Support adding phone numbers in UserSettings

David Baker 2017-03-16 14:56:26 +00:00
parent 67757a16f3
commit af8c3edba6
2 changed files with 181 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -51,11 +52,35 @@ class AddThreepid {
* Attempt to add a msisdn threepid. This will trigger a side-effect of
* sending a test message to the provided phone number.
* @param {string} emailAddress The email address to add
* @param {boolean} bind If True, bind this phone number to this mxid on the Identity Server
* @return {Promise} Resolves when the text message has been sent. Then call haveMsisdnToken().
addMsisdn(phoneCountry, phoneNumber, bind) {
this.bind = bind;
return MatrixClientPeg.get().requestAdd3pidMsisdnToken(
phoneCountry, phoneNumber, this.clientSecret, 1,
).then((res) => {
this.sessionId = res.sid;
return res;
}, function(err) {
if (err.errcode == 'M_THREEPID_IN_USE') {
err.message = "This phone number is already in use";
} else if (err.httpStatus) {
err.message = err.message + ` (Status ${err.httpStatus})`;
throw err;
* Checks if the email link has been clicked by attempting to add the threepid
* @return {Promise} Resolves if the password was reset. Rejects with an object
* @return {Promise} Resolves if the email address was added. Rejects with an object
* with a "message" property which contains a human-readable message detailing why
* the reset failed, e.g. "There is no mapped matrix user ID for the given email address".
* the request failed.
checkEmailLinkClicked() {
var identityServerDomain = MatrixClientPeg.get().idBaseUrl.split("://")[1];
@ -73,6 +98,29 @@ class AddThreepid {
throw err;
* Takes a phone number verification code as entered by the user and validates
* it with the ID server, then if successful, adds the phone number.
* @return {Promise} Resolves if the email address was added. Rejects with an object
* with a "message" property which contains a human-readable message detailing why
* the request failed.
haveMsisdnToken(token) {
return MatrixClientPeg.get().submitMsisdnToken(
this.sessionId, this.clientSecret, token,
).then((result) => {
if (result.errcode) {
throw result;
const identityServerDomain = MatrixClientPeg.get().idBaseUrl.split("://")[1];
return MatrixClientPeg.get().addThreePid({
sid: this.sessionId,
client_secret: this.clientSecret,
id_server: identityServerDomain
}, this.bind);
module.exports = AddThreepid;

