/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { render, screen } from "jest-matrix-react"; import { Beacon } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import BeaconStatus from "../../../../../src/components/views/beacon/BeaconStatus"; import { BeaconDisplayStatus } from "../../../../../src/components/views/beacon/displayStatus"; import { makeBeaconInfoEvent } from "../../../../test-utils"; describe("", () => { const defaultProps = { displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Loading, label: "test label", withIcon: true, }; const renderComponent = (props = {}) => render(); it("renders loading state", () => { const { asFragment } = renderComponent({ displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Loading }); expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders stopped state", () => { const { asFragment } = renderComponent({ displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Stopped }); expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders without icon", () => { const iconClassName = "mx_StyledLiveBeaconIcon"; const { container } = renderComponent({ withIcon: false, displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Stopped }); expect(container.getElementsByClassName(iconClassName)).toHaveLength(0); }); describe("active state", () => { it("renders without children", () => { // mock for stable snapshot jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockReturnValue(123456789); const beacon = new Beacon(makeBeaconInfoEvent("@user:server", "!room:server", { isLive: false }, "$1")); const { asFragment } = renderComponent({ beacon, displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Active }); expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders with children", () => { const beacon = new Beacon(makeBeaconInfoEvent("@user:server", "!room:sever", { isLive: false })); renderComponent({ beacon, children: test, displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Active, }); expect(screen.getByTestId("test-child")).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders static remaining time when displayLiveTimeRemaining is falsy", () => { // mock for stable snapshot jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockReturnValue(123456789); const beacon = new Beacon(makeBeaconInfoEvent("@user:server", "!room:server", { isLive: false }, "$1")); renderComponent({ beacon, displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Active }); expect(screen.getByText("Live until 11:17")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("renders live time remaining when displayLiveTimeRemaining is truthy", () => { // mock for stable snapshot jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockReturnValue(123456789); const beacon = new Beacon(makeBeaconInfoEvent("@user:server", "!room:server", { isLive: false }, "$1")); renderComponent({ beacon, displayStatus: BeaconDisplayStatus.Active, displayLiveTimeRemaining: true, }); expect(screen.getByText("1h left")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); });