"This email address is already in use": "Xa se está a usar este correo",
"This phone number is already in use": "Xa se está a usar este teléfono",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Fallo na verificación do enderezo de correo: asegúrese de ter picado na ligazón do correo",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "O interlocutor non respondeu",
"Unable to capture screen": "Non se puido capturar a pantalla",
"Existing Call": "Rexistro de chamadas",
"You are already in a call.": "Xa está nunha chamada.",
"VoIP is unsupported": "Sen soporte para VoIP",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Non pode establecer chamadas VoIP neste navegador.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Non pode facer unha chamada a si mesmo.",
"Warning!": "Aviso!",
"Call Failed": "Fallou a chamada",
"Review Devices": "Revisar dispositivos",
"Call Anyway": "Chamar igualmente",
"Answer Anyway": "Responder igualmente",
"Call": "Chamar",
"Answer": "Resposta",
"Call Timeout": "Tempo de resposta de chamada",
"Upload Failed": "Fallou o envío",
"Sun": "Dom",
"Mon": "Lun",
"Tue": "Mar",
"Wed": "Mér",
"Thu": "Xov",
"Fri": "Ven",
"Sat": "Sáb",
"Jan": "Xan",
"Feb": "Feb",
"Mar": "Mar",
"Apr": "Abr",
"May": "Mai",
"Jun": "Xuñ",
"Jul": "Xul",
"Aug": "Ago",
"Sep": "Set",
"Oct": "Out",
"Nov": "Nov",
"Dec": "Dec",
"PM": "PM",
"AM": "AM",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "A quen quere engadir a esta comunidade?",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Aviso: calquera persoa que engada a unha comunidade estará publicamente visible para calquera que coñeza a ID da comunidade",
"Invite new community members": "Convidará comunidade a novos participantes",
"Invite to Community": "Convidar á comunidade",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Que salas desexaría engadir a esta comunidade?",
"Show these rooms to non-members on the community page and room list?": "Quere que estas salas se lle mostren a outros membros de fóra da comunidade na lista de salas?",
"Add rooms to the community": "Engadir salas á comunidade",
"Room name or alias": "Nome da sala ou alcume",
"Add to community": "Engadir á comunidade",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Fallo ao convidar os seguintes usuarios a %(groupId)s:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Houbo un fallo convidando usuarios á comunidade",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Houbo un fallo convidando usuarios a %(groupId)s",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Fallo ao engadir as seguintes salas a %(groupId)s:",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot non ten permiso para enviarlle notificacións: comprobe os axustes do navegador",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot non ten permiso para enviar notificacións: inténteo de novo",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Non se puideron activar as notificacións",
"This email address was not found": "Non se atopou este enderezo de correo",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "O seu enderezo de correo semella non estar asociado a un ID Matrix neste servidor.",
"Default": "Por defecto",
"Restricted": "Restrinxido",
"Moderator": "Moderador",
"Admin": "Administrador",
"Start a chat": "Iniciar unha conversa",
"Operation failed": "Fallou a operación",
"Failed to invite": "Fallou o convite",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Houbo un fallo convidando os seguintes usuarios á sala %(roomName)s:",
"You need to be logged in.": "Precisa estar conectada.",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Precisa autorización para convidar a outros usuarias para poder facer iso.",
"Unable to create widget.": "Non se puido crear o trebello.",
"Failed to send request.": "Fallo ao enviar a petición.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Non se recoñece esta sala.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "O nivel de poder ten que ser un enteiro positivo.",
"You are not in this room.": "Non está nesta sala.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Non ten permiso para facer iso nesta sala.",
"Missing room_id in request": "Falta o room_id na petición",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "A sala %(roomId)s non é visible",
"Missing user_id in request": "Falta o user_id na petición",
"Usage": "Uso",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg non é unha orde",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Para utilizala, agarde que carguen os resultados de autocompletado e escolla entre eles.",
"Unrecognised room alias:": "Alcumes de sala non recoñecidos:",
"Ignored user": "Usuaria ignorada",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Agora está a ignorar %(userId)s",
"Unignored user": "Usuarios non ignorados",
"You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "Xa non está a ignorar a %(userId)s",
"Verified key": "Chave verificada",
"Reason": "Razón",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s aceptou o convite para %(displayName)s.",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s aceptou o convite.",
