This fixes a visual regression introduced in 73007d6dd6f6e714d30bbe2292f80133c14538dd: AppTiles with the class mx_AppTile_mini don't get an mx_AppsDrawer as their parent, so the --AppTile_mini-height variable needs a broader scope.
* Optimize mx_RoomView_myReadMarker
- Replace the compound selector with a type selector
- Nest the type selector in "mx_RoomView_myReadMarker_container"
* Conform the style rules to the naming policy
Including "container" in a class name is redundant as our naming policy tells that a string followed by an underscore (_) represents a container if it contains an element.
* Run prettier
* Replace `mx_RoomView_myReadMarker hr` with `mx_RoomView_myReadMarker`
- Remove a unit
- Hide hr's parent (mx_RoomView_myReadMarker) on Percy snapshots
* Change the class name from `mx_RoomView_myReadMarker` to `mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker`
The read marker is specified on MessagePanel.tsx, and should be named so to avoid confusion.
- Create _MessagePanel.pcss for the style rules of MessagePanel
* Update permalinks.spec.ts
Sometimes, when I ran these tests locally, they would fail. The problem appears
to be that the join takes some time and can end up racing against the body of
the test. The solution is to wait for the join to complete before proceeding.
* Fix the state shown for call in rooms
We split out a separate state for 'missed' separate to 'ended' which
caused confusion as the state got set to this when it shouldn't have,
so calls that wouldn't have been shown as missed were.
Remove the csutom call state and just have the missed state as a
variant of the ended state. Re-order the if clauses so they hit the
right ones. Also don't pass the callState variable into renderContent()
which is a class method and so has access to the same info anyway.
* Fix test
* i18n (reorder only)
* Fix test
* Fix types
* Add test for legacy call event tile
* Update @types/jest to 29.2.6
This adds the correct types for the contexts field on mock objects, which I'll need shortly
* Enable pagination for overlay timelines
* Nesting: `mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_changePassword`
* Nesting: `mx_Spinner`
* Conform the style rules to the naming policy
For elements inside "mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_accountSection" and "mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_discovery"
* Conform `mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_discovery_existing*` to the naming policy
* Nesting
* Run prettier
* Common style rules for `mx_AppTileBody` and `mx_AppTileBody_mini`
* Common style rules for iframe
* Use a custom property for height
* Replace with a custom property - $MiniAppTileHeight
* Replace with a custom property - $MinWidth
* Group common declarations
* Sorting
* Add regression test for emoji picker order mangling after clearing filter
* Fix regression in emoji picker order mangling after clearing filter
* Iterate
* Update src/components/views/emojipicker/EmojiPicker.tsx
We are not interested in coverage information when a PR has already been
approved, and we were seeing flakiness with SonarCloud with the "no
artifacts found" error .