/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import path, { basename } from "node:path"; import os from "node:os"; import * as fse from "fs-extra"; import { BrowserContext, TestInfo } from "@playwright/test"; import { getFreePort } from "../utils/port"; import { Docker } from "../docker"; import { PG_PASSWORD, PostgresDocker } from "../postgres"; import { HomeserverInstance } from "../homeserver"; import { Instance as MailhogInstance } from "../mailhog"; // Docker tag to use for `ghcr.io/matrix-org/matrix-authentication-service` image. const TAG = "0.12.0"; interface Instance { containerId: string; postgresId: string; configDir: string; port: number; } async function cfgDirFromTemplate(opts: { postgresHost: string; synapseUrl: string; masPort: string; smtpPort: string; }): Promise<{ configDir: string; }> { const configPath = path.join(__dirname, "config.yaml"); const tempDir = await fse.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "react-sdk-mas-")); const outputHomeserver = path.join(tempDir, "config.yaml"); console.log(`Gen ${configPath} -> ${outputHomeserver}`); let config = await fse.readFile(configPath, "utf8"); config = config.replace(/{{MAS_PORT}}/g, opts.masPort); config = config.replace(/{{POSTGRES_HOST}}/g, opts.postgresHost); config = config.replace(/{{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}}/g, PG_PASSWORD); config = config.replace(/%{{SMTP_PORT}}/g, opts.smtpPort); config = config.replace(/{{SYNAPSE_URL}}/g, opts.synapseUrl); await fse.writeFile(outputHomeserver, config); // Allow anyone to read, write and execute in the temp directory // so that the DIND setup that we use to update the playwright screenshots work without any issues. await fse.chmod(tempDir, 0o757); return { configDir: tempDir, }; } export class MatrixAuthenticationService { private readonly masDocker = new Docker(); private readonly postgresDocker = new PostgresDocker("mas"); private instance: Instance; public port: number; constructor(private context: BrowserContext) {} async prepare(): Promise<{ port: number }> { this.port = await getFreePort(); return { port: this.port }; } async start(homeserver: HomeserverInstance, mailhog: MailhogInstance): Promise { console.log(new Date(), "Starting mas..."); if (!this.port) await this.prepare(); const port = this.port; const { containerId: postgresId, ipAddress: postgresIp } = await this.postgresDocker.start(); const { configDir } = await cfgDirFromTemplate({ masPort: port.toString(), postgresHost: postgresIp, synapseUrl: homeserver.config.dockerUrl, smtpPort: mailhog.smtpPort.toString(), }); console.log(new Date(), "starting mas container...", TAG); const containerId = await this.masDocker.run({ image: "ghcr.io/element-hq/matrix-authentication-service:" + TAG, containerName: "react-sdk-playwright-mas", params: ["-p", `${port}:8080/tcp`, "-v", `${configDir}:/config`], cmd: ["server", "--config", "/config/config.yaml"], }); console.log(new Date(), "started!"); // Set up redirects const baseUrl = `http://localhost:${port}`; for (const path of [ "**/_matrix/client/*/login", "**/_matrix/client/*/login/**", "**/_matrix/client/*/logout", "**/_matrix/client/*/refresh", ]) { await this.context.route(path, async (route) => { await route.continue({ url: new URL(route.request().url().split("/").slice(3).join("/"), baseUrl).href, }); }); } this.instance = { containerId, postgresId, port, configDir }; return this.instance; } async stop(testInfo: TestInfo): Promise { if (!this.instance) return; // nothing to stop const id = this.instance.containerId; const logPath = path.join("playwright", "logs", "matrix-authentication-service", id); await fse.ensureDir(logPath); await this.masDocker.persistLogsToFile({ stdoutFile: path.join(logPath, "stdout.log"), stderrFile: path.join(logPath, "stderr.log"), }); await this.masDocker.stop(); await this.postgresDocker.stop(); if (testInfo.status !== "passed") { const logs = [path.join(logPath, "stdout.log"), path.join(logPath, "stderr.log")]; for (const path of logs) { await testInfo.attach(`mas-${basename(path)}`, { path, contentType: "text/plain", }); } await testInfo.attach("mas-config.yaml", { path: path.join(this.instance.configDir, "config.yaml"), contentType: "text/plain", }); } await fse.remove(this.instance.configDir); console.log(new Date(), "Stopped mas."); } }