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s solicitou unha conferencia VoIP.",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s convidou a %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s bloqueou a %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s estableceu o seu nome público a %(displayName)s.",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s eliminou o seu nome público (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s eliminou a súa imaxe de perfil.",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s cambiou a súa imaxe de perfil.",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s estableceu a imaxe de perfil.",
"VoIP conference started.": "Comezou a conferencia VoIP.",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s uniuse a sala.",
"VoIP conference finished.": "Rematou a conferencia VoIP.",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s rexeitou a invitación.",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s deixou a sala.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s desbloqueou a %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s expulsou a %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s rexeitou o convite de %(targetName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambiou o asunto a \"%(topic)s\".",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s eliminou o nome da sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambiou o nome da sala a %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s enviou unha imaxe.",
"Someone": "Alguén",
"(not supported by this browser)": "(non soportado por este navegador)",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s respondeu a chamada.",
"(could not connect media)": "(non puido conectar os medios)",
"(no answer)": "(sen resposta)",
"(unknown failure: %(reason)s)": "(fallo descoñecido: %(reason)s)",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s rematou a chamada.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s enviou un convite a %(targetDisplayName)s para unirse a sala.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited.": "%(senderName)s fixo o historial da sala visible para todos os participantes, desde o punto en que foron convidadas.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.": "%(senderName)s estableceu o historial futuro visible a todos os participantes, desde o punto en que se uniron.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members.": "%(senderName)s fixo visible para todos participantes o historial futuro da sala.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to anyone.": "%(senderName)s fixo visible para calquera o historial futuro da sala.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "%(senderName)s fixo visible o historial futuro da sala para descoñecidos (%(visibility)s).",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s desde %(fromPowerLevel)s a %(toPowerLevel)s",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s cambiou o nivel de autoridade a %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s cambiou as mensaxes fixadas para a sala.",
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "O trebello %(widgetName)s modificado por %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "O trebello %(widgetName)s engadido por %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s eliminado por %(senderName)s",
"Failure to create room": "Fallou a creación da sala",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "O servidor podería non estar dispoñible, con sobrecarga ou ter un fallo.",
"Send anyway": "Enviar de todos os xeitos",
"Send": "Enviar",
"Unnamed Room": "Sala sen nome",
"Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "O seu navegador non soporta as extensións de criptografía necesarias",
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Non é un ficheiro de chaves Riot válido",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Fallou a comprobación de autenticación: contrasinal incorrecto?",
"Failed to join room": "Non se puido unir a sala",
"Message Pinning": "Fixando mensaxe",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Utilizar a disposición compacta da liña temporal",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Mostrar marcas de tempo con formato 12 horas (ex. 2:30pm)",
"Always show message timestamps": "Mostrar sempre marcas de tempo",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Reprodución automática de GIFs e vídeos",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Activar a detección automática de idioma para o resalte da sintaxe",
"Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Substituír automaticamente Emoji en texto plano",
"Enable inline URL previews by default": "Activar por defecto as vistas previas en liña de URL",
"Enable URL previews for this room (only affects you)": "Activar avista previa de URL nesta sala (só lle afecta a vostede)",
"Enable URL previews by default for participants in this room": "Activar a vista previa de URL por defecto para as participantes nesta sala",
"Room Colour": "Cor da sala",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Chamada activa (%(roomName)s)",
"unknown caller": "interlocutora descoñecida",
"Incoming voice call from %(name)s": "Chamada de voz entrante de %(name)s",
"Incoming video call from %(name)s": "Chamada de vídeo entrante de %(name)s",
"Incoming call from %(name)s": "Chamada entrante de %(name)s",
"Decline": "Rexeitar",
"Accept": "Aceptar",
"Error": "Fallo",
