/* Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest"; import ServerPickerDialog from "../../../../src/components/views/dialogs/ServerPickerDialog"; import SdkConfig from "../../../../src/SdkConfig"; import { flushPromises } from "../../../test-utils"; import { ValidatedServerConfig } from "../../../../src/utils/ValidatedServerConfig"; // Fake random strings to give a predictable snapshot for IDs jest.mock("matrix-js-sdk/src/randomstring", () => ({ randomString: () => "abdefghi", })); describe("", () => { const defaultServerConfig = { hsUrl: "https://matrix.org", hsName: "matrix.org", hsNameIsDifferent: true, isUrl: "https://is.org", isDefault: true, isNameResolvable: true, warning: "", }; const wkHsUrl = "https://hsbaseurlfrom.wk"; const wkIsUrl = "https://isbaseurlfrom.wk"; const validWellKnown = { "m.homeserver": { base_url: wkHsUrl, }, "m.identity_server": { base_url: wkIsUrl, }, }; const defaultProps = { serverConfig: defaultServerConfig, onFinished: jest.fn(), }; const getComponent = ( props: Partial<{ onFinished: any; serverConfig: ValidatedServerConfig; }> = {}, ) => render(); beforeEach(() => { SdkConfig.add({ validated_server_config: defaultServerConfig, }); fetchMock.resetHistory(); }); it("should render dialog", () => { const { container } = getComponent(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // checkbox and text input have the same aria-label const getOtherHomeserverCheckBox = () => screen.getAllByLabelText("Other homeserver").find((node) => node.getAttribute("type") === "radio")!; const getOtherHomeserverInput = () => screen.getAllByLabelText("Other homeserver").find((node) => node.getAttribute("type") === "text")!; describe("when default server config is selected", () => { it("should select other homeserver field on open", () => { getComponent(); expect(getOtherHomeserverCheckBox()).toBeChecked(); // empty field expect(getOtherHomeserverInput()).toHaveDisplayValue(""); }); it("should display an error when trying to continue with an empty homeserver field", async () => { const onFinished = jest.fn(); const { container } = getComponent({ onFinished }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); await flushPromises(); // error on field expect(container.querySelector(".mx_ServerPickerDialog_otherHomeserver.mx_Field_invalid")).toBeTruthy(); // didn't close dialog expect(onFinished).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should close when selecting default homeserver and clicking continue", async () => { const onFinished = jest.fn(); getComponent({ onFinished }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId("defaultHomeserver")); expect(screen.getByTestId("defaultHomeserver")).toBeChecked(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); // closed dialog with default server expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledWith(defaultServerConfig); }); it("should allow user to revert from a custom server to the default", async () => { fetchMock.get(`https://custom.org/_matrix/client/versions`, { unstable_features: {}, versions: [], }); const onFinished = jest.fn(); const serverConfig = { hsUrl: "https://custom.org", hsName: "custom.org", hsNameIsDifferent: true, isUrl: "https://is.org", isDefault: false, isNameResolvable: true, warning: "", }; getComponent({ onFinished, serverConfig }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId("defaultHomeserver")); expect(screen.getByTestId("defaultHomeserver")).toBeChecked(); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); await flushPromises(); // closed dialog with default server and nothing else expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledWith(defaultServerConfig); expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("should submit successfully with a valid custom homeserver", async () => { const homeserver = "https://myhomeserver.site"; fetchMock.get(`${homeserver}/_matrix/client/versions`, { unstable_features: {}, versions: [], }); const onFinished = jest.fn(); getComponent({ onFinished }); fireEvent.change(getOtherHomeserverInput(), { target: { value: homeserver } }); expect(getOtherHomeserverInput()).toHaveDisplayValue(homeserver); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); // validation on submit is async await flushPromises(); // closed dialog with validated custom server expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ hsName: "myhomeserver.site", hsUrl: homeserver, hsNameIsDifferent: false, warning: null, isDefault: false, isNameResolvable: false, isUrl: defaultServerConfig.isUrl, }); }); describe("validates custom homeserver", () => { it("should lookup .well-known for homeserver without protocol", async () => { const homeserver = "myhomeserver1.site"; const wellKnownUrl = `https://${homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client`; fetchMock.get(wellKnownUrl, {}); getComponent(); fireEvent.change(getOtherHomeserverInput(), { target: { value: homeserver } }); expect(getOtherHomeserverInput()).toHaveDisplayValue(homeserver); // trigger validation fireEvent.blur(getOtherHomeserverInput()); // validation on submit is async await flushPromises(); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(wellKnownUrl); }); it("should submit using validated config from a valid .well-known", async () => { const homeserver = "myhomeserver2.site"; const wellKnownUrl = `https://${homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client`; // urls from homeserver well-known const versionsUrl = `${wkHsUrl}/_matrix/client/versions`; const isWellKnownUrl = `${wkIsUrl}/_matrix/identity/v2`; fetchMock.getOnce(wellKnownUrl, validWellKnown); fetchMock.getOnce(versionsUrl, { versions: [], }); fetchMock.getOnce(isWellKnownUrl, {}); const onFinished = jest.fn(); getComponent({ onFinished }); fireEvent.change(getOtherHomeserverInput(), { target: { value: homeserver } }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); // validation on submit is async await flushPromises(); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(wellKnownUrl); // fetched using urls from .well-known expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(versionsUrl); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(isWellKnownUrl); expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ hsName: homeserver, hsUrl: wkHsUrl, hsNameIsDifferent: true, warning: null, isDefault: false, isNameResolvable: true, isUrl: wkIsUrl, }); await flushPromises(); }); it("should fall back to static config when well-known lookup fails", async () => { const homeserver = "myhomeserver3.site"; // this server returns 404 for well-known const wellKnownUrl = `https://${homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client`; fetchMock.get(wellKnownUrl, { status: 404 }); // but is otherwise live (happy versions response) fetchMock.get(`https://${homeserver}/_matrix/client/versions`, { versions: ["1"] }); const onFinished = jest.fn(); getComponent({ onFinished }); fireEvent.change(getOtherHomeserverInput(), { target: { value: homeserver } }); fireEvent.click(screen.getByText("Continue")); // validation on submit is async await flushPromises(); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(wellKnownUrl); expect(fetchMock).toHaveFetched(`https://${homeserver}/_matrix/client/versions`); expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ hsName: homeserver, hsUrl: "https://" + homeserver, hsNameIsDifferent: false, warning: null, isDefault: false, isNameResolvable: false, isUrl: defaultServerConfig.isUrl, }); }); }); }); });