"Community IDs cannot be empty.": "社区 ID 不能为空。",
"Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "社区 ID 只能包含 a-z、0-9 或 “=_-./” 等字符",
"Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "创建社区时出现问题",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "您目前默认将未经验证的设备列入黑名单;在发送消息到这些设备上之前,您必须先验证它们。",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "如果您之前使用过较新版本的 Riot,则您的会话可能与当前版本不兼容。请关闭此窗口并使用最新版本。",
"To change the room's avatar, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的头像,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's name, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的名称,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's main address, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的主地址,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the room's history visibility, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室的历史聊天记录可见性,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"To change the permissions in the room, you must be a": "无法修改此聊天室中的权限情况,因为您不是此聊天室的",
"Showing flair for these communities:": "为这些社区显示 flair:",
"This room is not showing flair for any communities": "此聊天室没有对任何社区显示 flair",
"New community ID (e.g. +foo:%(localDomain)s)": "新社区 ID(例子:+foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"URL previews are enabled by default for participants in this room.": "此聊天室默认启用链接预览。",
"URL previews are disabled by default for participants in this room.": "此聊天室默认禁用链接预览。",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar to
": "%(senderDisplayName)s 将聊天室的头像更改为
"You can also set a custom identity server but this will typically prevent interaction with users based on email address.": "您也可以自定义身份认证服务器,但这通常会阻止基于邮箱地址的与用户的交互。",
"Please enter the code it contains:": "请输入它包含的代码:",
"Flair will appear if enabled in room settings": "如果在聊天室设置中启用, flair 将会显示",
"Matrix ID": "Matrix ID",
"Matrix Room ID": "Matrix 聊天室 ID",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room": "禁止其他 Matrix 主服务器上的用户加入此聊天室",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "为验证此设备是否可信,请通过其他方式(例如面对面交换或拨打电话)与其拥有者联系,并询问他们该设备的用户设置中的密钥是否与以下密钥匹配:",
"If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "如果匹配,请点击下面的验证按钮。 如果不匹配,那么这可能说明其他人正在盗用此设备,而您应当点击黑名单按钮。",
"In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.": "未来,此验证过程将更为精致、巧妙一些。",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "我们建议您对每台设备进行验证以保证它们属于其合法所有者,但是您可以在不验证它们的情况下重新发送消息。",
"HTML for your community's page
\n\n Use the long description to introduce new members to the community, or distribute\n some important links\n
\n\n You can even use 'img' tags\n
\n": "社区页面的 HTML 代码
\n\n 你可以给社区的新成员们写些长长的社区简介来引导他们,或者放置\n 一些重要的链接\n
\n\n 你甚至可以使用
"Add rooms to the community summary": "将聊天室添加到社区简介中",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this summary?": "您想要将哪个聊天室添加到社区简介?",
"Add to summary": "添加到简介",
"Failed to add the following rooms to the summary of %(groupId)s:": "添加以下聊天室到 %(groupId)s 的简介时失败:",
"Failed to remove the room from the summary of %(groupId)s": "从 %(groupId)s 的简介中移除此聊天室时失败",
"The room '%(roomName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "聊天室 “%(roomName)s” 无法从社区简介中移除。",
"Failed to update community": "更新社区简介失败",
"Unable to leave community": "无法退出社区",
"Leave %(groupName)s?": "退出 %(groupName)s?",
"Featured Rooms:": "核心聊天室:",
"Featured Users:": "核心用户:",
"Join this community": "加入此社区",
"%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s 邀请您加入此社区",
