/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { clamp, defaultNumber, percentageOf, percentageWithin, sum } from "../../../src/utils/numbers"; describe("numbers", () => { describe("defaultNumber", () => { it("should use the default when the input is not a number", () => { const def = 42; let result = defaultNumber(null, def); expect(result).toBe(def); result = defaultNumber(undefined, def); expect(result).toBe(def); result = defaultNumber(Number.NaN, def); expect(result).toBe(def); }); it("should use the number when it is a number", () => { const input = 24; const def = 42; const result = defaultNumber(input, def); expect(result).toBe(input); }); }); describe("clamp", () => { it("should clamp high numbers", () => { const input = 101; const min = 0; const max = 100; const result = clamp(input, min, max); expect(result).toBe(max); }); it("should clamp low numbers", () => { const input = -1; const min = 0; const max = 100; const result = clamp(input, min, max); expect(result).toBe(min); }); it("should not clamp numbers in range", () => { const input = 50; const min = 0; const max = 100; const result = clamp(input, min, max); expect(result).toBe(input); }); it("should clamp floats", () => { const min = -0.1; const max = +0.1; let result = clamp(-1.2, min, max); expect(result).toBe(min); result = clamp(1.2, min, max); expect(result).toBe(max); result = clamp(0.02, min, max); expect(result).toBe(0.02); }); }); describe("sum", () => { it("should sum", () => { // duh const result = sum(1, 2, 1, 4); expect(result).toBe(8); }); }); describe("percentageWithin", () => { it("should work within 0-100", () => { const result = percentageWithin(0.4, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(40); }); it("should work within 0-100 when pct > 1", () => { const result = percentageWithin(1.4, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(140); }); it("should work within 0-100 when pct < 0", () => { const result = percentageWithin(-1.4, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(-140); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100", () => { const result = percentageWithin(0.4, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(14); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100 when pct > 1", () => { const result = percentageWithin(1.4, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(24); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100 when pct < 0", () => { const result = percentageWithin(-1.4, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(-4); }); it("should work with floats", () => { const result = percentageWithin(0.4, 10.2, 20.4); expect(result).toBe(14.28); }); }); // These are the inverse of percentageWithin describe("percentageOf", () => { it("should work within 0-100", () => { const result = percentageOf(40, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(0.4); }); it("should work within 0-100 when val > 100", () => { const result = percentageOf(140, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(1.4); }); it("should work within 0-100 when val < 0", () => { const result = percentageOf(-140, 0, 100); expect(result).toBe(-1.4); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100", () => { const result = percentageOf(14, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(0.4); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100 when val > 100", () => { const result = percentageOf(24, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(1.4); }); it("should work with ranges other than 0-100 when val < 0", () => { const result = percentageOf(-4, 10, 20); expect(result).toBe(-1.4); }); it("should work with floats", () => { const result = percentageOf(14.28, 10.2, 20.4); expect(result).toBe(0.4); }); it("should return 0 for values that cause a division by zero", () => { expect(percentageOf(0, 0, 0)).toBe(0); }); }); });