"Incorrect verification code": "Código de verificación incorrecto",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"Phone": "Teléfono",
"Add": "Engadir",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Fallo ao subir a imaxe de perfil!",
"Upload new:": "Subir nova:",
"No display name": "Sen nome público",
"New passwords don't match": "Os contrasinais novos non coinciden",
"Passwords can't be empty": "Os contrasinais non poden estar baleiros",
"Continue": "Continuar",
"Export E2E room keys": "Exportar chaves E2E da sala",
"Do you want to set an email address?": "Quere establecer un enderezo de correo electrónico?",
"Current password": "Contrasinal actual",
"Password": "Contrasinal",
"New Password": "Novo contrasinal",
"Confirm password": "Confirme o contrasinal",
"Change Password": "Cambiar contrasinal",
"Authentication": "Autenticación",
"Device ID": "ID de dispositivo",
"Last seen": "Visto por última vez",
"Failed to set display name": "Fallo ao establecer o nome público",
"Disable Notifications": "Desactivar notificacións",
"Enable Notifications": "Activar ass notificacións",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s",
"Mirror local video feed": "Copiar fonte de vídeo local",
"Cannot add any more widgets": "Non pode engadir máis trebellos",
"The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "Xa se lle engadiron o número máximo de trebellos a esta sala.",
"Add a widget": "Engadir un trebello",
"Drop File Here": "Solte aquí o ficheiro",
"Drop file here to upload": "Solte aquí o ficheiro para subilo",
" (unsupported)": " (non soportado)",
"Join as ": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambiou o avatar da sala a
"Copied!": "Copiado!",
"Failed to copy": "Fallo ao copiar",
"Add an Integration": "Engadir unha integración",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Vai ser redirixido a unha web de terceiros para poder autenticar a súa conta e así utilizar %(integrationsUrl)s. Quere continuar?",
"Removed or unknown message type": "Tipo de mensaxe descoñecida ou eliminada",
"Message removed by %(userId)s": "Mensaxe eliminada por %(userId)s",
"Message removed": "Mensaxe eliminada",
"Custom Server Options": "Opcións personalizadas do servidor",
"Dismiss": "Rexeitar",
"To continue, please enter your password.": "Para continuar, por favor introduza o seu contrasinal.",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Enviouse un correo a %(emailAddress)s",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Comprobe o seu correo para continuar co rexistro.",
"Token incorrect": "Testemuño incorrecto",
"A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "Enviouse unha mensaxe de texto a %(msisdn)s",
"Please enter the code it contains:": "Por favor introduza o código que contén:",
"Start authentication": "Inicie a autenticación",
"powered by Matrix": "funciona grazas a Matrix",
"Sign in with": "Conectarse con",
"Email address": "Enderezo de correo",
"Sign in": "Conectar",
"If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?": "Se non indica un enderezo de correo non poderá restablecer o contrasinal, está seguro?",
"Register": "Rexistrar",
"Remove from community": "Eliminar da comunidade",
"Disinvite this user from community?": "Retirar o convite a comunidade a esta usuaria?",
"Remove this user from community?": "Quitar a esta usuaria da comunidade?",
"Failed to withdraw invitation": "Fallo ao retirar o convite",
"Failed to remove user from community": "Fallo ao quitar a usuaria da comunidade",
"Filter community members": "Filtrar participantes na comunidade",
"Are you sure you want to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s?": "Está segura de que quere eliminar '%(roomName)s' de %(groupId)s?",
"Removing a room from the community will also remove it from the community page.": "Eliminar unha sala da comunidade tamén a quitará da páxina da comunidade.",
"Remove": "Eliminar",
"Failed to remove room from community": "Fallo ao quitar a sala da comunidade",
"Failed to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s": "Fallo ao quitar '%(roomName)s' de %(groupId)s",
"Something went wrong!": "Algo fallou!",
"The visibility of '%(roomName)s' in %(groupId)s could not be updated.": "A visibilidade de '%(roomName)s' en %(groupId)s non se puido actualizar.",
"Visibility in Room List": "Visibilidade na Lista de Salas",
"Visible to everyone": "Visible para todo o mundo",
"Only visible to community members": "Só visible para os participantes da comunidade",
"Filter community rooms": "Filtrar salas da comunidade",
"Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Algo fallou ao intentar obter as súas comunidades.",
"You're not currently a member of any communities.": "Ate o momento non é membro de ningunha comunidade.",
"Unknown Address": "Enderezo descoñecido",
"Allow": "Permitir",
"Delete Widget": "Eliminar trebello",
"Deleting a widget removes it for all users in this room. Are you sure you want to delete this widget?": "Quitando un trebello elimínao para todas os usuarios desta sala. Está seguro de querer eliminar este trebello?",
"Delete widget": "Eliminar trebello",
"Minimize apps": "Minimizar apps",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Create new room": "Crear unha nova sala",
"Unblacklist": "Quitar da lista negra",
"Blacklist": "Por na lista negra",
"Unverify": "Retirar verificación",
