Update translation files

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate.

Translation: Element Web/matrix-react-sdk
Translate-URL: https://translate.element.io/projects/element-web/matrix-react-sdk/
Weblate 2023-03-02 17:37:18 +00:00
parent 25ca47885f
commit d405090a98
41 changed files with 0 additions and 247 deletions

View File

@ -659,7 +659,6 @@
"Profile picture": "الصورة الشخصية",
"Display Name": "الاسم الظاهر",
"Profile": "الملف الشخصي",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>رقِّ</a> لنطاقك",
"The operation could not be completed": "تعذر إتمام العملية",
"Failed to save your profile": "تعذر حفظ ملفك الشخصي",
"Noisy": "مزعج",

View File

@ -784,7 +784,6 @@
"Could not load user profile": "Неуспешно зареждане на потребителския профил",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Добавя ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ в началото на съобщението",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Трябва да се махне блокирането на потребителя преди да може да бъде поканен пак.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Подобрете се</a> със собствен домейн",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Приеми всички %(invitedRooms)s покани",
"Change room avatar": "Промяна на снимката на стаята",
"Change room name": "Промяна на името на стаята",
@ -1751,11 +1750,8 @@
"No other application is using the webcam": "Никое друго приложение не използва уеб камерата",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Неуспешен достъп до уеб камера / микрофон",
"Unable to access microphone": "Неуспешен достъп до микрофон",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Неуспешно свързване към вашият Home сървър. Моля затворете този прозорец и опитайте отново.",
"Abort": "Прекрати",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Настройка на %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Научете повече в нашите <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> и <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Cookie Policy": "Политика за бисквитките",
"Privacy Policy": "Политика за поверителност",
"Prepends ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message": "Добавя ┬──┬ ( ゜-゜ノ) в началото на съобщението",
"Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message": "Добавя (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ в началото на съобщението",

View File

@ -813,7 +813,6 @@
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "Uživatelův domovský server nepodporuje verzi této místnosti.",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Zobrazovat v časové ose skryté události",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Při aktualizaci místnosti",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Přejít</a> na vlastní doménu",
"Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Aktualizovat místnost na doporučenou verzi",
"View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Zobrazit starší zprávy v %(roomName)s.",
"Default role": "Výchozí role",
@ -2159,17 +2158,11 @@
"Expand code blocks by default": "Ve výchozím nastavení rozbalit bloky kódu",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Zobrazit čísla řádků v blocích kódu",
"Recently visited rooms": "Nedávno navštívené místnosti",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Nastavení %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Měli byste vědět",
"Privacy Policy": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů",
"Cookie Policy": "Zásady používání souborů cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Další informace najdete v našich <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> a <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Dočasné pokračování umožňuje procesu nastavení %(hostSignupBrand)s přístup k vašemu účtu za účelem načtení ověřených e-mailových adres. Tato data se neukládají.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Připojení k domovskému serveru se nezdařilo. Zavřete toto dialogové okno a zkuste to znovu.",
"Abort": "Přerušit",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Opravdu chcete přerušit vytváření hostitele? Proces nemůže být navázán.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Potvrďte přerušení vytváření hostitele",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Aktualizovat na %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Hodnoty na explicitních úrovních v této místnosti:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Hodnoty na explicitních úrovních:",
"Value in this room:": "Hodnota v této místnosti:",
@ -2748,7 +2741,6 @@
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Toto uživatelské jméno už někdo má, zkuste prosím jiné.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Tohle uživatelské jméno už někdo má. Zkuste jiné, nebo pokud jste to vy, přihlaste se níže.",
"Own your conversations.": "Vlastněte svoje konverzace.",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimalizovat dialog",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximalizovat dialog",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovací oblasti a minimalizivat při zavření okna",
"Reply in thread": "Odpovědět ve vlákně",

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@ -780,7 +780,6 @@
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Verbannte Nutzer können nicht eingeladen werden.",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Lesebestätigungen von anderen Benutzern anzeigen",
"Scissors": "Schere",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "Zu deiner eigenen Domain <a>aufwerten</a>",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Akzeptiere alle %(invitedRooms)s Einladungen",
"Change room avatar": "Raumbild ändern",
"Change room name": "Raumname ändern",
@ -2161,13 +2160,9 @@
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Zeilennummern in Quelltextblöcken",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Quelltextblöcke standardmäßig erweitern",
"Try again": "Erneut versuchen",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s-Einrichtung",
"You should know": "Du solltest wissen",
"Privacy Policy": "Datenschutz-Richtlinie",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookie-Richtlinie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Erfahre mehr in unserer <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> und <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Verbindung zum Heim-Server fehlgeschlagen. Bitte schließe diesen Dialog und versuche es erneut.",
"Abort": "Beenden",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Zu %(hostSignupBrand)s aufwerten",
"Value in this room:": "Wert in diesem Raum:",
"Value:": "Wert:",
@ -2259,7 +2254,6 @@
"This space is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Du wirst diesen privaten Space nur mit einer Einladung wieder betreten können.",
"Space settings": "Space-Einstellungen",
"Failed to save space settings.": "Spaceeinstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Wenn du fortfährst, geben wir %(hostSignupBrand)s für den Erstellungsprozess kurzzeitig Zugriff auf dein Konto und deine E-Mail-Adresse. Diese Daten werden nicht gespeichert.",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the space it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Das Entfernen von Rechten kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Falls sie dir niemand anderer zurückgeben kann, kannst du sie nie wieder erhalten.",
"You do not have permissions to add rooms to this space": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, Räume zu diesem Space hinzuzufügen",
"You do not have permissions to create new rooms in this space": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, neue Räume in diesem Space zu erstellen",
@ -2284,7 +2278,6 @@
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Werte für explizite Stufen in diesem Raum:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Werte für explizite Stufen:",
"Values at explicit levels in this room": "Werte für explizite Stufen in diesem Raum",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Bestätige das Beenden der Host-Erstellung",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Soll die Host-Erstellung wirklich beendet werden? Dieser Prozess kann nicht wieder fortgesetzt werden.",
"Invite to just this room": "Nur in diesen Raum einladen",
"Consult first": "Zuerst Anfragen",
@ -2744,7 +2737,6 @@
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Sonderzeichen automatisch vor und hinter Textauswahl setzen",
"Light high contrast": "Hell kontrastreich",
"Show all threads": "Alle Threads anzeigen",
"Minimise dialog": "Dialog minimieren",
"Maximise dialog": "Dialog maximieren",
"Reply in thread": "In Thread antworten",
"Sidebar": "Seitenleiste",

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@ -1373,7 +1373,6 @@
"Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "Συνδέστε αυτήν την συνεδρία με το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας κλειδιού πριν αποσυνδεθείτε για να αποφύγετε την απώλεια κλειδιών που μπορεί να υπάρχουν μόνο σε αυτήν την συνεδρία.",
"This session is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Αυτή η συνεδρία <b>δεν δημιουργεί αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των κλειδιών σας</b>, αλλά έχετε ένα υπάρχον αντίγραφο ασφαλείας από το οποίο μπορείτε να επαναφέρετε και να προσθέσετε στη συνέχεια.",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Είσαι σίγουρος? Θα χάσετε τα κρυπτογραφημένα μηνύματά σας εάν δε δημιουργηθούν σωστά αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των κλειδιών σας.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Αναβάθμιση</a> στη δικήσας διεύθυνση διαδικτύου",
"Global": "Γενικές ρυθμίσεις",
"Keyword": "Λέξη-κλειδί",
"Self signing private key:": "Αυτόματη υπογραφή ιδιωτικού κλειδιού:",
@ -2830,7 +2829,6 @@
"Decide which spaces can access this room. If a space is selected, its members can find and join <RoomName/>.": "Αποφασίστε ποιοι χώροι μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση σε αυτό το δωμάτιο. Εάν επιλεγεί ένας χώρος, τα μέλη του μπορούν να βρουν και να εγγραφούν στο <RoomName/>.",
"Dial pad": "Πληκτρολόγιο κλήσης",
"Transfer": "Μεταφορά",
"Abort": "Ακύρωση",
"Sent": "Απεσταλμένα",
"PRO TIP: If you start a bug, please submit <debugLogsLink>debug logs</debugLogsLink> to help us track down the problem.": "ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΗ: Εάν αναφέρετε ένα σφάλμα, υποβάλετε <debugLogsLink>αρχεία καταγραφής εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων</debugLogsLink> για να μας βοηθήσετε να εντοπίσουμε το πρόβλημα.",
"Verification explorer": "Εξερευνητής επαλήθευσης",
@ -2950,14 +2948,10 @@
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Επαληθεύστε αυτήν τη συσκευή για να την επισημάνετε ως αξιόπιστη. Η εμπιστοσύνη αυτής της συσκευής προσφέρει σε εσάς και σε άλλους χρήστες επιπλέον ηρεμία όταν χρησιμοποιείτε μηνύματα με κρυπτογράφηση από άκρο σε άκρο.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Η επαλήθευση αυτού του χρήστη θα επισημάνει τη συνεδρία του ως αξιόπιστη και θα επισημάνει επίσης τη συνεδρία σας ως αξιόπιστη σε αυτόν.",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Επαληθεύστε αυτόν τον χρήστη για να τον επισημάνετε ως αξιόπιστο. Η εμπιστοσύνη των χρηστών σάς προσφέρει επιπλέον ηρεμία όταν χρησιμοποιείτε μηνύματα με κρυπτογράφηση από άκρο σε άκρο.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Αναβάθμιση σε %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Minimise dialog": "Ελαχιστοποίηση διαλόγου",
"Maximise dialog": "Μεγιστοποίηση διαλόγου",
"You should know": "Θα πρέπει να γνωρίζετε",
"Terms of Service": "Όροι Χρήσης",
"Privacy Policy": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου",
"Cookie Policy": "Πολιτική Cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Μάθετε περισσότερα στα <privacyPolicyLink />,<termsOfServiceLink /> και <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μου εάν έχετε περαιτέρω ερωτήσεις",
"Feedback sent! Thanks, we appreciate it!": "Τα σχόλια ανατροφοδότησης στάλθηκαν! Ευχαριστούμε, το εκτιμούμε!",
"Search for rooms or people": "Αναζήτηση δωματίων ή ατόμων",
@ -2982,7 +2976,6 @@
"Other homeserver": "Άλλος κεντρικός διακομιστής",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η επικύρωση του κεντρικού διακομιστή",
"This room is dedicated to illegal or toxic content or the moderators fail to moderate illegal or toxic content.\nThis will be reported to the administrators of %(homeserver)s. The administrators will NOT be able to read the encrypted content of this room.": "Αυτό το δωμάτιο είναι αφιερωμένο σε παράνομο ή τοξικό περιεχόμενο ή οι συντονιστές αποτυγχάνουν να μετριάσουν το παράνομο ή τοξικό περιεχόμενο.\nΑυτό θα αναφερθεί στους διαχειριστές του %(homeserver)s. Οι διαχειριστές ΔΕ θα μπορούν να διαβάσουν το κρυπτογραφημένο περιεχόμενο αυτού του δωματίου.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με τον κεντρικό διακομιστή σας. Κλείστε αυτό το παράθυρο διαλόγου και δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
"The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Ο διαχειριστής πρόσθετων είναι εκτός σύνδεσης ή δεν μπορεί να επικοινωνήσει με κεντρικό διακομιστή σας.",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την εύρεση αυτής της μικροεφαρμογής.",
"The widget will verify your user ID, but won't be able to perform actions for you:": "Η μικροεφαρμογή θα επαληθεύσει το αναγνωριστικό χρήστη σας, αλλά δε θα μπορεί να εκτελέσει ενέργειες για εσάς:",
@ -3000,7 +2993,6 @@
"a new cross-signing key signature": "μια νέα υπογραφή κλειδιού διασταυρούμενης υπογραφής",
"a new master key signature": "μια νέα υπογραφή κύριου κλειδιού",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "Δεν μπορέσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε το DM σας.",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s Εγκατάσταση",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Η συνέχιση επιτρέπει προσωρινά στη %(hostSignupBrand)s διαδικασία εγκατάστασης πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σας για ανάκτηση επαληθευμένων διευθύνσεων ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου. Αυτά τα δεδομένα δεν αποθηκεύονται.",
"Send custom timeline event": "Αποστολή προσαρμοσμένου συμβάντος χρονολογίου",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|one": "αφαιρέθηκε η απόκλιση του",
@ -3100,7 +3092,6 @@
"<b>This is an experimental feature.</b> For now, new users receiving an invite will have to open the invite on <link/> to actually join.": "<b>Αυτή είναι μια πειραματική λειτουργία.</b> Προς το παρόν, οι νέοι χρήστες που λαμβάνουν πρόσκληση θα πρέπει να ανοίξουν την πρόσκληση στο <link/> για να συμμετάσχουν πραγματικά.",
"Hold": "Αναμονή",
"These are likely ones other room admins are a part of.": "Πιθανότατα αυτά είναι μέρος στα οποία συμμετέχουν και άλλοι διαχειριστές δωματίου.",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να ματαιώσετε τη δημιουργία του κεντρικού υπολογιστή; Η διαδικασία δεν μπορεί να συνεχιστεί.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Επιβεβαιώστε τη ματαίωση της δημιουργίας κεντρικού υπολογιστή",
"Toggle hidden event visibility": "Εναλλαγή ορατότητας κρυφού συμβάντος",
"Toggle space panel": "Εναλλαγή πίνακα χώρου",

