/* Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { Crypto } from "@peculiar/webcrypto"; import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import * as MatrixJs from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { setCrypto } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto/crypto"; import * as MatrixCryptoAes from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto/aes"; import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest"; import StorageEvictedDialog from "../src/components/views/dialogs/StorageEvictedDialog"; import { restoreFromLocalStorage, setLoggedIn } from "../src/Lifecycle"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import Modal from "../src/Modal"; import * as StorageManager from "../src/utils/StorageManager"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, mockPlatformPeg } from "./test-utils"; import ToastStore from "../src/stores/ToastStore"; import { makeDelegatedAuthConfig } from "./test-utils/oidc"; import { persistOidcAuthenticatedSettings } from "../src/utils/oidc/persistOidcSettings"; const webCrypto = new Crypto(); const windowCrypto = window.crypto; describe("Lifecycle", () => { const mockPlatform = mockPlatformPeg(); const realLocalStorage = global.localStorage; const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ stopClient: jest.fn(), removeAllListeners: jest.fn(), clearStores: jest.fn(), getAccountData: jest.fn(), getUserId: jest.fn(), getDeviceId: jest.fn(), isVersionSupported: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(true), getCrypto: jest.fn(), getClientWellKnown: jest.fn(), getThirdpartyProtocols: jest.fn(), store: { destroy: jest.fn(), }, getVersions: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ versions: ["v1.1"] }), }); beforeEach(() => { // stub this jest.spyOn(MatrixClientPeg, "replaceUsingCreds").mockImplementation(() => {}); jest.spyOn(MatrixClientPeg, "start").mockResolvedValue(undefined); // reset any mocking // @ts-ignore mocking delete global.localStorage; global.localStorage = realLocalStorage; setCrypto(webCrypto); // @ts-ignore mocking delete window.crypto; window.crypto = webCrypto; jest.spyOn(MatrixCryptoAes, "encryptAES").mockRestore(); }); afterAll(() => { setCrypto(windowCrypto); // @ts-ignore unmocking delete window.crypto; window.crypto = windowCrypto; }); const initLocalStorageMock = (mockStore: Record = {}): void => { jest.spyOn(localStorage.__proto__, "getItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown) => mockStore[key as string] ?? null); jest.spyOn(localStorage.__proto__, "removeItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown) => { const { [key as string]: toRemove, ...newStore } = mockStore; mockStore = newStore; return toRemove; }); jest.spyOn(localStorage.__proto__, "setItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown, value: unknown) => { mockStore[key as string] = value; }); }; const initSessionStorageMock = (mockStore: Record = {}): void => { jest.spyOn(sessionStorage.__proto__, "getItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown) => mockStore[key as string] ?? null); jest.spyOn(sessionStorage.__proto__, "removeItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown) => { const { [key as string]: toRemove, ...newStore } = mockStore; mockStore = newStore; return toRemove; }); jest.spyOn(sessionStorage.__proto__, "setItem") .mockClear() .mockImplementation((key: unknown, value: unknown) => { mockStore[key as string] = value; }); jest.spyOn(sessionStorage.__proto__, "clear").mockClear(); }; const initIdbMock = (mockStore: Record> = {}): void => { jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbLoad") .mockClear() .mockImplementation( // @ts-ignore mock type async (table: string, key: string) => mockStore[table]?.[key] ?? null, ); jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave") .mockClear() .mockImplementation( // @ts-ignore mock type async (tableKey: string, key: string, value: unknown) => { const table = mockStore[tableKey] || {}; table[key as string] = value; mockStore[tableKey] = table; }, ); jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbDelete").mockClear().mockResolvedValue(undefined); }; const homeserverUrl = "https://server.org"; const identityServerUrl = "https://is.org"; const userId = "@alice:server.org"; const deviceId = "abc123"; const accessToken = "test-access-token"; const localStorageSession = { mx_hs_url: homeserverUrl, mx_is_url: identityServerUrl, mx_user_id: userId, mx_device_id: deviceId, }; const idbStorageSession = { account: { mx_access_token: accessToken, }, }; const credentials = { homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, userId, deviceId, accessToken, }; const refreshToken = "test-refresh-token"; const encryptedTokenShapedObject = { ciphertext: expect.any(String), iv: expect.any(String), mac: expect.any(String), }; describe("restoreFromLocalStorage()", () => { beforeEach(() => { initLocalStorageMock(); initSessionStorageMock(); initIdbMock(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.spyOn(logger, "log").mockClear(); jest.spyOn(MatrixJs, "createClient").mockReturnValue(mockClient); // stub this out jest.spyOn(Modal, "createDialog").mockReturnValue( // @ts-ignore allow bad mock { finished: Promise.resolve([true]) }, ); }); it("should return false when localStorage is not available", async () => { // @ts-ignore dirty mocking delete global.localStorage; // @ts-ignore dirty mocking global.localStorage = undefined; expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(false); }); it("should return false when no session data is found in local storage", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(false); expect(logger.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("No previous session found."); }); it("should abort login when we expect to find an access token but don't", async () => { initLocalStorageMock({ mx_has_access_token: "true" }); await expect(() => restoreFromLocalStorage()).rejects.toThrow(); expect(Modal.createDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(StorageEvictedDialog); expect(mockClient.clearStores).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("when session is found in storage", () => { beforeEach(() => { initLocalStorageMock(localStorageSession); initIdbMock(idbStorageSession); }); describe("guest account", () => { it("should ignore guest accounts when ignoreGuest is true", async () => { initLocalStorageMock({ ...localStorageSession, mx_is_guest: "true" }); expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage({ ignoreGuest: true })).toEqual(false); expect(logger.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Ignoring stored guest account: ${userId}`); }); it("should restore guest accounts when ignoreGuest is false", async () => { initLocalStorageMock({ ...localStorageSession, mx_is_guest: "true" }); expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage({ ignoreGuest: false })).