/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { MatrixClient, Room, EventType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { act, render, screen, fireEvent, RenderResult } from "jest-matrix-react"; import SpaceStore from "../../../../../src/stores/spaces/SpaceStore"; import { MetaSpace } from "../../../../../src/stores/spaces"; import _RoomListHeader from "../../../../../src/components/views/rooms/RoomListHeader"; import * as testUtils from "../../../../test-utils"; import { stubClient, mkSpace } from "../../../../test-utils"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../../../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; import { shouldShowComponent } from "../../../../../src/customisations/helpers/UIComponents"; import { UIComponent } from "../../../../../src/settings/UIFeature"; const RoomListHeader = testUtils.wrapInMatrixClientContext(_RoomListHeader); jest.mock("../../../../../src/customisations/helpers/UIComponents", () => ({ shouldShowComponent: jest.fn(), })); const blockUIComponent = (component: UIComponent): void => { mocked(shouldShowComponent).mockImplementation((feature) => feature !== component); }; const setupSpace = (client: MatrixClient): Room => { const testSpace: Room = mkSpace(client, "!space:server"); testSpace.name = "Test Space"; client.getRoom = () => testSpace; return testSpace; }; const setupMainMenu = async (client: MatrixClient, testSpace: Room): Promise => { await testUtils.setupAsyncStoreWithClient(SpaceStore.instance, client); act(() => { SpaceStore.instance.setActiveSpace(testSpace.roomId); }); const wrapper = render(); expect(wrapper.container.textContent).toBe("Test Space"); act(() => { wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Test Space menu"]')?.click(); }); return wrapper; }; const setupPlusMenu = async (client: MatrixClient, testSpace: Room): Promise => { await testUtils.setupAsyncStoreWithClient(SpaceStore.instance, client); act(() => { SpaceStore.instance.setActiveSpace(testSpace.roomId); }); const wrapper = render(); expect(wrapper.container.textContent).toBe("Test Space"); act(() => { wrapper.container.querySelector('[aria-label="Add"]')?.click(); }); return wrapper; }; const checkIsDisabled = (menuItem: HTMLElement): void => { expect(menuItem).toHaveAttribute("disabled"); expect(menuItem).toHaveAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); }; const checkMenuLabels = (items: NodeListOf, labelArray: Array) => { expect(items).toHaveLength(labelArray.length); const checkLabel = (item: Element, label: string) => { expect(item.querySelector(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_label")?.textContent).toBe(label); }; labelArray.forEach((label, index) => { console.log("index", index, "label", label); checkLabel(items[index], label); }); }; describe("RoomListHeader", () => { let client: MatrixClient; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); const dmRoomMap = { getUserIdForRoomId: jest.fn(), getDMRoomsForUserId: jest.fn(), } as unknown as DMRoomMap; DMRoomMap.setShared(dmRoomMap); stubClient(); client = MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(); mocked(shouldShowComponent).mockReturnValue(true); // show all UIComponents }); it("renders a main menu for the home space", () => { act(() => { SpaceStore.instance.setActiveSpace(MetaSpace.Home); }); const { container } = render(); expect(container.textContent).toBe("Home"); fireEvent.click(screen.getByLabelText("Home options")); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); expect(items).toHaveLength(1); expect(items[0].textContent).toBe("Show all rooms"); }); it("renders a main menu for spaces", async () => { const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupMainMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, ["Space home", "Manage & explore rooms", "Preferences", "Settings", "Room", "Space"]); }); it("renders a plus menu for spaces", async () => { const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupPlusMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, ["New room", "Explore rooms", "Add existing room", "Add space"]); }); it("closes menu if space changes from under it", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("Spaces.enabledMetaSpaces", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, { [MetaSpace.Home]: true, [MetaSpace.Favourites]: true, }); const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupMainMenu(client, testSpace); act(() => { SpaceStore.instance.setActiveSpace(MetaSpace.Favourites); }); screen.getByText("Favourites"); expect(screen.queryByRole("menu")).toBeFalsy(); }); describe("UIComponents", () => { describe("Main menu", () => { it("does not render Add Space when user does not have permission to add spaces", async () => { // User does not have permission to add spaces, anywhere blockUIComponent(UIComponent.CreateSpaces); const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupMainMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, [ "Space home", "Manage & explore rooms", "Preferences", "Settings", "Room", // no add space ]); }); it("does not render Add Room when user does not have permission to add rooms", async () => { // User does not have permission to add rooms blockUIComponent(UIComponent.CreateRooms); const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupMainMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, [ "Space home", "Explore rooms", // not Manage & explore rooms "Preferences", "Settings", // no add room "Space", ]); }); }); describe("Plus menu", () => { it("does not render Add Space when user does not have permission to add spaces", async () => { // User does not have permission to add spaces, anywhere blockUIComponent(UIComponent.CreateSpaces); const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupPlusMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, [ "New room", "Explore rooms", "Add existing room", // no Add space ]); }); it("disables Add Room when user does not have permission to add rooms", async () => { // User does not have permission to add rooms blockUIComponent(UIComponent.CreateRooms); const testSpace = setupSpace(client); await setupPlusMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, ["New room", "Explore rooms", "Add existing room", "Add space"]); // "Add existing room" is disabled checkIsDisabled(items[2]); }); }); }); describe("adding children to space", () => { it("if user cannot add children to space, MainMenu adding buttons are hidden", async () => { const testSpace = setupSpace(client); mocked(testSpace.currentState.maySendStateEvent).mockImplementation( (stateEventType, userId) => stateEventType !== EventType.SpaceChild, ); await setupMainMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, [ "Space home", "Explore rooms", // not Manage & explore rooms "Preferences", "Settings", // no add room // no add space ]); }); it("if user cannot add children to space, PlusMenu add buttons are disabled", async () => { const testSpace = setupSpace(client); mocked(testSpace.currentState.maySendStateEvent).mockImplementation( (stateEventType, userId) => stateEventType !== EventType.SpaceChild, ); await setupPlusMenu(client, testSpace); const menu = screen.getByRole("menu"); const items = menu.querySelectorAll(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item"); checkMenuLabels(items, ["New room", "Explore rooms", "Add existing room", "Add space"]); // "Add existing room" is disabled checkIsDisabled(items[2]); // "Add space" is disabled checkIsDisabled(items[3]); }); }); });