mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/poljar/seshat-search-pagination' into develop
@ -17,25 +17,71 @@ limitations under the License.
import EventIndexPeg from "./indexing/EventIndexPeg";
import {MatrixClientPeg} from "./MatrixClientPeg";
function serverSideSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
let filter;
if (roomId !== undefined) {
// XXX: it's unintuitive that the filter for searching doesn't have
// the same shape as the v2 filter API :(
filter = {
rooms: [roomId],
const SEARCH_LIMIT = 10;
const searchPromise = MatrixClientPeg.get().searchRoomEvents({
async function serverSideSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
return searchPromise;
const filter = {
if (roomId !== undefined) filter.rooms = [roomId];
const body = {
search_categories: {
room_events: {
search_term: term,
filter: filter,
order_by: "recent",
event_context: {
before_limit: 1,
after_limit: 1,
include_profile: true,
const response = await client.search({body: body});
const result = {
response: response,
query: body,
return result;
async function serverSideSearchProcess(term, roomId = undefined) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const result = await serverSideSearch(term, roomId);
// The js-sdk method backPaginateRoomEventsSearch() uses _query internally
// so we're reusing the concept here since we wan't to delegate the
// pagination back to backPaginateRoomEventsSearch() in some cases.
const searchResult = {
_query: result.query,
results: [],
highlights: [],
return client._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, result.response);
function compareEvents(a, b) {
const aEvent = a.result;
const bEvent = b.result;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts > bEvent.origin_server_ts) return -1;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts < bEvent.origin_server_ts) return 1;
return 0;
async function combinedSearch(searchTerm) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
// Create two promises, one for the local search, one for the
// server-side search.
const serverSidePromise = serverSideSearch(searchTerm);
@ -48,37 +94,59 @@ async function combinedSearch(searchTerm) {
const localResult = await localPromise;
const serverSideResult = await serverSidePromise;
// Combine the search results into one result.
const result = {};
const serverQuery = serverSideResult.query;
const serverResponse = serverSideResult.response;
// Our localResult and serverSideResult are both ordered by
// recency separately, when we combine them the order might not
// be the right one so we need to sort them.
const compare = (a, b) => {
const aEvent = a.context.getEvent().event;
const bEvent = b.context.getEvent().event;
const localQuery = localResult.query;
const localResponse = localResult.response;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts >
bEvent.origin_server_ts) return -1;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts <
bEvent.origin_server_ts) return 1;
return 0;
// Store our queries for later on so we can support pagination.
// We're reusing _query here again to not introduce separate code paths and
// concepts for our different pagination methods. We're storing the
// server-side next batch separately since the query is the json body of
// the request and next_batch needs to be a query parameter.
// We can't put it in the final result that _processRoomEventsSearch()
// returns since that one can be either a server-side one, a local one or a
// fake one to fetch the remaining cached events. See the docs for
// combineEvents() for an explanation why we need to cache events.
const emptyResult = {
seshatQuery: localQuery,
_query: serverQuery,
serverSideNextBatch: serverResponse.next_batch,
cachedEvents: [],
oldestEventFrom: "server",
results: [],
highlights: [],
result.count = localResult.count + serverSideResult.count;
result.results = localResult.results.concat(
result.highlights = localResult.highlights.concat(
// Combine our results.
const combinedResult = combineResponses(emptyResult, localResponse, serverResponse.search_categories.room_events);
// Let the client process the combined result.
