/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022, 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import * as React from "react"; import { act, fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, IEventDecryptionResult, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, NotificationCountType, PendingEventOrdering, Room, TweakName, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { CryptoApi, DecryptionFailureCode, EventEncryptionInfo, EventShieldColour, EventShieldReason, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api"; import { mkEncryptedMatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/testing"; import EventTile, { EventTileProps } from "../../../../../src/components/views/rooms/EventTile"; import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext"; import { TimelineRenderingType } from "../../../../../src/contexts/RoomContext"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import { filterConsole, flushPromises, getRoomContext, mkEvent, mkMessage, stubClient } from "../../../../test-utils"; import { mkThread } from "../../../../test-utils/threads"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import dis from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { Action } from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { IRoomState } from "../../../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import PinningUtils from "../../../../../src/utils/PinningUtils"; import { Layout } from "../../../../../src/settings/enums/Layout"; import { ScopedRoomContextProvider } from "../../../../../src/contexts/ScopedRoomContext.tsx"; describe("EventTile", () => { const ROOM_ID = "!roomId:example.org"; let mxEvent: MatrixEvent; let room: Room; let client: MatrixClient; // let changeEvent: (event: MatrixEvent) => void; /** wrap the EventTile up in context providers, and with basic properties, as it would be by MessagePanel normally. */ function WrappedEventTile(props: { roomContext: IRoomState; eventTilePropertyOverrides?: Partial; }) { return ( ); } function getComponent( overrides: Partial = {}, renderingType: TimelineRenderingType = TimelineRenderingType.Room, roomContext: Partial = {}, ) { const context = getRoomContext(room, { timelineRenderingType: renderingType, ...roomContext, }); return render(); } beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); stubClient(); client = MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(); room = new Room(ROOM_ID, client, client.getSafeUserId(), { pendingEventOrdering: PendingEventOrdering.Detached, timelineSupport: true, }); jest.spyOn(client, "getRoom").mockReturnValue(room); jest.spyOn(client, "decryptEventIfNeeded").mockResolvedValue(); mxEvent = mkMessage({ room: room.roomId, user: "@alice:example.org", msg: "Hello world!", event: true, }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(false); }); describe("EventTile thread summary", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(client, "supportsThreads").mockReturnValue(true); }); it("removes the thread summary when thread is deleted", async () => { const { rootEvent, events: [, reply], } = mkThread({ room, client, authorId: "@alice:example.org", participantUserIds: ["@alice:example.org"], length: 2, // root + 1 answer }); getComponent( { mxEvent: rootEvent, }, TimelineRenderingType.Room, ); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.queryByTestId("thread-summary")).not.toBeNull()); const redaction = mkEvent({ event: true, type: EventType.RoomRedaction, user: "@alice:example.org", room: room.roomId, redacts: reply.getId(), content: {}, }); act(() => room.processThreadedEvents([redaction], false)); await waitFor(() => expect(screen.queryByTestId("thread-summary")).toBeNull()); }); }); describe("EventTile renderingType: ThreadsList", () => { it("shows an unread notification badge", () => { const { container } = getComponent({}, TimelineRenderingType.ThreadsList); // By default, the thread will assume it is read. expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_NotificationBadge")).toHaveLength(0); act(() => { room.setThreadUnreadNotificationCount(mxEvent.getId()!, NotificationCountType.Total, 3); }); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_NotificationBadge")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_NotificationBadge_level_highlight")).toHaveLength(0); act(() => { room.setThreadUnreadNotificationCount(mxEvent.getId()!, NotificationCountType.Highlight, 1); }); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_NotificationBadge")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_NotificationBadge_level_highlight")).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe("EventTile renderingType: Threads", () => { it("should display the pinned message badge", async () => { jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(true); getComponent({}, TimelineRenderingType.Thread); expect(screen.getByText("Pinned message")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe("EventTile renderingType: File", () => { it("should not display the pinned message badge", async () => { jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(true); getComponent({}, TimelineRenderingType.File); expect(screen.queryByText("Pinned message")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe("EventTile renderingType: default", () => { it.each([[Layout.Group], [Layout.Bubble], [Layout.IRC]])( "should display the pinned message badge", async (layout) => { jest.spyOn(PinningUtils, "isPinned").mockReturnValue(true); getComponent({ layout }); expect(screen.getByText("Pinned message")).toBeInTheDocument(); }, ); }); describe("EventTile in the right