/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { render, screen, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext"; import { createTestClient, getRoomContext, mkStubRoom } from "../../../../test-utils"; import { IRoomState } from "../../../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import MessageComposerButtons from "../../../../../src/components/views/rooms/MessageComposerButtons"; import { ScopedRoomContextProvider } from "../../../../../src/contexts/ScopedRoomContext.tsx"; describe("MessageComposerButtons", () => { // @ts-ignore - we're deliberately not implementing the whole interface here, but // can't use Partial<> for types because it'll annoy TS more than it helps. const mockProps: React.ComponentProps = { addEmoji: () => false, haveRecording: false, isStickerPickerOpen: false, menuPosition: undefined, onRecordStartEndClick: () => {}, setStickerPickerOpen: () => {}, toggleButtonMenu: () => {}, }; const mockClient = createTestClient(); jest.spyOn(MatrixClientPeg, "get").mockReturnValue(mockClient); function getButtonLabels() { const getLabels = (elements: HTMLElement[]): string[] => elements .map((element) => element.getAttribute("aria-label")) .filter((label): label is string => label !== null); const mainLabels: Array = getLabels(screen.queryAllByRole("button")); const menuLabels = getLabels(screen.queryAllByRole("menuitem")); if (menuLabels.length) { mainLabels.push(getLabels(screen.queryAllByRole("menuitem"))); } return mainLabels; } function wrapAndRender(component: React.ReactElement, narrow: boolean) { const mockRoom = mkStubRoom("myfakeroom", "myfakeroom", mockClient) as any; const defaultRoomContext: IRoomState = getRoomContext(mockRoom, { narrow }); return render( {component} , ); } it("Renders emoji and upload buttons in wide mode", () => { wrapAndRender( , false, ); expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual(["Emoji", "Attachment", "More options"]); }); it("Renders other buttons in menu in wide mode", async () => { wrapAndRender( , false, ); // The location code is lazy loaded, so the button will take a little while // to appear, so we need to wait. await waitFor(() => { expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual([ "Emoji", "Attachment", "More options", ["Sticker", "Voice Message", "Poll", "Location"], ]); }); }); it("Renders only some buttons in narrow mode", () => { wrapAndRender( , true, ); expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual(["Emoji", "More options"]); }); it("Renders other buttons in menu (except voice messages) in narrow mode", () => { wrapAndRender( , true, ); expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual(["Emoji", "More options", ["Attachment", "Sticker", "Poll", "Location"]]); }); describe("polls button", () => { it("should render when asked to", () => { wrapAndRender( , true, ); expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual(["Emoji", "More options", ["Attachment", "Sticker", "Poll", "Location"]]); }); it("should not render when asked not to", () => { wrapAndRender( , true, ); expect(getButtonLabels()).toEqual([ "Emoji", "More options", [ "Attachment", "Sticker", // "Poll", // should be hidden "Location", ], ]); }); }); });