import React from 'react'; import ReactTestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import expect, {createSpy} from 'expect'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import Q from 'q'; import * as testUtils from '../../../test-utils'; import sdk from 'matrix-react-sdk'; import UserSettingsStore from '../../../../src/UserSettingsStore'; const MessageComposerInput = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.MessageComposerInput'); import MatrixClientPeg from 'MatrixClientPeg'; function addTextToDraft(text) { const components = document.getElementsByClassName('public-DraftEditor-content'); if (components && components.length) { const textarea = components[0]; const textEvent = document.createEvent('TextEvent'); textEvent.initTextEvent('textInput', true, true, null, text); textarea.dispatchEvent(textEvent); } } describe('MessageComposerInput', () => { let parentDiv = null, sandbox = null, client = null, mci = null, room = testUtils.mkStubRoom('!'); // TODO Remove when RTE is out of labs. beforeEach(function() { testUtils.beforeEach(this); sandbox = testUtils.stubClient(sandbox); client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); UserSettingsStore.isFeatureEnabled = sinon.stub() .withArgs('rich_text_editor').returns(true); parentDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(parentDiv); mci = ReactDOM.render( , parentDiv); }); afterEach((done) => { // hack: let the component finish mounting before unmounting, to avoid // warnings // (please can we make the components not setState() after // they are unmounted?) Q.delay(10).done(() => { if (parentDiv) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(parentDiv); parentDiv.remove(); parentDiv = null; } sandbox.restore(); done(); }) }); // XXX this fails xit('should change mode if indicator is clicked', (done) => { mci.enableRichtext(true); setTimeout(() => { const indicator = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass( mci, 'mx_MessageComposer_input_markdownIndicator');; expect(mci.state.isRichtextEnabled).toEqual(false, 'should have changed mode'); done(); }); }); it('should not send messages when composer is empty', () => { const textSpy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); const htmlSpy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendHtmlMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(true); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(textSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(false, 'should not send text message'); expect(htmlSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(false, 'should not send html message'); }); it('should not change content unnecessarily on RTE -> Markdown conversion', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(true); addTextToDraft('a'); mci.handleKeyCommand('toggle-mode'); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(spy.args[0][1]).toEqual('a'); }); it('should not change content unnecessarily on Markdown -> RTE conversion', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(false); addTextToDraft('a'); mci.handleKeyCommand('toggle-mode'); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(spy.args[0][1]).toEqual('a'); }); it('should send emoji messages in rich text', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(true); addTextToDraft('☹'); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true, 'should send message'); }); it('should send emoji messages in Markdown', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(false); addTextToDraft('☹'); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true, 'should send message'); }); // FIXME // it('should convert basic Markdown to rich text correctly', () => { // const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendHtmlMessage'); // mci.enableRichtext(false); // addTextToDraft('*abc*'); // mci.handleKeyCommand('toggle-mode'); // mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); // console.error(spy.args[0][2]); // expect(spy.args[0][2]).toContain('abc'); // }); // // it('should convert basic rich text to Markdown correctly', () => { // const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendHtmlMessage'); // mci.enableRichtext(true); // process.nextTick(() => { // // }); // mci.handleKeyCommand('italic'); // addTextToDraft('abc'); // mci.handleKeyCommand('toggle-mode'); // mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); // expect(['_abc_', '*abc*']).toContain(spy.args[0][1]); // }); it('should insert formatting characters in Markdown mode', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(client, 'sendTextMessage'); mci.enableRichtext(false); mci.handleKeyCommand('italic'); mci.handleReturn(sinon.stub()); expect(['__', '**']).toContain(spy.args[0][1]); }); });