/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { act, render, screen, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, MatrixEvent, Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import dis from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { guessServerNameFromRoomId, RoomPredecessorTile, } from "../../../../../src/components/views/messages/RoomPredecessorTile"; import { stubClient, upsertRoomStateEvents } from "../../../../test-utils/test-utils"; import { Action } from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { filterConsole, getRoomContext } from "../../../../test-utils"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import { ScopedRoomContextProvider } from "../../../../../src/contexts/ScopedRoomContext.tsx"; jest.mock("../../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"); describe("", () => { const userId = "@alice:server.org"; const roomId = "!room:server.org"; stubClient(); const client = mocked(MatrixClientPeg.safeGet()); function makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor = false, predecessorEventExists = false, predecessorEventHasEventId = false, predecessorEventHasViaServers = false, }): Room { const room = new Room(roomId, client, userId); const createInfo = { type: EventType.RoomCreate, state_key: "", sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: {}, event_id: "$create", }; if (createEventHasPredecessor) { createInfo.content = { predecessor: { room_id: "old_room_id", event_id: "$tombstone_event_id" }, }; } const createEvent = new MatrixEvent(createInfo); upsertRoomStateEvents(room, [createEvent]); if (predecessorEventExists) { const predecessorInfo = { type: EventType.RoomPredecessor, state_key: "", sender: userId, room_id: roomId, content: { predecessor_room_id: "old_room_id_from_predecessor", last_known_event_id: predecessorEventHasEventId ? "$tombstone_event_id_from_predecessor" : undefined, via_servers: predecessorEventHasViaServers ? ["a.example.com", "b.example.com"] : undefined, }, event_id: "$predecessor", }; const predecessorEvent = new MatrixEvent(predecessorInfo); upsertRoomStateEvents(room, [predecessorEvent]); } return room; } beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); mocked(dis.dispatch).mockReset(); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReturnValue(false); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockResolvedValue(undefined); stubClient(); }); afterAll(() => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "setValue").mockRestore(); }); function renderTile(room: Room) { // Find this room's create event (it should have one!) const createEvent = room.currentState.getStateEvents("m.room.create")[0]; expect(createEvent).toBeTruthy(); return render( , ); } it("Renders as expected", () => { const roomCreate = renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true })); expect(roomCreate.asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("Links to the old version of the room", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true })); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id/$tombstone_event_id", ); }); describe("(filtering warnings about no predecessor)", () => { filterConsole("RoomPredecessorTile unexpectedly used in a room with no predecessor."); it("Shows an empty div if there is no predecessor", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({})); expect(screen.queryByText("Click here to see older messages.", { exact: false })).toBeNull(); }); }); it("Opens the old room on click", async () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true })); const link = screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages."); await act(() => userEvent.click(link)); await waitFor(() => expect(dis.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, event_id: "$tombstone_event_id", highlighted: true, room_id: "old_room_id", metricsTrigger: "Predecessor", metricsViaKeyboard: false, }), ); }); it("Ignores m.predecessor if labs flag is off", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true })); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id/$tombstone_event_id", ); }); describe("If the predecessor room is not found", () => { filterConsole("Failed to find predecessor room with id old_room_id"); beforeEach(() => { mocked(MatrixClientPeg.safeGet().getRoom).mockReturnValue(null); }); it("Shows an error if there are no via servers", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true })); expect(screen.getByText("Can't find the old version of this room", { exact: false })).toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe("When feature_dynamic_room_predecessors = true", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation( (settingName) => settingName === "feature_dynamic_room_predecessors", ); }); afterEach(() => { jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockReset(); }); it("Uses the create event if there is no m.predecessor", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true })); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id/$tombstone_event_id", ); }); it("Uses m.predecessor when it's there", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true })); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id_from_predecessor", ); }); it("Links to the event in the room if event ID is provided", () => { renderTile( makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true, predecessorEventHasEventId: true, }), ); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id_from_predecessor/$tombstone_event_id_from_predecessor", ); }); describe("If the predecessor room is not found", () => { filterConsole("Failed to find predecessor room with id old_room_id"); beforeEach(() => { mocked(MatrixClientPeg.safeGet().getRoom).mockReturnValue(null); }); it("Shows an error if there are no via servers", () => { renderTile(makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true })); expect( screen.getByText("Can't find the old version of this room", { exact: false }), ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("Shows a tile if there are via servers", () => { renderTile( makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true, predecessorEventHasViaServers: true, }), ); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id_from_predecessor?via=a.example.com&via=b.example.com", ); }); it("Shows a tile linking to an event if there are via servers", () => { renderTile( makeRoom({ createEventHasPredecessor: true, predecessorEventExists: true, predecessorEventHasEventId: true, predecessorEventHasViaServers: true, }), ); expect(screen.getByText("Click here to see older messages.")).toHaveAttribute( "href", "https://matrix.to/#/old_room_id_from_predecessor/$tombstone_event_id_from_predecessor?via=a.example.com&via=b.example.com", ); }); }); }); }); describe("guessServerNameFromRoomId", () => { it("Extracts the domain name from a standard room ID", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:example.com")).toEqual("example.com"); }); it("Extracts the domain name and port when included", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:example.com:8888")).toEqual("example.com:8888"); }); it("Handles an IPv4 address for server name", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:")).toEqual(""); }); it("Handles an IPv4 address and port", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:")).toEqual(""); }); it("Handles an IPv6 address for server name", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:::1")).toEqual("::1"); }); it("Handles an IPv6 address and port", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456:::1:8080")).toEqual("::1:8080"); }); it("Returns null when the room ID contains no colon", () => { expect(guessServerNameFromRoomId("!436456")).toBeNull(); }); });