A prefix is now exposed through a change to the API for onOptionChange. This now returns the entire country object which includes iso2, prefix etc.
This also shows the prefix in the Registration and Login screens as a prefix to the phone number field.
This makes the following changes:
- Improve CountryDropdown by allowing all countries to be displayed at once and using PNGs for performance (trading of quality - the pngs are scaled down from 32px to 25px)
- "I want to sign in with" dropdown to select login method
- MXID login field that suffixes HS domain (whether custom or matrix.org) and prefixes "@"
- Email field which is secretly the same as the username field but with a different placeholder
- No more login flickering when changing ServerConfig (!) fixes https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/1517
This implements most of the design in https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/3524 but neglects the phone number login:

This will be updated in another PR to implement desired things:
- Country code visible once a country has been selected (propbably but as a prefix to the phone number input box.
- Use square flags
- Move CountryDropdown above phone input and make it show the full country name when not expanded
- Auto-select country based on IP
* WIP msisdn sign in
* A mostly working country picker
* Fix bug where you'dbe logged out after registering
Stop the guest sync, otherwise it gets 401ed for using a guest
access token for a non-guest, causing us to beliebe we've been
logged out.
* Use InteractiveAuth component for registration
* Fix tests
* Remove old signup code
* Signup -> Login
Now that Signup contains no code whatsoever related to signing up,
rename it to Login. Get rid of the Signup class.
* Stray newline
* Fix more merge failing
* Get phone country & number to the right place
* More-or-less working msisdn auth component
* Send the bind_msisdn param on registration
* Refinements to country dropdown
Rendering the whole lot when the component was rendered just makes
the page load really slow, so just show 2 at a time and rely on
Make type-to-search always display an exact iso2 match first
* Propagate initial inputs to the phone input
* Support msisdn login
* semicolon
* Fix PropTypes
* Oops, use the 1qst element of the array
Not the array of object keys which has no particular order
* Make dropdown/countrydropdown controlled
* Unused line
* Add note on DOM layout
* onOptionChange is required
* More docs
* Add missing propTypes
* Don't resume promise on error
* Use React.Children to manipulate children
* Make catch less weird
* Fix null dereference
Assuming [0] of an empty list == undefined doesn't work if you're
then taking a property of it.