se unha comunidade non aparece pode que non teñas permiso para convertila.",
"Show my Communities": "Mostrar as miñas Comunidades",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "As Comunidades foron arquivadas para facerlle sitio a Espazos pero podes convertir as túas comunidades en Espazos. Ao convertilas permites que as túas conversas teñan as últimas ferramentas.",
"Create Space": "Crear Espazo",
"Open Space": "Abrir Espazo",
"To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Para unirte a un espazo existente precisas un convite.",
"You can also create a Space from a <a>community</a>.": "Tamén podes crear un Espazo a partir dunha <a>comunidade</a>.",
"You can change this later.": "Esto poderalo cambiar máis tarde.",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "Que tipo de Espazo queres crear?"

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@ -3638,5 +3638,6 @@
"Stop sharing your screen": "Képernyőmegosztás kikapcsolása",
"Stop the camera": "Kamera kikapcsolása",
"Start the camera": "Kamera bekapcsolása",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Kijelölt szöveg körülvétele speciális karakterek beírásakor"
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Kijelölt szöveg körülvétele speciális karakterek beírásakor",
"Don't send read receipts": "Ne küldjön olvasási visszajelzést"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -3579,5 +3579,7 @@
"Unable to transfer call": "Не удалось перевести звонок",
"Olm version:": "Версия Olm:",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(oneUser)s изменил(а) <a>прикреплённые сообщения</a> в комнате %(count)s раз.",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s изменили <a>прикреплённые сообщения</a> в комнате %(count)s раз."
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s изменили <a>прикреплённые сообщения</a> в комнате %(count)s раз.",
"Delete avatar": "Удалить аватар",
"Don't send read receipts": "Не отправлять уведомления о прочтении"

View File

@ -3633,5 +3633,32 @@
"Stop sharing your screen": "Reshtni dhënien e ekranit tuaj",
"Stop the camera": "Ndale kamerën",
"Start the camera": "Nise kamerën",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Rrethoje tekstin e përzgjedhur, kur shtypen shenja speciale"
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Rrethoje tekstin e përzgjedhur, kur shtypen shenja speciale",
"Created from <Community />": "Krijuar prej <Community />",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "Për bashkësitë sdo të ketë përditësime të mëtejshme.",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "Hapësirat janë një rrugë e re për të krijuar një bashkësi, me veçori të reja së afërmi.",
"Communities can now be made into Spaces": "Tanimë bashkësitë mund të shndërrohen në Hapësira",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "Kërkojini <a>përgjegjësve</a> të kësaj bashkësie ta shndërrojnë në një Hapësirë dhe hapni sytë për ftesën.",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "<a>Këtu</a> mund të krijoni një Hapësirë prej kësaj bashkësie.",
"This description will be shown to people when they view your space": "Ky përshkrim do tu tregohet personave kur shohin hapësirën tuaj",
"All rooms will be added and all community members will be invited.": "Do të shtohen krejt dhomat dhe do të ftohen krejt anëtarët e bashkësisë.",
"A link to the Space will be put in your community description.": "Një lidhje për te Hapësira do të vendoset te përshkrimi i bashkësisë tuaj.",
"Create Space from community": "Krijo Hapësirë prej bashkësie",
"Failed to migrate community": "Su arrit të migrohej bashkësia",
"To create a Space from another community, just pick the community in Preferences.": "Që të krijoni një Hapësirë prej një bashkësie tjetër, thjesht zgjidhni bashkësinë te Parapëlqimet.",
"<SpaceName/> has been made and everyone who was a part of the community has been invited to it.": "<SpaceName/> është krijuar dhe cilido që qe pjesë e bashkësisë është ftuar në të.",
"Space created": "Hapësira u krijua",
"To view Spaces, hide communities in <a>Preferences</a>": "Që të shihni Hapësira, fshini bashkësitë te <a>Parapëlqime</a>",
"This community has been upgraded into a Space": "Kjo bashkësi është përmirësuar në një Hapësirë",
"If a community isn't shown you may not have permission to convert it.": "Nëse një bashkësi sështë shfaqur, mund të mos keni leje për ta shndërruar atë.",
"Show my Communities": "Shfaqi Bashkësitë e mia",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "Bashkësitë janë arkivuar, për tua lënë vendin Hapësirave, por mundeni, më poshtë, të shndërroni bashkësitë tuaja në Hapësira. Shndërrimi do të garantojë që bisedat tuaja të marrin veçoritë më të reja.",
"Create Space": "Krijo Hapësirë",
"Open Space": "Hap Hapësirë",
"To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Që të hyni në një hapësirë ekzistuese, ju duhet një ftesë.",
"You can also create a Space from a <a>community</a>.": "Mundeni të krijoni një Hapësirë edhe prej një <a>bashkësie</a>.",
"You can change this later.": "Këtë mund ta ndryshoni më vonë.",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": lloj Hapësire doni të krijoni?",
"Delete avatar": "Fshije avatarin",
"Don't send read receipts": "Mos dërgo dëftesa leximi"