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@ -566,7 +566,6 @@
"Email Address": "Retpoŝtadreso",
"Phone Number": "Telefonnumero",
"Profile picture": "Profilbildo",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Ĝisdatigi</a> al via propra domajno",
"Display Name": "Vidiga nomo",
"Email addresses": "Retpoŝtadresoj",
"Phone numbers": "Telefonnumeroj",
@ -2019,7 +2018,6 @@
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Voko malsukcesis, ĉar mikrofono ne estis uzebla. Kontrolu, ĉu mikrofono estas ĝuste konektita kaj agordita.",
"Unable to access microphone": "Ne povas aliri mikrofonon",
"Invite by email": "Inviti per retpoŝto",
"Privacy Policy": "Politiko pri privateco",
"Cookie Policy": "Politiko pri kuketoj",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Eraris serĉado de tiu ĉi fenestraĵo.",
"Active Widgets": "Aktivaj fenestraĵoj",
@ -2098,7 +2096,6 @@
"Other homeserver": "Alia hejmservilo",
"Sign into your homeserver": "Salutu vian hejmservilon",
"Specify a homeserver": "Specifu hejmservilon",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Agordoj de %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Vi sciu",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. When people join, you can verify them in their profile, just tap on their avatar.": "Mesaĝoj en ĉi tiu ĉambro estas tutvoje ĉifrataj. Kiam oni aliĝas, vi povas kontroli ĝin per ĝia profilo; simple tuŝetu ĝian profilbildon.",
"Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their avatar.": "Mesaĝoj ĉi tie estas tutvoje ĉifritaj. Kontrolu uzanton %(displayName)s per ĝia profilo tuŝetu ĝian profilbildon.",
@ -2152,7 +2149,6 @@
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "Komencu interparolon kun iu per ĝia nomo, retpoŝtadreso, aŭ uzantonomo (ekz. <userId/>).",
"Failed to transfer call": "Malsukcesis transdoni vokon",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Voko povas transdoniĝi nur al unu uzanto.",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Eksciu plion per niaj <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> kaj <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Malsukcesis konektiĝi al via hejmservilo. Bonvolu fermi ĉi tiun interagujon kaj reprovi.",
"Value in this room:": "Valoro en ĉi tiu ĉambro:",
"Value:": "Valoro:",
@ -2203,7 +2199,6 @@
"%(count)s members|other": "%(count)s anoj",
"Are you sure you want to leave the space '%(spaceName)s'?": "Ĉu vi certe volas forlasi la aron «%(spaceName)s»?",
"This space is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Ĉi tiu aro ne estas publika. Vi ne povos re-aliĝi sen invito.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Gradaltigi al %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Start audio stream": "Komenci sonelsendon",
"Failed to start livestream": "Malsukcesis komenci tujelsendon",
"Unable to start audio streaming.": "Ne povas komenci sonelsendon.",
@ -2217,7 +2212,6 @@
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Inviti al %(roomName)s",
"Unnamed Space": "Sennoma aro",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Inviti al %(spaceName)s",
"Abort": "Nuligi",
"Create a new room": "Krei novan ĉambron",
"Spaces": "Aroj",
"Space selection": "Elekto de aro",
@ -2290,7 +2284,6 @@
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s de %(ip)s",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Kontrolu por certigi sekurecon de via konto",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Sendas la donitan mesaĝon kiel malkaŝon de intrigo",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Ĉu vi certe volas nuligi kreadon de la gastiganto? Ĉi tiu procedo ne estos daŭrigebla.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Konfirmu nuligon de kreado de gastiganto",
"Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Via alirpeco donas plenan aliron al via konto. Donu ĝin al neniu.",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "Ni ne povis krei vian individuan ĉambron.",
@ -2319,7 +2312,6 @@
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Tiu ĉi hejmservilo estas blokita de sia administranto.",
"Modal Widget": "Reĝima fenestraĵo",
"Consult first": "Unue konsulti",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Provizora daŭrigo permesas al la agorda procedo de %(hostSignupBrand)s aliri vian konton por preni kontrolitajn retpoŝtadresojn. Tiuj ĉi datumoj de konserviĝos.",
"Access Token": "Alirpeco",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Malsukcesis komenci serĉadon de mesaĝoj",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Konsultante kun %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transdono al %(transferee)s</a>",

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@ -1060,7 +1060,6 @@
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "La copia de seguridad tiene una firma de <validity>válida</validity> de sesión <verify>no verificada</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> session <device></device>": "La copia de seguridad tiene una firma de <validity>no válida</validity> de sesión <verify>verificada</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "La copia de seguridad tiene una firma de <validity>no válida</validity> de sesión <verify>no verificada</verify> <device></device>",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Contratar</a> dominio personalizado",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Usted debe <b> eliminar sus datos personales </b> del servidor de identidad <idserver /> antes de desconectarse. Desafortunadamente, el servidor de identidad <idserver /> está actualmente desconectado o es imposible comunicarse con él por otra razón.",
"check your browser plugins for anything that might block the identity server (such as Privacy Badger)": "comprueba los complementos (plugins) de tu navegador para ver si hay algo que pueda bloquear el servidor de identidad (como p.ej. Privacy Badger)",
"contact the administrators of identity server <idserver />": "contactar con los administradores del servidor de identidad <idserver />",
@ -2128,13 +2127,11 @@
"Security Key mismatch": "Las claves de seguridad no coinciden",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Invita a alguien usando su nombre, nombre de usuario (ej.: <userId/>) o <a>compartiendo esta sala</a>.",
"Only the two of you are in this conversation, unless either of you invites anyone to join.": "En esta conversación no hay nadie más, hasta que uno de los dos invite a alguien.",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "¿Seguro que quieres cancelar la creación del host? El proceso no podrá continuarse.",
"Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Usa tu correo electrónico o teléfono para que, opcionalmente, tus contactos puedan descubrir tu cuenta.",
"Enter Security Key": "Introduce la clave de seguridad",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.": "No se ha podido acceder al almacenamiento seguro. Por favor, comprueba que la frase de seguridad es correcta.",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Ten en cuenta que, si no añades un correo electrónico y olvidas tu contraseña, podrías <b>perder accceso para siempre a tu cuenta</b>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Invitar a alguien usando su nombre, dirección de correo, nombre de usuario (ej.: <userId/>) o <a>compartiendo la sala</a>.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Al continuar con el proceso de configuración, %(hostSignupBrand)s podrá acceder a tu cuenta para comprobar las direcciones de correo verificadas. Los datos no se almacenan.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "No se ha podido conectar con tu servidor base. Por favor, cierra este mensaje e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Guardar mensajes cifrados de forma segura y local para que aparezcan en los resultados de búsqueda, usando %(size)s para almacenar mensajes de %(rooms)s sala.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Guardar mensajes cifrados de forma segura y local para que aparezcan en los resultados de búsqueda, usando %(size)s para almacenar mensajes de %(rooms)s salas.",
@ -2158,16 +2155,12 @@
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to this room": "Ver mensajes de tipo <b>%(msgtype)s</b> enviados a esta sala",
"Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Mostrar efectos de chat (animaciones al recibir ciertos mensajes, como confeti)",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Expandir bloques de ćodigo por defecto",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Más información en nuestra <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> y <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Cookie Policy": "Política de cookies",
"Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Configuración de %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Conviene saber",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Contratar %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Mostrar números de línea en bloques de ćodigo",
"This is the beginning of your direct message history with <displayName/>.": "Este es el inicio de tu historial de mensajes directos con <displayName/>.",
"Recently visited rooms": "Salas visitadas recientemente",
"Abort": "Cancelar",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Confirma que quieres cancelar la creación del host",
"PRO TIP: If you start a bug, please submit <debugLogsLink>debug logs</debugLogsLink> to help us track down the problem.": "CONSEJO: Si creas una incidencia, adjunta <debugLogsLink>tus registros de depuración</debugLogsLink> para ayudarnos a localizar el problema.",
"Please view <existingIssuesLink>existing bugs on Github</existingIssuesLink> first. No match? <newIssueLink>Start a new one</newIssueLink>.": "Por favor, echa un vistazo primero a <existingIssuesLink>las incidencias de Github</existingIssuesLink>. Si no encuentras nada relacionado, <newIssueLink>crea una nueva incidencia</newIssueLink>.",
@ -2748,7 +2741,6 @@
"Reply in thread": "Responder en hilo",
"Show all threads": "Ver todos los hilos",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Organiza los temas de conversación en hilos",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimizar ventana",
"Maximise dialog": "Expandir ventana",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Gestionar las salas del espacio",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Salas fuera de un espacio",

View File

@ -1241,7 +1241,6 @@
"Off": "Välja lülitatud",
"On": "Kasutusel",
"Noisy": "Jutukas",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Võta kasutusele</a> oma domeen",
"Error encountered (%(errorDetail)s).": "Tekkis viga (%(errorDetail)s).",
"No update available.": "Uuendusi pole saadaval.",
"New version available. <a>Update now.</a>": "Saadaval on uus versioon. <a>Uuenda nüüd.</a>",
@ -2161,17 +2160,11 @@
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Näita koodiblokkides reanumbreid",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Vaikimisi kuva koodiblokid tervikuna",
"Recently visited rooms": "Hiljuti külastatud jututoad",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Jätkates ajutistel alustel, on sul võimalik %(hostSignupBrand)s seadistamisega edasi minna ning kontole ligipääsuka laadida verifitseeritud e-posti aadress. Seda teavet ei salvestata.",
"Abort": "Katkesta",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid katkestada seoste loomise? Sel juhul me edasi ei jätka.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Kinnita seoste loomise katkestamine",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s seadistus",
"You should know": "Sa peaksid teadma",
"Privacy Policy": "Privaatsuspoliitika",
"Cookie Policy": "Küpsiste kasutamine",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Lisateavet leiad <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> ja <cookiePolicyLink /> lehtedelt.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Ei õnnestunud ühendada koduserveriga. Palun sulge see aken ja proovi uuesti.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Kui soovid, siis võta kasutusele %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Väärtused konkreetsel tasemel selles jututoas:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Väärtused konkreetsel tasemel:",
"Value in this room:": "Väärtus selles jututoas:",
@ -2748,7 +2741,6 @@
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Keegi juba pruugib sellist kasutajanime. Katseta mõne muuga või kui oled sina ise, siis logi sisse.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Keegi juba pruugib sellist kasutajanime. Palun katseta mõne muuga.",
"Own your conversations.": "Vestlused, mida sa tegelikult ka omad.",
"Minimise dialog": "Tee aken väikeseks",
"Maximise dialog": "Tee aken suureks",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Näita süsteemisalve ikooni ja Element'i akna sulgemisel minimeeri ta salve",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Näita kõiki oma jututubasid avalehel ka siis kui nad on osa mõnest kogukonnast.",

