import DMRoomMap from './DMRoomMap'; /* For now, a cut-down type spec for the client */ interface Client { getUserId: () => string; checkUserTrust: (userId: string) => { isCrossSigningVerified: () => boolean wasCrossSigningVerified: () => boolean }; getStoredDevicesForUser: (userId: string) => [{ deviceId: string }]; checkDeviceTrust: (userId: string, deviceId: string) => { isVerified: () => boolean } } interface Room { getEncryptionTargetMembers: () => Promise<[{userId: string}]>; roomId: string; } export async function shieldStatusForRoom(client: Client, room: Room): Promise { const members = (await room.getEncryptionTargetMembers()).map(({userId}) => userId); const inDMMap = !!DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId); const verified: string[] = []; const unverified: string[] = []; members.filter((userId) => userId !== client.getUserId()) .forEach((userId) => { (client.checkUserTrust(userId).isCrossSigningVerified() ? verified : unverified).push(userId); }); /* Alarm if any unverified users were verified before. */ for (const userId of unverified) { if (client.checkUserTrust(userId).wasCrossSigningVerified()) { return "warning"; } } /* Check all verified user devices. */ /* Don't alarm if no other users are verified */ const includeUser = (verified.length > 0) && // Don't alarm for self in rooms where nobody else is verified !inDMMap && // Don't alarm for self in DMs with other users (members.length !== 2) || // Don't alarm for self in 1:1 chats with other users (members.length === 1); // Do alarm for self if we're alone in a room const targets = includeUser ? [...verified, client.getUserId()] : verified; for (const userId of targets) { const devices = client.getStoredDevicesForUser(userId); const anyDeviceNotVerified = devices.some(({deviceId}) => { return !client.checkDeviceTrust(userId, deviceId).isVerified(); }); if (anyDeviceNotVerified) { return "warning"; } } return unverified.length === 0 ? "verified" : "normal"; }