run gen-i18n and prune-i18n

Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <>
Michael Telatynski 2018-06-14 13:36:39 +01:00
parent 7d7a6f3d9c
commit e1d3c2e4c7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 3F879DA5AD802A5E
42 changed files with 2 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
"Noisy": "Шумна",
"Resend": "Паўторна",
"On": "Уключыць",
"Permalink": "Пастаянная спасылка",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "выдаліць %(name)s з каталога.",
"Off": "Выключыць",
"Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "Выдаліць псеўданім пакоя %(alias)s і выдаліць %(name)s з каталога?",

View File

@ -1125,7 +1125,6 @@
"Set Password": "Задаване на парола",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Възникна грешка при запазване на настройките за имейл известяване.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Включване на звукови известия в уеб клиент",
"Permalink": "Permalink",
"Off": "Изключено",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot не знае как да се присъедини към стая от тази мрежа",
"Mentions only": "Само при споменаване",

View File

@ -1004,7 +1004,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "No s'ha pogut obtenir la llista d'objectius de les notificacions",
"Set Password": "Establiu una contrasenya",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Habilita les notificacions d'àudio al client web",
"Permalink": "Enllaç permanent",
"Off": "Apagat",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "El Riot no sap com unir-se a una sala en aquesta xarxa",
"Mentions only": "Només mencions",

View File

@ -1062,7 +1062,6 @@
"Set Password": "Nastavit heslo",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Při ukládání nastavení e-mailových upozornění nastala chyba.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Povolit zvuková upozornění ve webové aplikaci",
"Permalink": "Trvalý odkaz",
"Off": "Vypnout",
"#example": "#příklad",
"Mentions only": "Pouze zmínky",

View File

@ -371,7 +371,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Kan ikke hente meddelelsesmålliste",
"Set Password": "Indstil Password",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Aktivér hørbare underretninger i webklienten",
"Permalink": "Permanent link",
"Resend": "Send igen",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ved ikke, hvordan man kan deltage i et rum på dette netværk",
"Mentions only": "Kun nævninger",

View File

@ -1126,7 +1126,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Liste der Benachrichtigungsempfänger konnte nicht abgerufen werden",
"Set Password": "Passwort einrichten",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Audio-Benachrichtigungen im Web-Client aktivieren",
"Permalink": "Permanenter Link",
"Off": "Aus",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot weiß nicht, wie es einem Raum auf diesem Netzwerk beitreten soll",
"Mentions only": "Nur, wenn du erwähnt wirst",

View File

@ -746,7 +746,6 @@
"What's New": "Τι νέο υπάρχει",
"Set Password": "Ορισμός κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Ενεργοποίηση ηχητικών ειδοποιήσεων",
"Permalink": "Μόνιμος σύνδεσμος",
"Off": "Ανενεργό",
"#example": "#παράδειγμα",
"Mentions only": "Μόνο αναφορές",

View File

@ -862,6 +862,7 @@
"Link to most recent message": "Link to most recent message",
"Share User": "Share User",
"Share Community": "Share Community",
"Share Room Message": "Share Room Message",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.",
@ -881,7 +882,7 @@
"View Source": "View Source",
"View Decrypted Source": "View Decrypted Source",
"Unhide Preview": "Unhide Preview",
"Permalink": "Permalink",
"Share Message": "Share Message",
"Quote": "Quote",
"Source URL": "Source URL",
"Collapse Reply Thread": "Collapse Reply Thread",

View File

@ -816,7 +816,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Unable to fetch notification target list",
"Set Password": "Set Password",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Enable audible notifications in web client",
"Permalink": "Permalink",
"Off": "Off",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot does not know how to join a room on this network",
"Mentions only": "Mentions only",

View File

@ -1077,7 +1077,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Malsukcesis akiri la liston de celoj por sciigoj",
"Set Password": "Agordi pasvorton",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Ŝalti aŭdeblajn sciigojn en la retkliento",
"Permalink": "Konstanta ligilo",
"Off": "For",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ne scias aliĝi al ĉambroj en tiu ĉi reto",
"Mentions only": "Nur mencioj",

