/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import { Mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { GenericPosition, GeolocationError, getGeoUri, mapGeolocationError, mapGeolocationPositionToTimedGeo, watchPosition, } from "../../../../src/utils/beacon"; import { getCurrentPosition } from "../../../../src/utils/beacon/geolocation"; import { makeGeolocationPosition, mockGeolocation, getMockGeolocationPositionError } from "../../../test-utils"; describe("geolocation utilities", () => { let geolocation: Mocked; const defaultPosition = makeGeolocationPosition({}); // 14.03.2022 16:15 const now = 1647270879403; beforeEach(() => { geolocation = mockGeolocation(); jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockReturnValue(now); }); afterEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockRestore(); }); describe("getGeoUri", () => { it("Renders a URI with only lat and lon", () => { const pos: GenericPosition = { latitude: 43.2, longitude: 12.4, altitude: undefined, accuracy: undefined, timestamp: 12334, }; expect(getGeoUri(pos)).toEqual("geo:43.2,12.4"); }); it("Nulls in location are not shown in URI", () => { const pos: GenericPosition = { latitude: 43.2, longitude: 12.4, timestamp: 12334, }; expect(getGeoUri(pos)).toEqual("geo:43.2,12.4"); }); it("Renders a URI with 3 coords", () => { const pos: GenericPosition = { latitude: 43.2, longitude: 12.4, altitude: 332.54, accuracy: undefined, timestamp: 12334, }; expect(getGeoUri(pos)).toEqual("geo:43.2,12.4,332.54"); }); it("Renders a URI with accuracy", () => { const pos: GenericPosition = { latitude: 43.2, longitude: 12.4, altitude: undefined, accuracy: 21, timestamp: 12334, }; expect(getGeoUri(pos)).toEqual("geo:43.2,12.4;u=21"); }); it("Renders a URI with accuracy and altitude", () => { const pos = { latitude: 43.2, longitude: 12.4, altitude: 12.3, accuracy: 21, timestamp: 12334, }; expect(getGeoUri(pos)).toEqual("geo:43.2,12.4,12.3;u=21"); }); }); describe("mapGeolocationError", () => { beforeEach(() => { // suppress expected errors from test log jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); }); it("returns default for other error", () => { const error = new Error("oh no.."); expect(mapGeolocationError(error)).toEqual(GeolocationError.Default); }); it("returns unavailable for unavailable error", () => { const error = new Error(GeolocationError.Unavailable); expect(mapGeolocationError(error)).toEqual(GeolocationError.Unavailable); }); it("maps geo error permissiondenied correctly", () => { const error = getMockGeolocationPositionError(1, "message"); expect(mapGeolocationError(error)).toEqual(GeolocationError.PermissionDenied); }); it("maps geo position unavailable error correctly", () => { const error = getMockGeolocationPositionError(2, "message"); expect(mapGeolocationError(error)).toEqual(GeolocationError.PositionUnavailable); }); it("maps geo timeout error correctly", () => { const error = getMockGeolocationPositionError(3, "message"); expect(mapGeolocationError(error)).toEqual(GeolocationError.Timeout); }); }); describe("mapGeolocationPositionToTimedGeo()", () => { it("maps geolocation position correctly", () => { expect(mapGeolocationPositionToTimedGeo(defaultPosition)).toEqual({ timestamp: now, geoUri: "geo:54.001927,-8.253491;u=1", }); }); }); describe("watchPosition()", () => { it("throws with unavailable error when geolocation is not available", () => { // suppress expected errors from test log jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); // remove the mock we added // @ts-ignore illegal assignment to readonly property navigator.geolocation = undefined; const positionHandler = jest.fn(); const errorHandler = jest.fn(); expect(() => watchPosition(positionHandler, errorHandler)).toThrow(GeolocationError.Unavailable); }); it("sets up position handler with correct options", () => { const positionHandler = jest.fn(); const errorHandler = jest.fn(); watchPosition(positionHandler, errorHandler); const [, , options] = geolocation.watchPosition.mock.calls[0]; expect(options).toEqual({ maximumAge: 60000, timeout: 10000, }); }); it("returns clearWatch function", () => { const watchId = 1; geolocation.watchPosition.mockReturnValue(watchId); const positionHandler = jest.fn(); const errorHandler = jest.fn(); const clearWatch = watchPosition(positionHandler, errorHandler); clearWatch(); expect(geolocation.clearWatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(watchId); }); it("calls position handler with position", () => { const positionHandler = jest.fn(); const errorHandler = jest.fn(); watchPosition(positionHandler, errorHandler); expect(positionHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(defaultPosition); }); it("maps geolocation position error and calls error handler", () => { // suppress expected errors from test log jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); geolocation.watchPosition.mockImplementation((_callback, error) => { error!(getMockGeolocationPositionError(1, "message")); return -1; }); const positionHandler = jest.fn(); const errorHandler = jest.fn(); watchPosition(positionHandler, errorHandler); expect(errorHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(GeolocationError.PermissionDenied); }); }); describe("getCurrentPosition()", () => { it("throws with unavailable error when geolocation is not available", async () => { // suppress expected errors from test log jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); // remove the mock we added // @ts-ignore illegal assignment to readonly property navigator.geolocation = undefined; await expect(() => getCurrentPosition()).rejects.toThrow(GeolocationError.Unavailable); }); it("throws with geolocation error when geolocation.getCurrentPosition fails", async () => { // suppress expected errors from test log jest.spyOn(logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); const timeoutError = getMockGeolocationPositionError(3, "message"); geolocation.getCurrentPosition.mockImplementation((callback, error) => error!(timeoutError)); await expect(() => getCurrentPosition()).rejects.toThrow(GeolocationError.Timeout); }); it("resolves with current location", async () => { geolocation.getCurrentPosition.mockImplementation((callback, error) => callback(defaultPosition)); const result = await getCurrentPosition(); expect(result).toEqual(defaultPosition); }); }); });