diff --git a/cypress/e2e/15-polls/polls.spec.ts b/cypress/e2e/15-polls/polls.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecfd4af90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/e2e/15-polls/polls.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import { PollResponseEvent } from "matrix-events-sdk";
+import { SynapseInstance } from "../../plugins/synapsedocker";
+import { MatrixClient } from "../../global";
+import Chainable = Cypress.Chainable;
+const hideTimestampCSS = ".mx_MessageTimestamp { visibility: hidden !important; }";
+describe("Polls", () => {
+ let synapse: SynapseInstance;
+ type CreatePollOptions = {
+ title: string;
+ options: string[];
+ };
+ const createPoll = ({ title, options }: CreatePollOptions) => {
+ if (options.length < 2) {
+ throw new Error('Poll must have at least two options');
+ }
+ cy.get('.mx_PollCreateDialog').within((pollCreateDialog) => {
+ cy.get('#poll-topic-input').type(title);
+ options.forEach((option, index) => {
+ const optionId = `#pollcreate_option_${index}`;
+ // click 'add option' button if needed
+ if (pollCreateDialog.find(optionId).length === 0) {
+ cy.get('.mx_PollCreateDialog_addOption').scrollIntoView().click();
+ }
+ cy.get(optionId).scrollIntoView().type(option);
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get('.mx_Dialog button[type="submit"]').click();
+ };
+ const getPollTile = (pollId: string): Chainable => {
+ return cy.get(`.mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens="${pollId}"]`);
+ };
+ const getPollOption = (pollId: string, optionText: string): Chainable => {
+ return getPollTile(pollId).contains('.mx_MPollBody_option .mx_StyledRadioButton', optionText);
+ };
+ const expectPollOptionVoteCount = (pollId: string, optionText: string, votes: number): void => {
+ getPollOption(pollId, optionText).within(() => {
+ cy.get('.mx_MPollBody_optionVoteCount').should('contain', `${votes} vote`);
+ });
+ };
+ const botVoteForOption = (bot: MatrixClient, roomId: string, pollId: string, optionText: string): void => {
+ getPollOption(pollId, optionText).within(ref => {
+ cy.get('input[type="radio"]').invoke('attr', 'value').then(optionId => {
+ const pollVote = PollResponseEvent.from([optionId], pollId).serialize();
+ bot.sendEvent(
+ roomId,
+ pollVote.type,
+ pollVote.content,
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.enableLabsFeature("feature_thread");
+ cy.window().then(win => {
+ win.localStorage.setItem("mx_lhs_size", "0"); // Collapse left panel for these tests
+ });
+ cy.startSynapse("default").then(data => {
+ synapse = data;
+ cy.initTestUser(synapse, "Tom");
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cy.stopSynapse(synapse);
+ });
+ it("Open polls can be created and voted in", () => {
+ let bot: MatrixClient;
+ cy.getBot(synapse, { displayName: "BotBob" }).then(_bot => {
+ bot = _bot;
+ });
+ let roomId: string;
+ cy.createRoom({}).then(_roomId => {
+ roomId = _roomId;
+ cy.inviteUser(roomId, bot.getUserId());
+ cy.visit('/#/room/' + roomId);
+ });
+ cy.openMessageComposerOptions().within(() => {
+ cy.get('[aria-label="Poll"]').click();
+ });
+ cy.get('.mx_CompoundDialog').percySnapshotElement('Polls Composer');
+ const pollParams = {
+ title: 'Does the polls feature work?',
+ options: ['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'],
+ };
+ createPoll(pollParams);
+ // Wait for message to send, get its ID and save as @pollId
+ cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile").contains(".mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens]", pollParams.title)
+ .invoke("attr", "data-scroll-tokens").as("pollId");
+ cy.get("@pollId").then(pollId => {
+ getPollTile(pollId).percySnapshotElement('Polls Timeline tile - no votes', { percyCSS: hideTimestampCSS });
+ // Bot votes 'Maybe' in the poll
+ botVoteForOption(bot, roomId, pollId, pollParams.options[2]);
+ // no votes shown until I vote, check bots vote has arrived
+ cy.get('.mx_MPollBody_totalVotes').should('contain', '1 vote cast');
+ // vote 'Maybe'
+ getPollOption(pollId, pollParams.options[2]).click('topLeft');
+ // both me and bot have voted Maybe
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 2);
+ // change my vote to 'Yes'
+ getPollOption(pollId, pollParams.options[0]).click('topLeft');
+ // 1 vote for yes
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[0], 1);
+ // 1 vote for maybe
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 1);
+ // Bot updates vote to 'No'
+ botVoteForOption(bot, roomId, pollId, pollParams.options[1]);
+ // 1 vote for yes
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[0], 1);