"Failed to add the following users to the summary of %(groupId)s:": "将下列用户添加至 %(groupId)s 的简介中时失败:",
"Failed to remove a user from the summary of %(groupId)s": "从 %(groupId)s 的简介中移除用户时失败",
"You are an administrator of this community": "你是此社区的管理员",
"You are a member of this community": "你是此社区的成员",
"Who can join this community?": "谁可以加入此社区?",
"Everyone": "所有人",
"Leave this community": "退出此社区",
"Long Description (HTML)": "长描述(HTML)",
"This Home server does not support communities": "该主服务器不支持社区",
"Old cryptography data detected": "检测到旧的加密数据",
"Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "已检测到旧版Riot的数据,这将导致端到端加密在旧版本中发生故障。在此版本中,使用旧版本交换的端对端加密消息可能无法解密。这也可能导致与此版本交换的消息失败。如果您遇到问题,请退出并重新登录。要保留历史消息,请先导出并在重新登录后导入您的密钥。",
"Did you know: you can use communities to filter your Riot.im experience!": "你知道吗:你可以将社区用作过滤器以增强你的 Riot.im 使用体验!",
"Create a new community": "创建新社区",
"Error whilst fetching joined communities": "获取已加入社区列表时出现错误",
"Create a community to group together users and rooms! Build a custom homepage to mark out your space in the Matrix universe.": "创建社区,将用户与聊天室整合在一起!搭建自定义社区主页以在 Matrix 宇宙之中标出您的私人空间。",
"Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "显示未信任的设备 、 不经信任直接发送 或 取消发送。",
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "您的消息尚未发送。",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|other": "正在上传 %(filename)s 与其他 %(count)s 个文件",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|zero": "正在上传 %(filename)s",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|one": "正在上传 %(filename)s 与其他 %(count)s 个文件",
"Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "隐私对我们而言重要至极,所以我们不会在分析统计服务中收集任何个人信息或者可用于识别身份的数据。",
"Learn more about how we use analytics.": "进一步了解我们如何使用分析统计服务。",
"Please note you are logging into the %(hs)s server, not matrix.org.": "请注意,您正在登录 %(hs)s,而非 matrix.org。",
"This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "此主服务器不兼容本客户端支持的任何登录方式。",
"Sign in to get started": "登录以开始使用",
"Unbans user with given id": "按照 ID 解封特定的用户",
"Opens the Developer Tools dialog": "打开开发者工具窗口",
"Notify the whole room": "通知聊天室全体成员",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "此操作允许您将加密聊天室中收到的消息的密钥导出为本地文件。您可以将文件导入其他 Matrix 客户端,以便让别的客户端在未收到密钥的情况下解密这些消息。",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "导出的文件将允许任何可以读取它的人解密任何他们可以看到的加密消息,因此您应该小心以确保其安全。为解决此问题,您应该在下面输入密码以加密导出的数据。只有输入相同的密码才能导入数据。",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "导出文件有密码保护。你需要在此输入密码以解密此文件。",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "此操作允许您导入之前从另一个 Matrix 客户端中导出的加密密钥文件。导入完成后,您将能够解密那个客户端可以解密的加密消息。",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "忽略用户,隐藏他们发送的消息",
"Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward": "解除忽略用户,显示他们的消息",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "如果您想再次使用此账号,就必须它设置一个密码",
"If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "如果你在 GitHub 提交了一个 bug,调试日志可以帮助我们追踪这个问题。 调试日志包含应用程序使用数据,也就包括您的用户名、您访问的房间或社区的 ID 或别名,以及其他用户的用户名,但不包括聊天记录。",
"Debug Logs Submission": "发送调试日志",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "密码修改成功。在您在其他设备上重新登录之前,其他设备不会收到推送通知",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "尝试加载此房间的时间线的特定时间点,但是无法找到。",
"%(count)s Resend all or cancel all now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|one": "现在 重新发送消息 或 取消发送 。",
"%(count)s Resend all or cancel all now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.|other": "現在 重新发送消息 或 取消发送 。你也可以单独选择消息以重新发送或取消。",
"Visibility in Room List": "是否在聊天室目录中可见",
"Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "获取你加入的社区时发生错误。",
"Deleting a widget removes it for all users in this room. Are you sure you want to delete this widget?": "删除小挂件时将为聊天室中的所有成员删除。您确定要删除此小挂件吗?",
"Fetching third party location failed": "获取第三方位置失败",
"A new version of Riot is available.": "Riot 有更新可用。",
"Couldn't load home page": "不能加载首页",
"Send Account Data": "发送账户数据",
"All notifications are currently disabled for all targets.": "目前所有通知都已禁用。",
"Uploading report": "上传报告",
"Sunday": "星期日",
"Notification targets": "通知目标",
"Today": "今天",
"Failed to get protocol list from Home Server": "无法从主服务器取得协议列表",
"You are not receiving desktop notifications": "您将不会收到桌面通知",
"Friday": "星期五",
"Update": "更新",
"What's New": "更新内容",
"Add an email address above to configure email notifications": "请在上方输入邮箱地址以接收邮件通知",
"Expand panel": "展开面板",
"On": "打开",
"%(count)s Members|other": "%(count)s 位成员",
"Filter room names": "过滤聊天室名称",
"Changelog": "变更日志",
"Waiting for response from server": "正在等待服务器响应",
"Send Custom Event": "发送自定义事件",
"Advanced notification settings": "通知高级设置",
"Failed to send logs: ": "无法发送日志: ",
"delete the alias.": "删除别名。",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "要在未来回到您的账号,您需要 设置密码",
"Forget": "忘记",
"#example": "#例子",
"Hide panel": "隐藏面板",
"You cannot delete this image. (%(code)s)": "无法删除此图片。(%(code)s)",
"Cancel Sending": "取消发送",
"This Room": "此聊天室",
"The Home Server may be too old to support third party networks": "主服务器可能太老旧无法支持第三方网络",
"Noisy": "吵闹",
"Error saving email notification preferences": "保存电子邮件通知选项时出错",
"Messages containing my display name": "消息中含有我的显示名称",
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "一对一聊天种的消息",
"Unavailable": "无法获得",
"View Decrypted Source": "查看解密的来源",
"Failed to update keywords": "无法更新关键词",
"Notes:": "记录:",
"remove %(name)s from the directory.": "从目录中移除 %(name)s。",
"Notifications on the following keywords follow rules which can’t be displayed here:": "以下关键词依照规则将不会在此显示:",
"Safari and Opera work too.": "Safari 和 Opera 也能工作。",
"Please set a password!": "请设置密码!",
"You have successfully set a password!": "您已成功设置密码!",
"An error occurred whilst saving your email notification preferences.": "保存电子邮件通知选项时出现错误。",
"Explore Room State": "探索聊天室状态",
"Source URL": "源网址",
"Messages sent by bot": "由机器人发出的消息",
"Filter results": "过滤结果",
"Members": "成员",
"No update available.": "没有可用更新。",
"Resend": "重新发送",
"Files": "文件",
"Collecting app version information": "正在收集应用版本信息",
"Delete the room alias %(alias)s and remove %(name)s from the directory?": "确定要删除聊天室别名 %(alias)s 并将 %(name)s 从列表中删除吗?",
"This will allow you to return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "这将允许你可以在注销后回到您的账号,并在其他设备上登录。",
"Keywords": "关键词",
"Enable notifications for this account": "对此账号启用通知",
"Directory": "聊天室目录",
"Invite to this community": "邀请加入此社区",
"Failed to get public room list": "无法取得公开的聊天室列表",
"Messages containing keywords": "包含 关键词 的消息",
"Room not found": "找不到聊天室",
"Tuesday": "星期二",
"Enter keywords separated by a comma:": "输入以逗号间隔的关键词:",
"Forward Message": "转发消息",
"You have successfully set a password and an email address!": "您已经成功设置了密码和邮箱地址!",
"Remove %(name)s from the directory?": "从目录中移除 %(name)s 吗?",
"Riot uses many advanced browser features, some of which are not available or experimental in your current browser.": "Riot 使用了许多先进的浏览器功能,有些在你目前所用的浏览器上无法使用或仅为实验性的功能。",
"Developer Tools": "开发者工具",
"Preparing to send logs": "准备发送日志",
"Enable desktop notifications": "启用桌面通知",
