/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import mailhog from "mailhog"; import { getFreePort } from "../utils/port"; import { Docker } from "../docker"; export interface Instance { host: string; smtpPort: number; httpPort: number; containerId: string; } export class MailHogServer { private readonly docker: Docker = new Docker(); private instance?: Instance; async start(): Promise<{ api: mailhog.API; instance: Instance }> { if (this.instance) throw new Error("Mailhog server is already running!"); const smtpPort = await getFreePort(); const httpPort = await getFreePort(); console.log(`Starting mailhog...`); const containerId = await this.docker.run({ image: "mailhog/mailhog:latest", containerName: `react-sdk-playwright-mailhog`, params: ["-p", `${smtpPort}:1025/tcp`, "-p", `${httpPort}:8025/tcp`], }); console.log(`Started mailhog on ports smtp=${smtpPort} http=${httpPort}.`); const host = await this.docker.getContainerIp(); this.instance = { smtpPort, httpPort, containerId, host }; return { api: mailhog({ host: "localhost", port: httpPort }), instance: this.instance }; } async stop(): Promise { if (!this.instance) throw new Error("Missing existing mailhog instance, did you call stop() before start()?"); await this.docker.stop(); console.log(`Stopped mailhog id ${this.instance.containerId}.`); this.instance = undefined; } }