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: combinedResult,
const result = client._processRoomEventsSearch(emptyResult, response);
// Restore our encryption info so we can properly re-verify the events.
return result;
async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined, processResult = true) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const searchArgs = {
search_term: searchTerm,
before_limit: 1,
after_limit: 1,
order_by_recency: true,
room_id: undefined,
@ -87,6 +155,19 @@ async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
searchArgs.room_id = roomId;
const localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
searchArgs.next_batch = localResult.next_batch;
const result = {
response: localResult,
query: searchArgs,
return result;
async function localSearchProcess(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
const emptyResult = {
results: [],
highlights: [],
@ -94,9 +175,34 @@ async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
if (searchTerm === "") return emptyResult;
const result = await localSearch(searchTerm, roomId);
emptyResult.seshatQuery = result.query;
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: result.response,
const processedResult = MatrixClientPeg.get()._processRoomEventsSearch(emptyResult, response);
// Restore our encryption info so we can properly re-verify the events.
return processedResult;
async function localPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const searchArgs = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
searchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch = localResult.next_batch;
// We only need to restore the encryption state for the new results, so
// remember how many of them we got.
const newResultCount = localResult.results.length;
const response = {
search_categories: {
@ -104,15 +210,257 @@ async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
const result = MatrixClientPeg.get()._processRoomEventsSearch(
emptyResult, response);
const result = MatrixClientPeg.get()._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, response);
// Restore our encryption info so we can properly re-verify the events.
for (let i = 0; i < result.results.length; i++) {
const timeline = result.results[i].context.getTimeline();
const newSlice = result.results.slice(Math.max(result.results.length - newResultCount, 0));
searchResult.pendingRequest = null;
return result;
function compareOldestEvents(firstResults, secondResults) {
try {
const oldestFirstEvent = firstResults.results[firstResults.results.length - 1].result;
const oldestSecondEvent = secondResults.results[secondResults.results.length - 1].result;
if (oldestFirstEvent.origin_server_ts <= oldestSecondEvent.origin_server_ts) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
} catch {
return 0;
function combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, a, b) {
// Merge event sources and sort the events.
const combinedEvents = a.concat(b).sort(compareEvents);
// Put half of the events in the response, and cache the other half.
response.results = combinedEvents.slice(0, SEARCH_LIMIT);
previousSearchResult.cachedEvents = combinedEvents.slice(SEARCH_LIMIT);
* Combine the events from our event sources into a sorted result
* This method will first be called from the combinedSearch() method. In this
* case we will fetch SEARCH_LIMIT events from the server and the local index.
* The method will put the SEARCH_LIMIT newest events from the server and the
* local index in the results part of the response, the rest will be put in the
* cachedEvents field of the previousSearchResult (in this case an empty search
* result).
* Every subsequent call will be made from the combinedPagination() method, in
* this case we will combine the cachedEvents and the next SEARCH_LIMIT events
* from either the server or the local index.
* Since we have two event sources and we need to sort the results by date we
* need keep on looking for the oldest event. We are implementing a variation of
* a sliding window.
* The event sources are here represented as two sorted lists where the smallest
* number represents the newest event. The two lists need to be merged in a way
* that preserves the sorted property so they can be shown as one search result.
* We first fetch SEARCH_LIMIT events from both sources.
* If we set SEARCH_LIMIT to 3:
* Server events [01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 11, 13]
* |01, 02, 04|
* Local events [03, 05, 09, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16]
* |03, 05, 09|
* We note that the oldest event is from the local index, and we combine the
* results:
* Server window [01, 02, 04]
* Local window [03, 05, 09]
* Combined events [01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 09]
* We split the combined result in the part that we want to present and a part
* that will be cached.
* Presented events [01, 02, 03]
* Cached events [04, 05, 09]
* We slide the window for the server since the oldest event is from the local
* index.
* Server events [01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 11, 13]
* |06, 07, 08|
* Local events [03, 05, 09, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16]
* |XX, XX, XX|
* Cached events [04, 05, 09]
* We note that the oldest event is from the server and we combine the new
* server events with the cached ones.
* Cached events [04, 05, 09]
* Server events [06, 07, 08]
* Combined events [04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09]
* We split again.
* Presented events [04, 05, 06]
* Cached events [07, 08, 09]
* We slide the local window, the oldest event is on the server.