"Remember, you can always set an email address in user settings if you change your mind.": "请记住,如果您改变想法,您永远可以在用户设置中设置电子邮件。",
"Explore Account Data": "探索账户数据",
"All messages (noisy)": "全部消息(高亮)",
"Saturday": "星期六",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "我了解这些风险并愿意继续",
"Direct Chat": "私聊",
"The server may be unavailable or overloaded": "服务器可能无法使用或超过负载",
"Reject": "拒绝",
"Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "无法设置聊天室的私聊状态",
"Monday": "星期一",
"Remove from Directory": "从目录中移除",
"Enable them now": "现在启用",
"Messages containing my user name": "消息中包含我的用户名",
"Toolbox": "工具箱",
"Collecting logs": "正在收集日志",
"more": "更多",
"GitHub issue link:": "Github issue 链接:",
"You must specify an event type!": "必须指定事件类型!",
"(HTTP status %(httpStatus)s)": "(HTTP 状态 %(httpStatus)s)",
"All Rooms": "全部聊天室",
"Please install Chrome or Firefox for the best experience.": "请安装 Chrome 或 Firefox 以获得最佳体验。",
"Wednesday": "星期三",
"You cannot delete this message. (%(code)s)": "您不能删除此消息。(%(code)s)",
"Quote": "引述",
"Send logs": "发送日志",
"All messages": "全部消息",
"Call invitation": "语音邀请",
"Downloading update...": "正在下载更新…",
"State Key": "状态密钥",
"Failed to send custom event.": "自定义事件发送失败。",
"What's new?": "更新了什么?",
"Notify me for anything else": "通知所有消息",
"When I'm invited to a room": "当我被邀请进入聊天室",
"Can't update user notification settings": "不能更新用户通知设置",
"Notify for all other messages/rooms": "为所有其他消息/聊天室显示通知",
"Unable to look up room ID from server": "无法在服务器上找到聊天室 ID",
"Couldn't find a matching Matrix room": "未找到符合的 Matrix 聊天室",
"Invite to this room": "邀请别人加入此聊天室",
"Search for a room": "搜索聊天室",
"Thursday": "星期四",
"Search…": "搜索…",
"Logs sent": "记录已发送",
"Back": "返回",
"Reply": "回复",
"Show message in desktop notification": "在桌面通知中显示信息",
"Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms or groups you have visited and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "调试日志包含使用数据(包括您的用户名,您访问过的聊天室 / 小组的 ID 或别名以及其他用户的用户名)。它们不包含聊天信息。",
"Unhide Preview": "取消隐藏预览",
"Unable to join network": "无法加入网络",
"You might have configured them in a client other than Riot. You cannot tune them in Riot but they still apply": "您也许不曾在其他 Riot 之外的客户端设置它们。在 Riot 下你无法调整他们但仍然可用",
"Sorry, your browser is not able to run Riot.": "抱歉,您的浏览器 无法 运行 Riot.",
"Uploaded on %(date)s by %(user)s": "由 %(user)s 在 %(date)s 上传",
"Messages in group chats": "群组聊天中的消息",
"Yesterday": "昨天",
"Error encountered (%(errorDetail)s).": "遇到错误 (%(errorDetail)s)。",
"Login": "登录",
"Low Priority": "低优先级",
"Unable to fetch notification target list": "无法获取通知目标列表",
"Set Password": "设置密码",
"Enable audible notifications in web client": "在网页客户端启用音频通知",
"Off": "关闭",
"Riot does not know how to join a room on this network": "Riot 不知道如何在此网络中加入聊天室",
"Mentions only": "只限提及",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "您可以在注销后回到您的账号,并在其他设备上登录。",
"Enable email notifications": "启用电子邮件通知",
"Event Type": "事件类型",
"Download this file": "下载该文件",
"Pin Message": "置顶消息",
"Failed to change settings": "变更设置失败",
"View Community": "查看社区",
"%(count)s Members|one": "%(count)s 位成员",
"Event sent!": "事件已发送!",
"View Source": "查看源码",
"Event Content": "事件内容",
"Thank you!": "谢谢!",
"Collapse panel": "折叠面板",
"With your current browser, the look and feel of the application may be completely incorrect, and some or all features may not function. If you want to try it anyway you can continue, but you are on your own in terms of any issues you may encounter!": "您目前的浏览器,应用程序的外观和感觉完全不正确,有些或全部功能可能无法使用。如果您仍想继续尝试,可以继续,但请自行负担其后果!",
