diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json index b2e65e3f32..34e46c6173 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json @@ -2552,5 +2552,7 @@ "Report a bug": "Einen Fehler melden", "Add comment": "Kommentar hinzufügen", "Rate %(brand)s": "%(brand)s bewerten", - "Feedback sent": "Feedback gesendet" + "Feedback sent": "Feedback gesendet", + "Takes the call in the current room off hold": "Beendet das Halten des Anrufs", + "Places the call in the current room on hold": "Den aktuellen Anruf halten" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/et.json b/src/i18n/strings/et.json index ff95a95ffe..a06458a2a1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/et.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/et.json @@ -2846,5 +2846,9 @@ "Filter rooms and people": "Otsi jututubasid ja inimesi", "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "Registreerimisega jätkamiseks vajuta e-kirjas olevat linki.", "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Saatsime kinnituskirja %(emailAddress)s aadressile", - "Start a new chat": "Alusta uut vestlust" + "Start a new chat": "Alusta uut vestlust", + "
\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important links\n
\n\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs \n
\n": "\n Tutvustamaks uutele liikmetele kogukonda, kasuta seda pikka kirjeldust\n või jaga olulist teavet viidetena\n
\n\n Pildite lisaminseks võid sa isegi kasutada img-märgendit Matrix'i url'idega \n
\n", + "Go to Home View": "Avalehele", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Selleks, et sisu saaks otsingus kasutada, puhverda krüptitud sõnumid kohalikus seadmes turvaliselt. %(rooms)s jututoa andmete salvestamiseks kulub hetkel %(size)s.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Selleks, et sisu saaks otsingus kasutada, puhverda krüptitud sõnumid kohalikus seadmes turvaliselt. %(rooms)s jututoa andmete salvestamiseks kulub hetkel %(size)s." } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json index 4f9a6f34b4..b6fc283477 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json @@ -2845,5 +2845,9 @@ "Filter rooms and people": "Fitrar salas e persoas", "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "Abre a ligazón que hai no email para continuar co rexistro.", "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Enviouse un email de confirmación a %(emailAddress)s", - "Start a new chat": "Comezar nova conversa" + "Start a new chat": "Comezar nova conversa", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Conservar na memoria local as mensaxes cifradas de xeito seguro para que aparezan nas buscas, usando %(size)s para gardar mensaxes de %(rooms)s salas.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Conservar na memoria local as mensaxes cifradas de xeito seguro para que aparezan nas buscas, usando %(size)s para gardar mensaxes de %(rooms)s salas.", + "Go to Home View": "Ir á Páxina de Inicio", + "\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important links\n
\n\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs \n
\n": "\n Usa a descrición longa para presentar a comunidade ás novas particpantes, ou publicar \nalgunha ligazón importante\n \n
\n\n Tamén podes engadir imaxes con URLs de Matrix \n
\n" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json index 4b5b85d415..4ad806f55e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json @@ -2848,5 +2848,9 @@ "Filter rooms and people": "Filtra stanze e persone", "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "Apri il link nell'email per continuare la registrazione.", "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "È stata inviata un'email di conferma a %(emailAddress)s", - "Start a new chat": "Inizia una nuova chat" + "Start a new chat": "Inizia una nuova chat", + "Go to Home View": "Vai alla vista home", + "\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important links\n
\n\n You can even add images with Matrix URLs \n
\n": "\n Usa la descrizione estesa per introdurre i nuovi membri alla comunità, o distribuisci\n alcuni link importanti\n
\n\n Puoi anche aggiungere immagini con gli URL Matrix \n
