mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Move groupers into their own directory (#11738)
Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com>pull/28788/head^2
@ -17,15 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import React, { createRef, ReactNode, TransitionEvent } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import classNames from "classnames";
import {
} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { Room, MatrixClient, RoomStateEvent, EventStatus, MatrixEvent, EventType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { isSupportedReceiptType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils";
import { Optional } from "matrix-events-sdk";
@ -36,24 +28,17 @@ import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../MatrixClientPeg";
import SettingsStore from "../../settings/SettingsStore";
import RoomContext, { TimelineRenderingType } from "../../contexts/RoomContext";
import { Layout } from "../../settings/enums/Layout";
import { _t } from "../../languageHandler";
import EventTile, {
} from "../views/rooms/EventTile";
import { hasText } from "../../TextForEvent";
import IRCTimelineProfileResizer from "../views/elements/IRCTimelineProfileResizer";
import DMRoomMap from "../../utils/DMRoomMap";
import NewRoomIntro from "../views/rooms/NewRoomIntro";
import HistoryTile from "../views/rooms/HistoryTile";
import defaultDispatcher from "../../dispatcher/dispatcher";
import LegacyCallEventGrouper from "./LegacyCallEventGrouper";
import WhoIsTypingTile from "../views/rooms/WhoIsTypingTile";
import ScrollPanel, { IScrollState } from "./ScrollPanel";
import GenericEventListSummary from "../views/elements/GenericEventListSummary";
import EventListSummary from "../views/elements/EventListSummary";
import DateSeparator from "../views/messages/DateSeparator";
import ErrorBoundary from "../views/elements/ErrorBoundary";
import ResizeNotifier from "../../utils/ResizeNotifier";
@ -66,16 +51,12 @@ import { IReadReceiptInfo } from "../views/rooms/ReadReceiptMarker";
import { haveRendererForEvent } from "../../events/EventTileFactory";
import { editorRoomKey } from "../../Editing";
import { hasThreadSummary } from "../../utils/EventUtils";
import { VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType } from "../../voice-broadcast";
import { BaseGrouper } from "./grouper/BaseGrouper";
import { MainGrouper } from "./grouper/MainGrouper";
import { CreationGrouper } from "./grouper/CreationGrouper";
const CONTINUATION_MAX_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
const continuedTypes = [EventType.Sticker, EventType.RoomMessage];
const groupedStateEvents = [
// check if there is a previous event and it has the same sender as this event
// and the types are the same/is in continuedTypes and the time between them is <= CONTINUATION_MAX_INTERVAL
@ -1080,348 +1061,12 @@ export default class MessagePanel extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
* Simplifies threading of event context like whether it's the last successful event we sent which cannot be determined
* by a consumer from the event alone, so has to be done by the event list processing code earlier.
interface WrappedEvent {
export interface WrappedEvent {
event: MatrixEvent;
shouldShow?: boolean;
lastSuccessfulWeSent?: boolean;
abstract class BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = (_panel: MessagePanel, _ev: WrappedEvent): boolean => true;
public events: WrappedEvent[] = [];
// events that we include in the group but then eject out and place above the group.
public ejectedEvents: WrappedEvent[] = [];
public readMarker: ReactNode;
public constructor(
public readonly panel: MessagePanel,
public readonly firstEventAndShouldShow: WrappedEvent,
public readonly prevEvent: MatrixEvent | null,
public readonly lastShownEvent: MatrixEvent | undefined,
public readonly nextEvent: WrappedEvent | null,
public readonly nextEventTile?: MatrixEvent | null,
) {
this.readMarker = panel.readMarkerForEvent(
firstEventAndShouldShow.event === lastShownEvent,
public abstract shouldGroup(ev: WrappedEvent): boolean;
public abstract add(ev: WrappedEvent): void;
public abstract getTiles(): ReactNode[];
public abstract getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent;
/* Grouper classes determine when events can be grouped together in a summary.
