mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Run audio through the Web Audio API instead
This leads to more reliable frequency/timing information, and involves a whole lot less decoding. We still maintain ongoing encoded frames to avoid having to do one giant encode at the end, as that could take long enough to be disruptive.pull/21833/head
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ export default class VoiceRecordComposerTile extends React.PureComponent<IProps,
await recorder.start();
// TODO: @@ TravisR: Run through EQ component
// recorder.rawData.onUpdate((frame) => {
// console.log('@@ FRAME', frame);
// recorder.frequencyData.onUpdate((freq) => {
// console.log('@@ UPDATE', freq);
// });
@ -20,40 +20,74 @@ import {MatrixClient} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/client";
import CallMediaHandler from "../CallMediaHandler";
import {SimpleObservable} from "matrix-widget-api";
const CHANNELS = 1; // stereo isn't important
const SAMPLE_RATE = 48000; // 48khz is what WebRTC uses. 12khz is where we lose quality.
const BITRATE = 64000; // 64kbps is average for WebRTC, so we might as well use it too.
const FREQ_SAMPLE_RATE = 4; // Target rate of frequency data. We don't need this super often.
export interface IFrequencyPackage {
dbBars: Float32Array;
dbMin: number;
dbMax: number;
// TODO: @@ TravisR: Generalize this for a timing package?
export class VoiceRecorder {
private recorder = new Recorder({
encoderPath, // magic from webpack
mediaTrackConstraints: <MediaTrackConstraints>{
deviceId: CallMediaHandler.getAudioInput(),
encoderSampleRate: 48000, // we could go down to 12khz, but we lose quality. 48khz is a webrtc default
encoderApplication: 2048, // voice (default is "audio")
streamPages: true, // so we can have a live EQ for the user
encoderFrameSize: 20, // ms, we want updates fairly regularly for the UI
numberOfChannels: 1, // stereo isn't important for us
//sourceNode: instanceof MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, // TODO: @@ Travis: Use this for EQ stuff.
encoderBitRate: 64000, // 64kbps is average for webrtc
encoderComplexity: 3, // 0-10, 0 is fast and low complexity
resampleQuality: 3, // 0-10, 10 is slow and high quality
private recorder: Recorder;
private recorderContext: AudioContext;
private recorderSource: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode;
private recorderStream: MediaStream;
private recorderFreqNode: AnalyserNode;
private buffer = new Uint8Array(0);
private mxc: string;
private recording = false;
private observable: SimpleObservable<Uint8Array>;
private observable: SimpleObservable<IFrequencyPackage>;
private freqTimerId: number;
public constructor(private client: MatrixClient) {
private async makeRecorder() {
this.recorderStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: {
// specify some audio settings so we're feeding the recorder with the
// best possible values. The browser will handle resampling for us.
sampleRate: SAMPLE_RATE,
channelCount: CHANNELS,
noiseSuppression: true, // browsers ignore constraints they can't honour
deviceId: CallMediaHandler.getAudioInput(),
this.recorderContext = new AudioContext({
latencyHint: "interactive",
sampleRate: SAMPLE_RATE, // once again, the browser will resample for us
this.recorderSource = this.recorderContext.createMediaStreamSource(this.recorderStream);
this.recorderFreqNode = this.recorderContext.createAnalyser();
this.recorder = new Recorder({
encoderPath, // magic from webpack
encoderSampleRate: SAMPLE_RATE,
encoderApplication: 2048, // voice (default is "audio")
streamPages: true, // this speeds up the encoding process by using CPU over time
encoderFrameSize: 20, // ms, arbitrary frame size we send to the encoder
numberOfChannels: CHANNELS,
sourceNode: this.recorderSource,
encoderBitRate: BITRATE,
encoderComplexity: 3, // 0-10, 0 is fast and low complexity
resampleQuality: 3, // 0-10, 10 is slow and high quality
this.recorder.ondataavailable = (a: ArrayBuffer) => {
// TODO: @@ TravisR: We'll have to decode each frame and convert it to an EQ to observe
const buf = new Uint8Array(a);
const newBuf = new Uint8Array(this.buffer.length + buf.length);
newBuf.set(this.buffer, 0);
newBuf.set(buf, this.buffer.length);
this.buffer = newBuf;
this.observable.update(buf); // send the frame over the observable
public get rawData(): SimpleObservable<Uint8Array> {
public get frequencyData(): SimpleObservable<IFrequencyPackage> {
if (!this.recording) throw new Error("No observable when not recording");
return this.observable;
@ -83,7 +117,18 @@ export class VoiceRecorder {
if (this.observable) {
this.observable = new SimpleObservable<Uint8Array>();
this.observable = new SimpleObservable<IFrequencyPackage>();
await this.makeRecorder();
this.freqTimerId = setInterval(() => {
if (!this.recording) return;
const data = new Float32Array(this.recorderFreqNode.frequencyBinCount);
dbBars: data,
dbMin: this.recorderFreqNode.minDecibels,
dbMax: this.recorderFreqNode.maxDecibels,
}, 1000 / FREQ_SAMPLE_RATE) as any as number; // XXX: Linter doesn't understand timer environment
return this.recorder.start().then(() => this.recording = true);
@ -91,12 +136,20 @@ export class VoiceRecorder {
if (!this.recording) {
throw new Error("No recording to stop");
return new Promise<Uint8Array>(resolve => {
this.recorder.stop().then(() => {
// Disconnect the source early to start shutting down resources
return this.recorder.stop()
// close the context after the recorder so the recorder doesn't try to
// connect anything to the context (this would generate a warning)
.then(() => this.recorderContext.close())
// Now stop all the media tracks so we can release them back to the user/OS
.then(() => this.recorderStream.getTracks().forEach(t => t.stop()))
// Finally do our post-processing and clean up
.then(() => {
this.recording = false;
return this.recorder.close();
}).then(() => resolve(this.buffer));
}).then(() => this.buffer);
public async upload(): Promise<string> {
Reference in New Issue