"Verify...": "Verificar...",
"No results": "Sen resultados",
"Communities": "Comunidades",
"Home": "Inicio",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Non se puido conectar ao servidor de integración",
"Manage Integrations": "Xestionar integracións",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s uníronse %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s uníronse",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s uniuse %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s uniuse",
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s saíron %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s saíron",
"%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s saíu %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s saio",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s uníronse e saíron %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s uníronse e saíron",
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s uniuse e saio %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s uniuse e saíu",
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s saíron e volveron %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s saíron e votaron",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s saíu e volveu %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s saíu e volveu",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s rexeitaron convites %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s rexeitaron os seus convites",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s rexeitou o seu convite %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s rexeitou o seu convite",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "retiróuselle o convite a %(severalUsers)s %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "retiróuselle o convite a %(severalUsers)s",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|other": "retiróuselle o convite a %(oneUser)s %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "retiróuselle o convite a %(oneUser)s",
"were invited %(count)s times|other": "foron convidados %(count)s veces",
"were invited %(count)s times|one": "foron convidados",
"was invited %(count)s times|other": "foi convidada %(count)s veces",
"was invited %(count)s times|one": "foi convidada",
"were banned %(count)s times|other": "foron prohibidas %(count)s veces",
"were banned %(count)s times|one": "foron prohibidas",
"was banned %(count)s times|other": "foi prohibida %(count)s veces",
"was banned %(count)s times|one": "foi prohibida",
"were unbanned %(count)s times|other": "retiróuselle a prohibición %(count)s veces",
"were unbanned %(count)s times|one": "retrouseille a prohibición",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|other": "retrouseille a prohibición %(count)s veces",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|one": "retiróuselle a prohibición",
"were kicked %(count)s times|other": "foron expulsadas %(count)s veces",
"were kicked %(count)s times|one": "foron expulsadas",
"was kicked %(count)s times|other": "foi expulsada %(count)s veces",
"was kicked %(count)s times|one": "foi expulsada",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s cambiaron o seu nome %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s cambiaron o seu nome",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s cambiou o seu nome %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s cambiou o seu nome",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their avatar %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s cambiaron o seu avatar %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their avatar %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s cambiaron o seu avatar",
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s cambiou o seu avatar %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s cambiou o seu avatar",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(items)s e %(count)s outras",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(items)s e outra máis",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s e %(lastItem)s",
"collapse": "comprimir",
"expand": "expandir",
"Custom level": "Nivel personalizado",
"Room directory": "Directorio de salas",
"Start chat": "Iniciar conversa",
"And %(count)s more...|other": "E %(count)s máis...",
"ex. @bob:example.com": "ex. @pepe:exemplo.com",
"Add User": "Engadir usuaria",
"Matrix ID": "ID Matrix",
"Matrix Room ID": "ID sala Matrix",
"email address": "enderezo de correo",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Intentar utilizar algún dos seguintes tipos de enderezo válidos: %(validTypesList)s.",
"You have entered an invalid address.": "Introduciu un enderezo non válido.",
"Confirm Removal": "Confirme a retirada",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Está certa de que quere quitar (eliminar) este evento? Saiba que si elimina un nome de sala ou cambia o asunto, podería desfacer o cambio.",
"Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Os ID de comunidade só poden conter caracteres a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'",
"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "O ID de comunidade non pode quedar baldeiro.",
"Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Algo fallou mentres se creaba a súa comunidade",