View File

@ -717,7 +717,6 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot no sabe cómo unirse a una sala en esta red",
"Set Password": "Establecer contraseña",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Habilitar notificaciones audibles en el cliente web",
"Permalink": "Enlace permanente",
"Off": "Apagado",
"#example": "#ejemplo",
"Mentions only": "Sólo menciones",

View File

@ -1127,7 +1127,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Ezin izan da jakinarazpen helburuen zerrenda eskuratu",
"Set Password": "Ezarri pasahitza",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Gaitu jakinarazpen entzungarriak web bezeroan",
"Permalink": "Esteka iraunkorra",
"Off": "Ez",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riotek ez daki nola elkartu gela batetara sare honetan",
"Mentions only": "Aipamenak besterik ez",

View File

@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
"Set Password": "پسوردتان را انتخاب کنید",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "خطایی در حین ذخیره‌ی ترجیجات شما درباره‌ی رایانامه رخ داد.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "آگاه‌سازی صدادار را در کارگزار وب فعال کن",
"Permalink": "پایاپیوند",
"Off": "خاموش",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "رایوت از چگونگی ورود به یک گپ در این شبکه اطلاعی ندارد",
"Mentions only": "فقط نام‌بردن‌ها",

View File

@ -1050,7 +1050,6 @@
"Set Password": "Aseta salasana",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Sähköposti-ilmoitusasetuksia tallettaessa tapahtui virhe.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Ota käyttöön äänelliset ilmoitukset",
"Permalink": "Pysyvä linkki",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "poista %(name)s hakemistosta.",
"Off": "Pois päältä",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ei tiedä miten liittya huoneeseen tässä verkossa",

View File

@ -1121,7 +1121,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Impossible de récupérer la liste des appareils recevant les notifications",
"Set Password": "Définir un mot de passe",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Activer les notifications sonores pour le client web",
"Permalink": "Permalien",
"Off": "Désactivé",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ne peut pas joindre un salon sur ce réseau",
"Mentions only": "Seulement les mentions",

View File

@ -1127,7 +1127,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Non se puido procesar a lista de obxetivo de notificacións",
"Set Password": "Establecer contrasinal",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Habilitar notificacións audibles no cliente web",
"Permalink": "Ligazón permanente",
"Off": "Off",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot non sabe cómo conectar con unha sala en esta rede",
"Mentions only": "Só mencións",

View File

@ -221,7 +221,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "לא ניתן לאחזר רשימת יעדי התראה",
"Set Password": "הגדר סיסמא",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "אפשר התראות קוליות בדפדפן",
"Permalink": "קישור קבוע",
"Off": "סגור",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot אינו יודע כיצד להצטרף לחדר ברשת זו",
"Mentions only": "מאזכר בלבד",

View File

@ -1126,7 +1126,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Nem sikerült letölteni az értesítési célok listáját",
"Set Password": "Jelszó beállítása",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Hangértesítések engedélyezése a webkliensben",
"Permalink": "Állandó hivatkozás",
"Off": "Ki",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "A Riot nem tud csatlakozni szobához ezen a hálózaton",
"Mentions only": "Csak ha megemlítenek",

View File

@ -324,7 +324,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Tidak dapat mengambil daftar notifikasi target",
"Set Password": "Ubah Password",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Aktifkan notifikasi suara di klien web",
"Permalink": "Permalink",
"Off": "Mati",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot tidak tau bagaimana gabung ruang di jaringan ini",
"Mentions only": "Hanya jika disinggung",

View File

@ -380,7 +380,6 @@
"View Source": "Skoða frumkóða",
"View Decrypted Source": "Skoða afkóðaða upprunaskrá",
"Unhide Preview": "Birta forskoðun",
"Permalink": "Varanlegur tengill",
"Quote": "Tilvitnun",
"Source URL": "Upprunaslóð",
"All messages (noisy)": "Öll skilaboð (hávært)",

View File

@ -1122,7 +1122,6 @@
"What's New": "Novità",
"Set Password": "Imposta Password",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Abilita notifiche audio nel client web",
"Permalink": "Link permanente",
"Off": "Spento",
"#example": "#esempio",
"Mentions only": "Solo le citazioni",

