/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { OidcClient } from "oidc-client-ts"; import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import { discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { OidcError } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/oidc/error"; import { OidcClientStore } from "../../../../src/stores/oidc/OidcClientStore"; import { flushPromises, getMockClientWithEventEmitter, mockPlatformPeg } from "../../../test-utils"; import { mockOpenIdConfiguration } from "../../../test-utils/oidc"; jest.mock("matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix", () => ({ ...jest.requireActual("matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"), discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown: jest.fn(), })); describe("OidcClientStore", () => { const clientId = "test-client-id"; const metadata = mockOpenIdConfiguration(); const account = metadata.issuer + "account"; const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getAuthIssuer: jest.fn(), }); beforeEach(() => { localStorage.clear(); localStorage.setItem("mx_oidc_client_id", clientId); localStorage.setItem("mx_oidc_token_issuer", metadata.issuer); mocked(discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown).mockClear().mockResolvedValue({ metadata, accountManagementEndpoint: account, authorizationEndpoint: "authorization-endpoint", tokenEndpoint: "token-endpoint", }); jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockClear(); fetchMock.get(`${metadata.issuer}.well-known/openid-configuration`, metadata); fetchMock.get(`${metadata.issuer}jwks`, { keys: [] }); mockPlatformPeg(); }); describe("isUserAuthenticatedWithOidc()", () => { it("should return true when an issuer is in session storage", () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); expect(store.isUserAuthenticatedWithOidc).toEqual(true); }); it("should return false when no issuer is in session storage", () => { localStorage.clear(); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); expect(store.isUserAuthenticatedWithOidc).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("initialising oidcClient", () => { it("should initialise oidc client from constructor", () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // started initialising // @ts-ignore private property expect(store.initialisingOidcClientPromise).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should fallback to stored issuer when no client well known is available", async () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // successfully created oidc client // @ts-ignore private property expect(await store.getOidcClient()).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should log and return when no clientId is found in storage", async () => { localStorage.removeItem("mx_oidc_client_id"); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // no oidc client // @ts-ignore private property expect(await store.getOidcClient()).toEqual(undefined); expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Failed to initialise OidcClientStore", new Error("Oidc client id not found in storage"), ); }); it("should log and return when discovery and validation fails", async () => { mocked(discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown).mockRejectedValue(new Error(OidcError.OpSupport)); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await store.readyPromise; expect(logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Failed to initialise OidcClientStore", new Error(OidcError.OpSupport), ); // no oidc client // @ts-ignore private property expect(await store.getOidcClient()).toEqual(undefined); }); it("should create oidc client correctly", async () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // @ts-ignore private property const client = await store.getOidcClient(); expect(client?.settings.client_id).toEqual(clientId); expect(client?.settings.authority).toEqual(metadata.issuer); }); it("should set account management endpoint when configured", async () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // @ts-ignore private property await store.getOidcClient(); expect(store.accountManagementEndpoint).toEqual(account); }); it("should set account management endpoint to issuer when not configured", async () => { mocked(discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown).mockClear().mockResolvedValue({ metadata, accountManagementEndpoint: undefined, authorizationEndpoint: "authorization-endpoint", tokenEndpoint: "token-endpoint", }); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await store.readyPromise; expect(store.accountManagementEndpoint).toEqual(metadata.issuer); }); it("should reuse initialised oidc client", async () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); // @ts-ignore private property store.getOidcClient(); // @ts-ignore private property store.getOidcClient(); await flushPromises(); // finished initialising // @ts-ignore private property expect(await store.getOidcClient()).toBeTruthy(); // @ts-ignore private property store.getOidcClient(); // only called once for multiple calls to getOidcClient // before and after initialisation is complete expect(discoverAndValidateOIDCIssuerWellKnown).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe("revokeTokens()", () => { const accessToken = "test-access-token"; const refreshToken = "test-refresh-token"; beforeEach(() => { // spy and call through jest.spyOn(OidcClient.prototype, "revokeToken").mockClear(); fetchMock.resetHistory(); fetchMock.post( metadata.revocation_endpoint, { status: 200, }, { sendAsJson: true }, ); }); it("should throw when oidcClient could not be initialised", async () => { // make oidcClient initialisation fail localStorage.removeItem("mx_oidc_token_issuer"); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await expect(() => store.revokeTokens(accessToken, refreshToken)).rejects.toThrow("No OIDC client"); }); it("should revoke access and refresh tokens", async () => { const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await store.revokeTokens(accessToken, refreshToken); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetchedTimes(2, metadata.revocation_endpoint); expect(OidcClient.prototype.revokeToken).toHaveBeenCalledWith(accessToken, "access_token"); expect(OidcClient.prototype.revokeToken).toHaveBeenCalledWith(refreshToken, "refresh_token"); }); it("should still attempt to revoke refresh token when access token revocation fails", async () => { // fail once, then succeed fetchMock .postOnce( metadata.revocation_endpoint, { status: 404, }, { overwriteRoutes: true, sendAsJson: true }, ) .post( metadata.revocation_endpoint, { status: 200, }, { sendAsJson: true }, ); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await expect(() => store.revokeTokens(accessToken, refreshToken)).rejects.toThrow( "Failed to revoke tokens", ); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetchedTimes(2, metadata.revocation_endpoint); expect(OidcClient.prototype.revokeToken).toHaveBeenCalledWith(accessToken, "access_token"); }); }); describe("OIDC Aware", () => { beforeEach(() => { localStorage.clear(); }); it("should resolve account management endpoint", async () => { mockClient.getAuthIssuer.mockResolvedValue({ issuer: metadata.issuer }); const store = new OidcClientStore(mockClient); await store.readyPromise; expect(store.accountManagementEndpoint).toBe(account); }); }); });