/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /// import type { ISendEventResponse } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/requests"; import type { EventType, MsgType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/event"; import { HomeserverInstance } from "../../plugins/utils/homeserver"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; import { Layout } from "../../../src/settings/enums/Layout"; import Chainable = Cypress.Chainable; // The avatar size used in the timeline const AVATAR_SIZE = 30; // The resize method used in the timeline const AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD = "crop"; const ROOM_NAME = "Test room"; const OLD_AVATAR = "avatar_image1"; const NEW_AVATAR = "avatar_image2"; const OLD_NAME = "Alan"; const NEW_NAME = "Alan (away)"; const getEventTilesWithBodies = (): Chainable => { return cy.get(".mx_EventTile").filter((_i, e) => e.getElementsByClassName("mx_EventTile_body").length > 0); }; const expectDisplayName = (e: JQuery, displayName: string): void => { expect(e.find(".mx_DisambiguatedProfile_displayName").text()).to.equal(displayName); }; const expectAvatar = (e: JQuery, avatarUrl: string): void => { cy.all([cy.window({ log: false }), cy.getClient()]).then(([win, cli]) => { const size = AVATAR_SIZE * win.devicePixelRatio; expect(e.find(".mx_BaseAvatar_image").attr("src")).to.equal( // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties cli.mxcUrlToHttp(avatarUrl, size, size, AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD), ); }); }; const sendEvent = (roomId: string, html = false): Chainable => { const content = { msgtype: "m.text" as MsgType, body: "Message", format: undefined, formatted_body: undefined, }; if (html) { content.format = "org.matrix.custom.html"; content.formatted_body = "Message"; } return cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message" as EventType, content); }; describe("Timeline", () => { let homeserver: HomeserverInstance; let roomId: string; let oldAvatarUrl: string; let newAvatarUrl: string; beforeEach(() => { cy.startHomeserver("default").then((data) => { homeserver = data; cy.initTestUser(homeserver, OLD_NAME).then(() => cy.createRoom({ name: ROOM_NAME }).then((_room1Id) => { roomId = _room1Id; }), ); }); }); afterEach(() => { cy.stopHomeserver(homeserver); }); describe("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.uploadContent(OLD_AVATAR).then(({ content_uri: url }) => { oldAvatarUrl = url; cy.setAvatarUrl(url); }); cy.uploadContent(NEW_AVATAR).then(({ content_uri: url }) => { newAvatarUrl = url; }); }); it("should show historical profiles if disabled", () => { cy.setSettingValue("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", null, SettingLevel.ACCOUNT, false); sendEvent(roomId); cy.setDisplayName("Alan (away)"); cy.setAvatarUrl(newAvatarUrl); // XXX: If we send the second event too quickly, there won't be // enough time for the client to register the profile change cy.wait(500); sendEvent(roomId); cy.viewRoomByName(ROOM_NAME); const events = getEventTilesWithBodies(); events.should("have.length", 2); events.each((e, i) => { if (i === 0) { expectDisplayName(e, OLD_NAME); expectAvatar(e, oldAvatarUrl); } else if (i === 1) { expectDisplayName(e, NEW_NAME); expectAvatar(e, newAvatarUrl); } }); }); it("should not show historical profiles if enabled", () => { cy.setSettingValue("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", null, SettingLevel.ACCOUNT, true); sendEvent(roomId); cy.setDisplayName(NEW_NAME); cy.setAvatarUrl(newAvatarUrl); // XXX: If we send the second event too quickly, there won't be // enough time for the client to register the profile change cy.wait(500); sendEvent(roomId); cy.viewRoomByName(ROOM_NAME); const events = getEventTilesWithBodies(); events.should("have.length", 2); events.each((e) => { expectDisplayName(e, NEW_NAME); expectAvatar(e, newAvatarUrl); }); }); }); describe("message displaying", () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.injectAxe(); }); it("should create and configure a room on IRC layout", () => { cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] " + ".mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Configured room on IRC layout"); }); it("should add inline start margin to an event line on IRC layout", () => { cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); // Wait until configuration is finished cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary " + ".mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); // Click "expand" link button cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle[aria-expanded=false]").click(); // Check the event line has margin instead of inset property // cf. _EventTile.pcss // --EventTile_irc_line_info-margin-inline-start // = calc(var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + 1 * var(--right-padding)) // = 80 + 14 + 5 = 99px cy.get(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc].mx_EventTile_info:first-of-type .mx_EventTile_line") .should("have.css", "margin-inline-start", "99px") .should("have.css", "inset-inline-start", "0px"); // Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot