Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');
var highlight = require('highlight.js');
var linkifyMatrix = require('./linkify-matrix');
import escape from 'lodash/escape';
import emojione from 'emojione';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import MatrixClientPeg from './MatrixClientPeg';
emojione.imagePathSVG = 'emojione/svg/';
// Store PNG path for displaying many flags at once (for increased performance over SVG)
emojione.imagePathPNG = 'emojione/png/';
// Use SVGs for emojis
emojione.imageType = 'svg';
const EMOJI_REGEX = new RegExp(emojione.unicodeRegexp+"+", "gi");
const COLOR_REGEX = /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/;
/* modified from https://github.com/Ranks/emojione/blob/master/lib/js/emojione.js
* because we want to include emoji shortnames in title text
export function unicodeToImage(str) {
let replaceWith, unicode, alt, short, fname;
const mappedUnicode = emojione.mapUnicodeToShort();
str = str.replace(emojione.regUnicode, function(unicodeChar) {
if ( (typeof unicodeChar === 'undefined') || (unicodeChar === '') || (!(unicodeChar in emojione.jsEscapeMap)) ) {
// if the unicodeChar doesnt exist just return the entire match
return unicodeChar;
else {
// get the unicode codepoint from the actual char
unicode = emojione.jsEscapeMap[unicodeChar];
short = mappedUnicode[unicode];
fname = emojione.emojioneList[short].fname;
// depending on the settings, we'll either add the native unicode as the alt tag, otherwise the shortname
alt = (emojione.unicodeAlt) ? emojione.convert(unicode.toUpperCase()) : mappedUnicode[unicode];
const title = mappedUnicode[unicode];
replaceWith = ``;
return replaceWith;
return str;
* Given one or more unicode characters (represented by unicode
* character number), return an image node with the corresponding
* emoji.
* @param alt {string} String to use for the image alt text
* @param useSvg {boolean} Whether to use SVG image src. If False, PNG will be used.
* @param unicode {integer} One or more integers representing unicode characters
* @returns A img node with the corresponding emoji
export function charactersToImageNode(alt, useSvg, ...unicode) {
const fileName = unicode.map((u) => {
return u.toString(16);
const path = useSvg ? emojione.imagePathSVG : emojione.imagePathPNG;
const fileType = useSvg ? 'svg' : 'png';
return ;
export function processHtmlForSending(html: string): string {
const contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
contentDiv.innerHTML = html;
if (contentDiv.children.length === 0) {
return contentDiv.innerHTML;
let contentHTML = "";
for (let i=0; i < contentDiv.children.length; i++) {
const element = contentDiv.children[i];
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'p') {
contentHTML += element.innerHTML;
// Don't add a
for the last
if (i !== contentDiv.children.length - 1) {
contentHTML += '
} else if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'pre') {
// Replace "
\n" with "\n" within `
` tags because the
is // redundant. This is a workaround for a bug in draft-js-export-html: // https://github.com/sstur/draft-js-export-html/issues/62 contentHTML += '' + element.innerHTML.replace(/'; } else { const temp = document.createElement('div'); temp.appendChild(element.cloneNode(true)); contentHTML += temp.innerHTML; } } return contentHTML; } /* * Given an untrusted HTML string, return a React node with an sanitized version * of that HTML. */ export function sanitizedHtmlNode(insaneHtml) { const saneHtml = sanitizeHtml(insaneHtml, sanitizeHtmlParams); return ; } const sanitizeHtmlParams = { allowedTags: [ 'font', // custom to matrix for IRC-style font coloring 'del', // for markdown 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'p', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'nl', 'li', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'strong', 'em', 'strike', 'code', 'hr', 'br', 'div', 'table', 'thead', 'caption', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'pre', 'span', 'img', ], allowedAttributes: { // custom ones first: font: ['color', 'data-mx-bg-color', 'data-mx-color', 'style'], // custom to matrix span: ['data-mx-bg-color', 'data-mx-color', 'style'], // custom to matrix a: ['href', 'name', 'target', 'rel'], // remote target: custom to matrix img: ['src'], ol: ['start'], code: ['class'], // We don't actually allow all classes, we filter them in transformTags }, // Lots of these won't come up by default because we don't allow them selfClosing: ['img', 'br', 'hr', 'area', 'base', 'basefont', 'input', 'link', 'meta'], // URL schemes we permit allowedSchemes: ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto'], allowProtocolRelative: false, transformTags: { // custom to matrix // add blank targets to all hyperlinks except vector URLs 'a': function(tagName, attribs) { if (attribs.href) { attribs.target = '_blank'; // by default var m; // FIXME: horrible duplication with linkify-matrix m = attribs.href.match(linkifyMatrix.VECTOR_URL_PATTERN); if (m) { attribs.href = m[1]; delete attribs.target; } else { m = attribs.href.match(linkifyMatrix.MATRIXTO_URL_PATTERN); if (m) { var entity = m[1]; if (entity[0] === '@') { attribs.href = '#/user/' + entity; } else if (entity[0] === '#' || entity[0] === '!') { attribs.href = '#/room/' + entity; } delete attribs.target; } } } attribs.rel = 'noopener'; // https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/ return { tagName: tagName, attribs : attribs }; }, 'img': function(tagName, attribs) { // Strip out imgs that aren't `mxc` here instead of using allowedSchemesByTag // because transformTags is used _before_ we filter by allowedSchemesByTag and // we don't want to allow images with `https?` `src`s. if (!attribs.src.startsWith('mxc://')) { return { tagName, attribs: {}}; } attribs.src = MatrixClientPeg.get().mxcUrlToHttp( attribs.src, attribs.width || 800, attribs.height || 600, ); return { tagName: tagName, attribs: attribs }; }, 'code': function(tagName, attribs) { if (typeof attribs.class !== 'undefined') { // Filter out all classes other than ones starting with language- for syntax highlighting. let classes = attribs.class.split(/\s+/).filter(function(cl) { return cl.startsWith('language-'); }); attribs.class = classes.join(' '); } return { tagName: tagName, attribs: attribs, }; }, '*': function(tagName, attribs) { // Delete any style previously assigned, style is an allowedTag for font and span // because attributes are stripped after transforming delete attribs.style; // Sanitise and transform data-mx-color and data-mx-bg-color to their CSS // equivalents const customCSSMapper = { 'data-mx-color': 'color', 'data-mx-bg-color': 'background-color', // $customAttributeKey: $cssAttributeKey }; let style = ""; Object.keys(customCSSMapper).forEach((customAttributeKey) => { const cssAttributeKey = customCSSMapper[customAttributeKey]; const customAttributeValue = attribs[customAttributeKey]; if (customAttributeValue && typeof customAttributeValue === 'string' && COLOR_REGEX.test(customAttributeValue) ) { style += cssAttributeKey + ":" + customAttributeValue + ";"; delete attribs[customAttributeKey]; } }); if (style) { attribs.style = style; } return { tagName: tagName, attribs: attribs }; }, }, }; class BaseHighlighter { constructor(highlightClass, highlightLink) { this.highlightClass = highlightClass; this.highlightLink = highlightLink; } /** * apply the highlights to a section of text * * @param {string} safeSnippet The snippet of text to apply the highlights * to. * @param {string[]} safeHighlights A list of substrings to highlight, * sorted by descending length. * * returns a list of results (strings for HtmlHighligher, react nodes for * TextHighlighter). */ applyHighlights(safeSnippet, safeHighlights) { var lastOffset = 0; var offset; var nodes = []; var safeHighlight = safeHighlights[0]; while ((offset = safeSnippet.toLowerCase().indexOf(safeHighlight.toLowerCase(), lastOffset)) >= 0) { // handle preamble if (offset > lastOffset) { var subSnippet = safeSnippet.substring(lastOffset, offset); nodes = nodes.concat(this._applySubHighlights(subSnippet, safeHighlights)); } // do highlight. use the original string rather than safeHighlight // to preserve the original casing. var endOffset = offset + safeHighlight.length; nodes.push(this._processSnippet(safeSnippet.substring(offset, endOffset), true)); lastOffset = endOffset; } // handle postamble if (lastOffset !