View File

@ -223,7 +223,6 @@
"Event Type": "イベントの形式",
"What's New": "新着",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "ウェブクライアントで音による通知を有効化",
"Permalink": "パーマリンク",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "ディレクトリから %(name)s を消去する。",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riotはこのネットワークで部屋に参加する方法を知りません",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "サインアウト後にあなたの\nアカウントに戻る、また、他の端末でサインインすることができます。",

View File

@ -754,7 +754,6 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "라이엇이 이 네트워크에서 방에 들어가는 법을 알 수 없어요",
"Set Password": "비밀번호 설정",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "웹 클라이언트에서 알림 소리 켜기",
"Permalink": "고유주소",
"Off": "끄기",
"#example": "#예",
"Mentions only": "답만 하기",

View File

@ -161,7 +161,6 @@
"Set Password": "Nustatyti slaptažodį",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Įrašant pranešimų el. paštu nuostatas, įvyko klaida.",
"Unable to join network": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie tinklo",
"Permalink": "Pastovioji nuoroda",
"Register": "Registruotis",
"Off": "Išjungta",
"Edit": "Koreguoti",

View File

@ -1115,7 +1115,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Neizdevās iegūt paziņojumu mērķu sarakstu",
"Set Password": "Iestatīt paroli",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Iespējot skaņus paziņojumus web klientā",
"Permalink": "Pastāvīgā saite",
"Off": "izslēgts",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot nezin kā pievienoties šajā tīklā esošajai istabai",
"Mentions only": "Vienīgi atsauces",

View File

@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "നോട്ടിഫിക്കേഷന്‍ ടാര്‍ഗെറ്റ് ലിസ്റ്റ് നേടാനായില്ല",
"Set Password": "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് സജ്ജീകരിക്കുക",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "വെബ് പതിപ്പിലെ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കേള്‍ക്കാവുന്നതാക്കുക",
"Permalink": "പെര്‍മാലിങ്ക്",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "%(name)s ഡയറക്റ്ററിയില്‍ നിന്ന് നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക.",
"Off": "ഓഫ്",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "ഈ നെറ്റ്‍വര്‍ക്കിലെ ഒരു റൂമില്‍ എങ്ങനെ അംഗമാകാമെന്ന് റയട്ടിന് അറിയില്ല",

View File

@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot vet ikke hvordan man kan komme inn på et rom på dette nettverket",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "En feil oppsto i forbindelse med lagring av epost varsel innstillinger.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Aktiver lyd-varsel i webklient",
"Permalink": "Permanent lenke",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "fjern %(name)s fra katalogen.",
"Off": "Av",
"#example": "#eksempel",

View File

@ -1120,7 +1120,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Het is mislukt om de lijst van notificatiedoelen op te halen",
"Set Password": "Wachtwoord instellen",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Geluidsmeldingen in de webclient aanzetten",
"Permalink": "Permanente link",
"Off": "Uit",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot weet niet hoe het moet deelnemen in een ruimte op dit netwerk",
"Mentions only": "Alleen vermeldingen",

View File

@ -901,7 +901,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Nie można pobrać listy docelowej dla powiadomień",
"Set Password": "Ustaw hasło",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Włącz dźwiękowe powiadomienia w kliencie internetowym",
"Permalink": "Odnośnik bezpośredni",
"Off": "Wyłącz",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot nie wie, jak dołączyć do pokoju w tej sieci",
"Mentions only": "Tylko, gdy wymienieni",

View File

@ -826,7 +826,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Não foi possível obter a lista de alvos de notificação",
"Set Password": "Definir palavra-passe",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Ativar notificações de áudio no cliente web",
"Permalink": "Link permanente",
"Off": "Desativado",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "O Riot não sabe como entrar numa sala nesta rede",
"Mentions only": "Apenas menções",

View File

@ -1101,7 +1101,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Não foi possível obter a lista de alvos de notificação",
"Set Password": "Definir senha",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Ativar notificações de áudio no cliente web",
"Permalink": "Link permanente",
"Off": "Desativado",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "O sistema não sabe como entrar na sala desta rede",
"Mentions only": "Apenas menções",