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@ -3367,5 +3367,90 @@
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitetsserver (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kunde inte ansluta till identitetsservern",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Inte en giltig identitetsserver (statuskod %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL för identitetsserver måste vara HTTPS"
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL för identitetsserver måste vara HTTPS",
"Failed to update the history visibility of this space": "Misslyckades att uppdatera historiksynlighet för det här utrymmet",
"Failed to update the guest access of this space": "Misslyckades att uppdatera gäståtkomst för det här utrymmet",
"Failed to update the visibility of this space": "Misslyckades att uppdatera synligheten för det här utrymmet",
"Thank you for trying Spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions.": "Tack för att du prövar utrymmen. Din återkoppling kommer att underrätta kommande versioner.",
"Show all rooms": "Visa alla rum",
"To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "För att gå med i ett existerande utrymme så behöver du en inbjudan.",
"You can also create a Space from a <a>community</a>.": "Du kan också skapa ett utrymme från en <a>gemenskap</a>.",
"You can change this later.": "Du kan ändra detta senare.",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "Vad för slags utrymme vill du skapa?",
"Address": "Adress",
"e.g. my-space": "t.ex. mitt-utrymme",
"Give feedback.": "Ge återkoppling.",
"Spaces feedback": "Utrymmesåterkoppling",
"Spaces are a new feature.": "Utrymmen är en ny funktion.",
"Delete avatar": "Radera avatar",
"Mute the microphone": "Tysta mikrofonen",
"Unmute the microphone": "Avtysta mikrofonen",
"Dialpad": "Knappsats",
"More": "Mer",
"Show sidebar": "Visa sidopanel",
"Hide sidebar": "Göm sidopanel",
"Start sharing your screen": "Börja dela din skärm",
"Stop sharing your screen": "Sluta dela din skärm",
"Stop the camera": "Stoppa kameran",
"Start the camera": "Starta kameran",
"Your camera is still enabled": "Din kamera är fortfarande på",
"Your camera is turned off": "Din kamera är av",
"%(sharerName)s is presenting": "%(sharerName)s presenterar",
"You are presenting": "Du presenterar",
"All rooms you're in will appear in Home.": "Alla rum du är in kommer att visas i Hem.",
"Show all rooms in Home": "Visa alla rum i Hem",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Inneslut valt text vid skrivning av specialtecken",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Använd Ctrl + F för att söka på tidslinjen",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Använd Kommando + F för att söka på tidslinjen",
"Don't send read receipts": "Skicka inte läskvitton",
"New layout switcher (with message bubbles)": "Ny arrangemangsbytare (med meddelandebubblor)",
"Send pseudonymous analytics data": "Skicka pseudoanonym statistik",
"This makes it easy for rooms to stay private to a space, while letting people in the space find and join them. All new rooms in a space will have this option available.": "Det här gör det enkelt för rum att hållas privat för ett utrymme, medan personer i utrymmet kan hitta och gå med i det. Alla nya rum i ett utrymme kommer att ha det här tillgängligt.",
"To help space members find and join a private room, go to that room's Security & Privacy settings.": "För att hjälpa utrymmesmedlemmar att hitta och gå med i ett privat rum, gå till det rummets säkerhets- och sekretessinställningar.",
"Help space members find private rooms": "Hjälp utrymmesmedlemmar att hitta privata rum",
"Help people in spaces to find and join private rooms": "Hjälp folk i utrymmen att hitta och gå med i privata rum",
"New in the Spaces beta": "Nytt i utrymmesbetan",
"Silence call": "Tysta samtal",
"Sound on": "Ljud på",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "Användaren %(userId)s har redan bjudits in till rummet",
"Transfer Failed": "Överföring misslyckades",
"Unable to transfer call": "Kan inte överföra samtal",
"Space information": "Utrymmesinfo",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Bilder, GIF:ar och videor",
"Code blocks": "Kodblock",
"Displaying time": "Visar tid",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "För att se alla tangentbordsgenvägar, klicka här.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Tangentbordsgenvägar",
"If a community isn't shown you may not have permission to convert it.": "Om en gemenskap inte syns så kanske du inte har behörighet att se den.",
"Show my Communities": "Visa mina gemenskaper",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "Gemenskaper har arkiverats för att göra plats för utrymmen men du kan konvertera dina gemenskaper till utrymmen nedan. Konvertering säkerställer att dina konversationer får de senaste funktionerna.",
"Create Space": "Skapa utrymme",
"Open Space": "Öppna utrymme",
"Identity server is": "Identitetsserver är",
"Olm version:": "Olm-version:",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Ett fel inträffade när dina aviseringsinställningar laddades.",
"Mentions & keywords": "Omnämnanden & nyckelord",
"Global": "Globalt",
"New keyword": "Nytt nyckelord",
"Keyword": "Nyckelord",
"Enable email notifications for %(email)s": "Aktivera e-postaviseringar för %(email)s",
"Enable for this account": "Aktivera för det här kontot",
"An error occurred whilst saving your notification preferences.": "Ett fel inträffade när dina aviseringsinställningar sparades.",
"Error saving notification preferences": "Fel vid sparning av aviseringsinställningar",
"Messages containing keywords": "Meddelanden som innehåller nyckelord",
"Message bubbles": "Meddelandebubblor",
"IRC": "IRC",
"Collapse": "Kollapsa",
"Expand": "Expandera",
"Recommended for public spaces.": "Rekommenderas för offentliga utrymmen.",
"Allow people to preview your space before they join.": "Låt personer granska ditt utrymme innan de går med.",
"Preview Space": "Granska utrymme",
"only invited people can view and join": "bara inbjudna personer kan se och gå med",
"Invite only": "Endast inbjudan",
"anyone with the link can view and join": "vem som helst med länken kan se och gå med",
"Decide who can view and join %(spaceName)s.": "Bestäm vem kan se och gå med i %(spaceName)s.",
"Visibility": "Synlighet",
"This may be useful for public spaces.": "Det här kan vara användbart för ett offentligt utrymme.",
"Guests can join a space without having an account.": "Gäster kan gå med i ett utrymme utan att ha ett konto.",
"Enable guest access": "Aktivera gäståtkomst"