"Checking for an update...": "正在检查更新…",
"There are advanced notifications which are not shown here": "更多的通知并没有在此显示出来",
"There's no one else here! Would you like to invite others or stop warning about the empty room?": "这里没有其他人了!你是想 邀请用户 还是 不再提示?",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "你需要有邀请用户的权限才能进行此操作。",
"Missing roomId.": "找不到此聊天室 ID 所对应的聊天室。",
"You have been banned from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "您已被 %(userName)s 从聊天室 %(roomName)s 中封禁。",
"You have been banned from this room by %(userName)s.": "您已被 %(userName)s 从此聊天室中封禁。",
"Every page you use in the app": "您在 Riot 中使用的所有页面",
"e.g. ": "例如:",
"Your User Agent": "您的 User Agent",
"Your device resolution": "您设备的分辨率",
"Always show encryption icons": "总是显示加密标志",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.": "目前无法以文件作为回复的内容,所以此文件将不作为回复,独立发送。",
"Unable to reply": "无法回复",
"At this time it is not possible to reply with an emote.": "目前无法使用表情符号作为回复内容。",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "您将被带到一个第三方网站以便验证您的账号来使用 %(integrationsUrl)s 提供的集成。您希望继续吗?",
"Robot check is currently unavailable on desktop - please use a web browser": "目前机器人检查(CAPTCHA)在桌面端不可用——请使用 浏览器",
"The visibility of '%(roomName)s' in %(groupId)s could not be updated.": "无法更新聊天室 %(roomName)s 在社区 “%(groupId)s” 中的可见性。",
"Minimize apps": "最小化小部件",
"Popout widget": "在弹出式窗口中打开小挂件",
"Picture": "图片",
"Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "无法加载被回复的事件,它可能不存在,也可能是您没有权限查看它。",
"And %(count)s more...|other": "和 %(count)s 个其他…",
"Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "请尝试使用以下的有效邮箱地址格式中的一种:%(validTypesList)s",
"Riot bugs are tracked on GitHub: create a GitHub issue.": "Riot 使用 GitHub 追踪 bug:在 GitHub 上创建新 Issue",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "例如:%(exampleValue)s",
"Call in Progress": "正在通话",
"A call is already in progress!": "您已在通话中!",
"Jitsi Conference Calling": "Jitsi 电话会议",
"Send analytics data": "发送统计数据",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "对支持的小挂件启用小挂件截图",
"Encrypting": "正在加密",
"Encrypted, not sent": "已加密,未发送",
"Demote yourself?": "是否降低您自己的权限?",
"Demote": "降权",
"A conference call could not be started because the intgrations server is not available": "关联的会议服务器不可用,无法发起电话会议",
"A call is currently being placed!": "已发起一次通话!",
"Permission Required": "需要权限",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "您没有在此聊天室发起通话会议的权限",
"Show empty room list headings": "为空的聊天室列表显示 heading",
"This event could not be displayed": "无法显示此事件",
"Share Link to User": "分享链接给其他用户",
"deleted": "删除线",
"underlined": "下划线",
"inline-code": "代码",
"block-quote": "引用",
"bulleted-list": "无序列表",
"numbered-list": "有序列表",
"Share room": "分享聊天室",
"You have no historical rooms": "没有历史聊天室",
"System Alerts": "系统警告",
"To notify everyone in the room, you must be a": "若要通知所有聊天室成员,您至少要是",
"Muted Users": "被禁言的用户",
"In encrypted rooms, like this one, URL previews are disabled by default to ensure that your homeserver (where the previews are generated) cannot gather information about links you see in this room.": "在启用加密的聊天室中,比如此聊天室,链接预览被默认禁用以确保主服务器(访问链接、生成预览的地方)无法获知聊天室中的链接及其信息。",
"When someone puts a URL in their message, a URL preview can be shown to give more information about that link such as the title, description, and an image from the website.": "当有人发送一条带有链接的消息后,可显示链接的预览,链接预览可包含此链接的网页标题、描述以及图片。",
"The email field must not be blank.": "必须输入电子邮箱。",
"The user name field must not be blank.": "必须输入用户名。",