View File

@ -132,13 +132,17 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
threePids: [],
phase: "UserSettings.LOADING", // LOADING, DISPLAY
email_add_pending: false,
msisdn_add_pending: false,
vectorVersion: null,
rejectingInvites: false,
phoneCountry: null,
phoneNumber: "",
componentWillMount: function() {
this._unmounted = false;
this._addThreepid = null;
if (PlatformPeg.get()) {
q().then(() => {
@ -214,6 +218,14 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
_onPhoneCountryChange: function(phoneCountry) {
this.setState({ phoneCountry: phoneCountry });
_onPhoneNumberChange: function(ev) {
this.setState({ phoneNumber: });
onAction: function(payload) {
if (payload.action === "notifier_enabled") {
@ -315,12 +327,26 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
onAddThreepidClicked: function(value, shouldSubmit) {
_onAddEmailEditFinished: function(value, shouldSubmit) {
if (!shouldSubmit) return;
_onAddMsisdnEditFinished: function(value, shouldSubmit) {
if (!shouldSubmit) return;
_onAddMsisdnSubmit: function(ev) {
_addEmail: function() {
var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
var QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog");
var email_address = this.refs.add_threepid_input.value;
var email_address = this.refs.add_email_input.value;
if (!Email.looksValid(email_address)) {
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Invalid Email Address",
@ -328,10 +354,10 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
this.add_threepid = new AddThreepid();
this._addThreepid = new AddThreepid();
// we always bind emails when registering, so let's do the
// same here.
this.add_threepid.addEmailAddress(email_address, true).done(() => {
this._addThreepid.addEmailAddress(email_address, true).done(() => {
Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, {
title: "Verification Pending",
description: "Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.",
@ -346,10 +372,69 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
description: "Unable to add email address"
this.setState({email_add_pending: true});
_addMsisdn: function() {
const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog");
this._addThreepid = new AddThreepid();
// we always phone numbers when registering, so let's do the
// same here.
this._addThreepid.addMsisdn(this.state.phoneCountry, this.state.phoneNumber, true).then((resp) => {
}).catch((err) => {
console.error("Unable to add phone number: " + err);
let msg = err.message;
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Error",
description: msg,
}).finally(() => {
this.setState({msisdn_add_pending: false});
this.setState({msisdn_add_pending: true});
_promptForMsisdnVerificationCode(msisdn, err) {
const TextInputDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.TextInputDialog");
let msgElements = [
<div>A text message has been sent to +{msisdn}.
Please enter the verification code it contains</div>
if (err) {
let msg = err.error;
if (err.errcode == 'M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED') {
msg = "Incorrect verification code";
msgElements.push(<div className="error">{msg}</div>);
Modal.createDialog(TextInputDialog, {
title: "Enter Code",
description: <div>{msgElements}</div>,
button: "Submit",
onFinished: (should_verify, token) => {
if (!should_verify) {
this._addThreepid = null;
this.setState({msisdn_add_pending: true});
this._addThreepid.haveMsisdnToken(token).then(() => {
this._addThreepid = null;
this.setState({phoneNumber: ''});
return this._refreshFromServer();
}).catch((err) => {
this._promptForMsisdnVerificationCode(msisdn, err);
}).finally(() => {
this.setState({msisdn_add_pending: false});
onRemoveThreepidClicked: function(threepid) {
const QuestionDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.QuestionDialog");
Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, {
@ -385,8 +470,8 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
verifyEmailAddress: function() {
this.add_threepid.checkEmailLinkClicked().done(() => {
this.add_threepid = undefined;
this._addThreepid.checkEmailLinkClicked().done(() => {
this._addThreepid = null;
phase: "UserSettings.LOADING",
@ -795,30 +880,61 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var addThreepidSection;
let addEmailSection;
let addMsisdnSection;
if (this.state.email_add_pending) {
addThreepidSection = <Loader />;
addEmailSection = <Loader key="_email_add_spinner" />;
} else if (!MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) {
addThreepidSection = (
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileTableRow" key="new">
addEmailSection = (
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileTableRow" key="_newEmail">
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileLabelCell">
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileInputCell">
placeholder={ "Add email address" }
blurToCancel={ false }
onValueChanged={ this.onAddThreepidClicked } />
onValueChanged={ this._onAddEmailEditFinished } />
<div className="mx_UserSettings_threepidButton mx_filterFlipColor">
<img src="img/plus.svg" width="14" height="14" alt="Add" onClick={ this.onAddThreepidClicked.bind(this, undefined, true) }/>
<img src="img/plus.svg" width="14" height="14" alt="Add" onClick={this._addEmail} />
if (this.state.msisdn_add_pending) {
addMsisdnSection = <Loader key="_msisdn_add_spinner" />;
} else if (!MatrixClientPeg.get().isGuest()) {
const CountryDropdown = sdk.getComponent('views.login.CountryDropdown');
addMsisdnSection = (
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileTableRow" key="_newMsisdn">
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileLabelCell">
<div className="mx_UserSettings_profileInputCell">
<form className="mx_Login_phoneSection" onSubmit={this._onAddMsisdnSubmit}>
<CountryDropdown ref="phone_country" onOptionChange={this._onPhoneCountryChange}
<input type="text" ref="phoneNumber"
placeholder="Add phone number"
<div className="mx_UserSettings_threepidButton mx_filterFlipColor">
<img src="img/plus.svg" width="14" height="14" alt="Add" onClick={this._addMsisdn} />
var accountJsx;