panel", () => { beforeAll(() => { const dmRoomMap: DMRoomMap = { getUserIdForRoomId: jest.fn(), } as unknown as DMRoomMap; DMRoomMap.setShared(dmRoomMap); }); it("renders the room name for notifications", () => { const { container } = getComponent({}, TimelineRenderingType.Notification); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_details")[0]).toHaveTextContent( "@alice:example.org in !roomId:example.org", ); }); it("renders the sender for the thread list", () => { const { container } = getComponent({}, TimelineRenderingType.ThreadsList); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_details")[0]).toHaveTextContent("@alice:example.org"); }); it.each([ [TimelineRenderingType.Notification, Action.ViewRoom], [TimelineRenderingType.ThreadsList, Action.ShowThread], ])("type %s dispatches %s", (renderingType, action) => { jest.spyOn(dis, "dispatch"); const { container } = getComponent({}, renderingType); fireEvent.click(container.querySelector("li")!); expect(dis.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ action, }), ); }); }); describe("Event verification", () => { // data for our stubbed getEncryptionInfoForEvent: a map from event id to result const eventToEncryptionInfoMap = new Map(); beforeEach(() => { eventToEncryptionInfoMap.clear(); const mockCrypto = { // a mocked version of getEncryptionInfoForEvent which will pick its result from `eventToEncryptionInfoMap` getEncryptionInfoForEvent: async (event: MatrixEvent) => eventToEncryptionInfoMap.get(event.getId()!)!, } as unknown as CryptoApi; client.getCrypto = () => mockCrypto; }); it("shows a warning for an event from an unverified device", async () => { mxEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(mxEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.RED, shieldReason: EventShieldReason.UNSIGNED_DEVICE, } as EventEncryptionInfo); const { container } = getComponent(); await flushPromises(); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); // there should be a warning shield expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")[0].classList).toContain( "mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning", ); }); it("shows no shield for a verified event", async () => { mxEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(mxEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.NONE, shieldReason: null, } as EventEncryptionInfo); const { container } = getComponent(); await flushPromises(); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); // there should be no warning expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(0); }); it.each([ [EventShieldReason.UNKNOWN, "Unknown error"], [EventShieldReason.UNVERIFIED_IDENTITY, "unverified user"], [EventShieldReason.UNSIGNED_DEVICE, "device not verified by its owner"], [EventShieldReason.UNKNOWN_DEVICE, "unknown or deleted device"], [EventShieldReason.AUTHENTICITY_NOT_GUARANTEED, "can't be guaranteed"], [EventShieldReason.MISMATCHED_SENDER_KEY, "Encrypted by an unverified session"], [EventShieldReason.SENT_IN_CLEAR, "Not encrypted"], [EventShieldReason.VERIFICATION_VIOLATION, "Sender's verified identity has changed"], ])("shows the correct reason code for %i (%s)", async (reasonCode: EventShieldReason, expectedText: string) => { mxEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(mxEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.GREY, shieldReason: reasonCode, } as EventEncryptionInfo); const { container } = getComponent(); await flushPromises(); const e2eIcons = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon"); expect(e2eIcons).toHaveLength(1); expect(e2eIcons[0].classList).toContain("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_normal"); fireEvent.focus(e2eIcons[0]); expect(e2eIcons[0].getAttribute("aria-labelledby")).toBeTruthy(); expect(document.getElementById(e2eIcons[0].getAttribute("aria-labelledby")!)).toHaveTextContent( expectedText, ); }); describe("undecryptable event", () => { filterConsole("Error decrypting event"); it("shows an undecryptable warning", async () => { mxEvent = mkEvent({ type: "m.room.encrypted", room: room.roomId, user: "@alice:example.org", event: true, content: {}, }); const mockCrypto = { decryptEvent: async (_ev): Promise => { throw new Error("can't decrypt"); }, } as Parameters[0]; await mxEvent.attemptDecryption(mockCrypto); const { container } = getComponent(); await flushPromises(); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")[0].classList).toContain( "mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure", ); }); it("should not show a shield for previously-verified users", async () => { mxEvent = mkEvent({ type: "m.room.encrypted", room: room.roomId, user: "@alice:example.org", event: true, content: {}, }); const mockCrypto = { decryptEvent: async (_ev): Promise => { throw new Error("can't decrypt"); }, } as Parameters[0]; await mxEvent.attemptDecryption(mockCrypto); mxEvent["_decryptionFailureReason"] = DecryptionFailureCode.SENDER_IDENTITY_PREVIOUSLY_VERIFIED; const { container } = getComponent(); await act(flushPromises); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(0); }); }); it("should update the warning when the event is edited", async () => { // we start out with an event from the trusted device mxEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(mxEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.NONE, shieldReason: null, } as EventEncryptionInfo); const roomContext = getRoomContext(room, {}); const { container, rerender } = render(); await flushPromises(); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); // there should be no warning expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(0); // then