/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "jest-matrix-react"; import React from "react"; import LabelledCheckbox from "../../../../../src/components/views/elements/LabelledCheckbox"; describe("", () => { type CompProps = React.ComponentProps; const getComponent = (props: CompProps) => ; const getCheckbox = (): HTMLInputElement => screen.getByRole("checkbox"); it.each([undefined, "this is a byline"])("should render with byline of %p", (byline) => { const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: true, byline: byline, onChange: jest.fn(), }; const renderResult = render(getComponent(props)); expect(renderResult.asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should support unchecked by default", () => { const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: false, onChange: jest.fn(), }; render(getComponent(props)); expect(getCheckbox()).not.toBeChecked(); }); it("should be possible to disable the checkbox", () => { const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: false, disabled: true, onChange: jest.fn(), }; render(getComponent(props)); expect(getCheckbox()).toBeDisabled(); }); it("should emit onChange calls", () => { const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: false, onChange: jest.fn(), }; render(getComponent(props)); expect(props.onChange).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); fireEvent.click(getCheckbox()); expect(props.onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); }); it("should react to value and disabled prop changes", () => { const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: false, onChange: jest.fn(), }; const { rerender } = render(getComponent(props)); let checkbox = getCheckbox(); expect(checkbox).not.toBeChecked(); expect(checkbox).not.toBeDisabled(); props.disabled = true; props.value = true; rerender(getComponent(props)); checkbox = getCheckbox(); expect(checkbox).toBeChecked(); expect(checkbox).toBeDisabled(); }); it("should render with a custom class name", () => { const className = "some class name"; const props: CompProps = { label: "Hello world", value: false, onChange: jest.fn(), className, }; const { container } = render(getComponent(props)); expect(container.firstElementChild?.className).toContain(className); }); });