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ userId, guest: true, }), undefined, ); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_is_guest", "true"); }); }); describe("without a pickle key", () => { it("should persist credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_user_id", userId); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token", "true"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_is_guest", "false"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_device_id", deviceId); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); // dont put accessToken in localstorage when we have idb expect(localStorage.setItem).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should persist access token when idb is not available", async () => { jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave").mockRejectedValue("oups"); expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); // put accessToken in localstorage as fallback expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, accessToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: false, guest: false, pickleKey: undefined, }, undefined, ); }); it("should remove fresh login flag from session storage", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(sessionStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_fresh_login"); }); it("should start matrix client", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.start).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("with a refresh token", () => { beforeEach(() => { initLocalStorageMock({ ...localStorageSession, mx_refresh_token: refreshToken, }); initIdbMock(idbStorageSession); }); it("should persist credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); // refresh token from storage is re-persisted expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_refresh_token", "true"); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "account", "mx_refresh_token", refreshToken, ); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, accessToken, // refreshToken included in credentials refreshToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: false, guest: false, pickleKey: undefined, }, undefined, ); }); }); }); describe("with a pickle key", () => { beforeEach(async () => { initLocalStorageMock({}); initIdbMock({}); // setup storage with a session with encrypted token await setLoggedIn(credentials); }); it("should persist credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token", "true"); // token encrypted and persisted expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "account", "mx_access_token", encryptedTokenShapedObject, ); }); it("should persist access token when idb is not available", async () => { // dont fail for pickle key persist jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave").mockImplementation( async (table: string, key: string | string[]) => { if (table === "account" && key === "mx_access_token") { throw new Error("oups"); } }, ); expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "account", "mx_access_token", encryptedTokenShapedObject, ); // put accessToken in localstorage as fallback expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, // decrypted accessToken accessToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: true, guest: false, pickleKey: expect.any(String), }, undefined, ); }); describe("with a refresh token", () => { beforeEach(async () => { initLocalStorageMock({}); initIdbMock({}); // setup storage with a session with encrypted token await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, }); }); it("should persist credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); // refresh token from storage is re-persisted expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_refresh_token", "true"); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "account", "mx_refresh_token", encryptedTokenShapedObject, ); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, accessToken, // refreshToken included in credentials refreshToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: false, guest: false, pickleKey: expect.any(String), }, undefined, ); }); }); }); it("should show a toast if the matrix server version is unsupported", async () => { const toastSpy = jest.spyOn(ToastStore.sharedInstance(), "addOrReplaceToast"); mockClient.getVersions.mockResolvedValue({ versions: ["r0.6.0"], unstable_features: {}, }); initLocalStorageMock({ ...localStorageSession }); expect(await restoreFromLocalStorage()).toEqual(true); expect(toastSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ title: "Your server is unsupported", }), ); }); }); }); describe("setLoggedIn()", () => { beforeEach(() => { initLocalStorageMock(); initSessionStorageMock(); initIdbMock(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.spyOn(logger, "log").mockClear(); jest.spyOn(MatrixJs, "createClient").mockReturnValue(mockClient); // remove any mock implementations jest.spyOn(mockPlatform, "createPickleKey").mockRestore(); // but still spy and call through jest.spyOn(mockPlatform, "createPickleKey"); }); const refreshToken = "test-refresh-token"; it("should remove fresh login flag from session storage", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(sessionStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_fresh_login"); }); it("should start matrix client", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(MatrixClientPeg.start).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("without a pickle key", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(mockPlatform, "createPickleKey").mockResolvedValue(null); }); it("should persist credentials", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_user_id", userId); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token", "true"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_is_guest", "false"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_device_id", deviceId); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); // dont put accessToken in localstorage when we have idb expect(localStorage.setItem).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should persist a refreshToken when present", async () => { await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, }); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_refresh_token", refreshToken); // dont put accessToken in localstorage when we have idb expect(localStorage.setItem).