import React from 'react'; import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import * as TestUtils from '../../../test-utils'; import {MatrixClientPeg} from '../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg'; import sdk from '../../../skinned-sdk'; import { DragDropContext } from 'react-beautiful-dnd'; import dis from '../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher'; import DMRoomMap from '../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap'; import GroupStore from '../../../../src/stores/GroupStore'; import { MatrixClient, Room, RoomMember } from 'matrix-js-sdk'; import {DefaultTagID} from "../../../../src/stores/room-list/models"; import RoomListStore, { LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT, RoomListStoreClass } from "../../../../src/stores/room-list/RoomListStore"; import RoomListLayoutStore from "../../../../src/stores/room-list/RoomListLayoutStore"; function generateRoomId() { return '!' + Math.random().toString().slice(2, 10) + ':domain'; } function waitForRoomListStoreUpdate() { return new Promise((resolve) => { RoomListStore.instance.once(LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT, () => resolve()); }); } describe('RoomList', () => { function createRoom(opts) { const room = new Room(generateRoomId(), MatrixClientPeg.get(), client.getUserId(), { // The room list now uses getPendingEvents(), so we need a detached ordering. pendingEventOrdering: "detached", }); if (opts) { Object.assign(room, opts); } return room; } let parentDiv = null; let client = null; let root = null; const myUserId = '@me:domain'; const movingRoomId = '!someroomid'; let movingRoom; let otherRoom; let myMember; let myOtherMember; beforeEach(async function(done) { RoomListStoreClass.TEST_MODE = true; TestUtils.stubClient(); client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); client.credentials = {userId: myUserId}; //revert this to prototype method as the test-utils monkey-patches this to return a hardcoded value client.getUserId = MatrixClient.prototype.getUserId; DMRoomMap.makeShared(); parentDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(parentDiv); const RoomList = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomList'); const WrappedRoomList = TestUtils.wrapInMatrixClientContext(RoomList); root = ReactDOM.render( {}} /> , parentDiv, ); ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, RoomList); movingRoom = createRoom({name: 'Moving room'}); expect(movingRoom.roomId).not.toBe(null); // Mock joined member myMember = new RoomMember(movingRoomId, myUserId); myMember.membership = 'join'; movingRoom.updateMyMembership('join'); movingRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({ [client.credentials.userId]: myMember, }[userId]); otherRoom = createRoom({name: 'Other room'}); myOtherMember = new RoomMember(otherRoom.roomId, myUserId); myOtherMember.membership = 'join'; otherRoom.updateMyMembership('join'); otherRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({ [client.credentials.userId]: myOtherMember, }[userId]); // Mock the matrix client client.getRooms = () => [ movingRoom, otherRoom, createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.1}}, name: 'Some other room'}), createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.2}}, name: 'Some other room 2'}), createRoom({tags: {'m.lowpriority': {}}, name: 'Some unimportant room'}), createRoom({tags: {'custom.tag': {}}, name: 'Some room customly tagged'}), ]; client.getVisibleRooms = client.getRooms; const roomMap = {}; client.getRooms().forEach((r) => { roomMap[r.roomId] = r; }); client.getRoom = (roomId) => roomMap[roomId]; // Now that everything has been set up, prepare and update the store await RoomListStore.instance.makeReady(client); done(); }); afterEach(async (done) => { if (parentDiv) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(parentDiv); parentDiv.remove(); parentDiv = null; } await RoomListLayoutStore.instance.resetLayouts(); await RoomListStore.instance.resetStore(); done(); }); function expectRoomInSubList(room, subListTest) { const RoomSubList = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomSublist'); const RoomTile = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomTile'); const subLists = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, RoomSubList); const containingSubList = subLists.find(subListTest); let expectedRoomTile; try { const roomTiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(containingSubList, RoomTile);{roomTiles: roomTiles.length}); expectedRoomTile = roomTiles.find((tile) => === room); } catch (err) { // truncate the error message because it's spammy err.message = 'Error finding RoomTile for ' + room.roomId + ' in ' + subListTest + ': ' + err.message.split('componentType')[0] + '...'; throw err; } expect(expectedRoomTile).toBeTruthy(); expect(; } function expectCorrectMove(oldTagId, newTagId) { const getTagSubListTest = (tagId) => { return (s) => s.props.tagId === tagId; }; // Default to finding the destination sublist with newTag const destSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(newTagId); const srcSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(oldTagId); // Set up the room that will be moved such that it has the correct state for a room in // the section for oldTagId if (oldTagId === DefaultTagID.Favourite || oldTagId === DefaultTagID.LowPriority) { movingRoom.tags = {[oldTagId]: {}}; } else if (oldTagId === DefaultTagID.DM) { // Mock inverse DMRoomMap.shared().roomToUser = { [movingRoom.roomId]: '@someotheruser:domain', }; } dis.dispatch({action: 'MatrixActions.sync', prevState: null, state: 'PREPARED', matrixClient: client}); expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, srcSubListTest); dis.dispatch({action: 'RoomListActions.tagRoom.pending', request: { oldTagId, newTagId, room: movingRoom, }}); expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, destSubListTest); } function itDoesCorrectOptimisticUpdatesForDraggedRoomTiles() { // TODO: Re-enable dragging tests when we support dragging again. describe.skip('does correct optimistic update when dragging from', () => { it('rooms to people', () => { expectCorrectMove(undefined, DefaultTagID.DM); }); it('rooms to favourites', () => { expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.favourite'); }); it('rooms to low priority', () => { expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.lowpriority'); }); // XXX: Known to fail - the view does not update immediately to reflect the change. // Whe running the app live, it updates when some other event occurs (likely the // arriving) that these tests do not fire. xit('people to rooms', () => { expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, undefined); }); it('people to favourites', () => { expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, 'm.favourite'); }); it('people to lowpriority', () => { expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, 'm.lowpriority'); }); it('low priority to rooms', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', undefined); }); it('low priority to people', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', DefaultTagID.DM); }); it('low priority to low priority', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', 'm.lowpriority'); }); it('favourites to rooms', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', undefined); }); it('favourites to people', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', DefaultTagID.DM); }); it('favourites to low priority', () => { expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority'); }); }); } describe('when no tags are selected', () => { itDoesCorrectOptimisticUpdatesForDraggedRoomTiles(); }); describe('when tags are selected', () => { function setupSelectedTag() { // Simulate a complete sync BEFORE dispatching anything else dis.dispatch({ action: 'MatrixActions.sync', prevState: null, state: 'PREPARED', matrixClient: client, }, true); // Simulate joined groups being received dis.dispatch({ action: 'GroupActions.fetchJoinedGroups.success', result: { groups: ['+group:domain'], }, }, true); // Simulate receiving tag ordering account data dis.dispatch({ action: 'MatrixActions.accountData', event_type: 'im.vector.web.tag_ordering', event_content: { tags: ['+group:domain'], }, }, true); // GroupStore is not flux, mock and notify GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => { return [movingRoom]; }; GroupStore._notifyListeners(); // We also have to mock the client's getGroup function for the room list to filter it. // It's not smart enough to tell the difference between a real group and a template though. client.getGroup = (groupId) => { return {groupId}; }; // Select tag dis.dispatch({action: 'select_tag', tag: '+group:domain'}, true); } beforeEach(() => { setupSelectedTag(); }); it('displays the correct rooms when the groups rooms are changed', async () => { GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => { return [movingRoom, otherRoom]; }; GroupStore._notifyListeners(); await waitForRoomListStoreUpdate(); // XXX: Even though the store updated, it can take a bit before the update makes // it to the components. This gives it plenty of time to figure out what to do. await (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))); expectRoomInSubList(otherRoom, (s) => s.props.tagId === DefaultTagID.Untagged); }); itDoesCorrectOptimisticUpdatesForDraggedRoomTiles(); }); });