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@ -779,7 +779,6 @@
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Erabiltzaileari debekua kendu behar zaio gonbidatu aurretik.",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Erakutsi beste erabiltzaileek bidalitako irakurragiriak",
"Scissors": "Artaziak",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Eguneratu</a> zure domeinu propiora",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Onartu %(invitedRooms)s gelako gonbidapen guztiak",
"Change room avatar": "Aldatu gelaren abatarra",
"Change room name": "Aldatu gelaren izena",

View File

@ -711,7 +711,6 @@
"Reset event store": "پاک‌کردن مخزن رخداد",
"Reset event store?": "پاک‌کردن مخزن رخداد؟",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "دعوت به %(roomName)s",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "ارتقاء به %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Enter Security Key": "کلید امنیتی را وارد کنید",
"Enter Security Phrase": "عبارت امنیتی را وارد کنید",
"Incorrect Security Phrase": "عبارت امنیتی نادرست است",
@ -796,16 +795,11 @@
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "این دستگاه را تأیید کنید تا به عنوان مورد اعتماد علامت‌گذاری شود. اعتماد به این دستگاه در هنگام استفاده از رمزنگاری سرتاسر آرامش و اطمینان بیشتری را برای شما به ارمغان می‌آورد.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "با تأیید این کاربر ، نشست وی به عنوان مورد اعتماد علامت‌گذاری شده و همچنین نشست شما به عنوان مورد اعتماد برای وی علامت‌گذاری خواهد شد.",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "این کاربر را تأیید کنید تا به عنوان کاربر مورد اعتماد علامت‌گذاری شود. اعتماد به کاربران آرامش و اطمینان بیشتری به شما در استفاده از رمزنگاری سرتاسر می‌دهد.",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "راه‌اندازی %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "باید بدانید",
"Terms of Service": "شرایط استفاده از خدمات",
"Privacy Policy": "سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی",
"Cookie Policy": "سیاست کوکی",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "درباره‌ی <privacyPolicyLink />، <termsOfServiceLink /> و <cookiePolicyLink /> بیشتر بدانید.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "ادامه‌ی موقت به فرآیند راه‌اندازی%(hostSignupBrand)s اجازه می‌دهد به حساب کاربری شما برای تائید آدرس‌های ایمیلتان دسترسی داشته باشد. این داده‌ها ذخیره نمی‌شوند.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "اتصال به سرور شما انجام نشد. لطفاً این پنجره را بسته و دوباره امتحان کنید.",
"Abort": "لغوکردن",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید ایجاد هاست را لغو کنید؟ این فرآیند را نمی‌توان ادامه داد.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "لغو ایجاد هاست را تأیید کنید",
"Please view <existingIssuesLink>existing bugs on Github</existingIssuesLink> first. No match? <newIssueLink>Start a new one</newIssueLink>.": "لطفاً ابتدا اشکالات موجود را در <existingIssuesLink>گیتهاب برنامه</existingIssuesLink> را مشاهده کنید. با اشکال شما مطابقتی وجود ندارد؟<newIssueLink> مورد جدیدی را ثبت کنید</newIssueLink>.",
"Report a bug": "گزارش اشکال",
@ -1541,7 +1535,6 @@
"Profile picture": "تصویر پروفایل",
"Display Name": "نام نمایشی",
"Profile": "پروفایل",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "به دامنه‌ی خودتان <a>به روز‌رسانی</a> کنید",
"The operation could not be completed": "امکان تکمیل عملیات وجود ندارد",
"Failed to save your profile": "ذخیره‌ی تنظیمات شما موفقیت‌آمیز نبود",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "فعال‌سازی اعلان‌های صدادار برای این نشست",

View File

@ -720,7 +720,6 @@
"Popout widget": "Avaa sovelma omassa ikkunassaan",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Lisää ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ viestin alkuun",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Käyttäjän porttikielto täytyy poistaa ennen kutsumista.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Päivitä</a> omaan verkkotunnukseen",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Hyväksy kaikki %(invitedRooms)s kutsua",
"Change room avatar": "Vaihda huoneen kuva",
"Change room name": "Vaihda huoneen nimi",
@ -2051,9 +2050,7 @@
"Recently visited rooms": "Hiljattain vieraillut huoneet",
"You might disable this if the room will be used for collaborating with external teams who have their own homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Voi olla paikallaan poistaa tämä käytöstä, jos huonetta käyttävät myös ulkoiset tiimit joilla on oma kotipalvelimensa. Asetusta ei voi muuttaa myöhemmin.",
"You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Voi olla paikallaan ottaa tämä käyttöön, jos huonetta käyttävät vain sisäiset tiimit kotipalvelimellasi. Asetusta ei voi muuttaa myöhemmin.",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Lue lisää: <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> ja <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Kotipalvelimeesi yhdistäminen ei onnistunut. Sulje tämä ikkuna ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Privacy Policy": "Tietosuojakäytäntö",
"Cookie Policy": "Evästekäytäntö",
"Recent changes that have not yet been received": "Tuoreet muutokset, joita ei ole vielä otettu vastaan",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Pyysimme selainta muistamaan kirjautumista varten mitä kotipalvelinta käytät, mutta selain on unohtanut sen. Mene kirjautumissivulle ja yritä uudelleen.",

View File

@ -784,7 +784,6 @@
"Could not load user profile": "Impossible de charger le profil de lutilisateur",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Ajoute ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ en préfixe du message",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Le bannissement de lutilisateur doit être révoqué avant de pouvoir linviter.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Mettre à niveau</a> vers votre propre domaine",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Accepter les %(invitedRooms)s invitations",
"Change room avatar": "Changer lavatar du salon",
"Change room name": "Changer le nom du salon",
@ -2129,15 +2128,10 @@
"Approve": "Approuver",
"This widget would like to:": "Le widget voudrait :",
"Approve widget permissions": "Approuver les permissions du widget",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Configuration de %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Vous devriez prendre connaissance de",
"Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"Cookie Policy": "Politique de gestion des cookies",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Consultez nos <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> et <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Continuer permettra temporairement au processus de configuration de %(hostSignupBrand)s daccéder à votre compte pour récupérer les adresses e-mail vérifiées. Les données ne sont pas stockées.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Impossible de vous connecter à votre serveur daccueil. Merci de fermer cette modale et de réessayer.",
"Abort": "Annuler",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler la création de cet hôte ? Le processus ne pourra pas être repris.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Confirmer lannulation de la création de cet hôte",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Erreur lors de la récupération de ce widget.",
"Set my room layout for everyone": "Définir ma disposition de salon pour tout le monde",
@ -2171,7 +2165,6 @@
"Try again": "Réessayez",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Nous avons demandé à votre navigateur de mémoriser votre serveur daccueil, mais il semble lavoir oublié. Rendez-vous à la page de connexion et réessayez.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Nous navons pas pu vous connecter",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Mettre à jour vers %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Valeurs pour les rangs explicites de ce salon :",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Valeurs pour les rangs explicites :",
"Value in this room:": "Valeur pour ce salon :",
@ -2753,7 +2746,6 @@
"Copy link": "Copier le lien",
"Mentions only": "Seulement les mentions",
"Forget": "Oublier",
"Minimise dialog": "Réduire la modale",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximiser la modale",
"Files": "Fichiers",
"Close this widget to view it in this panel": "Fermer ce widget pour lafficher dans ce panneau",

View File

@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"Caution:": "Faichill:",
"Setting:": "Socrú:",
"Value": "Luach",
"Abort": "Tobscoir",
"Transfer": "Aistrigh",
"Hold": "Fan",
"Resume": "Tosaigh arís",

View File

@ -921,7 +921,6 @@
"Start using Key Backup": "Fai unha Copia de apoio das chaves",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Activa as notificacións de escritorio para esta sesión",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Activa as notificacións por son para esta sesión",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Mellora</a> e usa un dominio propio",
"Display Name": "Nome mostrado",
"Profile picture": "Imaxe de perfil",
"Checking server": "Comprobando servidor",
@ -2161,17 +2160,11 @@
"Recently visited rooms": "Salas visitadas recentemente",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Mostrar números de liña nos bloques de código",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Por defecto despregar bloques de código",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Configurar %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Deberías saber",
"Privacy Policy": "Política de Privacidade",
"Cookie Policy": "Política de Cookies",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Aprende máis na nosa <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> e <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Ao continuar de xeito temporal permitirás que %(hostSignupBrand)s complete o acceso á túa conta para obter os enderezos de email verificados. Os datos non se almacenan.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Fallou a conexión co teu servidor de inicio. Pecha esta información e inténtao outra vez.",
"Abort": "Abortar",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Tes a certeza de querer cancelar a creación do servidor? O proceso non pode ser completado.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Corfirma que cancelas a creación do servidor",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Actualizar a %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Valores a niveis explícitos nesta sala:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Valores a niveis explícitos:",
"Value in this room:": "Valor nesta sala:",
@ -2696,7 +2689,6 @@
"Joining": "Uníndote",
"Use high contrast": "Usar alto contraste",
"Light high contrast": "Alto contraste claro",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimizar diálogo",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximizar diálogo",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Non poderás desactivar isto máis tarde. As pasarelas e a maioría de bots aínda non funcionan.",
"Add option": "Engade unha opción",

View File

@ -693,7 +693,6 @@
"Profile picture": "תמונת פרופיל",
"Display Name": "שם לתצוגה",
"Profile": "פרופיל",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>שדרגו</a> לדומיין משלכם",
"The operation could not be completed": "לא ניתן היה להשלים את הפעולה",
"Failed to save your profile": "שמירת הפרופיל שלך נכשלה",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "אפשר התראות נשמעות עבור התחברות זו",
@ -2186,7 +2185,6 @@
"Your new device is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "המכשיר שלך מוגדר כעת כמאומת. יש לו גישה להודעות המוצפנות שלך ומשתמשים אחרים יראו אותו כמכשיר מהימן.",
"Device verified": "המכשיר אומת",
"Failed to load list of rooms.": "טעינת רשימת החדרים נכשלה.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "תקלת התחברות לשרת הבית. אנא סיגרו חלון זה ונסו שוב.",
"Message search initialisation failed, check <a>your settings</a> for more information": "אתחול חיפוש ההודעות נכשל. בדוק את <a>ההגדרות שלך</a> למידע נוסף",
"Failed to fetch your location. Please try again later.": "איתור המיקום שלך נכשל. אנא נסה שוב מאוחר יותר.",
"Connection failed": "החיבור נכשל",
@ -2501,23 +2499,16 @@
"Map feedback": "משוב על המפות",
"Toggle attribution": "דפדפו בין האפשרויות",
"This homeserver is not configured correctly to display maps, or the configured map server may be unreachable.": "שרת בית זה אינו מוגדר כהלכה להצגת מפות, או ששרת המפות המוגדר אינו ניתן לגישה.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "שדרוג ל %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Minimise dialog": "דיאלוג מינימאלי",
"Maximise dialog": "דיאלוג מקסימאלי",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "הגדרת %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Privacy Policy": "מדיניות פרטיות",
"Cookie Policy": "מדיניות קובצי Cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "קיראו עוד ב<privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink />ו<cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "המשך מאפשר זמנית לתהליך ההגדרה של %(hostSignupBrand)s לגשת לחשבון שלכם כדי להביא כתובות דוא\"ל מאומתות. נתונים אלה אינם מאוחסנים.",
"Abort": "ביטול",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם לבטל את ההגדרה? התהליך לא יוכל להמשיך.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "אשרו ביטול הגדרה",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "אתם יכולים לתקשר איתי אם יש לכם שאלות המשך",
"Feedback sent! Thanks, we appreciate it!": "משוב נשלח! תודה, אנחנו מודים לכם",
"Search for rooms or people": "חפשו אנשים או חדרים",
"Message preview": "צפו בהודעה",
"Forward message": "העבירו את ההודעה",
"You should know": "עליכם לדעת",
"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room.": "כל אחד בכל שרת יכול להשתמש בכתובות שפורסמו כדי להצטרף לחלל העבודה שלכם.",
"Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your space.": "כל אחד בכל שרת יכול להשתמש בכתובות שפורסמו כדי להצטרף למרחב העבודה שלכם.",
"Include Attachments": "כלול קבצים מצורפים",