we replace the event with one from the unverified device const replacementEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(replacementEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.RED, shieldReason: EventShieldReason.UNSIGNED_DEVICE, } as EventEncryptionInfo); await act(async () => { mxEvent.makeReplaced(replacementEvent); rerender(); await flushPromises; }); // check it was updated expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")[0].classList).toContain( "mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning", ); }); it("should update the warning when the event is replaced with an unencrypted one", async () => { // we start out with an event from the trusted device mxEvent = await mkEncryptedMatrixEvent({ plainContent: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "msg1" }, plainType: "m.room.message", sender: "@alice:example.org", roomId: room.roomId, }); eventToEncryptionInfoMap.set(mxEvent.getId()!, { shieldColour: EventShieldColour.NONE, shieldReason: null, } as EventEncryptionInfo); const roomContext = getRoomContext(room, { isRoomEncrypted: true }); const { container, rerender } = render(); await flushPromises(); const eventTiles = container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile"); expect(eventTiles).toHaveLength(1); // there should be no warning expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(0); // then we replace the event with an unencrypted one const replacementEvent = await mkMessage({ msg: "msg2", user: "@alice:example.org", room: room.roomId, event: true, }); await act(async () => { mxEvent.makeReplaced(replacementEvent); rerender(); await flushPromises; }); // check it was updated expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")).toHaveLength(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_e2eIcon")[0].classList).toContain( "mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning", ); }); }); describe("event highlighting", () => { const isHighlighted = (container: HTMLElement): boolean => !!container.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_highlight").length; beforeEach(() => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockReturnValue(null); }); it("does not highlight message where message matches no push actions", () => { const { container } = getComponent(); expect(client.getPushActionsForEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mxEvent); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeFalsy(); }); it(`does not highlight when message's push actions does not have a highlight tweak`, () => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockReturnValue({ notify: true, tweaks: {} }); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeFalsy(); }); it(`highlights when message's push actions have a highlight tweak`, () => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockReturnValue({ notify: true, tweaks: { [TweakName.Highlight]: true }, }); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeTruthy(); }); describe("when a message has been edited", () => { let editingEvent: MatrixEvent; beforeEach(() => { editingEvent = new MatrixEvent({ type: "m.room.message", room_id: ROOM_ID, sender: "@alice:example.org", content: { "msgtype": "m.text", "body": "* edited body", "m.new_content": { msgtype: "m.text", body: "edited body", }, "m.relates_to": { rel_type: "m.replace", event_id: mxEvent.getId(), }, }, }); mxEvent.makeReplaced(editingEvent); }); it("does not highlight message where no version of message matches any push actions", () => { const { container } = getComponent(); // get push actions for both events expect(client.getPushActionsForEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mxEvent); expect(client.getPushActionsForEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith(editingEvent); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeFalsy(); }); it(`does not highlight when no version of message's push actions have a highlight tweak`, () => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockReturnValue({ notify: true, tweaks: {} }); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeFalsy(); }); it(`highlights when previous version of message's push actions have a highlight tweak`, () => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockImplementation((event: MatrixEvent) => { if (event === mxEvent) { return { notify: true, tweaks: { [TweakName.Highlight]: true } }; } return { notify: false, tweaks: {} }; }); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`highlights when new version of message's push actions have a highlight tweak`, () => { mocked(client.getPushActionsForEvent).mockImplementation((event: MatrixEvent) => { if (event === editingEvent) { return { notify: true, tweaks: { [TweakName.Highlight]: true } }; } return { notify: false, tweaks: {} }; }); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(isHighlighted(container)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); it("should display the not encrypted status for an unencrypted event when the room becomes encrypted", async () => { jest.spyOn(client.getCrypto()!, "getEncryptionInfoForEvent").mockResolvedValue({ shieldColour: EventShieldColour.NONE, shieldReason: null, }); const { rerender } = getComponent(); await flushPromises(); // The room and the event are unencrypted, the tile should not show the not encrypted status expect(screen.queryByText("Not encrypted")).toBeNull(); // The room is now encrypted rerender( , ); // The event tile should now show the not encrypted status await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText("Not encrypted")).toBeInTheDocument()); }); });