* Groupers should have the following methods:
* - canStartGroup (static): determines if a new group should be started with the
* given event
* - shouldGroup: determines if the given event should be added to an existing group
* - add: adds an event to an existing group (should only be called if shouldGroup
* return true)
* - getTiles: returns the tiles that represent the group
* - getNewPrevEvent: returns the event that should be used as the new prevEvent
* when determining things such as whether a date separator is necessary
// Wrap initial room creation events into a GenericEventListSummary
// Grouping only events sent by the same user that sent the `m.room.create` and only until
// the first non-state event, beacon_info event or membership event which is not regarding the sender of the `m.room.create` event
class CreationGrouper extends BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = function (_panel: MessagePanel, { event }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
return event.getType() === EventType.RoomCreate;
public shouldGroup({ event, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
const panel = this.panel;
const createEvent = this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event;
if (!shouldShow) {
return true;
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event, event.getDate())) {
return false;
const eventType = event.getType();
if (
eventType === EventType.RoomMember &&
(event.getStateKey() !== createEvent.getSender() || event.getContent()["membership"] !== "join")
) {
return false;
// beacons are not part of room creation configuration
// should be shown in timeline
if (M_BEACON_INFO.matches(eventType)) {
return false;
if (VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType === eventType) {
// always show voice broadcast info events in timeline
return false;
if (event.isState() && event.getSender() === createEvent.getSender()) {
return true;
return false;
public add(wrappedEvent: WrappedEvent): void {
const { event: ev, shouldShow } = wrappedEvent;
const panel = this.panel;
this.readMarker = this.readMarker || panel.readMarkerForEvent(ev.getId()!, ev === this.lastShownEvent);
if (!shouldShow) {
if (ev.getType() === EventType.RoomEncryption) {
} else {
public getTiles(): ReactNode[] {
// If we don't have any events to group, don't even try to group them. The logic
// below assumes that we have a group of events to deal with, but we might not if
// the events we were supposed to group were redacted.
if (!this.events || !this.events.length) return [];
const panel = this.panel;
const ret: ReactNode[] = [];
const isGrouped = true;
const createEvent = this.firstEventAndShouldShow;
const lastShownEvent = this.lastShownEvent;
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.prevEvent, createEvent.event.getDate())) {
const ts = createEvent.event.getTs();
<li key={ts + "~"}>
<DateSeparator roomId={createEvent.event.getRoomId()!} ts={ts} />
// If this m.room.create event should be shown (room upgrade) then show it before the summary
if (createEvent.shouldShow) {
// pass in the createEvent as prevEvent as well so no extra DateSeparator is rendered
ret.push(...panel.getTilesForEvent(createEvent.event, createEvent));
for (const ejected of this.ejectedEvents) {
...panel.getTilesForEvent(createEvent.event, ejected, createEvent.event === lastShownEvent, isGrouped),
const eventTiles = this.events
.map((e) => {
// In order to prevent DateSeparators from appearing in the expanded form
// of GenericEventListSummary, render each member event as if the previous
// one was itself. This way, the timestamp of the previous event === the
// timestamp of the current event, and no DateSeparator is inserted.
return panel.getTilesForEvent(e.event, e, e.event === lastShownEvent, isGrouped);
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []);
// Get sender profile from the latest event in the summary as the m.room.create doesn't contain one
const ev = this.events[this.events.length - 1].event;
let summaryText: string;
const roomId = ev.getRoomId();
const creator = ev.sender?.name ?? ev.getSender();
if (roomId && DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(roomId)) {
summaryText = _t("timeline|creation_summary_dm", { creator });
} else {
summaryText = _t("timeline|creation_summary_room", { creator });
ret.push(<NewRoomIntro key="newroomintro" />);
events={this.events.map((e) => e.event)}
onToggle={panel.onHeightChanged} // Update scroll state
summaryMembers={ev.sender ? [ev.sender] : undefined}
if (this.readMarker) {
return ret;
public getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent {
return this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event;
// Wrap consecutive grouped events in a ListSummary
class MainGrouper extends BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = function (panel: MessagePanel, { event: ev, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
if (!shouldShow) return false;
if (ev.isState() && groupedStateEvents.includes(ev.getType() as EventType)) {
return true;
if (ev.isRedacted()) {
return true;
if (panel.showHiddenEvents && !panel.shouldShowEvent(ev, true)) {
return true;
return false;
public constructor(
public readonly panel: MessagePanel,
public readonly firstEventAndShouldShow: WrappedEvent,
public readonly prevEvent: MatrixEvent | null,
public readonly lastShownEvent: MatrixEvent | undefined,
nextEvent: WrappedEvent | null,
nextEventTile: MatrixEvent | null,
) {
super(panel, firstEventAndShouldShow, prevEvent, lastShownEvent, nextEvent, nextEventTile);
this.events = [firstEventAndShouldShow];
public shouldGroup({ event: ev, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
if (!shouldShow) {
// absorb hidden events so that they do not break up streams of messages & redaction events being grouped
return true;
if (this.panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.events[0].event, ev.getDate())) {
return false;
if (ev.isState() && groupedStateEvents.includes(ev.getType() as EventType)) {
return true;
if (ev.isRedacted()) {
return true;
if (this.panel.showHiddenEvents && !this.panel.shouldShowEvent(ev, true)) {
return true;
return false;
public add(wrappedEvent: WrappedEvent): void {
const { event: ev, shouldShow } = wrappedEvent;
if (ev.getType() === EventType.RoomMember) {
// We can ignore any events that don't actually have a message to display
if (!hasText(ev, MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(), this.panel.showHiddenEvents)) return;
this.readMarker = this.readMarker || this.panel.readMarkerForEvent(ev.getId()!, ev === this.lastShownEvent);
if (!this.panel.showHiddenEvents && !shouldShow) {
// absorb hidden events to not split the summary
private generateKey(): string {
return "eventlistsummary-" + this.events[0].event.getId();
public getTiles(): ReactNode[] {
// If we don't have any events to group, don't even try to group them. The logic
// below assumes that we have a group of events to deal with, but we might not if
// the events we were supposed to group were redacted.