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should remove any access token from storage when there is none in credentials and idb save fails", async () => { jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave").mockRejectedValue("oups"); await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, // @ts-ignore accessToken: undefined, }); expect(localStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token"); expect(localStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token"); }); it("should clear stores", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(StorageManager.idbDelete).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token"); expect(sessionStorage.clear).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockClient.clearStores).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await setLoggedIn(credentials)).toEqual(mockClient); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, accessToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: true, guest: false, pickleKey: null, }, undefined, ); }); }); describe("with a pickle key", () => { it("should not create a pickle key when credentials do not include deviceId", async () => { await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, deviceId: undefined, }); // unpickled access token saved expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); expect(mockPlatform.createPickleKey).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("creates a pickle key with userId and deviceId", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(mockPlatform.createPickleKey).toHaveBeenCalledWith(userId, deviceId); }); it("should persist credentials", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_user_id", userId); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token", "true"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_is_guest", "false"); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_device_id", deviceId); expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_pickle_key", "true"); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "account", "mx_access_token", encryptedTokenShapedObject, ); expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "pickleKey", [userId, deviceId], expect.any(Object), ); // dont put accessToken in localstorage when we have idb expect(localStorage.setItem).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should persist token when encrypting the token fails", async () => { jest.spyOn(MatrixCryptoAes, "encryptAES").mockRejectedValue("MOCK REJECT ENCRYPTAES"); await setLoggedIn(credentials); // persist the unencrypted token expect(StorageManager.idbSave).toHaveBeenCalledWith("account", "mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should persist token in localStorage when idb fails to save token", async () => { // dont fail for pickle key persist jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave").mockImplementation( async (table: string, key: string | string[]) => { if (table === "account" && key === "mx_access_token") { throw new Error("oups"); } }, ); await setLoggedIn(credentials); // put plain accessToken in localstorage when we dont have idb expect(localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token", accessToken); }); it("should remove any access token from storage when there is none in credentials and idb save fails", async () => { // dont fail for pickle key persist jest.spyOn(StorageManager, "idbSave").mockImplementation( async (table: string, key: string | string[]) => { if (table === "account" && key === "mx_access_token") { throw new Error("oups"); } }, ); await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, // @ts-ignore accessToken: undefined, }); expect(localStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_has_access_token"); expect(localStorage.removeItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith("mx_access_token"); }); it("should create new matrix client with credentials", async () => { expect(await setLoggedIn(credentials)).toEqual(mockClient); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { userId, accessToken, homeserverUrl, identityServerUrl, deviceId, freshLogin: true, guest: false, pickleKey: expect.any(String), }, undefined, ); }); }); describe("when authenticated via OIDC native flow", () => { const clientId = "test-client-id"; const issuer = "https://auth.com/"; const delegatedAuthConfig = makeDelegatedAuthConfig(issuer); const idTokenClaims = { aud: "123", iss: issuer, sub: "123", exp: 123, iat: 456, }; beforeAll(() => { fetchMock.get( `${delegatedAuthConfig.issuer}.well-known/openid-configuration`, delegatedAuthConfig.metadata, ); fetchMock.get(`${delegatedAuthConfig.issuer}jwks`, { status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, keys: [], }); }); beforeEach(() => { // mock oidc config for oidc client initialisation mockClient.getClientWellKnown.mockReturnValue({ "m.authentication": { issuer: issuer, }, }); initSessionStorageMock(); // set values in session storage as they would be after a successful oidc authentication persistOidcAuthenticatedSettings(clientId, issuer, idTokenClaims); }); it("should not try to create a token refresher without a refresh token", async () => { await setLoggedIn(credentials); // didn't try to initialise token refresher expect(fetchMock).not.toHaveFetched(`${delegatedAuthConfig.issuer}.well-known/openid-configuration`); }); it("should not try to create a token refresher without a deviceId", async () => { await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, deviceId: undefined, }); // didn't try to initialise token refresher expect(fetchMock).not.toHaveFetched(`${delegatedAuthConfig.issuer}.well-known/openid-configuration`); }); it("should not try to create a token refresher without an issuer in session storage", async () => { persistOidcAuthenticatedSettings( clientId, // @ts-ignore set undefined issuer undefined, idTokenClaims, ); await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, }); // didn't try to initialise token refresher expect(fetchMock).not.toHaveFetched(`${delegatedAuthConfig.issuer}.well-known/openid-configuration`); }); it("should create a client with a tokenRefreshFunction", async () => { expect( await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, }), ).toEqual(mockClient); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ accessToken, refreshToken, }), expect.any(Function), ); }); it("should create a client when creating token refresher fails", async () => { // set invalid value in session storage for a malformed oidc authentication persistOidcAuthenticatedSettings(null as any, issuer, idTokenClaims); // succeeded expect( await setLoggedIn({ ...credentials, refreshToken, }), ).toEqual(mockClient); expect(MatrixClientPeg.replaceUsingCreds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ accessToken, refreshToken, }), // no token refresh function undefined, ); }); }); }); });