* Server events [01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 11, 13]
* |XX, XX, XX|
* Local events [03, 05, 09, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16]
* |10, 12, 14|
* Cached events [07, 08, 09]
* Local events [10, 12, 14]
* Combined events [07, 08, 09, 10, 12, 14]
* Presented events [07, 08, 09]
* Cached events [10, 12, 14]
* Next up we slide the server window again.
* Server events [01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 11, 13]
* |11, 13|
* Local events [03, 05, 09, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16]
* |XX, XX, XX|
* Cached events [10, 12, 14]
* Server events [11, 13]
* Combined events [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
* Presented events [10, 11, 12]
* Cached events [13, 14]
* We have one source exhausted, we fetch the rest of our events from the other
* source and combine it with our cached events.
* @param {object} previousSearchResult A search result from a previous search
* call.
* @param {object} localEvents An unprocessed search result from the event
* index.
* @param {object} serverEvents An unprocessed search result from the server.
* @return {object} A response object that combines the events from the
* different event sources.
function combineEvents(previousSearchResult, localEvents = undefined, serverEvents = undefined) {
const response = {};
const cachedEvents = previousSearchResult.cachedEvents;
let oldestEventFrom = previousSearchResult.oldestEventFrom;
response.highlights = previousSearchResult.highlights;
if (localEvents && serverEvents) {
// This is a first search call, combine the events from the server and
// the local index. Note where our oldest event came from, we shall
// fetch the next batch of events from the other source.
if (compareOldestEvents(localEvents, serverEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "local";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, localEvents.results, serverEvents.results);
response.highlights = localEvents.highlights.concat(serverEvents.highlights);
} else if (localEvents) {
// This is a pagination call fetching more events from the local index,
// meaning that our oldest event was on the server.
// Change the source of the oldest event if our local event is older
// than the cached one.
if (compareOldestEvents(localEvents, cachedEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "local";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, localEvents.results, cachedEvents);
} else if (serverEvents) {
// This is a pagination call fetching more events from the server,
// meaning that our oldest event was in the local index.
// Change the source of the oldest event if our server event is older
// than the cached one.
if (compareOldestEvents(serverEvents, cachedEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "server";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, serverEvents.results, cachedEvents);
} else {
// This is a pagination call where we exhausted both of our event
// sources, let's push the remaining cached events.
response.results = cachedEvents;
previousSearchResult.cachedEvents = [];
previousSearchResult.oldestEventFrom = oldestEventFrom;
return response;
* Combine the local and server search responses
* @param {object} previousSearchResult A search result from a previous search
* call.
* @param {object} localEvents An unprocessed search result from the event
* index.
* @param {object} serverEvents An unprocessed search result from the server.
* @return {object} A response object that combines the events from the
* different event sources.
function combineResponses(previousSearchResult, localEvents = undefined, serverEvents = undefined) {
// Combine our events first.
const response = combineEvents(previousSearchResult, localEvents, serverEvents);
// Our first search will contain counts from both sources, subsequent
// pagination requests will fetch responses only from one of the sources, so
// reuse the first count when we're paginating.
if (previousSearchResult.count) {
response.count = previousSearchResult.count;
} else {
response.count = localEvents.count + serverEvents.count;
// Update our next batch tokens for the given search sources.
if (localEvents) {
previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch = localEvents.next_batch;
if (serverEvents) {
previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch = serverEvents.next_batch;
// Set the response next batch token to one of the tokens from the sources,
// this makes sure that if we exhaust one of the sources we continue with
// the other one.
if (previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch) {
response.next_batch = previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch;
} else if (previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch) {
response.next_batch = previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch;
// We collected all search results from the server as well as from Seshat,
// we still have some events cached that we'll want to display on the next
// pagination request.
