Don't show the 'verify' button if the user is verified

Which is more in keeping with the designs (and we can do this now
that the new user info panel is only enabled with cross signing).
David Baker 2019-12-20 16:51:50 +00:00
parent b998e6ffe8
commit a928b33f27
1 changed files with 10 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1286,11 +1286,20 @@ const UserInfo = ({user, groupId, roomId, onClose}) => {
const devicesSection = isRoomEncrypted ?
(<DevicesSection loading={devices === undefined} devices={devices} userId={user.userId} />) : null;
const userVerified = cli.checkUserTrust(user.userId).isVerified();
let verifyButton;
if (!userVerified) {
verifyButton = <AccessibleButton className="mx_UserInfo_verify" onClick={() => verifyDevice(user.userId, null)}>
const securitySection = (
<div className="mx_UserInfo_container">
<h3>{ _t("Security") }</h3>
<p>{ text }</p>
<AccessibleButton className="mx_UserInfo_verify" onClick={() => verifyDevice(user.userId, null)}>{_t("Verify")}</AccessibleButton>
{ devicesSection }