if (!this.events?.length) return [];
const isGrouped = true;
const panel = this.panel;
const lastShownEvent = this.lastShownEvent;
const ret: ReactNode[] = [];
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.prevEvent, this.events[0].event.getDate())) {
const ts = this.events[0].event.getTs();
<li key={ts + "~"}>
<DateSeparator roomId={this.events[0].event.getRoomId()!} ts={ts} />
// Ensure that the key of the EventListSummary does not change with new events in either direction.
// This will prevent it from being re-created unnecessarily, and instead will allow new props to be provided.
// In turn, the shouldComponentUpdate method on ELS can be used to prevent unnecessary renderings.
const keyEvent = this.events.find((e) => this.panel.grouperKeyMap.get(e.event));
const key =
keyEvent && this.panel.grouperKeyMap.has(keyEvent.event)
? this.panel.grouperKeyMap.get(keyEvent.event)!
: this.generateKey();
if (!keyEvent) {
// Populate the weak map with the key.
// Note that we only set the key on the specific event it refers to, since this group might get
// split up in the future by other intervening events. If we were to set the key on all events
// currently in the group, we would risk later giving the same key to multiple groups.
this.panel.grouperKeyMap.set(this.events[0].event, key);
let highlightInSummary = false;
let eventTiles: ReactNode[] | null = this.events
.map((e, i) => {
if (e.event.getId() === panel.props.highlightedEventId) {
highlightInSummary = true;
return panel.getTilesForEvent(
i === 0 ? this.prevEvent : this.events[i - 1].event,
e.event === lastShownEvent,
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []);
if (eventTiles.length === 0) {
eventTiles = null;
// If a membership event is the start of visible history, tell the user
// why they can't see earlier messages
if (!this.panel.props.canBackPaginate && !this.prevEvent) {
ret.push(<HistoryTile key="historytile" />);
events={this.events.map((e) => e.event)}
onToggle={panel.onHeightChanged} // Update scroll state
if (this.readMarker) {
return ret;
public getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent {
return this.events[this.events.length - 1].event;
// all the grouper classes that we use, ordered by priority
const groupers = [CreationGrouper, MainGrouper];
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import MessagePanel, { WrappedEvent } from "../MessagePanel";
/* Grouper classes determine when events can be grouped together in a summary.
* Groupers should have the following methods:
* - canStartGroup (static): determines if a new group should be started with the
* given event
* - shouldGroup: determines if the given event should be added to an existing group
* - add: adds an event to an existing group (should only be called if shouldGroup
* return true)
* - getTiles: returns the tiles that represent the group
* - getNewPrevEvent: returns the event that should be used as the new prevEvent
* when determining things such as whether a date separator is necessary
export abstract class BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = (_panel: MessagePanel, _ev: WrappedEvent): boolean => true;
public events: WrappedEvent[] = [];
// events that we include in the group but then eject out and place above the group.