+ // 1 vote for no
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[0], 1);
+ // 0 for maybe
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 0);
+ });
+ });
+ it("displays polls correctly in thread panel", () => {
+ let botBob: MatrixClient;
+ let botCharlie: MatrixClient;
+ cy.getBot(synapse, { displayName: "BotBob" }).then(_bot => {
+ botBob = _bot;
+ });
+ cy.getBot(synapse, { displayName: "BotCharlie" }).then(_bot => {
+ botCharlie = _bot;
+ });
+ let roomId: string;
+ cy.createRoom({}).then(_roomId => {
+ roomId = _roomId;
+ cy.inviteUser(roomId, botBob.getUserId());
+ cy.inviteUser(roomId, botCharlie.getUserId());
+ cy.visit('/#/room/' + roomId);
+ });
+ cy.openMessageComposerOptions().within(() => {
+ cy.get('[aria-label="Poll"]').click();
+ });
+ const pollParams = {
+ title: 'Does the polls feature work?',
+ options: ['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe'],
+ };
+ createPoll(pollParams);
+ // Wait for message to send, get its ID and save as @pollId
+ cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile").contains(".mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens]", pollParams.title)
+ .invoke("attr", "data-scroll-tokens").as("pollId");
+ cy.get("@pollId").then(pollId => {
+ // Bob starts thread on the poll
+ botBob.sendMessage(roomId, pollId, {
+ body: "Hello there",
+ msgtype: "m.text",
+ });
+ // open the thread summary
+ cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_ThreadSummary").click();
+ // Bob votes 'Maybe' in the poll
+ botVoteForOption(botBob, roomId, pollId, pollParams.options[2]);
+ // Charlie votes 'No'
+ botVoteForOption(botCharlie, roomId, pollId, pollParams.options[1]);
+ // no votes shown until I vote, check votes have arrived in main tl
+ cy.get('.mx_RoomView_body .mx_MPollBody_totalVotes').should('contain', '2 votes cast');
+ // and thread view
+ cy.get('.mx_ThreadView .mx_MPollBody_totalVotes').should('contain', '2 votes cast');
+ cy.get('.mx_RoomView_body').within(() => {
+ // vote 'Maybe' in the main timeline poll
+ getPollOption(pollId, pollParams.options[2]).click('topLeft');
+ // both me and bob have voted Maybe
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 2);
+ });
+ cy.get('.mx_ThreadView').within(() => {
+ // votes updated in thread view too
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 2);
+ // change my vote to 'Yes'
+ getPollOption(pollId, pollParams.options[0]).click('topLeft');
+ });
+ // Bob updates vote to 'No'
+ botVoteForOption(botBob, roomId, pollId, pollParams.options[1]);
+ // me: yes, bob: no, charlie: no
+ const expectVoteCounts = () => {
+ // I voted yes
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[0], 1);
+ // Bob and Charlie voted no
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[1], 2);
+ // 0 for maybe
+ expectPollOptionVoteCount(pollId, pollParams.options[2], 0);
+ };
+ // check counts are correct in main timeline tile
+ cy.get('.mx_RoomView_body').within(() => {
+ expectVoteCounts();
+ });
+ // and in thread view tile
+ cy.get('.mx_ThreadView').within(() => {
+ expectVoteCounts();
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress/support/composer.ts b/cypress/support/composer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae6c8bef87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/composer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import Chainable = Cypress.Chainable;
+declare global {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
+ namespace Cypress {
+ interface Chainable {
+ // Get the composer element
+ // selects main timeline composer by default
+ // set `isRightPanel` true to select right panel composer
+ getComposer(isRightPanel?: boolean): Chainable;
+ // Open the message composer kebab menu
+ openMessageComposerOptions(isRightPanel?: boolean): Chainable;
+ }
+ }
+Cypress.Commands.add("getComposer", (isRightPanel?: boolean): Chainable => {
+ const panelClass = isRightPanel ? '.mx_RightPanel' : '.mx_RoomView_body';
+ return cy.get(`${panelClass} .mx_MessageComposer`);
+Cypress.Commands.add("openMessageComposerOptions", (isRightPanel?: boolean): Chainable => {
+ cy.getComposer(isRightPanel).within(() => {
+ cy.get('[aria-label="More options"]').click();
+ });
+ return cy.get('.mx_MessageComposer_Menu');
+// Needed to make this file a module
+export { };
diff --git a/cypress/support/e2e.ts b/cypress/support/e2e.ts
index 18445d8d04..faff9a8363 100644
--- a/cypress/support/e2e.ts
+++ b/cypress/support/e2e.ts
@@ -35,3 +35,4 @@ import "./views";
import "./iframes";
import "./timeline";
import "./network";
+import "./composer";