Alter comments on height: auto

Having tested Riot with the middlePanel having a height of 100%, it seems to be OK.
Luke Barnard 2017-03-07 10:22:45 +00:00
parent 66e93c8a8c
commit 9d96baa613
1 changed files with 2 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -90,19 +90,11 @@ limitations under the License.
overflow-x: auto;
/* XXX: Hack: apparently if you try to nest a flex-box
* within a non-flex-box within a flex-box, the height
* of the innermost element gets miscalculated if the
* parents are both auto. Height has to be auto here
* for RoomView to correctly fit when the Toolbar is shown.
* Ideally we'd launch straight into the RoomView at this
* point, but instead we fudge it and make the middlePanel
* flex itself.
display: flex;
/* To fix where Safari
needed height 100% all the way down to the HomePage.
needed height 100% all the way down to the HomePage. Height does not
have to be auto, empirically.
height: 100%;