"use strict"; var q = require("q"); class Stage { constructor(type, matrixClient, signupInstance) { this.type = type; this.client = matrixClient; this.signupInstance = signupInstance; } complete() { // Return a promise which is: // RESOLVED => With an Object which has an 'auth' key which is the auth dict // to submit. // REJECTED => With an Error if there was a problem with this stage. // Has a "message" string and an "isFatal" flag. return q.reject("NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } onReceiveData() { // NOP } } Stage.TYPE = "NOT IMPLEMENTED"; class DummyStage extends Stage { constructor(matrixClient, signupInstance) { super(DummyStage.TYPE, matrixClient, signupInstance); } complete() { return q({ auth: { type: DummyStage.TYPE } }); } } DummyStage.TYPE = "m.login.dummy"; class RecaptchaStage extends Stage { constructor(matrixClient, signupInstance) { super(RecaptchaStage.TYPE, matrixClient, signupInstance); this.defer = q.defer(); this.publicKey = null; } onReceiveData(data) { if (data !== "loaded") { return; } this._attemptRender(); } complete() { var publicKey; var serverParams = this.signupInstance.getServerData().params; if (serverParams && serverParams["m.login.recaptcha"]) { publicKey = serverParams["m.login.recaptcha"].public_key; } if (!publicKey) { return q.reject({ message: "This server has not supplied enough information for Recaptcha " + "authentication", isFatal: true }); } this.publicKey = publicKey; this._attemptRender(); return this.defer.promise; } _attemptRender() { if (!global.grecaptcha) { console.error("grecaptcha not loaded!"); return; } if (!this.publicKey) { console.error("No public key for recaptcha!"); return; } var self = this; // FIXME: Tight coupling here and in CaptchaForm.js global.grecaptcha.render('mx_recaptcha', { sitekey: this.publicKey, callback: function(response) { return self.defer.resolve({ auth: { type: 'm.login.recaptcha', response: response } }); } }); } } RecaptchaStage.TYPE = "m.login.recaptcha"; class EmailIdentityStage extends Stage { constructor(matrixClient, signupInstance) { super(EmailIdentityStage.TYPE, matrixClient, signupInstance); } complete() { var config = { clientSecret: this.client.generateClientSecret(), sendAttempt: 1 }; this.signupInstance.params[EmailIdentityStage.TYPE] = config; var nextLink = this.signupInstance.params.registrationUrl + '?client_secret=' + encodeURIComponent(config.clientSecret) + "&hs_url=" + encodeURIComponent(this.signupInstance.getHomeserverUrl()) + "&is_url=" + encodeURIComponent(this.signupInstance.getIdentityServerUrl()) + "&session_id=" + encodeURIComponent(this.signupInstance.getServerData().session); return this.client.requestEmailToken( this.signupInstance.email, config.clientSecret, config.sendAttempt, nextLink ).then(function(response) { return {}; // don't want to make a request }, function(error) { console.error(error); var e = { isFatal: true }; if (error.errcode == 'THREEPID_IN_USE') { e.message = "Email in use"; } else { e.message = 'Unable to contact the given identity server'; } return e; }); } } EmailIdentityStage.TYPE = "m.login.email.identity"; module.exports = { [DummyStage.TYPE]: DummyStage, [RecaptchaStage.TYPE]: RecaptchaStage, [EmailIdentityStage.TYPE]: EmailIdentityStage };