# OIDC and delegated authentication See https://areweoidcyet.com/client-implementation-guide/ for implementation details. Element Web uses [MSC2965: OIDC provider discovery](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2965) to discover the configured provider. Where a valid MSC2965 configuration is discovered, OIDC native login flow will be the only login option offered. Element Web will attempt to [dynamically register](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html) with the configured OP. Then, authentication will be completed [as described here](https://areweoidcyet.com/client-implementation-guide/). #### Statically configured OIDC clients Clients that are already registered with the OP can configure their `client_id` in `config.json`. Where static configuration exists for the OP dynamic client registration will not be attempted. ```json { "oidc_static_clients": { "https://dummyoidcprovider.com/": { "client_id": "abc123" } } } ```