"Create Community": "Crear comunidade",
"Community Name": "Nome da comunidade",
"Example": "Exemplo",
"Community ID": "ID da comunidade",
"example": "exemplo",
"Create": "Crear",
"Create Room": "Crear sala",
"Unknown error": "Fallo descoñecido",
"Incorrect password": "Contrasinal incorrecto",
"Deactivate Account": "Desactivar conta",
"I verify that the keys match": "Certifico que coinciden as chaves",
"An error has occurred.": "Algo fallou.",
"OK": "OK",
"Start verification": "Iniciar verificación",
"Share without verifying": "Compartir sen verificar",
"Ignore request": "Ignorar petición",
"Encryption key request": "Petición de chave de cifrado",
"Unable to restore session": "Non se puido restaurar a sesión",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Si anteriormente utilizou unha versión máis recente de Riot, a súa sesión podería non ser compatible con esta versión. Peche esta ventá e volva a versión máis recente.",
"Invalid Email Address": "Enderezo de correo non válido",
"This doesn't appear to be a valid email address": "Este non semella ser un enderezo de correo válido",
"Verification Pending": "Verificación pendente",
"Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Comprobe o seu correo electrónico e pulse na ligazón que contén. Unha vez feito iso prema continuar.",
"Unable to add email address": "Non se puido engadir enderezo de correo",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Non se puido verificar enderezo de correo electrónico.",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Isto permitiralle restablecer o seu contrasinal e recibir notificacións.",
"Skip": "Saltar",
"Username not available": "Nome de usuaria non dispoñible",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Nome de usuaria non válido: %(errMessage)s",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "Algo fallou: %(error_string)s",
"Username available": "Nome de usuaria dispoñible",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "Para comezar, escolla un nome de usuaria!",
"This will be your account name on the homeserver, or you can pick a different server.": "Este será o nome da súa conta no servidor, ou pode escoller un servidor diferente.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can log in instead.": "Se xa ten unha conta Matrix entón pode conectarse.",
"Private Chat": "Conversa privada",
"Public Chat": "Conversa pública",
"Custom": "Personalizada",
"Alias (optional)": "Alias (opcional)",
"Name": "Nome",
"You must register to use this functionality": "Debe rexistrarse para utilizar esta función",
"You must join the room to see its files": "Debe unirse a sala para ver os seus ficheiros",
"There are no visible files in this room": "Non hai ficheiros visibles nesta sala",
\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important links\n
\n\n You can even use 'img' tags\n
\n": "\n Utilice a descrición longa para presentar novos membros a comunidade, ou publicar algunha ligazón importante\n \n
\n\n Tamén pode utilizar etiquetas 'img'\n
\n", "Add rooms to the community summary": "Engadir salas ao resumo da comunidade", "Which rooms would you like to add to this summary?": "Que salas desexa engadir a este resumo?", "Add to summary": "Engadir ao resumo", "Failed to add the following rooms to the summary of %(groupId)s:": "Algo fallou ao engadir estas salas ao resumo de %(groupId)s:", "Add a Room": "Engadir unha sala", "Failed to remove the room from the summary of %(groupId)s": "Algo fallou ao quitar a sala do resumo de %(groupId)s", "The room '%(roomName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "A sala '%(roomName)s' non se puido eliminar do resumo.", "Add users to the community summary": "Engadir usuarios ao resumo da comunidade", "Who would you like to add to this summary?": "A quen desexa engadir a este resumo?", "Failed to add the following users to the summary of %(groupId)s:": "Algo fallou ao engadir aos seguintes usuarios ao resumo de %(groupId)s:", "Add a User": "Engadir unha usuaria", "Failed to remove a user from the summary of %(groupId)s": "Algo fallou ao eliminar a usuaria do resumo de %(groupId)s", "The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "A usuaria '%(displayName)s' non se puido eliminar do resumo.", "Failed to upload image": "Fallo ao subir a páxina", "Failed to update community": "Fallo ao actualizar a comunidade", "Unable to accept invite": "Non puido aceptar o convite", "Unable to reject invite": "Non puido rexeitar o convite", "Leave Community": "Deixar a comunidade", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Deixar %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Saír", "Community Settings": "Axustes da comunidade", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Estas salas móstranselle aos membros da comunidade na páxina da comunidade.Os participantes da comunidade poden unirse ás salas premendo nelas.", "Add rooms to this community": "Engadir salas a esta comunidade", "Featured Rooms:": "Salas destacadas:", "Featured Users:": "Usuarios destacados:", "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s convidouna a unirse a esta comunidade", "You are an administrator of this community": "Vostede administra esta comunidade", "You are a member of this community": "É membro desta comunidade", "Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.