/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { MockedObject } from "jest-mock"; import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import { VideoRoomChatButton } from "../../../../../../src/components/views/rooms/RoomHeader/VideoRoomChatButton"; import { SDKContext, SdkContextClass } from "../../../../../../src/contexts/SDKContext"; import RightPanelStore from "../../../../../../src/stores/right-panel/RightPanelStore"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, mockClientMethodsUser } from "../../../../../test-utils"; import { RoomNotificationState } from "../../../../../../src/stores/notifications/RoomNotificationState"; import { NotificationLevel } from "../../../../../../src/stores/notifications/NotificationLevel"; import { NotificationStateEvents } from "../../../../../../src/stores/notifications/NotificationState"; import { RightPanelPhases } from "../../../../../../src/stores/right-panel/RightPanelStorePhases"; describe("", () => { const roomId = "!room:server.org"; let sdkContext!: SdkContextClass; let rightPanelStore!: MockedObject; /** * Create a room using mocked client * And mock isElementVideoRoom */ const makeRoom = (isVideoRoom = true): Room => { const room = new Room(roomId, sdkContext.client!, sdkContext.client!.getSafeUserId()); jest.spyOn(room, "isElementVideoRoom").mockReturnValue(isVideoRoom); // stub jest.spyOn(room, "getPendingEvents").mockReturnValue([]); return room; }; const mockRoomNotificationState = (room: Room, level: NotificationLevel): RoomNotificationState => { const roomNotificationState = new RoomNotificationState(room, false); // @ts-ignore ugly mocking roomNotificationState._level = level; jest.spyOn(sdkContext.roomNotificationStateStore, "getRoomState").mockReturnValue(roomNotificationState); return roomNotificationState; }; const getComponent = (room: Room) => render(, { wrapper: ({ children }) => {children}, }); beforeEach(() => { const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ ...mockClientMethodsUser(), }); rightPanelStore = { showOrHidePhase: jest.fn(), } as unknown as MockedObject; sdkContext = new SdkContextClass(); sdkContext.client = client; jest.spyOn(sdkContext, "rightPanelStore", "get").mockReturnValue(rightPanelStore); }); afterEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it("toggles timeline in right panel on click", () => { const room = makeRoom(); getComponent(room); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" })); expect(sdkContext.rightPanelStore.showOrHidePhase).toHaveBeenCalledWith(RightPanelPhases.Timeline); }); it("renders button with an unread marker when room is unread", () => { const room = makeRoom(); mockRoomNotificationState(room, NotificationLevel.Activity); getComponent(room); // snapshot includes `data-indicator` attribute expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" })).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" }).hasAttribute("data-indicator")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("adds unread marker when room notification state changes to unread", async () => { const room = makeRoom(); // start in read state const notificationState = mockRoomNotificationState(room, NotificationLevel.None); getComponent(room); // no unread marker expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" }).hasAttribute("data-indicator")).toBeFalsy(); // @ts-ignore ugly mocking notificationState._level = NotificationLevel.Highlight; notificationState.emit(NotificationStateEvents.Update); // unread marker await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" }).hasAttribute("data-indicator")).toBeTruthy(), ); }); it("clears unread marker when room notification state changes to read", async () => { const room = makeRoom(); // start in unread state const notificationState = mockRoomNotificationState(room, NotificationLevel.Highlight); getComponent(room); // unread marker expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" }).hasAttribute("data-indicator")).toBeTruthy(); // @ts-ignore ugly mocking notificationState._level = NotificationLevel.None; notificationState.emit(NotificationStateEvents.Update); // unread marker cleared await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Chat" }).hasAttribute("data-indicator")).toBeFalsy(), ); }); });