View File

@ -784,7 +784,6 @@
"Could not load user profile": "A felhasználói profil nem tölthető be",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Az egyszerű szöveg üzenet elé teszi ezt: ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Előbb vissza kell vonni felhasználó kitiltását, mielőtt újra meghívható lesz.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Frissíts</a> a saját domain-re",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Mind a(z) %(invitedRooms)s meghívás elfogadása",
"Change room avatar": "Szoba profilképének megváltoztatása",
"Change room name": "Szoba nevének megváltoztatása",
@ -2161,17 +2160,11 @@
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Sorszámok megjelenítése a kódblokkokban",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Kódblokk kibontása alapértelmezetten",
"Recently visited rooms": "Nemrég meglátogatott szobák",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s Beállítás",
"You should know": "Tudnia kell",
"Privacy Policy": "Adatvédelmi szabályok",
"Cookie Policy": "Süti szabályzat",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Tudjon meg többet innen: <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> és <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Folytatva %(hostSignupBrand)s beállítási folyamat ideiglenes hozzáférést kap a fiókadatok elérésére az ellenőrzött e-mail cím megszerzésének érdekében. Ezt az adat nincs elmenetve.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "A matrix szerverhez való csatlakozás nem sikerült. Zárja be ezt az ablakot és próbálja újra.",
"Abort": "Megszakítás",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Biztos benne, hogy meg kívánja szakítani a gazdagép létrehozásának a folyamatát? A folyamat nem folytatható.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Erősítse meg a gazdagép készítés megszakítását",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Frissítés erre: %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Egyedi szinthez tartozó értékek ebben a szobában:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Egyedi szinthez tartozó értékek:",
"Value in this room:": "Érték ebben a szobában:",
@ -2748,7 +2741,6 @@
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Ez a felhasználónév már foglalt, próbáljon ki másikat.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Valaki már használja ezt a felhasználói nevet. Próbáljon ki másikat, illetve ha ön az, jelentkezzen be alább.",
"Own your conversations.": "Az ön beszélgetései csak az öné.",
"Minimise dialog": "Dialógus ablak kicsinyítés",
"Maximise dialog": "Dialógus ablak nagyítás",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Tálcaikon mutatása és az ablak összecsukása bezáráskor",
"Reply in thread": "Válasz üzenetszálban",

View File

@ -974,7 +974,6 @@
"Forward": "Teruskan",
"Hold": "Jeda",
"Transfer": "Pindah",
"Abort": "Batalkan",
"Sending": "Mengirim",
"Value:": "Nilai:",
"Level": "Tingkat",
@ -1227,7 +1226,6 @@
"Restore from Backup": "Pulihkan dari Cadangan",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Tidak dapat memuat status pencadangan kunci",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Apakah Anda yakin? Anda akan kehilangan pesan terenkripsi jika kunci Anda tidak dicadangkan dengan benar.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Tingkatkan</a> ke domain Anda sendiri",
"The operation could not be completed": "Operasi ini tidak dapat diselesaikan",
"Failed to save your profile": "Gagal untuk menyimpan profil Anda",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Sebuah kesalahan terjadi saat memuat pengaturan notifikasi Anda.",
@ -2251,18 +2249,12 @@
"What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Apa yang ditulis pengguna itu salah.\nIni akan dilaporkan ke moderator ruangan.",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Mohon isi kenapa Anda melaporkan.",
"Just a heads up, if you don't add an email and forget your password, you could <b>permanently lose access to your account</b>.": "Sekadar mengingatkan saja, jika Anda belum menambahkan sebuah email dan Anda lupa kata sandi, Anda mungkin <b>dapat kehilangan akses ke akun Anda</b>.",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimalkan dialog",
"Maximise dialog": "Maksimalkan dialog",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Pengaturan %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Anda seharusnya tahu",
"Terms of Service": "Persyaratan Layanan",
"Privacy Policy": "Kebijakan Privasi",
"Cookie Policy": "Kebijakan Kuki",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Pelajari lebih lanjut di <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink />, dan <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Melanjutkan untuk sementara mengizinkan proses pengaturan %(hostSignupBrand)s untuk mengakses akun Anda untuk mendapatkan alamat-alamat email yang terverifikasi. Data ini tidak disimpan.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Gagal menghubungkan ke homeserver Anda. Mohon tutup dialog ini dan coba lagi.",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Apakah Anda yakin untuk membatalkan pembuatan host? Proses ini tidak dapat dilanjutkan.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Konfirmasi pembatalan pembuatan host",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Anda mungkin menghubungi saya jika Anda mempunyai pertanyaan lanjutan",
"Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Platform dan nama pengguna Anda akan dicatat untuk membantu kami menggunakan masukan Anda sebanyak yang kita bisa.",
"Search for rooms or people": "Cari ruangan atau orang",
@ -2412,7 +2404,6 @@
"This space is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Space ini tidak publik. Anda tidak dapat bergabung lagi tanpa sebuah undangan.",
"You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.": "Anda adalah satu-satunya di sini. Jika Anda keluar, tidak ada siapa saja dapat bergabung di masa mendatang, termasuk Anda.",
"Open dial pad": "Buka tombol penyetel",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Tingkatkan ke %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Create a Group Chat": "Buat sebuah Obrolan Grup",
"Explore Public Rooms": "Jelajahi Ruangan Publik",
"Send a Direct Message": "Kirim sebuah Pesan Langsung",

View File

@ -970,7 +970,6 @@
"Unnamed Space": "Nafnlaust svæði",
"Suggestions": "Tillögur",
"Terms of Service": "Þjónustuskilmálar",
"Privacy Policy": "Persónuverndarstefna",
"Abort": "Hætta",
"Message preview": "Forskoðun skilaboða",
"Forward message": "Áframsenda skilaboð",
@ -1660,7 +1659,6 @@
"Spaces to show": "Svæði sem á að birta",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Heimaþjónninn þinn styður ekki umsýslu tækja.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra heimaþjónsins þíns.",
"Cookie Policy": "Stefna varðandi vefkökur",
"Quick Reactions": "Flýtiviðbrögð",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Fjarlægja %(email)s?",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Valkostir fyrir uppgötvun munu birtast um leið og þú hefur bætt inn símanúmeri hér fyrir ofan.",
@ -2043,9 +2041,7 @@
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Bjóða í %(roomName)s",
"Recent Conversations": "Nýleg samtöl",
"Invite by email": "Bjóða með tölvupósti",
"Minimise dialog": "Lágmarka glugga",
"Maximise dialog": "Hámarka glugga",
"You should know": "Þú ættir að vita",
"Search for rooms or people": "Leita að spjallrásum eða fólki",
"You don't have permission to do this": "Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að gera þetta",
"Include Attachments": "Hafa með viðhengi",
@ -2126,7 +2122,6 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the avatar for %(roomName)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s breytti auðkennismyndinni fyrir %(roomName)s",
"You don't have permission to view messages from before you joined.": "Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að skoða skilaboð frá því áður en þú fórst að taka þátt.",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Slóð á auðkennisþjón verður að vera HTTPS",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Uppfærðu</a> í þitt eigið lén",
"The operation could not be completed": "Ekki tókst að ljúka aðgerðinni",
"Failed to save your profile": "Mistókst að vista sniðið þitt",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Það kom upp villa við að hlaða inn stillingum fyrir tilkynningar.",
@ -2251,7 +2246,6 @@
"Continuing without email": "Halda áfram án tölvupósts",
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Smelltu á hnappinn hér að neðan til að staðfesta auðkennið þitt.",
"Confirm to continue": "Staðfestu til að halda áfram",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Uppsetning %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Confirm your account deactivation by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Staðfestu að aðgangurinn þinn sé gerður óvirkur með því að nota einfalda innskráningu (single-sign-on) til að sanna auðkennið þitt.",
"Clear all data in this session?": "Hreinsa öll gögn í þessari setu?",
"%(oneUser)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|one": "%(oneUser)ssendi falin skilaboð",
@ -2455,7 +2449,6 @@
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Bjóddu einhverjum með því að nota nafn, notandanafn (eins og <userId/>) eða <a>deildu þessu svæði</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Bjóddu einhverjum með því að nota nafn, tölvupóstfang, notandanafn (eins og <userId/>) eða <a>deildu þessu svæði</a>.",
"Or send invite link": "Eða senda boðstengil",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Skoðaðu nánari upplýsingar í <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> og <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Number of messages can only be a number between %(min)s and %(max)s": "Fjöldi skilaboða getur aðeins verið tala á milli %(min)s og %(max)s",
"Incompatible Database": "Ósamhæfður gagnagrunnur",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Engin nýleg skilaboð frá %(user)s fundust",
@ -3045,7 +3038,6 @@
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "Byrjaðu samtal með einhverjum með því að nota nafn viðkomandi, tölvupóstfang eða notandanafn (eins og <userId/>).",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Notaðu auðkennisþjón til að geta boðið með tölvupósti. Sýslaðu með þetta í <settings>stillingunum</settings>.",
"Something went wrong trying to invite the users.": "Eitthvað fór úrskeiðis við að bjóða notendunum.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Uppfæra í %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Size can only be a number between %(min)s MB and %(max)s MB": "Stærð getur aðeins verið tala á milli %(min)s og %(max)s",
"The poll has ended. Top answer: %(topAnswer)s": "Könnuninni er lokið. Efsta svarið: %(topAnswer)s",
"Send custom timeline event": "Senda sérsniðinn tímalínuatburð",

View File

@ -712,7 +712,6 @@
"Verification code": "Codice di verifica",
"Phone Number": "Numero di telefono",
"Profile picture": "Immagine del profilo",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Aggiorna</a> ad un tuo dominio personale",
"Display Name": "Nome visualizzato",
"Email addresses": "Indirizzi email",
"Phone numbers": "Numeri di telefono",
@ -2157,21 +2156,15 @@
"Try again": "Riprova",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Abbiamo chiesto al browser di ricordare quale homeserver usi per farti accedere, ma sfortunatamente l'ha dimenticato. Vai alla pagina di accesso e riprova.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Non abbiamo potuto farti accedere",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Configurazione di %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Dovresti sapere",
"Privacy Policy": "Informativa sulla privacy",
"Cookie Policy": "Informativa sui cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Maggiori informazioni nella nostra <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> e <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Continuando permetti temporaneamente al processo di configurazione di %(hostSignupBrand)s di accedere al tuo account per rilevare gli indirizzi email verificati. Questi dati non vengono memorizzati.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Connessione al tuo homeserver fallita. Chiudi questo messaggio e riprova.",
"Abort": "Annulla",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Vuoi veramente annullare la creazione dell'host? Il processo non può essere continuato.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Conferma annullamento creazione host",
"Recently visited rooms": "Stanze visitate di recente",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Mostra numeri di riga nei blocchi di codice",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Espandi blocchi di codice in modo predefinito",
"Show stickers button": "Mostra pulsante adesivi",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Aggiorna a %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Valori a livelli espliciti in questa stanza:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Valori a livelli espliciti:",
"Value in this room:": "Valore in questa stanza:",
@ -2754,7 +2747,6 @@
"Spaces to show": "Spazi da mostrare",
"Sidebar": "Barra laterale",
"Other rooms": "Altre stanze",
"Minimise dialog": "Riduci finestra",
"Maximise dialog": "Espandi finestra",
"Reply in thread": "Rispondi nella conversazione",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Mostra icona in tray e usala alla chiusura della finestra",