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@ -3648,5 +3648,33 @@
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "輸入特殊字元以環繞選取的文字",
"%(oneUser)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(oneUser)s 變更了聊天室的<a>釘選訊息</a> %(count)s 次。",
"%(severalUsers)schanged the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room %(count)s times.|other": "%(severalUsers)s 變更了聊天室的<a>釘選訊息</a> %(count)s 次。",
"Olm version:": "Olm 版本:"
"Olm version:": "Olm 版本:",
"Delete avatar": "刪除大頭照",
"Don't send read receipts": "不要傳送讀取回條",
"Created from <Community />": "從 <Community /> 建立",
"Communities won't receive further updates.": "社群不會收到進一步的更新。",
"Spaces are a new way to make a community, with new features coming.": "空間是一種建立社群的新方式,新功能即將到來。",
"Communities can now be made into Spaces": "社群現在可以變成空間了",
"Ask the <a>admins</a> of this community to make it into a Space and keep a look out for the invite.": "請要求此社群的<a>管理員</a>設定為空間並留意邀請。",
"You can create a Space from this community <a>here</a>.": "您可以從此社群<a>這裡</a>建立一個空間。",
"This description will be shown to people when they view your space": "當人們檢視您的空間時,將會向他們顯示此描述",
"Flair won't be available in Spaces for the foreseeable future.": "在可預見的未來Flair 將無法在空間中使用。",
"All rooms will be added and all community members will be invited.": "將新增所有聊天室並邀請所有社群成員。",
"A link to the Space will be put in your community description.": "空間連結將會放到您的社群描述中。",
"Create Space from community": "從社群建立空間",
"Failed to migrate community": "遷移社群失敗",
"To create a Space from another community, just pick the community in Preferences.": "要從另一個社群建立空間,僅需在「偏好設定」中挑選社群。",
"<SpaceName/> has been made and everyone who was a part of the community has been invited to it.": "已建立 <SpaceName/>,且社群中的每個人都已被邀請加入。",
"Space created": "已建立空間",
"To view Spaces, hide communities in <a>Preferences</a>": "要檢視空間,在<a>偏好設定</a>中隱藏社群",
"This community has been upgraded into a Space": "此社群已被升級為空間",
"If a community isn't shown you may not have permission to convert it.": "若未顯示社群,代表您可能無權轉換它。",
"Show my Communities": "顯示我的社群",
"Communities have been archived to make way for Spaces but you can convert your communities into Spaces below. Converting will ensure your conversations get the latest features.": "社群已封存,以便讓空間接棒,但您可以在下方將您的社群轉換為空間。轉換可確保您的對話取得最新功能。",
"Create Space": "建立空間",
"Open Space": "開啟空間",
"To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "要加入現有的空間,您必須獲得邀請。",
"You can also create a Space from a <a>community</a>.": "您也可以從<a>社群</a>建立空間。",
"You can change this later.": "您可以在稍後變更此設定。",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "您想建立什麼樣的空間?"