== safeSnippet.length) { subSnippet = safeSnippet.substring(lastOffset, undefined); nodes = nodes.concat(this._applySubHighlights(subSnippet, safeHighlights)); } return nodes; } _applySubHighlights(safeSnippet, safeHighlights) { if (safeHighlights[1]) { // recurse into this range to check for the next set of highlight matches return this.applyHighlights(safeSnippet, safeHighlights.slice(1)); } else { // no more highlights to be found, just return the unhighlighted string return [this._processSnippet(safeSnippet, false)]; } } } class HtmlHighlighter extends BaseHighlighter { /* highlight the given snippet if required * * snippet: content of the span; must have been sanitised * highlight: true to highlight as a search match * * returns an HTML string */ _processSnippet(snippet, highlight) { if (!highlight) { // nothing required here return snippet; } var span = "" + snippet + ""; if (this.highlightLink) { span = "" +span+""; } return span; } } class TextHighlighter extends BaseHighlighter { constructor(highlightClass, highlightLink) { super(highlightClass, highlightLink); this._key = 0; } /* create a node to hold the given content * * snippet: content of the span * highlight: true to highlight as a search match * * returns a React node */ _processSnippet(snippet, highlight) { var key = this._key++; var node = { snippet } ; if (highlight && this.highlightLink) { node = {node}; } return node; } } /* turn a matrix event body into html * * content: 'content' of the MatrixEvent * * highlights: optional list of words to highlight, ordered by longest word first * * opts.highlightLink: optional href to add to highlighted words */ export function bodyToHtml(content, highlights, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var isHtml = (content.format === "org.matrix.custom.html"); let body = isHtml ? content.formatted_body : escape(content.body); var safeBody; // XXX: We sanitize the HTML whilst also highlighting its text nodes, to avoid accidentally trying // to highlight HTML tags themselves. However, this does mean that we don't highlight textnodes which // are interrupted by HTML tags (not that we did before) - e.g. foobar won't get highlighted // by an attempt to search for 'foobar'. Then again, the search query probably wouldn't work either try { if (highlights && highlights.length > 0) { var highlighter = new HtmlHighlighter("mx_EventTile_searchHighlight", opts.highlightLink); var safeHighlights = highlights.map(function(highlight) { return sanitizeHtml(highlight, sanitizeHtmlParams); }); // XXX: hacky bodge to temporarily apply a textFilter to the sanitizeHtmlParams structure. sanitizeHtmlParams.textFilter = function(safeText) { return highlighter.applyHighlights(safeText, safeHighlights).join(''); }; } safeBody = sanitizeHtml(body, sanitizeHtmlParams); safeBody = unicodeToImage(safeBody); safeBody = addCodeCopyButton(safeBody); } finally { delete sanitizeHtmlParams.textFilter; } EMOJI_REGEX.lastIndex = 0; let contentBodyTrimmed = content.body !== undefined ? content.body.trim() : ''; let match = EMOJI_REGEX.exec(contentBodyTrimmed); let emojiBody = match && match[0] && match[0].length === contentBodyTrimmed.length; const className = classNames({ 'mx_EventTile_body': true, 'mx_EventTile_bigEmoji': emojiBody, 'markdown-body': isHtml, }); return ; } function addCodeCopyButton(safeBody) { // Adds 'copy' buttons to pre blocks // Note that this only manipulates the markup to add the buttons: // we need to add the event handlers once the nodes are in the DOM // since we can't save functions in the markup. // This is done in TextualBody const el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = safeBody; const codeBlocks = Array.from(el.getElementsByTagName("pre")); codeBlocks.forEach(p => { const button = document.createElement("span"); button.className = "mx_EventTile_copyButton"; p.appendChild(button); }); return el.innerHTML; } export function emojifyText(text) { return { __html: unicodeToImage(escape(text)), }; }
\n/g, '\n').trim() + '