View File

@ -611,7 +611,6 @@
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "他のユーザーの開封確認メッセージを表示",
"Enable big emoji in chat": "チャットで大きな絵文字を有効にする",
"Send typing notifications": "入力中通知を送信",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "あなた自身のドメインに<a>アップグレード</a>",
"Phone numbers": "電話番号",
"Language and region": "言語と地域",
"Theme": "テーマ",
@ -1911,7 +1910,6 @@
"Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "暗号化されたメッセージにアクセスするには、本人確認が必要です。",
"New? <a>Create account</a>": "初めてですか?<a>アカウントを作成しましょう</a>",
"Are you sure you want to sign out?": "サインアウトしてよろしいですか?",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "%(hostSignupBrand)sにアップグレード",
"Rooms and spaces": "ルームとスペース",
"Add a space to a space you manage.": "新しいスペースを、あなたが管理するスペースに追加。",
"Add space": "スペースを追加",
@ -2393,7 +2391,6 @@
"To leave the beta, visit your settings.": "ベータ版の使用を終了するには、設定を開いてください。",
"Option %(number)s": "選択肢%(number)s",
"Unable to validate homeserver": "ホームサーバーを認証できません",
"Abort": "中断",
"Message preview": "メッセージのプレビュー",
"Sent": "送信済",
"You don't have permission to do this": "これを行う権限がありません",
@ -2562,7 +2559,6 @@
"We couldn't create your DM.": "ダイレクトメッセージを作成できませんでした。",
"Confirm to continue": "確認して続行",
"Failed to find the following users": "次のユーザーの発見に失敗しました",
"Privacy Policy": "プライバシーポリシー",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookieの使用方針",
"Sorry, the poll did not end. Please try again.": "アンケートを終了できませんでした。もう一度やり直してください。",
"Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "データのエクスポートを停止してよろしいですか?改めてやり直す必要があります。",
@ -2589,7 +2585,6 @@
"Country Dropdown": "国一覧",
"Moderation": "モデレート",
"Space selection": "スペースの選択",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)sの設定",
"Looks good!": "問題ありません!",
"View": "表示",
"Zoom out": "縮小",
@ -2794,7 +2789,6 @@
"Failed to re-authenticate": "再認証に失敗しました",
"toggle event": "イベントを切り替える",
"%(spaceName)s menu": "%(spaceName)sのメニュー",
"Minimise dialog": "ダイアログを最小化",
"Maximise dialog": "ダイアログを最大化",
"Delete avatar": "アバターを削除",
"Share content": "コンテンツを共有",
@ -2834,7 +2828,6 @@
"You're removing all spaces. Access will default to invite only": "全てのスペースを削除しようとしています。招待者しかアクセスできなくなります",
"To continue, use Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "続行するには、シングルサインオンを使用して、本人確認を行ってください。",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "このユーザーを認証すると、相手のセッションと自分のセッションを信頼済として表示します。",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "ホームサーバーへの接続に失敗しました。このダイアログを閉じて、もう一度やり直してください。",
"Remove, ban, or invite people to this room, and make you leave": "ルームから追放、ブロック、ルームに招待、また、退出を要求",
"Verify this device by confirming the following number appears on its screen.": "この端末を認証するには、画面に以下の数字が表示されていることを確認してください。",
"Some files are <b>too large</b> to be uploaded. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "アップロードしようとしているいくつかのファイルのサイズが<b>大きすぎます</b>。最大のサイズは%(limit)sです。",
@ -2915,11 +2908,8 @@
"Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "あなた、もしくは他のユーザーのインターネット接続",
"The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "認証しようとしているユーザーが接続しているホームサーバー",
"Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "フィードバックを最大限に活用するため、使用中のプラットフォームとユーザー名が送信されます。",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "詳細は<privacyPolicyLink />、<termsOfServiceLink />、<cookiePolicyLink />よりご確認ください。",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "続行すると、アカウントにアクセスし、認証済のメールアドレスを取得する権限を%(hostSignupBrand)sに一時的に付与します。データは保存されません。",
"You should know": "ご確認ください",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "ホストの作成を中断してよろしいですか?もう一度初めからやり直す必要があります。",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "ホストの作成を中断",
"There was a problem communicating with the server. Please try again.": "サーバーとの通信時に問題が発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。",
"Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your Security Phrase.": "セキュリティーキーはセーフティーネットとなります。セキュリティーフレーズを忘れた場合でも、セキュリティーキーを使えば、暗号化されたメッセージにアクセスすることができます。",
"Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "ベータ版をお試しいただきありがとうございます。改善に役立てるため、できるだけ詳細にご記入ください。",

View File

@ -606,7 +606,6 @@
"Notification targets": "Isaḍasen n yilɣa",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Sens ilɣa n tnirawt i tɣimit-a",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Sens ilɣa imsiwal i texxamt",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Leqqem</a> ɣer taɣult-inek kečč",
"Profile picture": "Tugna n umaɣnu",
"Checking server": "Asenqed n uqeddac",
"Change identity server": "Snifel aqeddac n timagit",

View File

@ -687,7 +687,6 @@
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "잃어버리지 않도록 로그아웃하기 전에 키를 백업하세요.",
"Start using Key Backup": "키 백업 시작",
"Profile picture": "프로필 사진",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "자체 도메인을 <a>업그레이드</a>하기",
"Display Name": "표시 이름",
"Checking server": "서버 확인 중",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "서비스 약관에 동의하지 않거나 ID 서버가 올바르지 않습니다.",

View File

@ -1874,19 +1874,12 @@
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "ຢັ້ງຢືນອຸປະກອນນີ້ເພື່ອເປັນເຄື່ອງໝາຍ ໜ້າເຊື່ອຖືໄດ້. ການໄວ້ໃຈໃນອຸປະກອນນີ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານ ແລະ ຜູ້ໃຊ້ອື່ນໆມີຄວາມອູ່ນໃນຈິດໃຈຫຼາຍຂຶ້ນເມື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດຂໍ້ຄວາມເເຕ່ຕົ້ນທາງຫາປາຍທາງ.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "ການຢືນຢັນຜູ້ໃຊ້ນີ້ຈະເປັນເຄື່ອງໝາຍໃນລະບົບຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າໜ້າເຊື່ອຖືໄດ້ ແລະ ເປັນເຄື່ອງໝາຍເຖິງລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ ເປັນທີ່ເຊື່ອຖືໄດ້ຕໍ່ກັບເຂົາເຈົ້າ.",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "ຢັ້ງຢືນຜູ້ໃຊ້ນີ້ເພື່ອສ້າງເຄື່ອງທີ່ເຊື່ອຖືໄດ້. ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ເຊື່ອຖືໄດ້ ເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານອຸ່ນໃຈຂື້ນເມື່ຶຶອເຂົ້າລະຫັດຂໍ້ຄວາມແຕ່ຕົ້ນທາງເຖິງປາຍທາງ.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "ຍົກລະດັບເປັນ %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Minimise dialog": "ຫຍໍ້ກ່ອງສົນທະນາລົງ",
"Maximise dialog": "ຂະຫຍາຍກ່ອງສົນທະນາໃຫ່ຍສຸດ",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "ການຕິດຕັ້ງ %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "ທ່ານຄວນຮູ້",
"Terms of Service": "ເງື່ອນໄຂການໃຫ້ບໍລິການ",
"Privacy Policy": "ນະໂຍບາຍຄວາມເປັນສ່ວນຕົວ",
"Cookie Policy": "ນະໂຍບາຍຄຸກກີ",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "ຮຽນຮູ້ເພີ່ມເຕີມໃນ <privacyPolicyLink /> ຂອງພວກເຮົາ, <termsOfServiceLink /> ແລະ <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "ການສືບຕໍ່ຊົ່ວຄາວອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ກຳນົດຂະບວນການຕັ້ງຄ່າ %(hostSignupBrand)s ເຂົ້າເຖິງບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານເພື່ອດຶງເອົາທີ່ຢູ່ອີເມວທີ່ຢືນຢັນແລ້ວ. ຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ບໍ່ໄດ້ຖືກເກັບໄວ້.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ຫາ homeserver ຂອງທ່ານບໍ່ສຳເລັດ. ກະລຸນາປິດກ່ອງໂຕ້ຕອບນີ້ແລ້ວລອງໃໝ່ອີກຄັ້ງ.",
"Abort": "ຍົກເລີກ",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "ທ່ານແນ່ໃຈບໍ່ວ່າຕ້ອງການຍົກເລີກການສ້າງໂຮສ? ຂະບວນການດັ່ງກ່າວບໍ່ສາມາດສືບຕໍ່ໄດ້.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "ຢືນຢັນການຍົກເລີກການສ້າງໂຮສ",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "ທ່ານສາມາດຕິດຕໍ່ຂ້ອຍໄດ້ ຖ້າທ່ານມີຄໍາຖາມເພີ່ມເຕີມ",
"Feedback sent! Thanks, we appreciate it!": "ສົ່ງຄຳຕິຊົມແລ້ວ! ຂອບໃຈ, ພວກເຮົາຂອບໃຈ!",
@ -2872,7 +2865,6 @@
"Delete Backup": "ລຶບການສຳຮອງຂໍ້ມູນ",
"Save": "ບັນທຶກ",
"Profile picture": "ຮູບໂປຣໄຟລ໌",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>ຍົກລະດັບ</a> ເປັນໂດເມນຂອງທ່ານເອງ",
"The operation could not be completed": "ການດໍາເນີນງານບໍ່ສໍາເລັດ",
"Failed to save your profile": "ບັນທຶກໂປຣໄຟລ໌ຂອງທ່ານບໍ່ສຳເລັດ",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "ເກີດຄວາມຜິດພາດໃນການໂຫຼດການຕັ້ງຄ່າການແຈ້ງເຕືອນຂອງທ່ານ.",

View File

@ -1107,7 +1107,6 @@
"Feedback": "Atsiliepimai",
"All settings": "Visi nustatymai",
"Change notification settings": "Keisti pranešimų nustatymus",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Perkelti</a> į savo domeną",
"View older messages in %(roomName)s.": "Peržiūrėti senesnes žinutes %(roomName)s.",
"Room version:": "Kambario versija:",
"Room version": "Kambario versija",
@ -1672,13 +1671,9 @@
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Spustelėkite toliau esantį mygtuką, kad patvirtintumėte savo tapatybę.",
"Confirm to continue": "Patvirtinkite, kad tęstumėte",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Įeinantis Patikrinimo Prašymas",
"You should know": "Turėtumėte žinoti",
"Terms of Service": "Paslaugų Teikimo Sąlygos",
"Privacy Policy": "Privatumo Politika",
"Cookie Policy": "Slapukų Politika",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Sužinokite daugiau mūsų <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> ir <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Tęsiant laikinai leidžiama %(hostSignupBrand)s sąrankos procesui prisijungti prie jūsų paskyros ir gauti patikrintus el. pašto adresus. Šie duomenys nėra saugomi.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie namų serverio. Uždarykite šį dialogą ir bandykite dar kartą.",
"Abort": "Nutraukti",
"Search for rooms or people": "Ieškoti kambarių ar žmonių",
"Message preview": "Žinutės peržiūra",

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@ -961,7 +961,6 @@
"Email (optional)": "Epasts (izvēles)",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Uzaicināt uz %(roomName)s",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Uzaicināt uz %(spaceName)s",
"Abort": "Pārtraukt",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Turpināt ar atspējotu šifrēšanu",
"Create a new room": "Izveidot jaunu istabu",
"All rooms": "Visas istabas",

View File

@ -212,7 +212,6 @@
"Change Password": "Endre passordet",
"Manage": "Administrér",
"Enable": "Slå på",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Oppgrader</a> til ditt eget domene",
"Display Name": "Visningsnavn",
"Save": "Lagre",
"Disconnect": "Koble fra",
@ -1089,19 +1088,16 @@
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Befrekt denne e-postadressen ved å bruke Single Sign On for å bevise din identitet.",
"Show stickers button": "Vis klistremerkeknappen",
"Recently visited rooms": "Nylig besøkte rom",
"Abort": "Avbryt",
"Edit devices": "Rediger enheter",
"Homeserver": "Hjemmetjener",
"Add existing room": "Legg til et eksisterende rom",
"Invite to this space": "Inviter til dette området",
"Send message": "Send melding",
"Cookie Policy": "Infokapselretningslinjer",
"Invite to %(roomName)s": "Inviter til %(roomName)s",
"Resume": "Fortsett",
"Avatar": "Profilbilde",
"Suggested Rooms": "Foreslåtte rom",
"Welcome %(name)s": "Velkommen, %(name)s",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Oppgrader til %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Verification requested": "Verifisering ble forespurt",
"%(count)s members|one": "%(count)s medlem",
"No results found": "Ingen resultater ble funnet",
@ -1137,7 +1133,6 @@
"Setting:": "Innstilling:",
"Caution:": "Advarsel:",
"Level": "Nivå",
"Privacy Policy": "Personvern",
"You should know": "Du bør vite",
"Room name": "Rommets navn",
"Skip for now": "Hopp over for nå",

