
This is a react-based SDK for inserting a Matrix chat client into a web page

Getting started with the trivial example

1. Install or update `node.js` so that your `npm` is at least at version `2.0.0`
2. Clone the repo: `git clone` 
3. Switch to the example directory: `cd matrix-react-sdk/examples/trivial`
4. Install the prerequisites: `npm install`
5. Build the example and start a server: `npm start`

Now open in your browser to see your newly built
Matrix client.

Using the example app for development

To work on the CSS and Javascript and have the bundle files update as you
change the source files, you'll need to do two extra things:

1. Link the react sdk package into the example:
   `cd matrix-react-sdk/example; npm link ..`
2. Start a watcher for the CSS files:
   `cd matrix-react-sdk; npm run start:css`

Note that you may need to restart the CSS builder if you add a new file. Note
that `npm start` builds debug versions of the the javascript and CSS, which are
much larger than the production versions build by the `npm run build` commands.

IMPORTANT: If you customise components in your application (and hence require
react from your app) you must be sure to:

1. Make your app depend on react directly
2. If you `npm link` matrix-react-sdk, manually remove the 'react' directory
   from matrix-react-sdk's `node_modules` folder, otherwise browserify will
   pull in both copies of react which causes the app to break.