public ejectedEvents: WrappedEvent[] = [];
public readMarker: ReactNode;
public constructor(
public readonly panel: MessagePanel,
public readonly firstEventAndShouldShow: WrappedEvent,
public readonly prevEvent: MatrixEvent | null,
public readonly lastShownEvent: MatrixEvent | undefined,
public readonly nextEvent: WrappedEvent | null,
public readonly nextEventTile?: MatrixEvent | null,
) {
this.readMarker = panel.readMarkerForEvent(
firstEventAndShouldShow.event === lastShownEvent,
public abstract shouldGroup(ev: WrappedEvent): boolean;
public abstract add(ev: WrappedEvent): void;
public abstract getTiles(): ReactNode[];
public abstract getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent;
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
import { EventType, M_BEACON_INFO, MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { BaseGrouper } from "./BaseGrouper";
import MessagePanel, { WrappedEvent } from "../MessagePanel";
import { VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType } from "../../../voice-broadcast";
import DMRoomMap from "../../../utils/DMRoomMap";
import { _t } from "../../../languageHandler";
import DateSeparator from "../../views/messages/DateSeparator";
import NewRoomIntro from "../../views/rooms/NewRoomIntro";
import GenericEventListSummary from "../../views/elements/GenericEventListSummary";
// Wrap initial room creation events into a GenericEventListSummary
// Grouping only events sent by the same user that sent the `m.room.create` and only until
// the first non-state event, beacon_info event or membership event which is not regarding the sender of the `m.room.create` event
export class CreationGrouper extends BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = function (_panel: MessagePanel, { event }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
return event.getType() === EventType.RoomCreate;
public shouldGroup({ event, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
const panel = this.panel;
const createEvent = this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event;
if (!shouldShow) {
return true;
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event, event.getDate())) {
return false;
const eventType = event.getType();
if (
eventType === EventType.RoomMember &&
(event.getStateKey() !== createEvent.getSender() || event.getContent()["membership"] !== "join")
) {
return false;
// beacons are not part of room creation configuration
// should be shown in timeline
if (M_BEACON_INFO.matches(eventType)) {
return false;
if (VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType === eventType) {
// always show voice broadcast info events in timeline
return false;
if (event.isState() && event.getSender() === createEvent.getSender()) {
return true;
return false;
public add(wrappedEvent: WrappedEvent): void {
const { event: ev, shouldShow } = wrappedEvent;
const panel = this.panel;
this.readMarker = this.readMarker || panel.readMarkerForEvent(ev.getId()!, ev === this.lastShownEvent);
if (!shouldShow) {
if (ev.getType() === EventType.RoomEncryption) {
} else {
public getTiles(): ReactNode[] {
// If we don't have any events to group, don't even try to group them. The logic
// below assumes that we have a group of events to deal with, but we might not if
// the events we were supposed to group were redacted.
if (!this.events || !this.events.length) return [];
const panel = this.panel;
const ret: ReactNode[] = [];
const isGrouped = true;
const createEvent = this.firstEventAndShouldShow;
const lastShownEvent = this.lastShownEvent;
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.prevEvent, createEvent.event.getDate())) {
const ts = createEvent.event.getTs();
<li key={ts + "~"}>
<DateSeparator roomId={createEvent.event.getRoomId()!} ts={ts} />
// If this m.room.create event should be shown (room upgrade) then show it before the summary
if (createEvent.shouldShow) {
// pass in the createEvent as prevEvent as well so no extra DateSeparator is rendered
ret.push(...panel.getTilesForEvent(createEvent.event, createEvent));
for (const ejected of this.ejectedEvents) {
...panel.getTilesForEvent(createEvent.event, ejected, createEvent.event === lastShownEvent, isGrouped),
const eventTiles = this.events
.map((e) => {
// In order to prevent DateSeparators from appearing in the expanded form
// of GenericEventListSummary, render each member event as if the previous
// one was itself. This way, the timestamp of the previous event === the
// timestamp of the current event, and no DateSeparator is inserted.