View File

@ -655,7 +655,6 @@
"Verification code": "Verificatiecode",
"Phone Number": "Telefoonnummer",
"Profile picture": "Profielfoto",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> naar je eigen domein",
"Display Name": "Weergavenaam",
"Email addresses": "E-mailadressen",
"Phone numbers": "Telefoonnummers",
@ -2087,9 +2086,7 @@
"a new master key signature": "een nieuwe hoofdsleutel ondertekening",
"Failed to transfer call": "Oproep niet doorverbonden",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Een oproep kan slechts naar één personen worden doorverbonden.",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Meer informatie vindt je in onze <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> en <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Door tijdelijk door te gaan, krijgt het installatieproces van %(hostSignupBrand)s toegang tot jouw account om geverifieerde e-mailadressen op te halen. Deze gegevens worden niet opgeslagen.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Kan geen verbinding maken met jouw homeserver. Sluit dit dialoogvenster en probeer het opnieuw.",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Weet je zeker dat je het aanmaken van de host wilt afbreken? Het proces kan niet worden voortgezet.",
"PRO TIP: If you start a bug, please submit <debugLogsLink>debug logs</debugLogsLink> to help us track down the problem.": "PRO TIP: Als je een nieuwe bug maakt, stuur ons dan je <debugLogsLink>foutenlogboek</debugLogsLink> om ons te helpen het probleem op te sporen.",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het vinden van deze widget.",
@ -2104,11 +2101,8 @@
"Specify a homeserver": "Specificeer een homeserver",
"Invalid URL": "Ongeldige URL",
"Upload completed": "Upload voltooid",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s Installatie",
"You should know": "Dit moet je weten",
"Privacy Policy": "Privacystatement",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookiebeleid",
"Abort": "Afbreken",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Bevestig het afbreken van host creatie",
"You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Je zou dit kunnen aanzetten als deze kamer alleen gebruikt zal worden voor samenwerking met interne teams op je homeserver. Dit kan later niet meer veranderd worden.",
"Preparing to download logs": "Klaarmaken om logs te downloaden",
@ -2169,7 +2163,6 @@
"Send a Direct Message": "Start een direct gesprek",
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Welkom bij %(appName)s",
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "<a>Stel een kameronderwerp in</a> zodat de personen weten waar het over gaat.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "%(hostSignupBrand)s upgrade",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Waarde op expliciete niveaus in deze kamer:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Waardes op expliciete niveaus:",
"Value in this room:": "Waarde in deze kamer:",
@ -2732,7 +2725,6 @@
"We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Wij noemen de plaatsen waar je jouw account kunt hosten 'homeservers'.",
"Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org is de grootste publieke homeserver ter wereld, dus het is een goede plek voor velen.",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Als je niet kan vinden wie je zoekt, stuur ze dan je uitnodigingslink hieronder.",
"Minimise dialog": "Dialoog minimaliseren",
"Maximise dialog": "Dialoog maximaliseren",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Je kan dit later niet uitschakelen. Bruggen en de meeste bots zullen nog niet werken.",
"Add option": "Optie toevoegen",

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@ -783,7 +783,6 @@
"Upgrade": "Oppgrader",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Aktiver skrivebordsvarslingar for denne øka",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Aktiver høyrbare varslingar for denne økta",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Oppgrader</a> til ditt eige domene",
"Custom theme URL": "Tilpassa tema-URL",
"Add theme": "Legg til tema",
"Theme": "Tema",
@ -963,7 +962,6 @@
"%(senderName)s has ended a poll": "%(senderName)s har avslutta ei røysting",
"%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s har starta ei røysting - %(pollQuestion)s",
"Are you sure you want to end this poll? This will show the final results of the poll and stop people from being able to vote.": "Er du sikker på at du vil avslutta denne røystinga ? Dette vil gjelde for alle, og dei endelege resultata vil bli presentert.",
"Cookie Policy": "Informasjonskapslar",
"Privacy Policy": "Personvern",
"New keyword": "Nytt nøkkelord",
"Keyword": "Nøkkelord",

View File

@ -763,7 +763,6 @@
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "Odłączenie się od serwera tożsamości oznacza, że inni nie będą mogli Cię odnaleźć ani Ty nie będziesz w stanie zaprosić nikogo za pomocą e-maila czy telefonu.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Wprowadź nowy serwer tożsamości",
"Change": "Zmień",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Zaktualizuj</a> do swojej własnej domeny",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Wyrażasz zgodę na warunki użytkowania serwera%(serverName)s aby pozwolić na odkrywanie Ciebie za pomocą adresu e-mail oraz numeru telefonu.",
"Discovery": "Odkrywanie",
"Deactivate account": "Dezaktywuj konto",

View File

@ -711,7 +711,6 @@
"Verification code": "Código de confirmação",
"Phone Number": "Número de telefone",
"Profile picture": "Foto de perfil",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Atualize</a> para seu próprio domínio",
"Email addresses": "Endereços de e-mail",
"Phone numbers": "Números de Telefone",
"Language and region": "Idioma e região",
@ -2146,7 +2145,6 @@
"Remember this": "Lembre-se disso",
"The widget will verify your user ID, but won't be able to perform actions for you:": "O widget verificará o seu ID de usuário, mas não poderá realizar ações para você:",
"Allow this widget to verify your identity": "Permitir que este widget verifique a sua identidade",
"Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidade",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Saiba mais em nossa <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> e <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Recently visited rooms": "Salas visitadas recentemente",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Mostrar o número da linha em blocos de código",
@ -2158,7 +2156,6 @@
"Converts the room to a DM": "Converte a sala para uma conversa",
"Try again": "Tente novamente",
"We couldn't log you in": "Não foi possível fazer login",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Configuração do %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Ao continuar, você permite que o processo de configuração do %(hostSignupBrand)s acesse a sua conta para obter endereços de e-mail verificados, temporariamente. Esses dados não são armazenados.",
"Settable at room": "Definido em cada sala",
"Settable at global": "Definido globalmente",
@ -2168,13 +2165,9 @@
"Your homeserver rejected your log in attempt. This could be due to things just taking too long. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Seu servidor local recusou a sua tentativa de login. Isso pode ocorrer quando a conexão de internet estiver demorando muito. Por favor, tente novamente. Se o problema continuar, entre em contato com o administrador do seu servidor local.",
"Your homeserver was unreachable and was not able to log you in. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "O seu servidor local está inacessível e não foi possível fazer o seu login. Tente novamente. Se o problema continuar, entre em contato com o administrador do seu servidor local.",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Anteriormente, pedimos ao seu navegador para lembrar qual servidor local você usa para fazer login, mas infelizmente o navegador se esqueceu disso. Vá para a página de login e tente novamente.",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Atualizar para %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Você deveria saber",
"Cookie Policy": "Política de cookies",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Falha ao se conectar ao seu servidor local. Feche esta caixa de diálogo e tente novamente.",
"Abort": "Cancelar",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar a criação do host? O processo não pode ser continuado.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Confirmar o cancelamento da criação do host",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Valores em níveis explícitos nessa sala:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Valores em níveis explícitos:",
"Value in this room:": "Valor nessa sala:",

View File

@ -761,7 +761,6 @@
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Уведомления о прочтении другими пользователями",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Показывать скрытые события в ленте сообщений",
"When rooms are upgraded": "При обновлении комнат",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Обновление</a> до собственного домена",
"Credits": "Благодарности",
"Bulk options": "Основные опции",
"Upgrade this room to the recommended room version": "Модернизируйте комнату до рекомендованной версии",
@ -2145,15 +2144,10 @@
"Wrong Security Key": "Неправильный ключ безопасности",
"Remember this": "Запомнить это",
"The widget will verify your user ID, but won't be able to perform actions for you:": "Виджет проверит ваш идентификатор пользователя, но не сможет выполнять за вас действия:",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s Настройка",
"You should know": "Вы должны знать",
"Privacy Policy": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"Cookie Policy": "Политика использования файлов cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Дополнительную информацию можно найти на страницах <privacyPolicyLink />,<termsOfServiceLink /> и <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Продолжая процесс настройки %(hostSignupBrand)s, вы предоставите временный доступ к вашей учётной записи для получения проверенных адресов электронной почты. Эти данные не сохраняются.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Не удалось подключиться к домашнему серверу. Закройте это диалоговое окно и попробуйте ещё раз.",
"Abort": "Прервать",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Вы уверены, что хотите прервать создание хоста? Процесс не может быть продолжен.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Подтвердите прерывание создания хоста",
"Set my room layout for everyone": "Установить мой макет комнаты для всех",
"Recently visited rooms": "Недавно посещённые комнаты",
@ -2170,7 +2164,6 @@
"Try again": "Попробовать ещё раз",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Мы попросили браузер запомнить, какой домашний сервер вы используете для входа в систему, но, к сожалению, ваш браузер забыл об этом. Перейдите на страницу входа и попробуйте ещё раз.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Нам не удалось войти в систему",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Перейти на %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Value in this room:": "Значение в этой комнате:",
"Value:": "Значение:",
"Setting:": "Настройки:",
@ -2763,7 +2756,6 @@
"Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org — крупнейший в мире домашний публичный сервер, который подходит многим.",
"Spaces you know that contain this space": "Пространства, которые вы знаете, уже содержат эту комнату",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Если вы не видите того, кого ищете, отправьте ему свое приглашение по ссылке ниже.",
"Minimise dialog": "Свернуть диалог",
"Maximise dialog": "Развернуть диалог",
"You may contact me if you want to follow up or to let me test out upcoming ideas": "Вы можете связаться со мной, за дальнейшими действиями или помощью с испытанием идей",
"Are you sure you want to end this poll? This will show the final results of the poll and stop people from being able to vote.": "Вы уверены, что хотите завершить этот опрос? Это покажет окончательные результаты опроса и лишит людей возможности голосовать.",

