/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { act, fireEvent, render } from "@testing-library/react"; import SecurityRecommendations from "../../../../../src/components/views/settings/devices/SecurityRecommendations"; import { DeviceSecurityVariation } from "../../../../../src/components/views/settings/devices/types"; const MS_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; describe("", () => { const unverifiedNoMetadata = { device_id: "unverified-no-metadata", isVerified: false }; const verifiedNoMetadata = { device_id: "verified-no-metadata", isVerified: true }; const hundredDaysOld = { device_id: "100-days-old", isVerified: true, last_seen_ts: Date.now() - MS_DAY * 100 }; const hundredDaysOldUnverified = { device_id: "unverified-100-days-old", isVerified: false, last_seen_ts: Date.now() - MS_DAY * 100, }; const defaultProps = { devices: {}, goToFilteredList: jest.fn(), currentDeviceId: "abc123", }; const getComponent = (props = {}) => ; it("renders null when no devices", () => { const { container } = render(getComponent()); expect(container.firstChild).toBeNull(); }); it("renders unverified devices section when user has unverified devices", () => { const devices = { [unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: unverifiedNoMetadata, [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, [hundredDaysOldUnverified.device_id]: hundredDaysOldUnverified, }; const { container } = render(getComponent({ devices })); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("does not render unverified devices section when only the current device is unverified", () => { const devices = { [unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: unverifiedNoMetadata, [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, }; const { container } = render(getComponent({ devices, currentDeviceId: unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id })); // nothing to render expect(container.firstChild).toBeFalsy(); }); it("renders inactive devices section when user has inactive devices", () => { const devices = { [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, [hundredDaysOldUnverified.device_id]: hundredDaysOldUnverified, }; const { container } = render(getComponent({ devices })); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("renders both cards when user has both unverified and inactive devices", () => { const devices = { [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, [hundredDaysOld.device_id]: hundredDaysOld, [unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: unverifiedNoMetadata, }; const { container } = render(getComponent({ devices })); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("clicking view all unverified devices button works", () => { const goToFilteredList = jest.fn(); const devices = { [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, [hundredDaysOld.device_id]: hundredDaysOld, [unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: unverifiedNoMetadata, }; const { getByTestId } = render(getComponent({ devices, goToFilteredList })); act(() => { fireEvent.click(getByTestId("unverified-devices-cta")); }); expect(goToFilteredList).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DeviceSecurityVariation.Unverified); }); it("clicking view all inactive devices button works", () => { const goToFilteredList = jest.fn(); const devices = { [verifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: verifiedNoMetadata, [hundredDaysOld.device_id]: hundredDaysOld, [unverifiedNoMetadata.device_id]: unverifiedNoMetadata, }; const { getByTestId } = render(getComponent({ devices, goToFilteredList })); act(() => { fireEvent.click(getByTestId("inactive-devices-cta")); }); expect(goToFilteredList).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DeviceSecurityVariation.Inactive); }); });