#!/usr/bin/env node // copies the resources into the webapp directory. // // Languages are listed manually so we can choose when to include // a translation in the app (because having a translation with only // 3 strings translated is just frustrating) // This could readily be automated, but it's nice to explicitly // control when we languages are available. const INCLUDE_LANGS = [ {'value': 'en_EN', 'label': 'English'}, {'value': 'en_US', 'label': 'English (US)'}, {'value': 'da', 'label': 'Dansk'}, {'value': 'el', 'label': 'Ελληνικά'}, {'value': 'eo', 'label': 'Esperanto'}, {'value': 'nl', 'label': 'Nederlands'}, {'value': 'de_DE', 'label': 'Deutsch'}, {'value': 'fr', 'label': 'Français'}, {'value': 'hu', 'label': 'Magyar'}, {'value': 'ko', 'label': '한국어'}, {'value': 'nb_NO', 'label': 'Norwegian Bokmål'}, {'value': 'pl', 'label': 'Polski'}, {'value': 'pt', 'label': 'Português'}, {'value': 'pt_BR', 'label': 'Português do Brasil'}, {'value': 'ru', 'label': 'Русский'}, {'value': 'sv', 'label': 'Svenska'}, {'value': 'es', 'label': 'Español'}, {'value': 'th', 'label': 'ไทย'}, {'value': 'tr', 'label': 'Türk'}, {'value': 'zh_Hans', 'label': '简体中文'}, // simplified chinese {'value': 'zh_Hant', 'label': '繁體中文'}, // traditional chinese ]; // cpx includes globbed parts of the filename in the destination, but excludes // common parents. Hence, "res/{a,b}/**": the output will be "dest/a/..." and // "dest/b/...". const COPY_LIST = [ ["res/manifest.json", "webapp"], ["res/home.html", "webapp"], ["res/home/**", "webapp/home"], ["res/{media,vector-icons}/**", "webapp"], ["res/flags/*", "webapp/flags/"], ["src/skins/vector/{fonts,img}/**", "webapp"], ["node_modules/emojione/assets/svg/*", "webapp/emojione/svg/"], ["node_modules/emojione/assets/png/*", "webapp/emojione/png/"], ["./config.json", "webapp", { directwatch: 1 }], ]; INCLUDE_LANGS.forEach(function(l) { COPY_LIST.push([ l.value, "webapp/i18n/", { lang: 1 }, ]); }); const parseArgs = require('minimist'); const Cpx = require('cpx'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const fs = require('fs'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const argv = parseArgs( process.argv.slice(2), {} ); var watch = argv.w; var verbose = argv.v; function errCheck(err) { if (err) { console.error(err.message); process.exit(1); } } // Check if webapp exists if (!fs.existsSync('webapp')) { fs.mkdirSync('webapp'); } // Check if i18n exists if (!fs.existsSync('webapp/i18n/')) { fs.mkdirSync('webapp/i18n/'); } function next(i, err) { errCheck(err); if (i >= COPY_LIST.length) { return; } const ent = COPY_LIST[i]; const source = ent[0]; const dest = ent[1]; const opts = ent[2] || {}; let cpx = undefined; if (!opts.lang) { cpx = new Cpx.Cpx(source, dest); } if (verbose && cpx) { cpx.on("copy", (event) => { console.log(`Copied: ${event.srcPath} --> ${event.dstPath}`); }); cpx.on("remove", (event) => { console.log(`Removed: ${event.path}`); }); } const cb = (err) => { next(i + 1, err) }; if (watch) { if (opts.directwatch) { // cpx -w creates a watcher for the parent of any files specified, // which in the case of config.json is '.', which inevitably takes // ages to crawl. So we create our own watcher on the files // instead. const copy = () => { cpx.copy(errCheck) }; chokidar.watch(source) .on('add', copy) .on('change', copy) .on('ready', cb) .on('error', errCheck); } else if (opts.lang) { const reactSdkFile = 'node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/src/i18n/strings/' + source + '.json'; const riotWebFile = 'src/i18n/strings/' + source + '.json'; const translations = {}; const makeLang = () => { genLangFile(source, dest) }; [reactSdkFile, riotWebFile].forEach(function(f) { chokidar.watch(f) .on('add', makeLang) .on('change', makeLang) //.on('ready', cb) We'd have to do this when both files are ready .on('error', errCheck); }); next(i + 1, err); } else { cpx.on('watch-ready', cb); cpx.on("watch-error", cb); cpx.watch(); } } else if (opts.lang) { genLangFile(source, dest); next(i + 1, err); } else { cpx.copy(cb); } } function genLangFile(lang, dest) { const reactSdkFile = 'node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/src/i18n/strings/' + lang + '.json'; const riotWebFile = 'src/i18n/strings/' + lang + '.json'; const translations = {}; [reactSdkFile, riotWebFile].forEach(function(f) { if (fs.existsSync(f)) { Object.assign( translations, JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(f).toString()) ); } }); fs.writeFileSync(dest + lang + '.json', JSON.stringify(translations, null, 4)); if (verbose) { console.log("Generated language file: " + lang); } } function genLangList() { const languages = {}; INCLUDE_LANGS.forEach(function(lang) { const normalizedLanguage = lang.value.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-"); const languageParts = normalizedLanguage.split('-'); if (languageParts.length == 2 && languageParts[0] == languageParts[1]) { languages[languageParts[0]] = {'fileName': lang.value + '.json', 'label': lang.label}; } else { languages[normalizedLanguage] = {'fileName': lang.value + '.json', 'label': lang.label}; } }); fs.writeFile('webapp/i18n/languages.json', JSON.stringify(languages, null, 4), function(err) { if (err) { console.error("Copy Error occured: " + err); throw new Error("Failed to generate languages.json"); } }); if (verbose) { console.log("Generated languages.json"); } } genLangList(); next(0);