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@ -710,7 +710,6 @@
"Verification code": "Overovací kód",
"Phone Number": "Telefónne číslo",
"Profile picture": "Obrázok v profile",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Aktualizovať</a> na vlastnú doménu",
"Display Name": "Zobrazované meno",
"Email addresses": "Emailové adresy",
"Phone numbers": "Telefónne čísla",
@ -1617,7 +1616,6 @@
"Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Váš prístupový token poskytuje úplný prístup k vášmu účtu. S nikým ho nezdieľajte.",
"You have no ignored users.": "Nemáte žiadnych ignorovaných používateľov.",
"Some suggestions may be hidden for privacy.": "Niektoré návrhy môžu byť skryté kvôli ochrane súkromia.",
"Privacy Policy": "Zásady ochrany súkromia",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Viac informácií nájdete v našich <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> a <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"You can read all our terms <PrivacyPolicyUrl>here</PrivacyPolicyUrl>": "Všetky naše podmienky si môžete prečítať <PrivacyPolicyUrl>tu</PrivacyPolicyUrl>",
"Privacy": "Súkromie",
@ -1724,7 +1722,6 @@
"Value:": "Hodnota:",
"Level": "Úroveň",
"Setting:": "Nastavenie:",
"Abort": "Prerušiť",
"Homeserver": "Domovský server",
"Approve": "Schváliť",
"Comment": "Komentár",
@ -2014,7 +2011,6 @@
"Reply to encrypted thread…": "Odpovedať na zašifrované vlákno…",
"<b>It's not recommended to make encrypted rooms public.</b> It will mean anyone can find and join the room, so anyone can read messages. You'll get none of the benefits of encryption. Encrypting messages in a public room will make receiving and sending messages slower.": "<b>Neodporúča sa zverejňovať zašifrované miestnosti.</b> Znamená to, že ktokoľvek môže nájsť miestnosť a pripojiť sa k nej, takže ktokoľvek môže čítať správy. Nezískate tak žiadne výhody šifrovania. Šifrovanie správ vo verejnej miestnosti spôsobí, že prijímanie a odosielanie správ bude pomalšie.",
"Are you sure you want to make this encrypted room public?": "Ste si istí, že chcete túto zašifrovanú miestnosť zverejniť?",
"Cookie Policy": "Zásady používania súborov cookie",
"This widget may use cookies.": "Tento widget môže používať súbory cookie.",
"Message downloading sleep time(ms)": "Čas spánku pri sťahovaní správy (ms)",
"Currently indexing: %(currentRoom)s": "Aktuálne sa indexuje: %(currentRoom)s",
@ -2024,7 +2020,6 @@
"Search (must be enabled)": "Vyhľadávanie (musí byť povolené)",
"Jump to oldest unread message": "Prejsť na najstaršiu neprečítanú správu",
"Close dialog or context menu": "Zavrieť dialógové okno alebo kontextovú ponuku",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimalizovať dialógové okno",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximalizovať dialógové okno",
"Close dialog": "Zavrieť dialógové okno",
"Close this widget to view it in this panel": "Zatvorte tento widget a zobrazíte ho na tomto paneli",
@ -2114,7 +2109,6 @@
"Your Security Key": "Váš bezpečnostný kľúč",
"Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your Security Phrase.": "Váš bezpečnostný kľúč je záchranná sieť - môžete ho použiť na obnovenie prístupu k zašifrovaným správam, ak zabudnete svoju bezpečnostnú frázu.",
"Your Security Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Váš bezpečnostný kľúč sa nachádza v priečinku <b>Stiahnuté</b>.",
"You should know": "Mali by ste vedieť",
"You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Pri tejto relácii ste už predtým použili novšiu verziu %(brand)s. Ak chcete túto verziu znovu používať s end-to-end šifrovaním, budete sa musieť odhlásiť a znova prihlásiť.",
"You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "Úspešne ste overili %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "Úspešne ste overili %(displayName)s!",
@ -2166,13 +2160,11 @@
"Upgrading this room will shut down the current instance of the room and create an upgraded room with the same name.": "Aktualizáciou tejto miestnosti sa vypne aktuálna inštancia miestnosti a vytvorí sa aktualizovaná miestnosť s rovnakým názvom.",
"Export successful!": "Export úspešný!",
"Open in OpenStreetMap": "Otvoriť v OpenStreetMap",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Ste si istí, že chcete prerušiť vytváranie hostingu? V procese nie je možné pokračovať.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Potvrdiť zrušenie vytvorenia hostingu",
"Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Aktualizujte túto reláciu, aby mohla overovať ostatné relácie, udeľovať im prístup k zašifrovaným správam a označovať ich ako dôveryhodné pre ostatných používateľov.",
"You'll need to authenticate with the server to confirm the upgrade.": "Na potvrdenie aktualizácie sa budete musieť overiť na serveri.",
"Restore your key backup to upgrade your encryption": "Obnovte zálohu kľúča a aktualizujte šifrovanie",
"Enter your account password to confirm the upgrade:": "Na potvrdenie aktualizácie zadajte heslo svojho účtu:",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Aktualizovať na %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"%(brand)s URL": "%(brand)s URL",
"Your theme": "Váš vzhľad",
"Currently joining %(count)s rooms|other": "Momentálne ste pripojení k %(count)s miestnostiam",
@ -2199,7 +2191,6 @@
"Own your conversations.": "Vlastnite svoje konverzácie.",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Vitajte v <name/>",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Vyberte miestnosti alebo konverzácie, ktoré chcete pridať. Toto je len priestor pre vás, nikto nebude informovaný. Neskôr môžete pridať ďalšie.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Pokračovanie dočasne umožní procesu nastavenia %(hostSignupBrand)s prístup k vášmu účtu s cieľom získať overené e-mailové adresy. Tieto údaje sa neukladajú.",
"We <Bold>don't</Bold> record or profile any account data": "<Bold>Nezaznamenávame ani neprofilujeme</Bold> žiadne údaje o účte",
"Cancel replying to a message": "Zrušiť odpovedanie na správu",
"Space Autocomplete": "Automatické dopĺňanie priestoru",
@ -2267,7 +2258,6 @@
"Illegal Content": "Nelegálny obsah",
"Sound on": "Zvuk zapnutý",
"Pinned messages": "Pripnuté správy",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s nastavenie",
"Use app": "Použiť aplikáciu",
"Remember this": "Zapamätať si toto",
"Channel: <channelLink/>": "Kanál: <channelLink/>",
@ -2842,7 +2832,6 @@
"sends fireworks": "pošle ohňostroj",
"Sends the given message with snowfall": "Odošle danú správu so snežením",
"sends snowfall": "pošle sneženie",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Nepodarilo sa pripojiť k vášmu domovskému serveru. Zatvorte toto dialógové okno a skúste to znova.",
"Value in this room": "Hodnota v tejto miestnosti",
"Value in this room:": "Hodnota v tejto miestnosti:",
"Your server does not support showing space hierarchies.": "Váš server nepodporuje zobrazovanie hierarchií priestoru.",

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@ -780,7 +780,6 @@
"Could not load user profile": "Su ngarkua dot profili i përdoruesit",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "Parashtoji ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ një mesazhi tekst të thjeshtë",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Para se të ftohen, përdoruesve u duhet hequr dëbimi.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Kaloni një shkallë më lart</a> me përkatësinë tuaj vetjake",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Prano krejt ftesat prej %(invitedRooms)s",
"Change room avatar": "Ndryshoni avatar dhome",
"Change room name": "Ndryshoni emër dhome",
@ -2156,17 +2155,11 @@
"Expand code blocks by default": "Zgjeroji blloqet e kodit, si parazgjedhje",
"Show stickers button": "Shfaq buton ngjitësish",
"Recently visited rooms": "Dhoma të vizituara së fundi",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Ujdisje %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Duhet të dini",
"Privacy Policy": "Rregulla Privatësie",
"Cookie Policy": "Rregulla Cookie-sh",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Mësoni më tepër te <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> dhe <cookiePolicyLink /> tonat.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Vazhdimi lejon përkohësisht procesin e ujdisjes së %(hostSignupBrand)s të hyjë në llogarinë tuaj dhe të sjellë adresa email të verifikuara. Këto të dhëna nuk depozitohen.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Su arrit të lidhej me shërbyesin tuaj Home. Ju lutemi, mbylleni këtë dialog dhe riprovoni.",
"Abort": "Ndërprite",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Jeni i sigurt se doni të ndërpritet krijimi i strehës? Procesi smund të vazhdohet.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Ripohoni ndërprerjen e krijimit të strehës",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Përmirësojeni me %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Vlera në nivele shprehimisht në këtë dhomë:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Vlera në nivele shprehimisht:",
"Value in this room:": "Vlerë në këtë dhomë:",
@ -2743,7 +2736,6 @@
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Dikush e ka atë emër përdoruesi, ju lutemi, provoni tjetër.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Dikush e ka tashmë këtë emër përdoruesi. Provoni një tjetër, ose nëse jeni ju, bëni hyrjen më poshtë.",
"Own your conversations.": "Jini zot i bisedave tuaja.",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimizoje dialogun",
"Maximise dialog": "Maksimizoje dialogun",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Shfaq ikonë paneli dhe minimizo dritaren në të, kur bëhet mbyllje",
"Show all threads": "Shfaqi krejt rrjedhat",

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@ -531,7 +531,6 @@
"Upload": "Отпреми",
"Show more": "Прикажи више",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Не могу се повезати на управника уградњи",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Искористите</a> ваш сопствени домен",
"Email addresses": "Мејл адресе",
"Phone numbers": "Бројеви телефона",
"Language and region": "Језик и област",

View File

@ -1212,7 +1212,6 @@
"Start using Key Backup": "Börja använda nyckelsäkerhetskopiering",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Aktivera skrivbordsaviseringar för den här sessionen",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Aktivera ljudaviseringar för den här sessionen",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Uppgradera</a> till din egen domän",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Användarvillkoren accepterades inte eller identitetsservern är inte giltig.",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Identitetsservern du har valt har inga användarvillkor.",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Du bör <b>ta bort din personliga information</b> från identitetsservern <idserver /> innan du kopplar ifrån. Tyvärr är identitetsservern <idserver /> för närvarande offline eller kan inte nås.",
@ -2159,17 +2158,11 @@
"Try again": "Försök igen",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Vi bad webbläsaren att komma ihåg vilken hemserver du använder för att logga in, men tyvärr har din webbläsare glömt det. Gå till inloggningssidan och försök igen.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Vi kunde inte logga in dig",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "inställning av %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Du behöver veta",
"Privacy Policy": "sekretesspolicy",
"Cookie Policy": "kakpolicy",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Läs mer i våran <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> och <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Om du fortsätter så tillåts inställningsprocessen för %(hostSignupBrand)s att temporärt komma åt din konto för att hämta verifierade e-postadresser. Den här datan lagras inte.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Misslyckades att ansluta till din hemserver. Vänligen stäng den här dialogrutan och försök igen.",
"Abort": "Avbryt",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Är du säker på att du vill avbryta skapande av värden? Processen kan inte fortsättas.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Bekräfta avbrytning av värdskapande",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Uppgradera till %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "Värden vid explicita nivåer i det här rummet:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "Värden vid explicita nivåer:",
"Value in this room:": "Värde i det här rummet:",
@ -2913,7 +2906,6 @@
"Sections to show": "Sektioner att visa",
"Link to room": "Länk till rum",
"Spaces you know that contain this space": "Utrymmen du känner till som innehåller det här utrymmet",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimera dialog",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximera dialog",
"You may contact me if you want to follow up or to let me test out upcoming ideas": "Ni kan kontakta mig om ni vill följa upp eller låta mig testa kommande idéer",
"Are you sure you want to end this poll? This will show the final results of the poll and stop people from being able to vote.": "Är du säker på att du vill avsluta den hör omröstningen? Detta kommer att visa det slutgiltiga resultatet och stoppa folk från att rösta.",

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@ -1027,7 +1027,6 @@
"Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Yedek hiç bir oturumunuz tarafından imzalanmadı",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "Bu yedek güvenilir çünkü bu oturumda geri döndürüldü",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Bu oturum için masaüstü bildirimlerini aç",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "Kendi etkinlik alanınızı <a>yükseltin</a>",
"Session ID:": "Oturum ID:",
"Session key:": "Oturum anahtarı:",
"This user has not verified all of their sessions.": "Bu kullanıcı bütün oturumlarında doğrulanmamış.",

View File

@ -712,7 +712,6 @@
"Change": "Змінити",
"Manage integrations": "Керування інтеграціями",
"Size must be a number": "Розмір повинен бути числом",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Поліпшити</a> до свого власного домену",
"No Audio Outputs detected": "Звуковий вивід не виявлено",
"Audio Output": "Звуковий вивід",
"Voice & Video": "Голос і відео",
@ -1261,7 +1260,6 @@
"Service": "Служба",
"To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.": "Погодьтесь з Умовами надання послуг, щоб продовжити.",
"Terms of Service": "Умови надання послуг",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Докладніше про <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> та <cookiePolicyLink />.",
"Agree to the identity server (%(serverName)s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number.": "Погодьтесь з Умовами надання послуг сервера ідентифікації (%(serverName)s), щоб дозволити знаходити вас за адресою електронної пошти або за номером телефону.",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Вибраний вами сервер ідентифікації не містить жодних умов користування.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Умови користування не прийнято або сервер ідентифікації недійсний.",
@ -1416,7 +1414,6 @@
"Forward message": "Переслати повідомлення",
"Join the beta": "Долучитися до бета-тестування",
"Some suggestions may be hidden for privacy.": "Деякі пропозиції можуть бути сховані для приватності.",
"Privacy Policy": "Політика приватності",
"Privacy": "Приватність",
"Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.": "Захистіться від втрати доступу до зашифрованих повідомлень і даних створенням резервної копії ключів шифрування на своєму сервері.",
"Secure Backup": "Безпечне резервне копіювання",
@ -2118,7 +2115,6 @@
"Add option": "Додати варіант",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Хтось уже має це користувацьке ім'я. Спробуйте інше або, якщо це ви, зайдіть нижче.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Хтось уже має це користувацьке ім'я, просимо спробувати інше.",
"Maximise dialog": "Розгорнути діалог",
"Minimise dialog": "Згорнути діалог",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Упорядкуйте обговорення за допомогою гілок",
"Show all threads": "Показати всі гілки",
@ -2734,7 +2730,6 @@
"Expand room list section": "Розгорнути розділ з переліком кімнат",
"Toggle space panel": "Перемкнути панель просторів",
"Including you, %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Включно з вами, %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Cookie Policy": "Політика про куки",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Надійшов запит на звірку",
"Integrations are disabled": "Інтеграції вимкнені",
"Integrations not allowed": "Інтеграції не дозволені",
@ -2751,7 +2746,6 @@
"You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.": "Тут лише ви. Якщо ви вийдете, ніхто більше не зможе приєднатися, навіть ви самі.",
"You don't have permission to do this": "У вас немає на це дозволу",
"Message preview": "Попередній перегляд повідомлення",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Налаштування %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Варто знати",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "Не вдалося створити особисте повідомлення.",
"Unable to query secret storage status": "Не вдалося дізнатися стан таємного сховища",
@ -2834,11 +2828,8 @@
"Transfer": "Переадресація",
"Recent Conversations": "Недавні бесіди",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Виклик можна переадресувати лише на одного користувача.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Продовжуючи процес налаштування %(hostSignupBrand)s ви тимчасово надаєте доступ до вашого облікового запису для отримання підтвердженої адреси електронної пошти. Ці дані не зберігаються.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Не вдалося підʼєднатися до вашого домашнього сервера. Закрийте це діалогове вікно та повторіть спробу.",
"Abort": "Припинити",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати створення хосту? Процес не можна буде продовжити.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Підтвердьте припинення створення хосту",
"Search for rooms or people": "Пошук кімнат або людей",
"Exported %(count)s events in %(seconds)s seconds|one": "Експортовано %(count)s подій за %(seconds)s секунд",
"Exported %(count)s events in %(seconds)s seconds|other": "Експортовано %(count)s подій за %(seconds)s секунд",
@ -2860,7 +2851,6 @@
"A private space for you and your teammates": "Приватний простір для вас та учасників вашої команди",
"Me and my teammates": "Я й учасники моєї команди",
"A private space to organise your rooms": "Приватний простір для впорядкування ваших кімнат",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Поліпшити до %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Add a photo so people know it's you.": "Додайте світлину, щоб люди могли вас розпізнавати.",
"Great, that'll help people know it's you": "Чудово, це допоможе людям дізнатися, що це ви",
"Open in OpenStreetMap": "Відкрити в OpenStreetMap",

