/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import * as path from "node:path"; import * as os from "node:os"; import * as crypto from "node:crypto"; import * as fse from "fs-extra"; import { APIRequestContext } from "@playwright/test"; import { getFreePort } from "../../utils/port"; import { Docker } from "../../docker"; import { HomeserverConfig, HomeserverInstance, Homeserver, StartHomeserverOpts, Credentials } from ".."; import { randB64Bytes } from "../../utils/rand"; // Docker tag to use for synapse docker image. // We target a specific digest as every now and then a Synapse update will break our CI. // This digest is updated by the playwright-image-updates.yaml workflow periodically. const DOCKER_TAG = "develop@sha256:85dc2cf25f45ee91fd87efa0ddf2220a5933d212ed656886d5f3832ae3a9ddaf"; async function cfgDirFromTemplate(opts: StartHomeserverOpts): Promise> { const templateDir = path.join(__dirname, "templates", opts.template); const stats = await fse.stat(templateDir); if (!stats?.isDirectory) { throw new Error(`No such template: ${opts.template}`); } const tempDir = await fse.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "react-sdk-synapsedocker-")); // copy the contents of the template dir, omitting homeserver.yaml as we'll template that console.log(`Copy ${templateDir} -> ${tempDir}`); await fse.copy(templateDir, tempDir, { filter: (f) => path.basename(f) !== "homeserver.yaml" }); const registrationSecret = randB64Bytes(16); const macaroonSecret = randB64Bytes(16); const formSecret = randB64Bytes(16); const port = await getFreePort(); const baseUrl = `http://localhost:${port}`; // now copy homeserver.yaml, applying substitutions const templateHomeserver = path.join(templateDir, "homeserver.yaml"); const outputHomeserver = path.join(tempDir, "homeserver.yaml"); console.log(`Gen ${templateHomeserver} -> ${outputHomeserver}`); let hsYaml = await fse.readFile(templateHomeserver, "utf8"); hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(/{{REGISTRATION_SECRET}}/g, registrationSecret); hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(/{{MACAROON_SECRET_KEY}}/g, macaroonSecret); hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(/{{FORM_SECRET}}/g, formSecret); hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(/{{PUBLIC_BASEURL}}/g, baseUrl); if (opts.oAuthServerPort) { hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(/{{OAUTH_SERVER_PORT}}/g, opts.oAuthServerPort.toString()); } if (opts.variables) { for (const key in opts.variables) { hsYaml = hsYaml.replace(new RegExp("%" + key + "%", "g"), String(opts.variables[key])); } } await fse.writeFile(outputHomeserver, hsYaml); // now generate a signing key (we could use synapse's config generation for // this, or we could just do this...) // NB. This assumes the homeserver.yaml specifies the key in this location const signingKey = randB64Bytes(32); const outputSigningKey = path.join(tempDir, "localhost.signing.key"); console.log(`Gen -> ${outputSigningKey}`); await fse.writeFile(outputSigningKey, `ed25519 x ${signingKey}`); // Allow anyone to read, write and execute in the /temp/react-sdk-synapsedocker-xxx directory // so that the DIND setup that we use to update the playwright screenshots work without any issues. await fse.chmod(tempDir, 0o757); return { port, baseUrl, configDir: tempDir, registrationSecret, }; } export class Synapse implements Homeserver, HomeserverInstance { protected docker: Docker = new Docker(); public config: HomeserverConfig & { serverId: string }; private adminToken?: string; public constructor(private readonly request: APIRequestContext) {} /** * Start a synapse instance: the template must be the name of * one of the templates in the playwright/plugins/synapsedocker/templates * directory. */ public async start(opts: StartHomeserverOpts): Promise { if (this.config) await this.stop(); const synCfg = await cfgDirFromTemplate(opts); console.log(`Starting synapse with config dir ${synCfg.configDir}...`); const dockerSynapseParams = ["-v", `${synCfg.configDir}:/data`, "-p", `${synCfg.port}:8008/tcp`]; const synapseId = await this.docker.run({ image: `ghcr.io/element-hq/synapse:${DOCKER_TAG}`, containerName: `react-sdk-playwright-synapse`, params: dockerSynapseParams, cmd: ["run"], }); console.log(`Started synapse with id ${synapseId} on port ${synCfg.port}.`); // Await Synapse healthcheck await this.docker.exec([ "curl", "--connect-timeout", "30", "--retry", "30", "--retry-delay", "1", "--retry-all-errors", "--silent", "http://localhost:8008/health", ]); const dockerUrl = `http://${await this.docker.getContainerIp()}:8008`; this.config = { ...synCfg, serverId: synapseId, dockerUrl, }; return this; } public async stop(): Promise { if (!this.config) throw new Error("Missing existing synapse instance, did you call stop() before start()?"); const id = this.config.serverId; const synapseLogsPath = path.join("playwright", "logs", "synapse", id); await fse.ensureDir(synapseLogsPath); await this.docker.persistLogsToFile({ stdoutFile: path.join(synapseLogsPath, "stdout.log"), stderrFile: path.join(synapseLogsPath, "stderr.log"), }); await this.docker.stop(); await fse.remove(this.config.configDir); console.log(`Stopped synapse id ${id}.`); return [path.join(synapseLogsPath, "stdout.log"), path.join(synapseLogsPath, "stderr.log")]; } private async registerUserInternal( username: string, password: string, displayName?: string, admin = false, ): Promise { const url = `${this.config.baseUrl}/_synapse/admin/v1/register`; const { nonce } = await this.request.get(url).then((r) => r.json()); const mac = crypto .createHmac("sha1", this.config.registrationSecret) .update(`${nonce}\0${username}\0${password}\0${admin ? "" : "not"}admin`) .digest("hex"); const res = await this.request.post(url, { data: { nonce, username, password, mac, admin, displayname: displayName, }, }); if (!res.ok()) { throw await res.json(); } const data = await res.json(); return { homeServer: data.home_server, accessToken: data.access_token, userId: data.user_id, deviceId: data.device_id, password, displayName, }; } public registerUser(username: string, password: string, displayName?: string): Promise { return this.registerUserInternal(username, password, displayName, false); } public async loginUser(userId: string, password: string): Promise { const url = `${this.config.baseUrl}/_matrix/client/v3/login`; const res = await this.request.post(url, { data: { type: "m.login.password", identifier: { type: "m.id.user", user: userId, }, password: password, }, }); const json = await res.json(); return { password, accessToken: json.access_token, userId: json.user_id, deviceId: json.device_id, homeServer: json.home_server, }; } public async setThreepid(userId: string, medium: string, address: string): Promise { if (this.adminToken === undefined) { const result = await this.registerUserInternal("admin", "totalyinsecureadminpassword", undefined, true); this.adminToken = result.accessToken; } const url = `${this.config.baseUrl}/_synapse/admin/v2/users/${userId}`; const res = await this.request.put(url, { data: { threepids: [ { medium, address, }, ], }, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.adminToken}`, }, }); if (!res.ok()) { throw await res.json(); } } }