"The phone number field must not be blank.": "必须输入手机号码。",
"The password field must not be blank.": "必须输入密码。",
"Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "在启用“显示 Flair”的聊天室中显示本社区的 Flair。",
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending anonymous usage data. This will use a cookie (please see our Cookie Policy).": "请发送 匿名使用数据 以帮助我们改进 Riot.im。这将用到 Cookie(请看看我们的 Cookie 隐私政策)。",
"Please help improve Riot.im by sending anonymous usage data. This will use a cookie.": "请发送 匿名使用数据 以帮助我们改进 Riot.im。这将用到 Cookie。",
"Yes, I want to help!": "好啊,我要帮助你们!",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "此主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户数量限制。若要继续使用此服务,请 联系您的服务提供者 。",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so some users will not be able to log in. Please contact your service administrator to get this limit increased.": "此主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户数量限制,所以,一些用户将无法登录。若要提高此数量限制,请 联系您的服务提供者 。",
"Warning: This widget might use cookies.": "警告:此小挂件可能会使用 cookies。",
"Failed to remove widget": "移除小挂件失败",
"An error ocurred whilst trying to remove the widget from the room": "尝试从聊天室中移除小部件时发生了错误",
"Reload widget": "刷新小挂件",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "您确定要移除(删除)此事件吗?注意,如果删除了聊天室名称或话题的变化,就会撤销此更改。",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. This action is irreversible.": "这将使您的账户永远不再可用。您将不能登录,或使用相同的用户 ID 重新注册。您的账户将退出所有已加入的聊天室,身份服务器上的账户信息也会被删除。此操作是不可逆的。",
"Deactivating your account does not by default cause us to forget messages you have sent. If you would like us to forget your messages, please tick the box below.": "停用您的账户不会默认忘记您发送的消息。如果您希望我们忘记您发送的消息,请勾选下面的选择框。",
"Message visibility in Matrix is similar to email. Our forgetting your messages means that messages you have sent will not be shared with any new or unregistered users, but registered users who already have access to these messages will still have access to their copy.": "Matrix 中的信息可见性类似于电子邮件。我们忘记您的消息意味着您发送的消息将不会被发至新注册或未注册的用户,但是已收到您的消息的注册用户依旧可以看到他们的副本。",
"Please forget all messages I have sent when my account is deactivated (Warning: this will cause future users to see an incomplete view of conversations)": "请在我停用账户的同时忘记我发送的所有消息(警告:这将导致未来的用户看到残缺的对话)",
"To continue, please enter your password:": "请输入您的密码以继续:",
"password": "密码",
"Log out and remove encryption keys?": "是否退出登录并清除加密密钥?",
"Clear Storage and Sign Out": "清除数据并退出登录",
"Send Logs": "发送日志",
"Refresh": "刷新",
"Unable to join community": "无法加入社区",
"The user '%(displayName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "无法将用户“%(displayName)s”从简介中移除。",
"Who would you like to add to this summary?": "您想将谁添加到简介中?",
"Add users to the community summary": "添加用户至社区简介",
"Collapse Reply Thread": "收起回复",
"Share Message": "分享消息",
"COPY": "复制",
"Share Room Message": "分享聊天室消息",
"Share Community": "分享社区",
"Share User": "分享用户",
"Share Room": "分享聊天室",
"Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "清除本页储存在您浏览器上的数据或许能修复此问题,但也会导致您退出登录并无法读取任何已加密的聊天记录。",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "我们在尝试恢复您先前的会话时遇到了错误。",
"Link to most recent message": "最新消息的链接",
"Link to selected message": "选中消息的链接",
"Changes made to your community name and avatar might not be seen by other users for up to 30 minutes.": "至多半个小时内,其他用户可能看不到您社区的 名称 与 头像 的变化。",
"These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "这些聊天室对社区成员可见。社区成员可通过点击来加入它们。",
"Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.