const percyCSS = ".mx_MessageTimestamp, .mx_RoomView_myReadMarker { visibility: hidden !important; }"; cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Event line with inline start margin on IRC layout", { percyCSS, }); cy.checkA11y(); }); it("should align generic event list summary with messages and emote on IRC layout", () => { // This test aims to check: // 1. Alignment of collapsed GELS (generic event list summary) and messages // 2. Alignment of expanded GELS and messages // 3. Alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message // 4. Alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote // Exclude timestamp from snapshot of mx_MainSplit const percyCSS = ".mx_MainSplit .mx_MessageTimestamp { visibility: hidden !important; }"; cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); // Wait until configuration is finished cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); // Send messages cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_BasicMessageComposer_input").type("Hello Mr. Bot{enter}"); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_BasicMessageComposer_input").type("Hello again, Mr. Bot{enter}"); // Make sure the second message was sent cy.get(".mx_RoomView_MessageList > .mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent").should("be.visible"); // 1. Alignment of collapsed GELS (generic event list summary) and messages // Check inline start spacing of collapsed GELS // See: _EventTile.pcss // .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout="irc"] > .mx_EventTile_line // = var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + $MessageTimestamp_width + 2 * var(--right-padding) // = 80 + 14 + 46 + 2 * 5 // = 150px cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] > .mx_EventTile_line").should( "have.css", "padding-inline-start", "150px", ); // Check width and spacing values of elements in .mx_EventTile, which should be equal to 150px // --right-padding should be applied cy.get(".mx_EventTile > *").should("have.css", "margin-right", "5px"); // --name-width width zero inline end margin should be applied cy.get(".mx_EventTile .mx_DisambiguatedProfile") .should("have.css", "width", "80px") .should("have.css", "margin-inline-end", "0px"); // --icon-width should be applied cy.get(".mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_avatar > .mx_BaseAvatar").should("have.css", "width", "14px"); // $MessageTimestamp_width should be applied cy.get(".mx_EventTile > a").should("have.css", "min-width", "46px"); // Record alignment of collapsed GELS and messages on messagePanel cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Collapsed GELS and messages on IRC layout", { percyCSS }); // 2. Alignment of expanded GELS and messages // Click "expand" link button cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle[aria-expanded=false]").click(); // Check inline start spacing of info line on expanded GELS cy.get(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc].mx_EventTile_info:first-of-type .mx_EventTile_line") // See: _EventTile.pcss // --EventTile_irc_line_info-margin-inline-start // = 80 + 14 + 1 * 5 .should("have.css", "margin-inline-start", "99px"); // Record alignment of expanded GELS and messages on messagePanel cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Expanded GELS and messages on IRC layout", { percyCSS }); // 3. Alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message // Delete the second (last) message cy.get(".mx_RoomView_MessageList > .mx_EventTile_last").realHover(); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_MessageList > .mx_EventTile_last .mx_MessageActionBar_optionsButton", { timeout: 1000, }) .should("exist") .realHover() .click({ force: false }); cy.get(".mx_IconizedContextMenu_item[aria-label=Remove]").should("be.visible").click({ force: false }); // Confirm deletion cy.get(".mx_Dialog_buttons button[data-testid=dialog-primary-button]") .should("have.text", "Remove") .click({ force: false }); // Make sure the dialog was closed and the second (last) message was redacted cy.get(".mx_Dialog").should("not.exist"); cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_EventTile_last .mx_RedactedBody").should("be.visible"); cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent").should("be.visible"); // Record alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message on messagePanel cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Expanded GELS and with placeholder of deleted message", { percyCSS, }); // 4. Alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote // Send a emote cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_BasicMessageComposer_input").type("/me says hello to Mr. Bot{enter}"); // Check inline start margin of its avatar // Here --right-padding is for the avatar on the message line // See: _IRCLayout.pcss // .mx_IRCLayout .mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_avatar // = calc(var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + 1 * var(--right-padding)) // = 80 + 14 + 1 * 5 cy.get(".mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_avatar").should("have.css", "margin-left", "99px"); // Make sure emote was sent cy.get(".mx_EventTile_last.mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_receiptSent").should("be.visible"); // Record alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement( "Expanded GELS and with emote and placeholder of deleted message", { percyCSS, }, ); }); it("should set inline start padding to a hidden event line", () => { sendEvent(roomId); cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("showHiddenEventsInTimeline", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true); cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); // Edit message cy.contains(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line", "Message").within(() => { cy.get('[aria-label="Edit"]').click({ force: true }); // Cypress has no ability to hover cy.get(".mx_BasicMessageComposer_input").type("Edit{enter}"); }); cy.contains(".mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens]", "MessageEdit").should("exist"); // Click timestamp to highlight hidden event line cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_info .mx_MessageTimestamp").click(); // Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot const percyCSS = ".mx_MessageTimestamp, .mx_RoomView_myReadMarker { visibility: hidden !important; }"; // should not add inline start padding to a hidden event line on IRC layout cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); cy.get(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc].mx_EventTile_info .mx_EventTile_line").should( "have.css", "padding-inline-start", "0px", ); cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Hidden event line with zero padding on IRC layout", { percyCSS, }); // should add inline start padding to a hidden event line on modern layout cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group); cy.get(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=group].mx_EventTile_info .mx_EventTile_line") // calc(var(--EventTile_group_line-spacing-inline-start) + 20px) = 64 + 20 = 84px .should("have.css", "padding-inline-start", "84px"); cy.get(".mx_MainSplit").percySnapshotElement("Hidden event line with padding on modern layout", { percyCSS, }); }); it("should click view source event toggle", () => { // This test checks: // 1. clickability of top left of view source event toggle // 2. clickability of view source toggle on IRC layout // Exclude timestamp from snapshot const percyCSS = ".mx_MessageTimestamp { visibility: hidden !important; }"; sendEvent(roomId); cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("showHiddenEventsInTimeline", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true); cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary " + ".mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); // Edit message cy.contains(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line", "Message").within(() => { cy.get('[aria-label="Edit"]').click({ force: true }); // Cypress has no ability to hover cy.get(".mx_BasicMessageComposer_input").type("Edit{enter}"); }); cy.contains(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens]", "MessageEdit").should("exist"); // 1. clickability of top left of view source event toggle // Click top left of the event toggle, which should not be covered by MessageActionBar's safe area cy.get(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent") .should("exist") .realHover() .within(() => { cy.get(".mx_ViewSourceEvent_toggle").click("topLeft", { force: false }); }); // Make sure the expand toggle works cy.get(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded") .should("be.visible") .realHover() .within(() => { cy.get(".mx_ViewSourceEvent_toggle") // Check size and position of toggle on expanded view source event // See: _ViewSourceEvent.pcss .should("have.css", "height", "12px") // --ViewSourceEvent_toggle-size .should("have.css", "align-self", "flex-end") // Click again to collapse the source .click("topLeft", { force: false }); }); // Make sure the collapse toggle works cy.get(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded").should("not.exist"); // 2. clickability of view source toggle on IRC layout // Enable IRC layout cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); // Hover the view source toggle on IRC layout cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] .mx_EventTile .mx_ViewSourceEvent") .should("exist") .realHover() .percySnapshotElement("Hovered hidden event line on IRC layout", { percyCSS }); // Click view source event toggle cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] .mx_EventTile .mx_ViewSourceEvent") .should("exist") .realHover() .within(() => { cy.get(".mx_ViewSourceEvent_toggle").click("topLeft", { force: false }); }); // Make sure the expand toggle worked cy.get(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded").should("be.visible"); }); it("should click 'collapse' link button on the first hovered info event line on bubble layout", () => { cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.setSettingValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble); cy.contains( ".