\n", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Salva in cache i messaggi cifrati localmente in modo che appaiano nei risultati di ricerca, usando %(size)s per salvarli da %(rooms)s stanza.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Salva in cache i messaggi cifrati localmente in modo che appaiano nei risultati di ricerca, usando %(size)s per salvarli da %(rooms)s stanze." } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json index aa4bfc41ca..71c277aef1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ "Visibility in Room List": "Visibilidade na lista de salas", "Visible to everyone": "Visível para todos", "Only visible to community members": "Apenas visível para participantes da comunidade", - "Filter community rooms": "Filtrar salas da comunidade", + "Filter community rooms": "Pesquisar salas da comunidade", "Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Não foi possível carregar suas comunidades.", "Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Mostrar o ícone da sua comunidade nas salas que o permitem.", "You're not currently a member of any communities.": "No momento, você não é participante de nenhuma comunidade.", @@ -2772,5 +2772,13 @@ "Uzbekistan": "Uzbequistão", "Role": "Função", "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|one": "Armazene localmente com segurança as mensagens criptografadas para que apareçam nos resultados da pesquisa, usando %(size)s para armazenar mensagens de %(count)s sala.", - "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|other": "Armazene localmente com segurança as mensagens criptografadas para que apareçam nos resultados da pesquisa, usando %(size)s para armazenar mensagens de %(count)s salas." + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|other": "Armazene localmente com segurança as mensagens criptografadas para que apareçam nos resultados da pesquisa, usando %(size)s para armazenar mensagens de %(count)s salas.", + "Filter": "Pesquisar", + "Start a new chat": "Iniciar uma nova conversa", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Armazene mensagens criptografadas de forma segura localmente para que apareçam nos resultados das buscas. %(size)s é necessário para armazenar mensagens de %(rooms)s sala.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Armazene mensagens criptografadas de forma segura localmente para que apareçam nos resultados das buscas. %(size)s é necessário para armazenar mensagens de %(rooms)s salas.", + "Filter rooms and people": "Pesquisar salas e pessoas", + "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "Abra o link no e-mail para continuar o registro.", + "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Um e-mail de confirmação foi enviado para %(emailAddress)s", + "Go to Home View": "Ir para a tela inicial" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json index 82644d85a3..29cc6292de 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json @@ -2834,5 +2834,12 @@ "Mauritania": "Mauritani", "Bangladesh": "Bangladesh", "Falkland Islands": "Ishujt Falkland", - "Sweden": "Suedi" + "Sweden": "Suedi", + "Filter rooms and people": "Filtroni dhoma dhe njerëz", + "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "Që të vazhdohet regjistrimi, hapni lidhjen te email-i.", + "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Te %(emailAddress)s u dërgua një email ripohimi", + "Role": "Rol", + "Start a new chat": "Nisni një fjalosje të re", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Ruajini lokalisht në fshehtinë në mënyrë të sigurt mesazhet e fshehtëzuar, që të shfaqen në përfundime kërkimi, duke përdorur %(size)s që të depozitoni mesazhe nga %(rooms)s dhomë.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Ruajini lokalisht në fshehtinë në mënyrë të sigurt mesazhet e fshehtëzuar, që të shfaqen në përfundime kërkimi, duke përdorur %(size)s që të depozitoni mesazhe nga %(rooms)s dhoma." } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json index d02ac268bd..2ea4ca7f47 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json @@ -2844,5 +2844,12 @@ "Places the call in the current room on hold": "在目前的聊天室撥打通話並等候接聽", "Role": "角色", "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|one": "使用 %(size)s 儲存來自 %(count)s 個聊天室的訊息,在本機安全地快取已加密的訊息以讓它們可以在搜尋結果中出現。", - "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|other": "使用 %(size)s 儲存來自 %(count)s 個聊天室的訊息,在本機安全地快取已加密的訊息以讓它們可以在搜尋結果中出現。" + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(count)s rooms.|other": "使用 %(size)s 儲存來自 %(count)s 個聊天室的訊息,在本機安全地快取已加密的訊息以讓它們可以在搜尋結果中出現。", + "Go to Home View": "轉到主視窗", + "Filter rooms and people": "過濾聊天室與人們", + "Open the link in the email to continue registration.": "開啟電子郵件中的連結以繼續註冊。", + "A confirmation email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "確認電子郵件已寄送至 %(emailAddress)s", + "Start a new chat": "開始新聊天", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "使用 %(size)s 來儲存來自 %(rooms)s 個聊天室的訊息,在本機安全地快取已加密的訊息以使其出現在搜尋結果中。", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "使用 %(size)s 來儲存來自 %(rooms)s 個聊天室的訊息,在本機安全地快取已加密的訊息以使其出現在搜尋結果中。" }