/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { AbstractStartedContainer, GenericContainer, StartedTestContainer, Wait } from "testcontainers"; import { APIRequestContext } from "@playwright/test"; import crypto from "node:crypto"; import * as YAML from "yaml"; import { set } from "lodash"; import { getFreePort } from "../plugins/utils/port.ts"; import { randB64Bytes } from "../plugins/utils/rand.ts"; import { Credentials } from "../plugins/homeserver"; import { deepCopy } from "../plugins/utils/object.ts"; import { HomeserverContainer, StartedHomeserverContainer } from "./HomeserverContainer.ts"; const TAG = "develop@sha256:17cc0a301447430624afb860276e5c13270ddeb99a3f6d1c6d519a20b1a8f650"; const DEFAULT_CONFIG = { server_name: "localhost", public_baseurl: "", // set by start method pid_file: "/homeserver.pid", web_client: false, soft_file_limit: 0, // Needs to be configured to log to the console like a good docker process log_config: "/data/log.config", listeners: [ { // Listener is always port 8008 (configured in the container) port: 8008, tls: false, bind_addresses: ["::"], type: "http", x_forwarded: true, resources: [ { names: ["client"], compress: false, }, ], }, ], database: { // An sqlite in-memory database is fast & automatically wipes each time name: "sqlite3", args: { database: ":memory:", }, }, rc_messages_per_second: 10000, rc_message_burst_count: 10000, rc_registration: { per_second: 10000, burst_count: 10000, }, rc_joins: { local: { per_second: 9999, burst_count: 9999, }, remote: { per_second: 9999, burst_count: 9999, }, }, rc_joins_per_room: { per_second: 9999, burst_count: 9999, }, rc_3pid_validation: { per_second: 1000, burst_count: 1000, }, rc_invites: { per_room: { per_second: 1000, burst_count: 1000, }, per_user: { per_second: 1000, burst_count: 1000, }, }, rc_login: { address: { per_second: 10000, burst_count: 10000, }, account: { per_second: 10000, burst_count: 10000, }, failed_attempts: { per_second: 10000, burst_count: 10000, }, }, media_store_path: "/tmp/media_store", max_upload_size: "50M", max_image_pixels: "32M", dynamic_thumbnails: false, enable_registration: true, enable_registration_without_verification: true, disable_msisdn_registration: false, registrations_require_3pid: [], enable_metrics: false, report_stats: false, // These placeholders will be replaced with values generated at start registration_shared_secret: "secret", macaroon_secret_key: "secret", form_secret: "secret", // Signing key must be here: it will be generated to this file signing_key_path: "/data/localhost.signing.key", trusted_key_servers: [], password_config: { enabled: true, }, ui_auth: { session_timeout: "300s", }, background_updates: { // Inhibit background updates as this Synapse isn't long-lived min_batch_size: 100000, sleep_duration_ms: 100000, }, enable_authenticated_media: true, email: undefined, user_consent: undefined, server_notices: undefined, allow_guest_access: false, experimental_features: {}, oidc_providers: [], serve_server_wellknown: true, }; export type SynapseConfigOptions = Partial; export class SynapseContainer extends GenericContainer implements HomeserverContainer { private config: typeof DEFAULT_CONFIG; constructor(private readonly request: APIRequestContext) { super(`ghcr.io/element-hq/synapse:${TAG}`); this.config = deepCopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG); this.config.registration_shared_secret = randB64Bytes(16); this.config.macaroon_secret_key = randB64Bytes(16); this.config.form_secret = randB64Bytes(16); const signingKey = randB64Bytes(32); this.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8008)).withCopyContentToContainer([ { target: this.config.signing_key_path, content: `ed25519 x ${signingKey}` }, { target: this.config.log_config, content: YAML.stringify({ version: 1, formatters: { precise: { format: "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s - %(message)s", }, }, handlers: { console: { class: "logging.StreamHandler", formatter: "precise", }, }, loggers: { "synapse.storage.SQL": { level: "DEBUG", }, "twisted": { handlers: ["console"], propagate: false, }, }, root: { level: "DEBUG", handlers: ["console"], }, disable_existing_loggers: false, }), }, ]); } public withConfigField(key: string, value: any): this { set(this.config, key, value); return this; } public withConfig(config: Partial): this { this.config = { ...this.config, ...config, }; return this; } public override async start(): Promise { // Synapse config public_baseurl needs to know what URL it'll be accessed from, so we have to map the port manually const port = await getFreePort(); this.withExposedPorts({ container: 8008, host: port, }) .withConfig({ public_baseurl: `http://localhost:${port}`, }) .withCopyContentToContainer([ { target: "/data/homeserver.yaml", content: YAML.stringify(this.config), }, ]); return new StartedSynapseContainer( await super.start(), `http://localhost:${port}`, this.config.registration_shared_secret, this.request, ); } } export class StartedSynapseContainer extends AbstractStartedContainer implements StartedHomeserverContainer { private adminToken?: string; constructor( container: StartedTestContainer, public readonly baseUrl: string, private readonly registrationSharedSecret: string, private readonly request: APIRequestContext, ) { super(container); } private async registerUserInternal( username: string, password: string, displayName?: string, admin = false, ): Promise { const url = `${this.baseUrl}/_synapse/admin/v1/register`; const { nonce } = await this.request.get(url).then((r) => r.json()); const mac = crypto .createHmac("sha1", this.registrationSharedSecret) .update(`${nonce}\0${username}\0${password}\0${admin ? "" : "not"}admin`) .digest("hex"); const res = await this.request.post(url, { data: { nonce, username, password, mac, admin, displayname: displayName, }, }); if (!res.ok()) { throw await res.json(); } const data = await res.json(); return { homeServer: data.home_server, accessToken: data.access_token, userId: data.user_id, deviceId: data.device_id, password, displayName, }; } public registerUser(username: string, password: string, displayName?: string): Promise { return this.registerUserInternal(username, password, displayName, false); } public async loginUser(userId: string, password: string): Promise { const url = `${this.baseUrl}/_matrix/client/v3/login`; const res = await this.request.post(url, { data: { type: "m.login.password", identifier: { type: "m.id.user", user: userId, }, password: password, }, }); const json = await res.json(); return { password, accessToken: json.access_token, userId: json.user_id, deviceId: json.device_id, homeServer: json.home_server, }; } public async setThreepid(userId: string, medium: string, address: string): Promise { if (this.adminToken === undefined) { const result = await this.registerUserInternal("admin", "totalyinsecureadminpassword", undefined, true); this.adminToken = result.accessToken; } const url = `${this.baseUrl}/_synapse/admin/v2/users/${userId}`; const res = await this.request.put(url, { data: { threepids: [ { medium, address, }, ], }, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.adminToken}`, }, }); if (!res.ok()) { throw await res.json(); } } }