/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { UploadOpts, MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { EncryptedFile } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/types"; import { createVoiceMessageRecording, VoiceMessageRecording } from "../../../src/audio/VoiceMessageRecording"; import { RecordingState, VoiceRecording } from "../../../src/audio/VoiceRecording"; import { uploadFile } from "../../../src/ContentMessages"; import { stubClient } from "../../test-utils"; import { Playback } from "../../../src/audio/Playback"; jest.mock("../../../src/ContentMessages", () => ({ uploadFile: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock("../../../src/audio/Playback", () => ({ Playback: jest.fn(), })); describe("VoiceMessageRecording", () => { const roomId = "!room:example.com"; const contentType = "test content type"; const durationSeconds = 23; const testBuf = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]); const testAmplitudes = [4, 5, 6]; let voiceRecording: VoiceRecording; let voiceMessageRecording: VoiceMessageRecording; let client: MatrixClient; beforeEach(() => { client = stubClient(); voiceRecording = { contentType, durationSeconds, start: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), stop: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined), on: jest.fn(), off: jest.fn(), emit: jest.fn(), isRecording: true, isSupported: true, liveData: jest.fn(), amplitudes: testAmplitudes, } as unknown as VoiceRecording; voiceMessageRecording = new VoiceMessageRecording(client, voiceRecording); }); it("hasRecording should return false", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.hasRecording).toBe(false); }); it("createVoiceMessageRecording should return a VoiceMessageRecording", () => { expect(createVoiceMessageRecording(client)).toBeInstanceOf(VoiceMessageRecording); }); it("durationSeconds should return the VoiceRecording value", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.durationSeconds).toBe(durationSeconds); }); it("contentType should return the VoiceRecording value", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.contentType).toBe(contentType); }); it.each([true, false])("isRecording should return %s from VoiceRecording", (value: boolean) => { // @ts-ignore voiceRecording.isRecording = value; expect(voiceMessageRecording.isRecording).toBe(value); }); it.each([true, false])("isSupported should return %s from VoiceRecording", (value: boolean) => { // @ts-ignore voiceRecording.isSupported = value; expect(voiceMessageRecording.isSupported).toBe(value); }); it("should return liveData from VoiceRecording", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.liveData).toBe(voiceRecording.liveData); }); it("start should forward the call to VoiceRecording.start", async () => { await voiceMessageRecording.start(); expect(voiceRecording.start).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("on should forward the call to VoiceRecording", () => { const callback = () => {}; const result = voiceMessageRecording.on("test on", callback); expect(voiceRecording.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test on", callback); expect(result).toBe(voiceMessageRecording); }); it("off should forward the call to VoiceRecording", () => { const callback = () => {}; const result = voiceMessageRecording.off("test off", callback); expect(voiceRecording.off).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test off", callback); expect(result).toBe(voiceMessageRecording); }); it("emit should forward the call to VoiceRecording", () => { voiceMessageRecording.emit("test emit", 42); expect(voiceRecording.emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test emit", 42); }); it("upload should raise an error", async () => { await expect(voiceMessageRecording.upload(roomId)).rejects.toThrow("No recording available to upload"); }); describe("when the first data has been received", () => { const uploadUrl = "https://example.com/content123"; const encryptedFile = {} as unknown as EncryptedFile; beforeEach(() => { voiceRecording.onDataAvailable!(testBuf); }); it("contentLength should return the buffer length", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.contentLength).toBe(testBuf.length); }); it("stop should return a copy of the data buffer", async () => { const result = await voiceMessageRecording.stop(); expect(voiceRecording.stop).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toEqual(testBuf); }); it("hasRecording should return true", () => { expect(voiceMessageRecording.hasRecording).toBe(true); }); describe("upload", () => { let uploadFileClient: MatrixClient | null; let uploadFileRoomId: string | null; let uploadBlob: Blob | null; beforeEach(() => { uploadFileClient = null; uploadFileRoomId = null; uploadBlob = null; mocked(uploadFile).mockImplementation( ( matrixClient: MatrixClient, roomId: string, file: File | Blob, _progressHandler?: UploadOpts["progressHandler"], ): Promise<{ url?: string; file?: EncryptedFile }> => { uploadFileClient = matrixClient; uploadFileRoomId = roomId; uploadBlob = file; // @ts-ignore return Promise.resolve({ url: uploadUrl, file: encryptedFile, }); }, ); }); it("should upload the file and trigger the upload events", async () => { const result = await voiceMessageRecording.upload(roomId); expect(voiceRecording.emit).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, RecordingState.Uploading); expect(voiceRecording.emit).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, RecordingState.Uploaded); expect(result.mxc).toBe(uploadUrl); expect(result.encrypted).toBe(encryptedFile); expect(mocked(uploadFile)).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(uploadFileClient).toBe(client); expect(uploadFileRoomId).toBe(roomId); expect(uploadBlob?.type).toBe(contentType); const blobArray = await uploadBlob!.arrayBuffer(); expect(new Uint8Array(blobArray)).toEqual(testBuf); }); it("should reuse the result", async () => { const result1 = await voiceMessageRecording.upload(roomId); const result2 = await voiceMessageRecording.upload(roomId); expect(result1).toBe(result2); }); }); describe("getPlayback", () => { beforeEach(() => { mocked(Playback).mockImplementation((buf: ArrayBuffer, seedWaveform): any => { expect(new Uint8Array(buf)).toEqual(testBuf); expect(seedWaveform).toEqual(testAmplitudes); return {} as Playback; }); }); it("should return a Playback with the data", () => { voiceMessageRecording.getPlayback(); expect(mocked(Playback)).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should reuse the result", () => { const playback1 = voiceMessageRecording.getPlayback(); const playback2 = voiceMessageRecording.getPlayback(); expect(playback1).toBe(playback2); }); }); }); });