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=bubble] " + ".mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary", "created and configured the room.", ).should("exist"); // Click "expand" link button cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle[aria-expanded=false]").click(); // Click "collapse" link button on the first hovered info event line cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_unstyledList .mx_EventTile_info:first-of-type").realHover(); cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle[aria-expanded=true]").click({ force: false }); // Make sure "collapse" link button worked cy.get(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle[aria-expanded=false]").should("exist"); }); it("should highlight search result words regardless of formatting", () => { sendEvent(roomId); sendEvent(roomId, true); cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.get(".mx_RoomHeader_searchButton").click(); cy.get(".mx_SearchBar_input input").type("Message{enter}"); cy.get(".mx_EventTile:not(.mx_EventTile_contextual) .mx_EventTile_searchHighlight").should("exist"); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_searchResultsPanel").percySnapshotElement("Highlighted search results"); }); it("should render url previews", () => { cy.intercept("**/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/matrix.org/2022-08-16_yaiSVSRIsNFfxDnV?*", { statusCode: 200, fixture: "riot.png", headers: { "Content-Type": "image/png", }, }).as("mxc"); cy.intercept("**/_matrix/media/r0/preview_url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcall.element.io%2F&ts=*", { statusCode: 200, body: { "og:title": "Element Call", "og:description": null, "og:image:width": 48, "og:image:height": 48, "og:image": "mxc://matrix.org/2022-08-16_yaiSVSRIsNFfxDnV", "og:image:type": "image/png", "matrix:image:size": 2121, }, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }).as("preview_url"); cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message" as EventType, { msgtype: "m.text" as MsgType, body: "https://call.element.io/", }); cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); cy.get(".mx_LinkPreviewWidget").should("exist").should("contain.text", "Element Call"); cy.wait("@preview_url"); cy.wait("@mxc"); cy.checkA11y(); // Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot const percyCSS = ".mx_MessageTimestamp, .mx_RoomView_myReadMarker { visibility: hidden !important; }"; cy.get(".mx_EventTile_last").percySnapshotElement("URL Preview", { percyCSS, widths: [800, 400], }); }); }); describe("message sending", () => { const MESSAGE = "Hello world"; const viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply = () => { // View room cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); // Send a message cy.getComposer().type(`${MESSAGE}{enter}`); // Reply to the message cy.contains(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_line", "Hello world").within(() => { cy.get('[aria-label="Reply"]').click({ force: true }); // Cypress has no ability to hover }); }; it("can reply with a text message", () => { const reply = "Reply"; viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply(); cy.getComposer().type(`${reply}{enter}`); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line .mx_ReplyTile .mx_MTextBody").should( "contain", MESSAGE, ); cy.contains(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile > .mx_EventTile_line > .mx_MTextBody", reply).should( "have.length", 1, ); }); it("can reply with a voice message", () => { viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply(); cy.openMessageComposerOptions().within(() => { cy.get(`[aria-label="Voice Message"]`).click(); }); cy.wait(3000); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_MessageComposer .mx_MessageComposer_sendMessage").click(); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line .mx_ReplyTile .mx_MTextBody").should( "contain", MESSAGE, ); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile > .mx_EventTile_line > .mx_MVoiceMessageBody").should( "have.length", 1, ); }); it("should not be possible to send flag with regional emojis", () => { cy.visit("/#/room/" + roomId); // Send a message cy.getComposer().type(":regional_indicator_a"); cy.contains(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", ":regional_indicator_a:").click(); cy.getComposer().type(":regional_indicator_r"); cy.contains(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", ":regional_indicator_r:").click(); cy.getComposer().type(" :regional_indicator_z"); cy.contains(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", ":regional_indicator_z:").click(); cy.getComposer().type(":regional_indicator_a"); cy.contains(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", ":regional_indicator_a:").click(); cy.getComposer().type("{enter}"); cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line .mx_MTextBody .mx_EventTile_bigEmoji") .children() .should("have.length", 4); }); }); });