View File

@ -460,7 +460,6 @@
"You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.": "Bạn là người duy nhất ở đây. Nếu bạn rời đi, sẽ không ai có thể tham gia trong tương lai, kể cả bạn",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Không thể từ chối lời mời",
"Open dial pad": "Mở bàn phím quay số",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "Nâng cấp lên %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Create a Group Chat": "Tạo một cuộc trò chuyện nhóm",
"Explore Public Rooms": "Khám phá các phòng chung",
"Send a Direct Message": "Gửi tin nhắn trực tiếp",
@ -728,16 +727,11 @@
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Xác minh thiết bị này để đánh dấu thiết bị là đáng tin cậy. Tin tưởng vào thiết bị này giúp bạn và những người dùng khác yên tâm hơn khi sử dụng các tin nhắn được mã hóa đầu cuối.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Việc xác minh người dùng này sẽ đánh dấu phiên của họ là đáng tin cậy và cũng đánh dấu phiên của bạn là đáng tin cậy đối với họ.",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Xác minh người dùng này để đánh dấu họ là đáng tin cậy. Người dùng đáng tin cậy giúp bạn yên tâm hơn khi sử dụng các tin nhắn được mã hóa end-to-end.",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "Cài đặt %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"You should know": "Bạn nên biết",
"Terms of Service": "Điều khoản Dịch vụ",
"Privacy Policy": "Chính sách bảo mật",
"Cookie Policy": "Chính sách Cookie",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "Tìm hiểu thêm trong Chính sách bảo mật <privacyPolicyLink />, điều khoản dịch vụ liên kết <termsOfServiceLink /> và <cookiePolicyLink />. của chúng tôi.",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "Việc tiếp tục tạm thời cho phép quá trình thiết lập %(hostSignupBrand)s truy cập vào tài khoản của bạn để tìm nạp các địa chỉ email đã được xác minh. Dữ liệu này không được lưu trữ.",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "Không kết nối được với máy chủ của bạn. Vui lòng đóng hộp thoại này và thử lại.",
"Abort": "Huỷ bỏ",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn hủy bỏ việc tạo máy chủ lưu trữ không? Quá trình này không thể được tiếp tục.",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "Xác nhận hủy tạo máy chủ lưu trữ",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Bạn có thể liên hệ với tôi nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi tiếp theo nào",
"Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Nền tảng ứng dụng và tên người dùng của bạn sẽ được ghi lại để giúp chúng tôi tiếp nhận phản hồi của bạn một cách tốt nhất có thể.",
@ -2187,7 +2181,6 @@
"Profile picture": "Ảnh đại diện",
"Display Name": "Tên hiển thị",
"Profile": "Hồ sơ",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Upgrade</a> lên miền của riêng bạn",
"The operation could not be completed": "Lệnh không thể hoàn thành",
"Failed to save your profile": "Không lưu được hồ sơ của bạn",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Đã xảy ra lỗi khi tải cài đặt thông báo của bạn.",
@ -2710,7 +2703,6 @@
"What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Những gì người dùng này đang viết là sai.\nĐiều này sẽ được báo cáo tới các moderator của phòng.",
"Spaces you know that contain this space": "Các space bạn biết có chứa space này",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Nếu bạn không thể thấy người bạn đang tìm, hãy gửi cho họ liên kết mời của bạn bên dưới.",
"Minimise dialog": "Thu nhỏ hộp thoại",
"Maximise dialog": "Mở rộng hộp thoại",
"You may contact me if you want to follow up or to let me test out upcoming ideas": "Chúng tôi có thể liên hệ với bạn để cho phép bạn theo dõi hoặc thử nghiệm những tính năng sắp tới",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Bạn không thể vô hiệu hóa điều này sau này. Các cầu và hầu hết các bot sẽ không hoạt động.",

View File

@ -328,7 +328,6 @@
"Verification code": "Verificoasjecode",
"Phone Number": "Telefongnumero",
"Profile picture": "Profielfoto",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Ipwoardeert</a> noa jen eigen domein",
"Display Name": "Weergavenoame",
"Save": "Ipsloan",
"Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "Wyzign van t paswoord es mislukt. Es je paswoord wel juste?",

View File

@ -782,7 +782,6 @@
"If you didn't remove the recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.": "如果你没有移除此恢复方式,可能有攻击者正试图侵入你的账户。请立即更改你的账户密码并在设置中设定一个新的恢复方式。",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "在纯文本消息开头添加 ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "用户必须先解封才能被邀请。",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>切换</a>至自有域名",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "接受所有 %(invitedRooms)s 邀请",
"Change room avatar": "更改房间头像",
"Change room name": "更改房间名称",
@ -1803,9 +1802,7 @@
"Specify a homeserver": "指定主服务器",
"Transfer": "传输",
"Unnamed Space": "未命名空间",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookie 政策",
"Privacy Policy": "隐私政策",
"Abort": "放弃",
"Send feedback": "发送反馈",
"Report a bug": "反馈问题",
"Value:": "值:",
@ -1942,7 +1939,6 @@
"%(count)s rooms|one": "%(count)s 个房间",
"%(count)s rooms|other": "%(count)s 个房间",
"You don't have permission": "你没有权限",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "升级至 %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Enter phone number": "输入电话号码",
"Enter email address": "输入邮箱地址",
"Move right": "向右移动",
@ -1978,11 +1974,8 @@
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "添加一些细节,以便人们辨识你的社群。",
"Open space for anyone, best for communities": "适合每一个人的开放空间,社群的理想选择",
"New version of %(brand)s is available": "%(brand)s 有新版本可用",
"You should know": "你应当知道",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "请通过我们的<privacyPolicyLink />、<termsOfServiceLink />和 <cookiePolicyLink />了解更多信息。",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "无法连接至你的主服务器。请关闭此对话框并再试一次。",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "你确定要放弃创建主机吗?被放弃的创建流程将无法再继续。",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "确定放弃创建主机",
"Please view <existingIssuesLink>existing bugs on Github</existingIssuesLink> first. No match? <newIssueLink>Start a new one</newIssueLink>.": "请先查找一下 <existingIssuesLink>Github 上已有的问题</existingIssuesLink>,以免重复。找不到重复问题?<newIssueLink>发起一个吧</newIssueLink>。",
"PRO TIP: If you start a bug, please submit <debugLogsLink>debug logs</debugLogsLink> to help us track down the problem.": "专业建议:如果你要发起新问题,请一并提交<debugLogsLink>调试日志</debugLogsLink>,以便我们找出问题根源。",
"Values at explicit levels": "各层级的值",
@ -2015,7 +2008,6 @@
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "邀请至 %(spaceName)s",
"Failed to transfer call": "通话转移失败",
"Invite by email": "通过邮箱邀请",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s 设置",
"Comment": "备注",
"Feedback sent": "反馈已发送",
"Edit devices": "编辑设备",
@ -2230,7 +2222,6 @@
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "使用某人的名称、电子邮箱地址或用户名来与其开始对话(如 <userId/>)。",
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "通话只能转移到单个用户。",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "我们无法创建你的私聊。",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "继续暂时允许让 %(hostSignupBrand)s 安装过程可以访问你的账户以获取已验证电子邮箱地址。此数据不保存。",
"Block anyone not part of %(serverName)s from ever joining this room.": "阻住任何不属于 %(serverName)s 的人加入此房间。",
"You might disable this if the room will be used for collaborating with external teams who have their own homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "如果房间用于与自己的主服务器外的团队进行协助的话,可以停用此功能。这将无法在稍后进行更改。",
"What do you want to organise?": "你想要组织什么?",
@ -2748,7 +2739,6 @@
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "用户名已被占用,请尝试使用其他用户名。",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "该名称已被占用。 尝试另一个,或者如果是您,请在下面登录。",
"Own your conversations.": "拥有您的对话。",
"Minimise dialog": "最小化对话框",
"Maximise dialog": "最大化对话框",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "显示托盘图标并在关闭时最小化窗口至托盘",
"Reply in thread": "在消息列中回复",

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@ -782,7 +782,6 @@
"Could not load user profile": "無法載入使用者簡介",
"Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message": "將 ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ 附加到純文字訊息中",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "使用者必須在被邀請前先解除阻擋。",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>升級</a>到您自己的網域",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "接受所有 %(invitedRooms)s 邀請",
"Change room avatar": "變更聊天室大頭貼",
"Change room name": "變更聊天室名稱",
@ -2161,17 +2160,11 @@
"Recently visited rooms": "最近造訪過的聊天室",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "在程式碼區塊中顯示行號",
"Expand code blocks by default": "預設展開程式碼區塊",
"%(hostSignupBrand)s Setup": "%(hostSignupBrand)s 設定",
"You should know": "您應該知道",
"Privacy Policy": "隱私權政策",
"Cookie Policy": "Cookie 政策",
"Learn more in our <privacyPolicyLink />, <termsOfServiceLink /> and <cookiePolicyLink />.": "在我們的 <privacyPolicyLink />、<termsOfServiceLink /> 與 <cookiePolicyLink /> 取得更多資訊。",
"Continuing temporarily allows the %(hostSignupBrand)s setup process to access your account to fetch verified email addresses. This data is not stored.": "暫時繼續進行讓 %(hostSignupBrand)s 設定流程可以存取您的帳號來擷取已驗證的電子郵件地址。此資料未儲存。",
"Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "無法連線到您的家伺服器。請關閉對話框並再試一次。",
"Abort": "中止",
"Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "您確定您想要中止主機建立嗎?流程將無法繼續。",
"Confirm abort of host creation": "確認中止主機建立",
"Upgrade to %(hostSignupBrand)s": "升級至 %(hostSignupBrand)s",
"Values at explicit levels in this room:": "此聊天室中明確等級的值:",
"Values at explicit levels:": "明確等級的值:",
"Value in this room:": "此聊天室中的值:",
@ -2748,7 +2741,6 @@
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "某人已使用該使用者名稱,請嘗試使用另一個。",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "某人已使用該使用者名稱。請嘗試使用另一個,或著如果是您,請在下方登入。",
"Own your conversations.": "擁有您的對話。",
"Minimise dialog": "最小化對話方塊",
"Maximise dialog": "最大化對話方塊",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "顯示系統匣圖示並於關閉時最小化",
"Show all threads": "顯示所有討論串",