// Provide a fake next batch token for that case.
if (!response.next_batch && previousSearchResult.cachedEvents.length > 0) {
response.next_batch = "cached";
return response;
function restoreEncryptionInfo(searchResultSlice) {
for (let i = 0; i < searchResultSlice.length; i++) {
const timeline = searchResultSlice[i].context.getTimeline();
for (let j = 0; j < timeline.length; j++) {
const ev = timeline[j];
if (ev.event.curve25519Key) {
@ -129,6 +477,57 @@ async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined) {
async function combinedPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const searchArgs = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const oldestEventFrom = searchResult.oldestEventFrom;
let localResult;
let serverSideResult;
// Fetch events from the local index if we have a token for itand if it's
// the local indexes turn or the server has exhausted its results.
if (searchArgs.next_batch && (!searchResult.serverSideNextBatch || oldestEventFrom === "server")) {
localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
// Fetch events from the server if we have a token for it and if it's the
// local indexes turn or the local index has exhausted its results.
if (searchResult.serverSideNextBatch && (oldestEventFrom === "local" || !searchArgs.next_batch)) {
const body = {body: searchResult._query, next_batch: searchResult.serverSideNextBatch};
serverSideResult = await client.search(body);
let serverEvents;
if (serverSideResult) {
serverEvents = serverSideResult.search_categories.room_events;
// Combine our events.
const combinedResult = combineResponses(searchResult, localResult, serverEvents);
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: combinedResult,
const oldResultCount = searchResult.results.length;
// Let the client process the combined result.
const result = client._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, response);
// Restore our encryption info so we can properly re-verify the events.
const newResultCount = result.results.length - oldResultCount;
const newSlice = result.results.slice(Math.max(result.results.length - newResultCount, 0));
searchResult.pendingRequest = null;
return result;
@ -140,11 +539,11 @@ function eventIndexSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isRoomEncrypted(roomId)) {
// The search is for a single encrypted room, use our local
// search method.
searchPromise = localSearch(term, roomId);
searchPromise = localSearchProcess(term, roomId);
} else {
// The search is for a single non-encrypted room, use the
// server-side search.
searchPromise = serverSideSearch(term, roomId);
searchPromise = serverSideSearchProcess(term, roomId);
} else {
// Search across all rooms, combine a server side search and a
@ -155,9 +554,45 @@ function eventIndexSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
return searchPromise;
function eventIndexSearchPagination(searchResult) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const seshatQuery = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const serverQuery = searchResult._query;
if (!seshatQuery) {
// This is a search in a non-encrypted room. Do the normal server-side
// pagination.
return client.backPaginateRoomEventsSearch(searchResult);
} else if (!serverQuery) {
// This is a search in a encrypted room. Do a local pagination.
const promise = localPagination(searchResult);
searchResult.pendingRequest = promise;
return promise;
} else {
// We have both queries around, this is a search across all rooms so a
// combined pagination needs to be done.
const promise = combinedPagination(searchResult);
searchResult.pendingRequest = promise;
return promise;
export function searchPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
if (searchResult.pendingRequest) return searchResult.pendingRequest;
if (eventIndex === null) return client.backPaginateRoomEventsSearch(searchResult);
else return eventIndexSearchPagination(searchResult);
export default function eventSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
if (eventIndex === null) return serverSideSearch(term, roomId);
if (eventIndex === null) return serverSideSearchProcess(term, roomId);
else return eventIndexSearch(term, roomId);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Tinter from '../../Tinter';
import rate_limited_func from '../../ratelimitedfunc';
import * as ObjectUtils from '../../ObjectUtils';
import * as Rooms from '../../Rooms';
import eventSearch from '../../Searching';
import eventSearch, {searchPagination} from '../../Searching';
import {isOnlyCtrlOrCmdIgnoreShiftKeyEvent, isOnlyCtrlOrCmdKeyEvent, Key} from '../../Keyboard';
@ -1036,8 +1036,7 @@ export default createReactClass({
if (this.state.searchResults.next_batch) {
debuglog("requesting more search results");
const searchPromise = this.context.backPaginateRoomEventsSearch(
const searchPromise = searchPagination(this.state.searchResults);
return this._handleSearchResult(searchPromise);
} else {
debuglog("no more search results");
Reference in New Issue