View File

@ -1125,7 +1125,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Не удалось получить список устройств для уведомлений",
"Set Password": "Задать пароль",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Включить звуковые уведомления в веб-клиенте",
"Permalink": "Постоянная ссылка",
"Off": "Выключить",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot не знает, как присоединиться к комнате, принадлежащей к этой сети",
"Mentions only": "Только при упоминаниях",

View File

@ -1126,7 +1126,6 @@
"Set Password": "Nastaviť Heslo",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Počas ukladania vašich nastavení oznamovania emailom sa vyskytla chyba.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Povoliť zvukové oznámenia vo webovom klientovi",
"Permalink": "Trvalý odkaz",
"Off": "Zakázané",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot nedokáže vstúpiť do miestnosti na tejto sieti",
"Mentions only": "Len zmienky",

View File

@ -269,7 +269,6 @@
"Set Password": "Caktoni Fjalëkalim",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Ndodhi një gabim teksa ruheshin parapëlqimet tuaja për njoftime me email.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Aktivizoni njoftime audio te klienti web",
"Permalink": "Permalidhje",
"Register": "Regjistrohuni",
"Off": "Off",
"Edit": "Përpunoni",

View File

@ -1101,7 +1101,6 @@
"Set Password": "Постави лозинку",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "Догодила се грешка при чувању ваших поставки мејл обавештења.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Омогући звучна обавештења у веб клијенту",
"Permalink": "Трајна веза",
"Resend": "Поново пошаљи",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot не зна како да приступи соби на овој мрежи",
"Mentions only": "Само спомињања",

View File

@ -547,7 +547,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Det gick inte att hämta aviseringsmållistan",
"Set Password": "Välj lösenord",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Sätt på högljudda aviseringar i webbklienten",
"Permalink": "Permanent länk",
"Off": "Av",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot kan inte gå med i ett rum på det här nätverket",
"Mentions only": "Endast omnämnande",

View File

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
"Off": "அமை",
"On": "மீது",
"Operation failed": "செயல்பாடு தோல்வியுற்றது",
"Permalink": "நிரந்தரத் தொடுப்பு",
"powered by Matrix": "Matrix-ஆல் ஆனது",
"Quote": "மேற்கோள்",
"Reject": "நிராகரி",

View File

@ -544,7 +544,6 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot ไม่รู้วิธีเข้าร่วมห้องในเครือข่ายนี้",
"Set Password": "ตั้งรหัสผ่าน",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "เปิดใช้งานเสียงแจ้งเตือนบนเว็บไคลเอนต์",
"Permalink": "ลิงก์ถาวร",
"Off": "ปิด",
"#example": "#example",
"Mentions only": "เมื่อถูกกล่าวถึงเท่านั้น",

View File

@ -741,7 +741,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Bildirim hedef listesi çekilemedi",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "E-posta bildirim tercihlerinizi kaydetme işlemi sırasında bir hata oluştu.",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Web istemcisinde sesli bildirimleri etkinleştir",
"Permalink": "Kalıcı Bağlantı(permalink)",
"Off": "Kapalı",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot bu ağdaki bir odaya nasıl gireceğini bilmiyor",
"Mentions only": "Sadece Mention'lar",

View File

@ -232,7 +232,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "Неможливо отримати перелік цілей сповіщення",
"Set Password": "Задати пароль",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "Увімкнути звукові сповіщення у мережевому застосунку",
"Permalink": "Постійне посилання",
"Off": "Вимкнено",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot не знає як приєднатись до кімнати у цій мережі",
"Mentions only": "Тільки згадки",

View File

@ -1099,7 +1099,6 @@
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "无法获取通知目标列表",
"Set Password": "设置密码",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "在网页客户端启用音频通知",
"Permalink": "永久链接",
"Off": "关闭",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot 不知道如何在此网络中加入聊天室",
"Mentions only": "只限提及",

View File

@ -1126,7 +1126,6 @@
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot 不知道如何在此網路中加入聊天室",
"Set Password": "設定密碼",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "在網頁客戶端啟用音訊通知",
"Permalink": "永久連結",
"Off": "關閉",
"#example": "#範例",
"Mentions only": "僅提及",