Click here to open settings and give it one!": "您的社区还没有详细介绍,一个展示给社区成员的 HTML 页面。
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "%(groupId)s 加载失败",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "此聊天室不是公开的。没有邀请的话,您将无法重新加入。",
"Can't leave Server Notices room": "无法退出服务器公告聊天室",
"This room is used for important messages from the Homeserver, so you cannot leave it.": "此聊天室是用于发布来自主服务器的重要讯息的,所以您不能退出它。",
"Terms and Conditions": "条款与要求",
"To continue using the %(homeserverDomain)s homeserver you must review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "若要继续使用主服务器 %(homeserverDomain)s,您必须浏览并同意我们的条款与要求。",
"Review terms and conditions": "浏览条款与要求",
"To set up a filter, drag a community avatar over to the filter panel on the far left hand side of the screen. You can click on an avatar in the filter panel at any time to see only the rooms and people associated with that community.": "若要设置社区过滤器,请将社区头像拖到屏幕最左侧的社区过滤器面板上。单击社区过滤器面板中的社区头像即可过滤出与该社区相关联的房间和人员。",
"You can't send any messages until you review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "在您查看并同意 我们的条款与要求 之前,您不能发送任何消息。",
"Your message wasn’t sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "您的消息未被发出,因为此主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户数量上限。请联系您的服务提供者以继续使用此服务。",
"Clear filter": "清除过滤器",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "尝试加载此聊天室时间轴上的某处,但您没有查看相关消息的权限。",
"No Audio Outputs detected": "未检测到可用的音频输出方式",
"Audio Output": "音频输出",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s. Once you've followed the link it contains, click below.": "已向 %(emailAddress)s 发送了一封电子邮件。点开邮件中的链接后,请点击下面。",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit": "此主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户数量上限",
"Please contact your service administrator to continue using this service.": "请联系您的服务提供者以继续使用此服务。",
"Try the app first": "先试试 Riot.im 应用吧",
"Registration Required": "需要注册",
"You need to register to do this. Would you like to register now?": "您必须注册以继续。您想现在就注册吗?",
"Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "强制丢弃加密聊天室中的当前出站群组会话",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "无法连接至主服务器。正在重试…",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "对不起,您的主服务器的程序版本过旧以至于无法加入此聊天室。",
"Increase performance by only loading room members on first view": "仅在首次查看时加载聊天室成员以改善性能",
"Mirror local video feed": "镜像本地视频源",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "此聊天室已被取代,且不再活跃。",
"The conversation continues here.": "对话在这里继续。",
"Upgrade room to version %(ver)s": "将聊天室升级为版本 %(ver)s",
"Internal room ID: ": "内部聊天室 ID: ",
"Room version number: ": "聊天室版本号: ",
"There is a known vulnerability affecting this room.": "一个已知的威胁正在影响此聊天室。",
"This room version is vulnerable to malicious modification of room state.": "此版本的聊天室难以抵御对聊天室状态的恶意篡改。",
"Click here to upgrade to the latest room version and ensure room integrity is protected.": "点击这里以升级至最新版本的聊天室,并保证聊天室能受到完整的保护。",
"Only room administrators will see this warning": "此警告仅聊天室管理员可见",
"This room is a continuation of another conversation.": "此聊天室是另一个对话的延续之处。",
"Click here to see older messages.": "点击这里以查看更早的消息。",
"Failed to indicate account erasure": "无法指示帐户删除",
"Failed to upgrade room": "聊天室升级失败",
"The room upgrade could not be completed": "聊天室可能没有完整地升级",
"Upgrade this room to version %(version)s": "升级此聊天室至版本 %(version)s",
"Upgrade Room Version": "更新聊天室版本",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room it its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "升级此聊天室需要关闭当前聊天室并创建一个新的聊天室。为了给聊天室成员提供最佳切换体验,我们将:",
"Create a new room with the same name, description and avatar": "创建一个拥有相同的名称,描述与头像的新聊天室",
"Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "更新所有本地聊天室别名以使其指向新聊天室",
"Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "阻止用户在旧聊天室中发言,并发送消息建议用户迁移至新聊天室",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "在新聊天室的消息开始处发送一条旧聊天室的链接,以便用户查看旧消息",
"Lazy loading members not supported": "不支持延迟加载成员",
"Lazy loading is not supported by your current homeserver.": "您当前使用的主服务器尚不支持延迟加载。",
"Legal": "法律信息",
"Unable to query for supported registration methods": "无法请求支持的注册方式",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "此主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制。",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "本服务器已达到其使用量限制之一。",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so some users will not be able to log in.": "本服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制,部分用户将无法登录。",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so some users will not be able to log in.": "本主服务器已达到其使用量限制之一,部分用户将无法登录。",
"Please contact your service administrator to continue using this service.": "请 联系您的服务管理员 以继续使用本服务。",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has exceeded a resource limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "您的消息未被发送,因为本主服务器已达到其使用量限制之一。请 联系您的服务管理员 以继续使用本服务。",
"Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User Limit. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "您的消息未被发送,因为本主服务器已达到其每月活跃用户限制。请 联系您的服务管理员 以继续使用本服务。",
"Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "请 联系您的服务管理员 以继续使用本服务。",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "请 联系您主服务器的管理员。",
"Please contact your service administrator to get this limit increased.": "请 联系您的服务管理员 以增加此限制的额度。"