return panel.getTilesForEvent(e.event, e, e.event === lastShownEvent, isGrouped);
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []);
// Get sender profile from the latest event in the summary as the m.room.create doesn't contain one
const ev = this.events[this.events.length - 1].event;
let summaryText: string;
const roomId = ev.getRoomId();
const creator = ev.sender?.name ?? ev.getSender();
if (roomId && DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(roomId)) {
summaryText = _t("timeline|creation_summary_dm", { creator });
} else {
summaryText = _t("timeline|creation_summary_room", { creator });
ret.push(<NewRoomIntro key="newroomintro" />);
events={this.events.map((e) => e.event)}
onToggle={panel.onHeightChanged} // Update scroll state
summaryMembers={ev.sender ? [ev.sender] : undefined}
if (this.readMarker) {
return ret;
public getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent {
return this.firstEventAndShouldShow.event;
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
import { EventType, MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import type MessagePanel from "../MessagePanel";
import type { WrappedEvent } from "../MessagePanel";
import { BaseGrouper } from "./BaseGrouper";
import { hasText } from "../../../TextForEvent";
import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../MatrixClientPeg";
import DateSeparator from "../../views/messages/DateSeparator";
import HistoryTile from "../../views/rooms/HistoryTile";
import EventListSummary from "../../views/elements/EventListSummary";
const groupedStateEvents = [
// Wrap consecutive grouped events in a ListSummary
export class MainGrouper extends BaseGrouper {
public static canStartGroup = function (panel: MessagePanel, { event: ev, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
if (!shouldShow) return false;
if (ev.isState() && groupedStateEvents.includes(ev.getType() as EventType)) {
return true;
if (ev.isRedacted()) {
return true;
if (panel.showHiddenEvents && !panel.shouldShowEvent(ev, true)) {
return true;
return false;
public constructor(
public readonly panel: MessagePanel,
public readonly firstEventAndShouldShow: WrappedEvent,
public readonly prevEvent: MatrixEvent | null,
public readonly lastShownEvent: MatrixEvent | undefined,
nextEvent: WrappedEvent | null,
nextEventTile: MatrixEvent | null,
) {
super(panel, firstEventAndShouldShow, prevEvent, lastShownEvent, nextEvent, nextEventTile);
this.events = [firstEventAndShouldShow];
public shouldGroup({ event: ev, shouldShow }: WrappedEvent): boolean {
if (!shouldShow) {
// absorb hidden events so that they do not break up streams of messages & redaction events being grouped
return true;
if (this.panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.events[0].event, ev.getDate())) {
return false;
if (ev.isState() && groupedStateEvents.includes(ev.getType() as EventType)) {
return true;
if (ev.isRedacted()) {
return true;
if (this.panel.showHiddenEvents && !this.panel.shouldShowEvent(ev, true)) {
return true;
return false;
public add(wrappedEvent: WrappedEvent): void {
const { event: ev, shouldShow } = wrappedEvent;
if (ev.getType() === EventType.RoomMember) {
// We can ignore any events that don't actually have a message to display
if (!hasText(ev, MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(), this.panel.showHiddenEvents)) return;
this.readMarker = this.readMarker || this.panel.readMarkerForEvent(ev.getId()!, ev === this.lastShownEvent);
if (!this.panel.showHiddenEvents && !shouldShow) {
// absorb hidden events to not split the summary
private generateKey(): string {
return "eventlistsummary-" + this.events[0].event.getId();
public getTiles(): ReactNode[] {
// If we don't have any events to group, don't even try to group them. The logic
// below assumes that we have a group of events to deal with, but we might not if
// the events we were supposed to group were redacted.
if (!this.events?.length) return [];
const isGrouped = true;
const panel = this.panel;
const lastShownEvent = this.lastShownEvent;
const ret: ReactNode[] = [];
if (panel.wantsDateSeparator(this.prevEvent, this.events[0].event.getDate())) {
const ts = this.events[0].event.getTs();
<li key={ts + "~"}>
<DateSeparator roomId={this.events[0].event.getRoomId()!} ts={ts} />
// Ensure that the key of the EventListSummary does not change with new events in either direction.
// This will prevent it from being re-created unnecessarily, and instead will allow new props to be provided.
// In turn, the shouldComponentUpdate method on ELS can be used to prevent unnecessary renderings.
const keyEvent = this.events.find((e) => this.panel.grouperKeyMap.get(e.event));
const key =
keyEvent && this.panel.grouperKeyMap.has(keyEvent.event)
? this.panel.grouperKeyMap.get(keyEvent.event)!
: this.generateKey();
if (!keyEvent) {
// Populate the weak map with the key.
// Note that we only set the key on the specific event it refers to, since this group might get
// split up in the future by other intervening events. If we were to set the key on all events
// currently in the group, we would risk later giving the same key to multiple groups.
this.panel.grouperKeyMap.set(this.events[0].event, key);
let highlightInSummary = false;
let eventTiles: ReactNode[] | null = this.events
.map((e, i) => {
if (e.event.getId() === panel.props.highlightedEventId) {
highlightInSummary = true;
return panel.getTilesForEvent(
i === 0 ? this.prevEvent : this.events[i - 1].event,
e.event === lastShownEvent,
.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []);
if (eventTiles.length === 0) {
eventTiles = null;
// If a membership event is the start of visible history, tell the user
// why they can't see earlier messages
if (!this.panel.props.canBackPaginate && !this.prevEvent) {
ret.push(<HistoryTile key="historytile" />);
events={this.events.map((e) => e.event)}
onToggle={panel.onHeightChanged} // Update scroll state
if (this.readMarker) {
return ret;
public getNewPrevEvent(): MatrixEvent {
return this.events[this.events.length - 1].event;
Reference in New Issue